2,125 research outputs found

    Spin and energy relaxation in germanium studied by spin-polarized direct-gap photoluminescence

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    Spin orientation of photoexcited carriers and their energy relaxation is investigated in bulk Ge by studying spin-polarized recombination across the direct band gap. The control over parameters such as doping and lattice temperature is shown to yield high polarization degree, namely larger than 40%, as well as a fine-tuning of the angular momentum of the emitted light with a complete reversal between right- and left-handed circular polarization. By combining the measurement of the optical polarization state of band-edge luminescence and Monte Carlo simulations of carrier dynamics, we show that these very rich and complex phenomena are the result of the electron thermalization and cooling in the multi-valley conduction band of Ge. The circular polarization of the direct-gap radiative recombination is indeed affected by energy relaxation of hot electrons via the X valleys and the Coulomb interaction with extrinsic carriers. Finally, thermal activation of unpolarized L valley electrons accounts for the luminescence depolarization in the high temperature regime

    Spin-dependent direct gap emission in tensile-strained Ge films on Si substrates

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    The circular polarization of direct gap emission of Ge is studied in optically-excited tensile-strained Ge-on-Si heterostructures as a function of doping and temperature. Owing to the spin-dependent optical selection rules, the radiative recombinations involving strain-split light (cG-LH) and heavy hole (cG-HH) bands are unambiguously resolved. The fundamental cG-LH transition is found to have a low temperature circular polarization degree of about 85% despite an off-resonance excitation of more than 300 meV. By photoluminescence (PL) measurements and tight binding calculations we show that this exceptionally high value is due to the peculiar energy dependence of the optically-induced electron spin population. Finally, our observation of the direct gap doublet clarifies that the light hole contribution, previously considered to be negligible, can dominate the room temperature PL even at low tensile strain values of about 0.2%

    Effect of mesoscopic inhomogeneities on local tunnelling density of states

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    We carry out a theoretical analysis of the momentum dependence of the Fourier-transformed local density of states (LDOS) in the superconducting cuprates within a model considering the interference of quasiparticles scattering on quenched impurities. The impurities introduce an external scattering potential, which is either nearly local in space or it can acquire a substantial momentum dependence due to a possible strong momentum dependence of the electronic screening near a charge modulation instability. The key new effect that we introduce is an additional mesoscopic disorder aiming to reproduce the inhomogeneities experimentally observed in scanning tunnelling microscopy. The crucial effect of this mesoscopic disorder is to give rise to point-like spectroscopic features, to be contrasted with the curve-like shape of the spectra previously calculated within the interfering-quasiparticle schemes. It is also found that stripe-like charge modulations play a relevant role to correctly reproduce all the spectral features of the experiments.Comment: 11 pages and 5 figure

    The Electron-Phonon Interaction in the Presence of Strong Correlations

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    We investigate the effect of strong electron-electron repulsion on the electron-phonon interaction from a Fermi-liquid point of view: the strong interaction is responsible for vertex corrections, which are strongly dependent on the vFq/ωv_Fq/\omega ratio. These corrections generically lead to a strong suppression of the effective coupling between quasiparticles mediated by a single phonon exchange in the vFq/ω≫1v_Fq/\omega \gg 1 limit. However, such effect is not present when vFq/ω≪1v_Fq/\omega \ll 1. Analyzing the Landau stability criterion, we show that a sizable electron-phonon interaction can push the system towards a phase-separation instability. A detailed analysis is then carried out using a slave-boson approach for the infinite-U three-band Hubbard model. In the presence of a coupling between the local hole density and a dispersionless optical phonon, we explicitly confirm the strong dependence of the hole-phonon coupling on the transferred momentum versus frequency ratio. We also find that the exchange of phonons leads to an unstable phase with negative compressibility already at small values of the bare hole-phonon coupling. Close to the unstable region, we detect Cooper instabilities both in s- and d-wave channels supporting a possible connection between phase separation and superconductivity in strongly correlated systems.Comment: LateX 3.14, 04.11.1994 Preprint no.101


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    The digital management of architectural heritage information is still a complex problem, as a heritage object requires an integrated representation of various types of information in order to develop appropriate restoration or conservation strategies. Currently, there is extensive research focused on automatic procedures of segmentation and classification of 3D point clouds or meshes, which can accelerate the study of a monument and integrate it with heterogeneous information and attributes, useful to characterize and describe the surveyed object. The aim of this study is to propose an optimal, repeatable and reliable procedure to manage various types of 3D surveying data and associate them with heterogeneous information and attributes to characterize and describe the surveyed object. In particular, this paper presents an approach for classifying 3D heritage models, starting from the segmentation of their textures based on supervised machine learning methods. Experimental results run on three different case studies demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective and with many further potentials

    Modelling the kinetics of elements release from a zeolitic-rich tuff

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    The present investigation aims at modeling the kinetics of elements (Fe, Mg, K, Ca, Na, Al, and Si) release from zeolitic-rich Phlegraean Yellow Tuff weathered by tannic acid solutions at different concentration. Three equations were tested—power function, the Weber–Morris model, and the Elovich equation. Power function was revealed to be an excellent empirical equation well fitted to the experimental data. Its numerical parameters were suitable predictive tools, highlighting both the intensity and modality of weathering processes. By paralleling the dissolution rates, it was possible to allow rock-sources from which elements were released during three distinct weathering stages—(i) the first stage was dominated by biotite and amorphous weathering, (ii) the second stage also started with the breakdown of zeolite framework; and (iii) in the third stage, the whole of weathering/release process approached a steady state. Finally, these outcomes may be used to forecast the pedogenic/nutritional potential of zeolitic-rich tuffs as pedotechnical matrices in restoration design

    Giant g factor tuning of long-lived electron spins in Ge

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    Control of electron spin coherence via external fields is fundamental in spintronics. Its implementation demands a host material that accommodates the highly desirable but contrasting requirements of spin robustness to relaxation mechanisms and sizeable coupling between spin and orbital motion of charge carriers. Here we focus on Ge, which, by matching those criteria, is rapidly emerging as a prominent candidate for shuttling spin quantum bits in the mature framework of Si electronics. So far, however, the intrinsic spin-dependent phenomena of free electrons in conventional Ge/Si heterojunctions have proved to be elusive because of epitaxy constraints and an unfavourable band alignment. We overcome such fundamental limitations by investigating a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined in quantum wells of pure Ge grown on SiGe-buffered Si substrates. These epitaxial systems demonstrate exceptionally long spin relaxation and coherence times, eventually unveiling the potential of Ge in bridging the gap between spintronic concepts and semiconductor device physics. In particular, by tuning spin-orbit interaction via quantum confinement we demonstrate that the electron Land\'e g factor and its anisotropy can be engineered in our scalable and CMOS-compatible architectures over a range previously inaccessible for Si spintronics

    3D Modeling of the Magnetization of Superconducting Rectangular-Based Bulks and Tape Stacks

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    In recent years, numerical models have become popular and powerful tools to investigate the electromagnetic behavior of superconductors. One domain where this advances are most necessary is the 3D modeling of the electromagnetic behavior of superconductors. For this purpose, a benchmark problem consisting of superconducting cube subjected to an AC magnetic field perpendicular to one of its faces has been recently defined and successfully solved. In this work, a situation more relevant for applications is investigated: a superconducting parallelepiped bulk with the magnetic field parallel to two of its faces and making an angle with the other one without and with a further constraint on the possible directions of the current. The latter constraint can be used to model the magnetization of a stack of high-temperature superconductor tapes, which are electrically insulated in one direction. For the present study three different numerical approaches are used: the Minimum Electro-Magnetic Entropy Production (MEMEP) method, the HH-formulation of Maxwell's equations and the Volume Integral Method (VIM) for 3D eddy currents computation. The results in terms of current density profiles and energy dissipation are compared, and the differences in the two situations of unconstrained and constrained current flow are pointed out. In addition, various technical issues related to the 3D modeling of superconductors are discussed and information about the computational effort required by each model is provided. This works constitutes a concrete result of the collaborative effort taking place within the HTS numerical modeling community and will hopefully serve as a stepping stone for future joint investigations

    Geometric feature analysis for the classification of cultural heritage point clouds

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    In the last years, the application of artificial intelligence (Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods) for the classification of 3D point clouds has become an important task in modern 3D documentation and modelling applications. The identification of proper geometric and radiometric features becomes fundamental to classify 2D/3D data correctly. While many studies have been conducted in the geospatial field, the cultural heritage sector is still partly unexplored. In this paper we analyse the efficacy of the geometric covariance features as a support for the classification of Cultural Heritage point clouds. To analyse the impact of the different features calculated on spherical neighbourhoods at various radius sizes, we present results obtained on four different heritage case studies using different features configurations

    Phonon renormalization from local and transitive electron-lattice couplings in strongly correlated systems

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    Within the time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation (TDGA) applied to Holstein- and SSH-Hubbard models we study the influence of electron correlations on the phonon self-energy. For the local Holstein coupling we find that the phonon frequency renormalization gets weakened upon increasing the onsite interaction UU for all momenta. In contrast, correlations can enhance the phonon frequency shift for small wave-vectors in the SSH-Hubbard model. Moreover the TDGA applied to the latter model provides a mechanism which leads to phonon frequency corrections at intermediate momenta due to the coupling with double occupancy fluctuations. Both models display a shift of the nesting-induced to a q=0q=0 instability when the onsite interaction becomes sufficiently strong and thus establishing phase separation as a generic phenomenon of strongly correlated electron-phonon coupled systems.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure
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