16 research outputs found

    Data-driven methodologies for evaluation and recommendation of energy efficiency measures in buildings. Applications in a big data environment

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsIn order to reach the goal set in the Paris agreement of limiting the rise in global average temperature well below 2 ºC compared to pre-industrial levels, massive efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions are required. The building sector is currently responsible for about 28% of total global CO2 emissions, meaning that there is substantial savings potential lying in the correct energy management of buildings and the implementation of renovation strategies. Digital tools and data-driven techniques are rapidly gaining momentum as approaches that are able to harness the large amount of data gathered in the building sector and provide solutions able to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the potential of data-driven techniques in different applications aimed at improving energy efficiency in buildings. More specifically, different novel approaches to verify energy savings, characterize consumption patterns, and recommend energy retrofitting strategies are described. The presented methodologies prove to be powerful tools that can produce valuable, actionable insights for energy managers and other stakeholders. Initially, a comprehensive and detailed overview is provided of different state-of-the-art methodologies to quantify energy efficiency savings and to predict the impact of retrofitting strategies in buildings. Strengths and weaknesses of the analyzed approaches are discussed, and guidance is provided to assess the best performing methodology depending on the case in analysis and data available. Among the reviewed approaches there are statistical and machine learning models, Bayesian methods, deterministic approaches, and hybrid techniques combining deterministic and data-driven models. Subsequently, a novel data-driven methodology is proposed to perform measurement and verification calculations, with the main focus on non-residential buildings and facilities. The approach is based on the extraction of frequent consumption profile patterns and on a novel technique able to evaluate the building’s weather dependence. This information is used to design a model that can accurately estimate achieved energy savings at daily scale. The method was tested on two use-cases, one using synthetic data generated using a building energy simulation software and one using monitoring data from three existing buildings in Catalonia. The results obtained with the proposed methodology are compared with the ones provided by a state-of-the-art model, showing accuracy improvement and increased robustness to missing data. The second data-driven tool that developed in this research work is a Bayesian linear regression methodology to calculate hourly energy baseline predictions in non-residential buildings and characterize their consumption patterns. The approach was tested on 1578 non-residential buildings that are part of a large building energy consumption open dataset. The results show that the Bayesian methodology is able to provide accurate baseline estimations with an explainable and intuitive model. Special focus is also given to uncertainty estimations, which are inherently provided by Bayesian techniques and have great importance in risk assessments for energy efficiency projects. Finally, a concept methodology that can be used to recommend and prioritize energy efficiency projects in buildings and facilities is presented. This data-driven approach is based on the comparison of groups of similar buildings and on an algorithm that can map savings obtained with energy renovation strategies to the characteristics of the buildings where they were implemented. Recommendation for implementation of such a methodology in big data building energy management platforms is provided.Para alcanzar el objetivo fijado en el acuerdo de París de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media mundial muy por debajo de los 2 °C con respecto a los niveles preindustriales, es necesario realizar esfuerzos masivos para reducir las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero. El sector de la edificación es actualmente responsable de alrededor del 28% de las emisiones totales de CO2 a nivel mundial, lo que significa que existe un potencial de ahorro sustancial en la correcta gestión energética de los edificios y en la aplicación de estrategias de renovación. Las herramientas digitales y las técnicas basadas en datos están ganando rápidamente impulso como enfoques capaces de aprovechar la gran cantidad de datos recopilados en el sector de la edificación y proporcionar soluciones capaces de reducir la huella de carbono del entorno construido. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar el potencial de las técnicas basadas en datos en diferentes aplicaciones destinadas a mejorar la eficiencia energética de los edificios. Más concretamente, se describen diferentes enfoques novedosos para verificar el ahorro de energía, caracterizar los patrones de consumo y recomendar estrategias de rehabilitación energética. Las metodologías presentadas demuestran ser poderosas herramientas que pueden producir valiosos conocimientos para los gestores energéticos y otras partes interesadas. En primer lugar, se ofrece una visión general y detallada de las distintas metodologías más avanzadas para cuantificar el ahorro de energía y predecir el impacto de las estrategias de rehabilitación en los edificios. Se discuten los puntos fuertes y débiles de los enfoques analizados y se ofrecen orientaciones para evaluar la metodología más eficaz en función del caso en análisis y de los datos disponibles. Entre los enfoques revisados hay modelos estadísticos y de aprendizaje automático, métodos Bayesianos, enfoques deterministas y técnicas híbridas que combinan modelos deterministas y basados en datos. Posteriormente, se propone una novedosa metodología basada en datos para realizar cálculos de medición y verificación, centrada principalmente en edificios e instalaciones no residenciales. El enfoque se basa en la extracción de patrones de perfiles de consumo frecuentes y en una técnica innovadora capaz de evaluar la dependencia climática del edificio. Esta información se utiliza para diseñar un modelo que puede estimar con precisión el ahorro energético conseguido a escala diaria. El método se ha probado en dos casos de uso, uno con datos sintéticos generados mediante un software de simulación energética de edificios, y otro con datos de monitorización de tres edificios existentes en Cataluña. Los resultados obtenidos con la metodología propuesta se comparan con los proporcionados por un modelo de última generación, mostrando una mejora de la precisión y una mayor robustez ante la falta de datos. La segunda herramienta basada en datos que se desarrolló en este trabajo de investigación es una metodología de regresión lineal Bayesiana para calcular las predicciones de línea base de energía horaria en edificios no residenciales y para caracterizar sus patrones de consumo. El enfoque se probó en 1578 edificios no residenciales que forman parte de un gran conjunto de datos abiertos de consumo energético de edificios. Los resultados muestran que la metodología Bayesiana es capaz de proporcionar estimaciones precisas de la línea de base con un modelo explicable e intuitivo. También se presta especial atención a las estimaciones de incertidumbre, que son inherentes a las técnicas bayesianas y que tienen gran importancia en las evaluaciones de riesgo de los proyectos de eficiencia energética. Por último, se presenta una metodología conceptual que puede utilizarse para recomendar y priorizar proyectos de eficiencia energética en edificios e instalaciones. Este enfoque basado en datos se basa en la comparación de grupos de edificios similares y en un algoritmo que puede asociar los ahorros obtenidos con las estrategias de renovación energética a las características de los edificios en los que se aplicaron. Se recomiendan las aplicaciones de esta metodología en plataformas de gestión energética de edificios de big data.Postprint (published version

    Assessment of energy efficiency savings in tertiary buildings using statistical learning techniques

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    This thesis aims at developing a method that makes use of advanced statistical models to analyze building consumption data and assess energy retrofit impact. The research is focused on tertiary buildings and the models are based on hourly and sub-hourly smart meters dataIt is estimated that about 40% of worldwide energy use occurs in buildings [ 1 ]. Increasing energy efficiency in the building sector has become a priority worldwide and especially in the European Union. It is clear that an immense energy efficien cy potential lies in buildings and it is not properly harnessed. The energy efficiency increa se can be realized through energy retrofitting actions, optimization of the building c ontrol strategy, or through the timely reporting of abnormal energy performance. In this thesis, a framework for the evaluation of the impact of energy retrofitting measures, with a statistic al learning approach, is proposed. The model was developed as part of EDI-Net, a Horizon 2020 pro ject, with the main goal of facilitating energy consumption monitoring in buildings a nd allowing analysis and evaluation of applied energy efficiency measures (EEM). The baseline mod els for the impact evaluation are generated using Generalized Additive Models (GAM), enh anced with auto regressive terms. Three different pilot buildings (one in Spain and two i n the UK) are examined and their savings evaluated through the analysis of hourly smar t meter consumption data and weather data. The results show that it’s possible to evaluat e energy savings in tertiary buildings using a data-driven approach, although further w ork is needed, in order to validate and automatize the model

    Data-Driven Virtual Replication of Thermostatically Controlled Domestic Heating Systems

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    Thermostatic load control systems are widespread in many countries. Since they provide heat for domestic hot water and space heating on a massive scale in the residential sector, the assessment of their energy performance and the effect of different control strategies requires simplified modeling techniques demanding a small number of inputs and low computational resources. Data-driven techniques are envisaged as one of the best options to meet these constraints. This paper presents a novel methodology consisting of the combination of an optimization algorithm, two auto-regressive models and a control loop algorithm able to virtually replicate the control of thermostatically driven systems. This combined strategy includes all the thermostatically controlled modes governed by the set point temperature and enables automatic assessment of the energy consumption impact of multiple scenarios. The required inputs are limited to available historical readings from smart thermostats and external climate data sources. The methodology has been trained and validated with data sets coming from a selection of 11 smart thermostats, connected to gas boilers, placed in several households located in north-eastern Spain. Important conclusions of the research are that these techniques can estimate the temperature decay of households when the space heating is off as well as the energy consumption needed to reach the comfort conditions. The results of the research also show that estimated median energy savings of 18.1% and 36.5% can be achieved if the usual set point temperature schedule is lowered by 1 degrees C and 2 degrees C, respectively

    Operation and energy flexibility evaluation of direct load controlled buildings equipped with heat pumps

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    To date, the assessment of the energy flexibility to be delivered by existing buildings and by their legacy HVAC systems is hindered by a lack of commonly agreed-upon methodologies. There are many research works in the field; however, many of them are focused on the design stage or, in case of addressing building operation, they are based on controlled experimental setups.The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that it develops and validates an original methodology for the Flexibility Function estimation to evaluate the delivered energy flexibility of several Automated Demand Response services applied on different heat pump systems working under real operations. The active interaction with several electricity markets, ranging from the Spanish day-ahead market to the German and Swiss ancillary services markets, have also been evaluated during the winter and spring seasons. The method results showed that heat pumps could offer a significant potential of flexibility in the analysed countries. Nevertheless, it has also been envisaged that some restrictions concerning reaction times and reliability may affect its readiness for certain ancillary services markets

    Baseline Energy Use Modeling and Characterization in Tertiary Buildings Using an Interpretable Bayesian Linear Regression Methodology

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    Interpretable and scalable data-driven methodologies providing high granularity baseline predictions of energy use in buildings are essential for the accurate measurement and verification of energy renovation projects and have the potential of unlocking considerable investments in energy efficiency worldwide. Bayesian methodologies have been demonstrated to hold great potential for energy baseline modelling, by providing richer and more valuable information using intuitive mathematics. This paper proposes a Bayesian linear regression methodology for hourly baseline energy consumption predictions in commercial buildings. The methodology also enables a detailed characterization of the analyzed buildings through the detection of typical electricity usage profiles and the estimation of the weather dependence. The effects of different Bayesian model specifications were tested, including the use of different prior distributions, predictor variables, posterior estimation techniques, and the implementation of multilevel regression. The approach was tested on an open dataset containing two years of electricity meter readings at an hourly frequency for 1578 non-residential buildings. The best performing model specifications were identified, among the ones tested. The results show that the methodology developed is able to provide accurate high granularity baseline predictions, while also being intuitive and explainable. The building consumption characterization provides actionable information that can be used by energy managers to improve the performance of the analyzed facilities.This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ENTRACK project [Grant Agreement 885395

    A review of deterministic and data-driven methods to quantify energy efficiency savings and to predict retrofitting scenarios in buildings

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    Increasing the energy efficiency of the built environment has become a priority worldwide and especially in Europe. Because of the relatively low turnover rate of the existing built environment, energy efficiency retrofitting appears to be a fundamental step in reducing its energy consumption. Last experiences have shown that there is a vast energy efficiency potential lying in the building stock, and it is mainly untapped. One of the reasons is a lack of robust methodologies able to evaluate the effect of applied energy efficiency measures and inform about the expected impact of potential retrofitting strategies. Nowadays, dynamic measured data coming from automated metering infrastructure provides valuable information to evaluate the effect of energy conservation strategies. For this reason, energy performance modeling and assessment methods based on this data are starting to play a major role. In this paper, several methodologies for the measurement and verification of energy savings, and for the prediction and recommendation of energy retrofitting strategies, are analysed in detail. Practitioners looking at different options for these two processes, will find in this review a thorough and detailed overview of the different methods that can be used. Guidance is also provided to determine which method could work best depending on the specific case under analysis. The reviewed approaches include statistical learning models, machine learning models, Bayesian methods, deterministic approaches, and hybrid techniques that combine deterministic and data-driven modeling. Existing research gaps are identified and prospects for future investigation are presented within the main conclusions of this research work

    A data-driven method for unsupervised electricity consumption characterisation at the district level and beyond

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    A bottom-up electricity characterisation methodology of the building stock at the local level is presented. It is based on the statistical learning analysis of aggregated energy consumption data, weather data, cadastre, and socioeconomic information. To demonstrate the validity of this methodology, the characterisation of the electricity consumption of the whole province of Lleida, located in northeast Spain, is implemented and tested. The geographical aggregation level considered is the postal code since it is the highest data resolution available through the open data sources used in the research work. The development and the experimental tests are supported by a web application environment formed by interactive user interfaces specifically developed for this purpose. The paper’s novelty relies on the application of statistical data methods able to infer the main energy performance characteristics of a large number of urban districts without prior knowledge of their building characteristics and with the use of solely measured data coming from smart meters, cadastre databases and weather forecasting services. A data-driven technique disaggregates electricity consumption in multiple uses (space heating, cooling, holidays and baseload). In addition, multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are derived from this disaggregated energy uses to obtain the energy characterisation of the buildings within a specific area. The potential reuse of this methodology allows for a better understanding of the drivers of electricity use, with multiple applications for the public and private sector.This work emanated from research conducted with the fi-nancial support of the European Commission through the H2020project BIGG , grant agreement 957047, and the JRC Expert Con-tractCT-EX2017D306558-102.D.ChemisanathanksICREAfortheICREA Acadèmia. Dr J. Cipriano also thanks the Ministerio deCiencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government for the Juan dela Cierva Incorporación gran

    User behaviour models to forecast electricity consumption of residential customers based on smart metering data

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    This paper presents a novel approach to forecast day-ahead electricity consumption for residential households where highly irregular human behaviour plays a significant role. The methodology requires data from fiscal smart meters, which makes it applicable to real scenarios where personal data gathering is not feasible. These data are rarely complete; therefore, a robust combination of machine-learning techniques is used to handle missing data and outliers. The novelty of this method relies on identifying and predicting user electricity consumption behaviour as a procedure to improve the forecasting of the overall electricity consumption of each individual customer. The methodology uses Gaussian mixture clustering to identify behaviour clusters and an eXtreme Gradient Boosting classification (XGBoost) model to predict the day-ahead behaviour pattern. This predicted user behaviour cluster is fed into an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to enable an improved capturing of the highly unpredictable user conduct for the forecast of electricity consumption. A novel metric, namely the Euclidean Distance-based Accuracy (EDA), is finally proposed to enable a more thorough evaluation of time series classification algorithms. The whole development is tested over 500 residential users placed in a southeastern region of Spain. The results showed that, when the novel approach was used, the MAPEd and NRMSEd were reduced by 7% and 9% respectively, increasing to a 20% and 17% respective reduction for the best cases according to EDA. This methodology sets the basis for massive user-centred analyses, very profitable to any electricity company.This work was developed during the PhD thesis of F. Lazzari. D. Chemisana thanks ICREA for the ICREA Acadèmia. Dr. J. Cipriano thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innnovación, Spain for the Juan de la Cierva Incorporación grant. This work was also supported by the Project PID2020-113614RB-C22, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain, and by the European regional Fund, through the POCTEFA program and the project EKATE-EFA 312/19. All authors approved the version of the manuscript to be publishe

    Assessment of energy efficiency savings in tertiary buildings using statistical learning techniques

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    This thesis aims at developing a method that makes use of advanced statistical models to analyze building consumption data and assess energy retrofit impact. The research is focused on tertiary buildings and the models are based on hourly and sub-hourly smart meters dataIt is estimated that about 40% of worldwide energy use occurs in buildings [ 1 ]. Increasing energy efficiency in the building sector has become a priority worldwide and especially in the European Union. It is clear that an immense energy efficien cy potential lies in buildings and it is not properly harnessed. The energy efficiency increa se can be realized through energy retrofitting actions, optimization of the building c ontrol strategy, or through the timely reporting of abnormal energy performance. In this thesis, a framework for the evaluation of the impact of energy retrofitting measures, with a statistic al learning approach, is proposed. The model was developed as part of EDI-Net, a Horizon 2020 pro ject, with the main goal of facilitating energy consumption monitoring in buildings a nd allowing analysis and evaluation of applied energy efficiency measures (EEM). The baseline mod els for the impact evaluation are generated using Generalized Additive Models (GAM), enh anced with auto regressive terms. Three different pilot buildings (one in Spain and two i n the UK) are examined and their savings evaluated through the analysis of hourly smar t meter consumption data and weather data. The results show that it’s possible to evaluat e energy savings in tertiary buildings using a data-driven approach, although further w ork is needed, in order to validate and automatize the model

    Assessment of energy efficiency savings in tertiary buildings using statistical learning techniques

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    This thesis aims at developing a method that makes use of advanced statistical models to analyze building consumption data and assess energy retrofit impact. The research is focused on tertiary buildings and the models are based on hourly and sub-hourly smart meters dataIt is estimated that about 40% of worldwide energy use occurs in buildings [ 1 ]. Increasing energy efficiency in the building sector has become a priority worldwide and especially in the European Union. It is clear that an immense energy efficien cy potential lies in buildings and it is not properly harnessed. The energy efficiency increa se can be realized through energy retrofitting actions, optimization of the building c ontrol strategy, or through the timely reporting of abnormal energy performance. In this thesis, a framework for the evaluation of the impact of energy retrofitting measures, with a statistic al learning approach, is proposed. The model was developed as part of EDI-Net, a Horizon 2020 pro ject, with the main goal of facilitating energy consumption monitoring in buildings a nd allowing analysis and evaluation of applied energy efficiency measures (EEM). The baseline mod els for the impact evaluation are generated using Generalized Additive Models (GAM), enh anced with auto regressive terms. Three different pilot buildings (one in Spain and two i n the UK) are examined and their savings evaluated through the analysis of hourly smar t meter consumption data and weather data. The results show that it’s possible to evaluat e energy savings in tertiary buildings using a data-driven approach, although further w ork is needed, in order to validate and automatize the model