18 research outputs found

    After Sulla: study in the settlement and material culture of the Piraeus peninsula in the Roman and Late Roman period

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    Modem text-based and ancient historical accounts take the sack of Piraeus, the port of Athens in Greece, by the Romans under Sulla in 86 ВС as the terminal point of the history of the area in antiquity. Archaeological work on the town has tended so far to regard the post-Classical phases of the settlement as less interesting than those marking the 'heyday' of the port in the Classical period. This thesis explores the nature and scale of settlement in the area in the centuries spanning the town's destruction by the Romans in 86 ВС and the Late Roman period. The study is based on a re-assessment of archaeological data from old and recent rescue excavations in the modem town up to 1997. It also presents and discusses in detail the results of post-excavation work by the author on unpublished material from an extensive site excavated in the early 1980s, These results are compared to and synthesized with epigraphic and other testimonies to answer questions about the nature of settlement and the degree of social and cultural change in the area during the period in focus. The discussion focuses in particular on; 1) exploring continuity and change in the settlement patterns, demography and topography of the town, 2) the changing nature of domestic space and its organization, and 3) investigating patterns of pottery consumption and trade. These issues are examined in the context of the social, economic and cultural changes documented for the Roman imperial and Late Roman period by previous archaeological fieldwork and excavations in the region of southern Greece and the Aegean

    Four Groups of Roman Pottery from the Sanctuary of Apollo at Halasarna on the Island of Kos

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    Τέσσερα σύνολα ρωμαϊκής κεραμικής από το ιερό του Απόλλωνα στην Αλάσαρνα της ΚωΣτην παρούσα μελέτη παρουσιάζονται τα ευρήματα κεραμικής από τέσσερα στρωματογραφημένα σύνολα των αυτοκρατορικών χρόνων που προέρχονται από την ανασκαφή του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών στο ιερό του Απόλλωνα στην Αλάσαρνα (σημ. Καρδάμαινα) της Κω. Πρόκειται για υλικό που ήρθε στο φως κατά την ανασκαφική έρευνα του λεγόμενου Κτηρίου Δ, ενός μικρού δίστυλου εν παραστάσι ναού, στα ΒΑ του αρχαιολογικού χώρου. Τα ευρήματα παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται σύμφωνα με τα ανασκαφικά τους συμφραζόμενα, καθώς επίσης σε συνάρτηση με τυποχρονολογικές και ποσοτικές παραμέτρους για κάθε σύνολο ξεχωριστά. Καλύπτοντας μια περίοδο 150 ετών από τα τέλη του 1ου/αρχές του 2ου αι. μ.Χ. μέχρι τα μέσα περίπου του 3ου αι. μ.Χ., τα σύνολα αυτά προσφέρουν μια ευρεία και αντιπροσωπευτική εικόνα της ποικιλίας των κεραμικών ειδών και της κυκλοφορίας τους στο ιερό σε διαχρονική κλίμακα. Τα δεδομένα αυτά  δίνουν τα δυνατότητα να εξεταστεί υπό διαφορετικό πρίσμα ο αντίκτυπος στην οικονομία, το εμπόριο και το παραγωγικό δυναμικό της Αλάσαρνας που είχε ο σεισμός του 139 ή 141/142 μ.Χ., ο οποίος σύμφωνα με φιλολογικές μαρτυρίες έπληξε με σφοδρότητα το νησί και άλλες περιοχές του ΝΑ Αιγαίου και της Μ. Ασίας.This study presents and discusses the pottery from four recently investigated stratified assemblages of Roman Imperial date from the University of Athens excavations at the sanctuary of Apollo in Halasarna (modern Kardamena) on the island of Kos. The deposits come from the area of the so-called Building Δ, a distyle in antis temple of the Roman Imperial period, which is located in the northeastern part of the site. They span a period of ca. one and a half centuries, from the later first/ early second to ca. the mid-third century CE. The pottery is presented and analyzed contextually, followed by a catalogue of selected diagnostic finds. Detailed quantified data for each assemblage are presented in an appendix, allowing an understanding of the relative volume of pottery wares circulating in the sanctuary, the sources from which they came and the changes in their relative proportions over time. In addition to providing the first detailed publication of Roman pottery from the island of Kos, the paper offers an opportunity to glimpse into the economy and trade links of Halasarna in imperial times, especially for the period after the earthquake of 139 or 141/142 CE that reportedly devastated the island

    Kalapodi Legacy Data und die digitale Welt

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    Im Forschungsdatenmanagement steht neben der Archivierung und Dokumentation der Daten auch deren Aufbereitung im Vordergrund. Dafür bietet die iDAI.world einige hilfreiche Tools, wobei sie als Datenbank ein essenzielles Kernelement darstellt. In diesem Artikel wird exemplarisch die Retrodigitalisierung und Rekontextualisierung der Legacy Data von Kalapodi und deren Einbindung in moderne Software erläutert. Hier soll das Potential der digitalen Instrumente sowie der Mehrwert dieser Dokumentationsmethodik präsentiert werden.In research data management, processing data, not only archiving and documenting it, is highly important. For this purpose, the iDAI.world database can offer helpful tools, serving as an essential core element. This article outlines the retro-digitisation and retro-contextualisation of the Legacy Data of Kalapodi and its incorporation into modern software. Thus, the potential of digital tools as well as the value of the discussed method of documentation will be illustrated

    Kalapodi, Griechenland. Kalapodi Legacy Data – Ein Erfahrungsbericht. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2019 bis 2023

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    Im Fokus des 2019 gestarteten Projektes »Digitalisierung und Retrokontextualisierung der Legacy-Data der Grabung von Kalapodi« steht die Langzeitarchivierung und Aufbereitung der älteren Forschungsdaten der vor 50 Jahren erstmals begonnenen Ausgrabung im Heiligtum von Kalapodi. Zielführend werden die Metadaten aller Befunde und Funde digital erzeugt, um diese in die Datenbank iDAI.field zu integrieren. Verbunden sind alle Arbeiten mit digitalen Werkzeugen der iDAI.world. Erstmals wird hier ein Erfahrungsbericht der bisherigen Arbeit geliefert und daneben ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Arbeitspakete gegeben.The focus of the project " Digitalisierung und Retrokontextualisierung der Legacy-Data der Grabung von Kalapodi ", which started in 2019, is the long-term archiving and processing of prior research data from the excavation in the sanctuary of Kalapodi, which first began 50 years ago. The metadata of all findings and finds are being digitally generated in order to integrate them into the database field. All work is connected with digital tools of the iDAI.world. For the first time, a progress report on the work is provided here, as well as an outlook on future work packages


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    Baths count among the most frequent, but generally little studied, type-buildings of the Roman period in Crete. This study draws upon the rich evidence of bath buildings from the rescue excavations by the KG? Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the 13thEphoreia of Byzantine Antiquities over the past two decades in the area of ancient Chersonissos (modern Limenas Chersonissou) in the Pediada region. The purpose is to discuss aspects of the baths’ distribution in the urban area, their architecture, function and building history and to place them in their regional (Cretan) and supra-regional (provincial and empire-wide) context. In addition, we consider the place of baths and bathing in the Late Antique town, focusing on the evidence for architectural modifications and re-use. The evidence from Chersonissos provides an important addition to the growing number of studies on architecture in Roman Crete and a case-study of the spread and transformation of the bathing habit on the island during the Roman imperial period and Late Antiquity

    Modelling regional dynamics and Roman pottery supply using network analysis and GIS: the sanctuary of Kalapodi in central Greece as a case study

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    <p>Kalapodi in central Greece is home to one of the most spectacular Greek sanctuaries, mentioned in numerous ancient textual sources, which is now identified as the oracle of Apollo of Abai. The sanctuary has yielded rich diachronic evidence and has been the focus of long-standing excavations by the German Archaeological Institute, Athens department. This paper offers an integrated approach to modelling commodity flows and transport routes to the sanctuary in the Roman period by analyzing pottery distribution data from the entire region and exploring Kalapodi within regional and global distribution and infrastructural networks of the Roman period. Based upon the preliminary results of the ongoing finds analysis and by integrating published and reported evidence from other sites in the wider region as well as unpublished data available to us, we investigate first he role of the sanctuary as a central place in the distribution network of pottery imports from close-regional and more distant sources. Pottery distributions are analyzed as a weighted (non-directed) unimodal network, in which the sites appear as nodes and the pottery wares attested as edges, in three different datasets for the Early Roman (1st c. BC – 2nd c. AD) Middle Roman (2nd – 4th c. AD) and Late Roman period (5th – 7th c. AD). The analysis reveals several key issues of historical interpretation, highlighting amongst others the shifting significance of the sanctuary as a destination/ place of consumption of imported pottery wares and bringing forward questions regarding the site's access efficiency, directionality of imports and transport routes. The above questions derived from network analysis provide the backbone of a GIS-based simulation of the sanctuary's pottery supply. This involved the creation of a huge dataset which allowed for a detailed GIS-based simulation of the sanctuary's pottery supply, utilizing and experimenting with the results of the network analysis. By analyzing the network of potential trade routes and shipping lanes, the study was able to simulate the transportation of pottery imports to Kalapodi. The incorporation of shipwreck evidence and experimentation with alternative scenarios added depth and complexity to the research. The findings shed light on the patterns of trade and exchange in the region, providing valuable insights into the economic and cultural dynamics of maritime trade networks in Kalapodi. This multidisciplinary approach contributes to the understanding of ancient trade patterns and offers a robust framework for future studies in the archaeology of the area and network analysis suggesting alternative routes in ancient trade, considering factors such as navigational features, wind patterns, and other variables.</p&gt

    Preface and Editors’ Preface

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