784 research outputs found

    La vision turque de l'Europe

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    La "societe civile" turque entre politique et individu

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    La "société civile" est un concept qui, sur les rives du Bosphore, a actuellement le vent en poupe. Nombreux sont les interlocuteurs qui en parlent, les articles qui en déclinent les caractéristiques, les définitions qu'il s'en donne, les réflexions qui s'ébauchent; et ceci, semble-t'il, au delà des anciens positionnements idéologiques ou partisans. On date souvent ce phénomène du milieu des années 80, soit dans un contexte marqué par le coup d'Etat militaire du 12 septembre 1980 où la..

    Multiple Routes for Glutamate Receptor Trafficking: Surface Diffusion and Membrane Traffic Cooperate to Bring Receptors to Synapses

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    Trafficking of glutamate receptors into and out of synapses is critically involved in the plasticity of excitatory synaptic transmission. Endocytosis and exocytosis of receptors have initially been thought to account alone for this trafficking. However, membrane proteins also traffic through surface lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane. We describe developments in electrophysiological and optical approaches that have allowed for the real time measurement of glutamate receptor surface trafficking in live neurons. These include (i) specific imaging of surface receptors using a pH sensitive fluorescent protein, (ii) design of a photoactivable drug to inactivate locally surface receptors and monitor electrophysiologically their recovery, and (iii)application of single molecule fluorescence microscopy to directly track the movement of individual surface receptors with nanometer resolution inside and outside synapses. Altogether, these approaches have demonstrated that glutamate receptors diffuse at high rates in the neuronal membrane and suggest a key role for surface diffusion in the regulation of receptor numbers at synapses

     Les premiers contacts de l'Empire ottoman avec le message de la Révolution française (1789-1798) 

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    Contrairement à ce qui est souvent affirmé, l'Empire ottoman eut immédiatement connaissance de la Révolution Française, de ses principes et des dynamiques de transformation dont elle était porteuse; et il fut d'ailleurs très près d'y adhérer par un traité d'alliance militaire négocié en 1795. La présence combinée de toutes les autres puissances européennes hostiles à la France parvint néanmoins à l'en détourner

    La presse francophone dans l’Empire ottoman et la Turquie de Mustafa Kemal

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    Les débuts de la République turque, proclamée en octobre 1923, sont, pour la presse en français qui existe en Turquie depuis fort longtemps, un renversement des conditions d’exercice. Ils marquent le passage d’un ancien régime – où elle connaissait depuis plus d’un siècle un succès pérenne et avait acquis ses habitudes – à un nouveau régime. Processus révolutionnaire et transformateur puisqu’il procède d’une guerre d’indépendance où une rébellion nationaliste reconquiert pas à pas (mai 1919‑août 1922) un territoire que la volonté des vainqueurs de la Première Guerre mondiale avait considérablement réduit. Un tel recentrage des priorités vers l’affirmation d’une primauté nationale et l’exigence d’une reconnaissance d’indépendance relativise forcément l’utilité d’une presse de langue étrangère, éditée de surcroît dans la langue de l’un des vainqueurs. Pourtant, l’usage perdure et, une fois la paix retrouvée et la république proclamée, une telle presse continue d’exister dans une grande diversité des styles ; mais son utilisation doit se soumettre aux conditions édictées par une volonté politique de plus en plus centralisatrice, au point d’en devenir peu à peu un instrument de propagande.The beginnings of the Turkish Republic, proclaimed in October 1923, are for the French press, which has existed in Turkey for a very long time, as a reversal of the exercising conditions. They actually show the transition from an old regime—where this press has had lasting success for more than a century and had acquired its habits—to a new regime. Revolutionary and transformative process since it proceeds from a war of independence where a nationalist rebellion demanded step by step (May 1919‑August 1922) a territory which became the will of the winners of the First World War had considerably reduced. Such a refocusing on priorities towards the affirmation of national supremacy and the requirement for recognition of national independence relativizes the usefulness of a foreign language press including one published in the language of one of the winners. However, the use continues, and once peace has been restored and the republic has been proclaimed, such a foreign press continues to exist within a wide variety of styles; but its use as the point of an instrument of propaganda which has gradually become submitted to the conditions laid down through the will of an increasingly political centralization.Ekim 1923’de ilanı gerçekleşen Türk Cumhuriyeti’nin başlangıç dönemleri, yapılan tüm çabaların tam tersine uzun zamandan beri Türkiye’de varlığını sürdüren Fransızca basın dönemi olmuştur. Bu durum, bir yüzyıldan fazla devam eden bu basının devam eden başarısını ve onun deneyimlerini/ alışkanlıklarını almış olan eski rejimden yeni rejime geçiş noktasını gösteriyordu. Tüm bu devrimsel ve dönüşümsel süreç, ulusalcı isyanın adım adım 1. Dünya Savaşı’nın galiplerinin arzusu olan toprağı talep etmesiyle başlayan (Mayıs 1919‑Ağustos 1922) bağımsızlık savaşının devam etmesinden dolayı önemli olarak azaldı. Bağımsızlığın tanınma isteği ve ulusal üstünlüğün onaylanmasına doğru, bu gibi önceliklere tekrar odaklanılması, savaştan galip çıkanlardan birinin anadili olmasının yanı sıra yabancı bir dilin basın hayatında kullanılmasını hemen hemen görece duruma getirmiştir. Ancak, bu kullanım devam ederken, barış sağlanıp cumhuriyet ilan edilir edilmez, aralarındaki geniş çaplı model/yöntem farklılıklarına rağmen bunun gibi yabancı basının varlığı da devam eder. Ama, bu kullanım şekli, yavaş yavaş bir propaganda aracı olması noktasına gelerek, gittikçe gücü artmakta olan merkezi yöntemin isteği doğrultusunda yasallaştırılan şartlara boyun eğmek zorunda kalır

    Single NanoParticle Photothermal Tracking (SNaPT) of 5 nm gold beads in live cells

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    Tracking individual nano-objets in live cells during arbitrary long times is an ubiquitous need in modern biology. We present here a method for tracking individual 5 nm gold nanoparticles on live cells. It relies on the photothermal effect and the detection of the Laser Induced Scattering around a NanoAbsorber (LISNA). The key point for recording trajectories at video rate is the use of a triangulation procedure. The effectiveness of the method is tested against Single fluorescent Molecule Tracking in live COS7 cells on subsecond time scales. We further demonstrate recordings for several minutes of AMPA receptors trajectories on the plasma membrane of live neurons. SNaPT has the unique potential to record arbitrary long trajectory of membrane proteins using non-fluorescent nanometer sized labels

    L'évolution de la presse écrite turque au cours de la décennie 1980 

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    Baillonnée comme les autres institutions par le coup d'Etat de 1980, la presse turque devint dans les années 1980, malgré la constitution de grands groupes de presse et une concentration rapide, un vecteur important de démocratisation, par son ouverture faite sur une information sociale et culturelle, plus riche qu'une information exclusivement politique forcément encadrée

    METRICC: Harnessing Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Lexicon Development

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    International audienceResearch on comparable corpora has grown in recent years bringing about the possibility of developing multilingual lexicons through the exploitation of comparable corpora to create corpus-driven multilingual dictionaries. To date, this issue has not been widely addressed. This paper focuses on the use of the mechanism of collocational networks proposed by Williams (1998) for exploiting comparable corpora. The paper first provides a description of the METRICC project, which is aimed at the automatically creation of comparable corpora and describes one of the crawlers developed for comparable corpora building, and then discusses the power of collocational networks for multilingual corpus-driven dictionary development

    L'évolution de la presse écrite turque au cours de la décennie 1980 

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    Baillonnée comme les autres institutions par le coup d'Etat de 1980, la presse turque devint dans les années 1980, malgré la constitution de grands groupes de presse et une concentration rapide, un vecteur important de démocratisation, par son ouverture faite sur une information sociale et culturelle, plus riche qu'une information exclusivement politique forcément encadrée