26 research outputs found

    Ciudades y puertos

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    Se realiza en el presente artículo un estudio sobre la integración urbana de las infraestructuras y espacios portuarios desde una aproximación al proceso de las relaciones desarrolladas entre puerto y ciudad. Se establecen, de forma general, unas etapas características (de unidad, de crecimiento, de distanciamiento, de separación y aislamiento); deteniéndonos, especialmente, en una última de integración urbana de estas infraestructuras explicada desde las potencialidades urbanísticas de las mismas. Se consideran los factores causales de estos recientes desarrollos y se profundiza, a pesar de las características y especificidades propias de cada caso, en los aspectos comunes de tales operaciones singulares. Se atiende de manera particular a las experiencias nacionales de transformación portuaria, desde la relación entre planificación sectorial y urbanística y su evolución. Finalmente se valoran estas con algunos balances críticos de sus resultados.In the present article it is realized a study on the urban integration of the infrastructures and port spaces from an approximation to the process of the relations developed between port and city. A few typical stages are established, of general form, - of unit, of growth, of distancing, of separation and isolation-; we are detaining, specially, in the last one of urban integration of these infrastructures explained from the urban development potentials of them. They are considered to be the causal factors of these recent developments and it is deepened, in spite of the characteristics and proper specificities of every case, in the common aspects of such singular operations. It is attended in a particular way to the Spanish experiences of port transformation, from the relation between infrastructural and urban planning and its evolution. Finally these are valued by some critical balances of its results

    Chapter Discovering the marina’s cultural heritage and cultural landscape

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    Culture and heritage are relevant elements in the marinas’ landscape, and they could be competitive advantages in the management of these maritime facilities. This paper explores the marinas’ cultural heritage and cultural landscape, and it attempts to deep into the relationship between them. The identification and evaluation of these elements represents a main stage. It is also proposed three relationship models, ranging from integration, to strengthen and evolution, which enhance the image of the marina and its environment

    Ciudades y Puertos

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    In the present article it is realized a study on the urban integration of the infrastructures and port spaces from an approximation to the process of the relations developed between port and city. A few typical stages are established, of general form, - of unit, of growth, of distancing, of separation and isolation-; we are detaining, specially, in the last one of urban integration of these infrastructures explained from the urban development potentials of them. They are considered to be the causal factors of these recent developments and it is deepened, in spite of the characteristics and proper specificities of every case, in the common aspects of such singular operations. It is attended in a particular way to the Spanish experiences of port transformation, from the relation between infrastructural and urban planning and its evolution. Finally these are valued by some critical balances of its results.Se realiza en el presente artículo un estudio sobre la integración urbana de las infraestructuras y espacios portuarios desde una aproximación al proceso de las relaciones desarrolladas entre puerto y ciudad. Se establecen, de forma general, unas etapas características (de unidad, de crecimiento, de distanciamiento, de separación y aislamiento); deteniéndonos, especialmente, en una última de integración urbana de estas infraestructuras explicada desde las potencialidades urbanísticas de las mismas. Se consideran los factores causales de estos recientes desarrollos y se profundiza, a pesar de las características y especificidades propias de cada caso, en los aspectos comunes de tales operaciones singulares. Se atiende de manera particular a las experiencias nacionales de transformación portuaria, desde la relación entre planificación sectorial y urbanística y su evolución. Finalmente se valoran estas con algunos balances críticos de sus resultados

    City-port relationships in Malaga, Spain: effects of the new port proposals on urban traffic

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    Traditionally, one of the most significant difficulties of the port-city relationship has been the issue of urban traffic hampering port operations and vice versa. The case of Malaga (Spain) is very special, given that its port, for historical reasons, is in close proximity to its urban centre. Port expansion towards deeper waters and its inherent increase in traffic flows has served to exacerbate the above problems. Thus, an ambitious project has been proposed to enable the transformation of underused port areas adjacent to the city for urban activities. Given the urban proximity, some areas of the port were required for urban integration as outlined in an agreement between the municipal and port authorities that was drafted in an urban plan revisited and modified in 2003. The subsequent transformation of wharves one and two has been very successful. However, in the current port development, there is vacant space alongside the new eastern dock, on which a maritime station for cruise ships has been installed. It is now proposed to enlarge this for 10,000 cruise passengers, and to create an area for a small marina and other facilities. This proposal also includes provision for a new 350-room hotel, in a remarkable tower building, and an aquarium. In order to evaluate the pressure of the new mobility flows that will be associated with the planned developments, a study of traffic and mobility has been carried out, analyzing, simulating, predicting and evaluating the degree of effects generated

    Los puertos mediterráneos andaluces: centralidad urbana y dimensión territorial

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    La tesis propone diversas miradas a las relaciones de las grandes infraestructuras portuarias en distintos ámbitos espaciales. Se estructura en tres capítulos. En el primero aborda la centralidad urbana de la infraestructura desde el proceso de las relaciones desarrolladas entre puerto y ciudad. Se analiza el proceso relacional y de interacciones recíprocas en las tres mayores ciudades portuarias del mediterráneo andaluz: Algeciras, Málaga y Almería. En el segundo capítulo se elabora un acercamiento a la dimensión territorial de los puertos, examinando el alcance y la naturaleza de las relaciones comerciales establecidas a través de ellos. En el tercer y último capítulo, se presenta una perspectiva general sobre el desarrollo y sobre los efectos territoriales que se derivan de la implantación de los puertos pesqueros-deportivosTesis Univ. de Granada. Departamento de Expresión Gráfica, Arquitectónica y en la Ingeniería. Leída el 14 septiembre de 200

    A Discussion on the Application of Terminology for Urban Soil Sealing Mitigation Practices

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    Soil sealing is one of the most serious environmental problems today regarding its impact on cities. This article presents an analysis of the different urban practices currently used to mitigate the effects of soil sealing in urban areas. The main typologies, characteristics, differences, similarities and objectives have been considered. The practices analyzed were SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems), LIDs (Low Impact Developments), BMPs (Best Management Practices), WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design), GI (Green Infrastructure), and NbS (Nature-based Solutions). To understand the impact of these terms, an analysis of their presence in the scientific literature over the last 10 years is carried out. The results indicate that the trend in the use of these terms is increasing, with the number of articles having doubled in the last 10 years. This indicates the importance that the problem of soil sealing has acquired in the world, and the relevant environmental benefits of addressing it

    Spatial Relationships between mobility opportunities and constraints of transport disadvantages: the case of Santiago de Cali, Colombia

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the spatial distribution of the mobility opportunities linked to the access of the population to the public transport system and its transport disadvantages constraints in relation to socio-economic variables of the districts and estimated local public transport needs. It focuses on the third most populated urban area in Colombia, the metropolitan area of Santiago de Cali. The analysis uses and correlates two spatialized indexes. The index of social transport needs and the index of public transport provision are calculated, both in absolute and relative terms. A statistical analysis has been made, and a spatial analysis of distribution in term of standard deviation. Both indexes were contrasted in absolute and relative terms, and they were spatially studied in a cartography that showed the balance between supply and need in each zone. Lastly, correlation coefficients such as Pearson and Spearman were calculated along with levels of significance to validate the results. The results revealed that distribution of the indexes, the absolute transport social needs and the relative public transport provision, presents a normal distribution, in contrast to the other two indicators

    Elemental bioavailability in whey protein supplements

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    Whey protein (WP) as a dietary supplement for athletes and gym-users is characterized by a content of high-quality amino acids. The benefits of their consumption are well-known and mainly related to the improvements of strength and body composition. Nevertheless, there is a scarce information about the risk associated to their elemental composition. The aim was to evaluate the total content and bioavailability of twenty-five elements in twenty whey protein powder samples, using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, and to evaluate the possible risk associated to the excessive daily intake of such products. Results showed that Na, K, Ca and Mg were the most predominant elements. After Hierarchical Cluster Analysis three different groups of whey protein supplements were observed. ANOVA analysis indicates that the concentration of the Na, K and Mg above mentioned elements is the key for the observed classification. The average elemental bioavailable fraction in the stomach is 45 % whereas in the intestine is 64 %. Most of the elements tested (nineteen) show gastric bioavailability higher than 60 %, being Al the lowest (37 %) and Co the highest one (76 %). According to our results, previously published data and recommendations of producers, WP samples can be considered save from the elemental composition point of view

    Evolución de los usos del suelo en el espacio fluvial del río Genil en la Vega de Granada: oportunidades y riesgos

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    El espacio fluvial del río Genil en la Vega de Granada se sitúa en una zona de carácter metropolitano que ha experimentado continuos cambios a lo largo de su historia. En los últimos años, la escasa garantía en la disponibilidad de agua, la baja productividad de este sector, y la presión urbanística, han provocado una disminución del suelo cultivado en pro del desarrollo de otros sectores, con la consiguiente pérdida de riqueza natural y patrimonial. Establecer cuáles han sido los patrones de cambio que se han ido consolidando en las últimas décadas resulta esencial para el establecimiento de hipótesis sobre el futuro de esta región, alertando de los posibles riesgos para la riqueza natural, cultural y paisajística de este espacio agro-fluvial, y llamando al mismo tiempo la atención sobre las potencialidades que pueden ayudar a su recualificación.The fluvial space Genil River in Vega de Granada is located in a metropolitan area that has experienced character continuous changes throughout its history. In recent years, limited warranty on water availability, low productivity of the sector, and the urban pressure, resulted in a reduction of cultivated land for development in other sectors, with the loss of natural wealth and heritage . Establish what were the patterns of change that have been consolidating in recent decades is essential for the establishment of hypotheses about the future of this region, warning of potential risks to natural, cultural and landscape of this area agro-river , and at the same time calling attention to the potential that can help your retraining