510 research outputs found

    Estudio de los ambientes deposicionales del Delta del Ebro mediante indicadores moleculares

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    En el presente trabajo se describe un inventario de indicadores moleculares encontrados en sedimentos del Delta del río Ebro, a partir del cual se determinan los principales aportes de materia orgánica que en el mismo se registran y se caracterizan los correspondientes ambientes deposicionales. Las distribuciones de ácidos carboxílicos y esteroles definen las zonas de deposicibn preferente de los aportes continentales, zonas todas ellas euxinicas. La presencia de derivados alcánicos insaturados de origen  diagenktico identifica algunos ambientes reductores en las lagunas. También se ha identificado una nueva serie de hidrocarburos isoprenoides, probablemente de origen algal

    Estudio de los ambientes deposicionales del Delta del Ebro mediante indicadores moleculares

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    En el presente trabajo se describe un inventario de indicadores moleculares encontrados en sedimentos del Delta del río Ebro, a partir del cual se determinan los principales aportes de materia orgánica que en el mismo se registran y se caracterizan los correspondientes ambientes deposicionales. Las distribuciones de ácidos carboxílicos y esteroles definen las zonas de deposicibn preferente de los aportes continentales, zonas todas ellas euxinicas. La presencia de derivados alcánicos insaturados de origen  diagenktico identifica algunos ambientes reductores en las lagunas. También se ha identificado una nueva serie de hidrocarburos isoprenoides, probablemente de origen algal

    Abrupt wind regime changes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 30,000-60,000 years

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    The inputs of higher plants in Blake Outer Ridge (subtropical western North Atlantic) during marine isotope stage 3 (MIS3) have been recorded at high resolution by quantification of C23–C33 odd carbon numbered n-alkanes and C20–C30 even carbon numbered n-alkan-1-ols in sediment sections of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1060. The changes of these proxies at this open marine site are mainly related to eolian inputs. Their concentrations and fluxes exhibit major abrupt variations that are correlated with Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) patterns in Greenland ice cores. The ratios between interstadials and stadials range between 2 and 9 times. The intense flux increases in the D/O stadials are linked to strong enhancements of the westerly wind regime at these subtropical latitudes during stadials. The observed variation was paralleled by changes in wind-blown dust and the polar circulation index in Greenland ice, which is in agreement with previously hypothesized atmospheric teleconnections between northern and middle-low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The close correspondence between sedimentary and ice core proxies is evidence that crossings of the glacial climate thresholds involved major reorganizations of the troposphere. The observed large rise in higher plant biomarkers indicates that climate stabilization in the D/O stadial conditions led to main increases in wind intensity

    Excretion of hexachlorobenzene and metabolites in feces in a highly exposed human population.

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    A set of 53 individuals from a population highly exposed to airborne hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were selected to study the elimination kinetics of this chemical in humans. The volunteers provided blood, 24-hr urine, and feces samples for analysis of HCB and metabolites. The serum HCB concentrations ranged from 2.4 to 1,485 ng/mL (mean +/- SD, 124 +/- 278), confirming that this human population has the highest HCB blood levels ever reported. All analyzed feces samples contained unchanged HCB (range, 11-3,025 ng/g dry weight; mean +/- SD, 395 +/- 629). The HCB concentration in feces strongly correlated with HCB in serum (r = 0.85; p < 0.001), suggesting an equilibrium in feces/serum that is compatible with a main pulmonary entrance of the chemical and low intestinal excretion of nonabsorbed foodborne HCB. The equilibrium is also compatible with a nonbiliary passive transfer of the chemical to the intestinal lumen. Two HCB main metabolites, pentachlorophenol (PCP) and pentachlorobenzenethiol (PCBT), were detected in 51% and 54% of feces samples, respectively. All urine samples contained PCP and PCBT, confirming the conclusions of a previous study [Environ Health Perspect 105:78-83 (1997)]. The comparison between feces and urine showed that whereas daily urinary elimination of metabolites may account for 3% of total HCB in blood, intestinal excretion of unchanged HCB may account for about 6%, thus showing the importance of metabolism in the overall elimination of HCB. The elimination of HCB and metabolites by both routes, however, appears to be very small (< 0.05%/day) as compared to the estimated HCB adipose depots. Features of HCB kinetics that we present in this study, i.e., nonsaturated intestinal elimination of HCB and excretion in feces and urine of inert glutathione derivatives, may explain, in part, the absence of porphyria cutanea in this human population heavily exposed to HCB

    La reforma a primària

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    Meconio y exposición prenatal a neurotóxicos

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    6 pages, 1 figures, 2 tables.[ESP] Introducción. La ubicuidad con la que se encuentran la mayoría de las substancias neurotóxicas en el medio ambiente implica a los pediatras en la necesidad de desarrollar métodos para medir la magnitud de la exposición durante los periodos vulnerables del desarrollo. Una forma útil de abordar este problema consiste en analizar muestras biológicas que acumulen las substancias neurotóxicas o sus metabolitos durante el periodo fetal.Método. Revisión bibliográfica sistemática de los últimos 20 años obtenida principalmente de Medline; Science Citation Index y Embase sobre los estudios con meconio como matriz de exposición prenatal a substancias neurotóxicas. El perfil de búsqueda utilizado fue: meconium, prenatal exposure, biological markers, matrices, environmental pollutants, nervous system poisonings, neurotoxicity sindromes. Hemos seleccionado los trabajos más importantes y de sus referencias se han obtenido los más relevantes de los años previos a la búsqueda.Resultados. Tradicionalmente, los esfuerzos para determinar la exposición fetal se han centrado en el análisis de sangre de cordón u orina de la madre o el neonato. El meconio es fácilmente disponible, es inerte, acumula los neurotóxicos y/o sus metabolitos desde la semana 12 de gestación donde quedan “fosilizados” hasta el nacimiento. Puede constituir un instrumento muy importante para investigar la exposición fetal a los distintos contaminantes ambientales y en particular a neurotóxicos.Conclusiones. Las exposiciones fetales a los distintos neurotóxicos estudiados a través de sangre materna, de cordón, pelo, uña, placenta y orina parecen ser menos predictivas sobre los efectos neurológicos que las mediciones de los mismos realizadas en meconio. Son necesarios más estudios en este campo.Implementar y desarrollar la medida en meconio de una amplia gama de sustancias neurotóxicas ayudará en la práctica pediátrica a una intervención e identificación temprana mostrando las exposiciones que puedan provocar daño y facilitando el desarrollo de medidas preventivas y rehabilitadoras.[ENG] Brackground. The environmental ubiquity of most neurotoxicants implies the pediatricians in the development of methods for exposure measurement during the vulnerable periods of development. The analysis of biological samples able to accumulate the neurotoxicant substances or its metabolites during the fetal period is a useful approach to fulfil this objective.Material and methods. A systematic literature review of the last 20 years in Medline, Science Citation Index and Embase on the studies with meconium like womb of prenatal exposure to neurotoxicants has been undertaken. The search profile was: “meconium”, “prenatal exposure”, “biological markers”, “matrices”, “environmental pollutants”, “nervous system poisonings”, “neurotoxicity sindromes”. We selected the most relevant articles and retrieved more from their references.Results. Traditionally, the efforts to determine the fetal exposure have been centered in the analysis of cord blood, urinates of the mother or of the neonato. Meconium is easily available, inert, accumulates the neurotoxicants and/or its metabolitos from week 12 of gestation where they are "fossilized" until the birth. It can constitute a very important instrument for the investigation of the fetal exposure to the different environmental pollutants and in particular to neurotoxicants.Conclusions. Foetal exposure to different neurotoxicants monitored from maternal blood, cord blood, hair, fingernail, placenta and urinates seem to be less predictive for neurological effects than meconium. However, more studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.Implementation and measurement in meconium of a wide range of neurotoxic substances will be of help in the pediatric practice for intervention and early identification as it will reveal harmful exposures and facilitate the implementation of preventive measures.Los autores quieren expresar su agradecimiento a los miembros de la red de Investigación Colaborativa INMA, y en especial a Amparo Quiles Latorre, Elena Romero Aliaga y Sandra Pérez Aliaga, por su apoyo y colaboración en la realización del trabajo de campo; al equipo de enfermería de la 7ª, 8ª y 9ª de la maternidad del Hospital Materno-Infantil Universitario La Fe y a los recién nacidos y sus felices padres que con su colaboración y entusiasmo hacen posible llevar a término estos estudios.Peer reviewe

    Effects of pre and postnatal exposure to low levels of polybromodiphenyl ethers on neurodevelopment and thyroid hormone levels at 4years of age

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    There are at present very few studies of the effects of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs), used as flame retardants in consumer products, on neurodevelopment or thyroid hormone levels in humans. The present study aims to examine the association between pre and postnatal PBDE concentrations and neurodevelopment and thyroid hormone levels in children at age 4. years and isolate the effects of PBDEs from those of PCBs, DDT, DDE and HCB.A prospective birth cohort in Menorca (Spain) enrolled 482 pregnant mothers between 1997 and 1998. At 4. years, children were assessed for motor and cognitive function (McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities), attention-deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity (ADHD-DSM-IV) and social competence (California Preschool Social Competence Scale). PBDE concentrations were measured in cord blood (N = 88) and in serum of 4. years olds (N = 244). Among all congeners analyzed only PBDE 47 was quantified in a reasonable number of samples (LOQ = 0.002. ng/ml). Exposure to PBDE 47 was analyzed as a dichotomous variable: concentrations above the LOQ (exposed) and concentrations below (referents).Scores for cognitive and motor functions were always lower in children pre and postnatally exposed to PBDE47 than in referents, but none of these associations was statistically significant (β coefficient (95%CI) of the total cognition score: -2.7 (-7.0, 1.6) for postnatal exposure, and -1.4 (-9.2, 6.5) for prenatal exposure). Postnatal exposure to PBDE 47 was statistically significantly related to an increased risk of symptoms on the attention deficit subscale of ADHD symptoms (RR (95%CI) = 1.8 (1.0, 3.2)) but not to hyperactivity symptoms. A statistically significant higher risk of poor social competence symptoms was observed as a consequence of postnatal PBDE 47 exposure (RR (95%CI) = 2.6 (1.2, 5.9)). Adjustment for other organochlorine compounds did not influence the results. Levels of thyroid hormones were not associated to PBDE exposure.This study highlights the importance of assessing the effects of PBDE exposure not just prenatally but also during the early years of life. In the light of current evidence a precautionary approach towards PBDE exposure of both mothers and children seems warranted. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Source apportionment of submicron organic aerosol at an urban background and a road site in Barcelona (Spain) during SAPUSS

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    This study investigates the contribution of potential sources to the submicron (PM<sub>1</sub>) organic aerosol (OA) simultaneously detected at an urban background (UB) and a road site (RS) in Barcelona during the 30 days of the intensive field campaign of SAPUSS (Solving Aerosol Problems by Using Synergistic Strategies, September–October 2010). A total of 103 filters at 12 h sampling time resolution were collected at both sites. Thirty-six neutral and polar organic compounds of known emission sources and photo-chemical transformation processes were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The concentrations of the trace chemical compounds analyzed are herein presented and discussed. <br><br> Additionally, OA source apportionment was performed by multivariate curve resolution–alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) and six OA components were identified at both sites: two were of primary anthropogenic OA origin and three of secondary OA origin, while a sixth one was not clearly defined. Primary organics from emissions of local anthropogenic activities (urban primary organic aerosol, or POA Urban), mainly traffic emissions but also cigarette smoke, contributed 43% (1.5 μg OC m<sup>&minus;3</sup>) and 18% (0.4 μg OC m<sup>&minus;3</sup>) to OA at RS and UB, respectively. A secondary primary source – biomass burning (BBOA) – was found in all the samples (average values 7% RS; 12% UB; 0.3 μg OC m<sup>&minus;3</sup>), but this component was substantially contributing to OA only when the sampling sites were under influence of regional air mass circulation (REG.). Three secondary organic aerosol (SOA) components (describing overall 60% of the variance) were observed in the urban ambient PM<sub>1</sub>. Products of isoprene oxidation (SOA ISO) – i.e. 2-methylglyceric acid, C<sub>5</sub> alkene triols and 2-methyltetrols – showed the highest abundance at both sites when the city was under influence of inland air masses. The overall concentrations of SOA ISO were similar at both sites (0.4 and 0.3 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, or 16% and 7%, at UB and RS, respectively). By contrast, a SOA biogenic component attributed to &alpha;-pinene oxidation (SOA BIO PIN) presented average concentrations of 0.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup> at UB (24% of OA) and 0.2 μg m<sup>&minus;3</sup> at RS (7%), respectively, suggesting that this SOA component did not impact the two monitoring sites at the same level. A clear anti-correlation was observed between SOA ISO and SOA PIN during nucleation days, surprisingly suggesting that some of the growth of urban freshly nucleating particles may be driven by biogenic α-pinene oxidation products but inhibited by isoprene organic compounds. A third SOA component was formed by a mixture of aged anthropogenic and biogenic secondary organic compounds (SOA Aged) that accumulated under stagnant atmospheric conditions, contributing for 12% to OA at RS (0.4 μg OC m<sup>&minus;3</sup>) and for 18% at UB (0.4 μg OC m<sup>&minus;3</sup>). <br><br> A sixth component, formed by C<sub>7</sub>–C<sub>9</sub> dicarboxylic acids and detected especially during daytime, was called "urban oxygenated organic aerosol" (OOA Urban) due to its high abundance at urban RS (23%; 0.8 μg OCm<sup>&minus;3</sup>) vs. UB (10%; 0.2 μg OCm<sup>&minus;3</sup>), with a well-defined daytime maximum. This temporal trend and geographical differentiation suggests that local anthropogenic sources were determining this component. However, the changes of these organic molecules were also influenced by the air mass trajectories, indicating that atmospheric conditions have an influence on this component, although the specific origin on this component remains unclear. It points to a secondary organic component driven by primary urban sources including cooking and traffic (mainly gasoline) activities

    Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes (MIS 9–14) and their implications for the thermohaline circulation

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Climate of the Past 6 (2010): 531-552, doi:10.5194/cp-6-531-2010.Stable isotope and ice-rafted debris records from three core sites in the mid-latitude North Atlantic (IODP Site U1313, MD01-2446, MD03-2699) are combined with records of ODP Sites 1056/1058 and 980 to reconstruct hydrographic conditions during the middle Pleistocene spanning Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 9–14 (300–540 ka). Core MD03-2699 is the first high-resolution mid-Brunhes record from the North Atlantic's eastern boundary upwelling system covering the complete MIS 11c interval and MIS 13. The array of sites reflect western and eastern basin boundary current as well as north to south transect sampling of subpolar and transitional water masses and allow the reconstruction of transport pathways in the upper limb of the North Atlantic's circulation. Hydrographic conditions in the surface and deep ocean during peak interglacial MIS 9 and 11 were similar among all the sites with relative stable conditions and confirm prolonged warmth during MIS 11c also for the mid-latitudes. Sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions further reveal that in the mid-latitude North Atlantic MIS 11c is associated with two plateaus, the younger one of which is slightly warmer. Enhanced subsurface northward heat transport in the eastern boundary current system, especially during early MIS 11c, is denoted by the presence of tropical planktic foraminifer species and raises the question how strongly it impacted the Portuguese upwelling system. Deep water ventilation at the onset of MIS 11c significantly preceded surface water ventilation. Although MIS 13 was generally colder and more variable than the younger interglacials the surface water circulation scheme was the same. The greatest differences between the sites existed during the glacial inceptions and glacials. Then a north – south trending hydrographic front separated the nearshore and offshore waters off Portugal. While offshore waters originated from the North Atlantic Current as indicated by the similarities between the records of IODP Site U1313, ODP Site 980 and MD01-2446, nearshore waters as recorded in core MD03-2699 derived from the Azores Current and thus the subtropical gyre. Except for MIS 12, Azores Current influence seems to be related to eastern boundary system dynamics and not to changes in the Atlantic overturning circulation.The Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the PORTO (PDCT/MAR/58282/2004) and SEDPORT projects (PDCTM/ 40017/2003), and postdoctoral (SFRH/BPD/21691/2005) and PhD (SFRH/BP/13749/2003) fellowships funded A. V. and T. R. Additional funding to T. R. and J. G. was provided by the Consolider-Ingenio 2100 Project CE-CSD2007-0067