114 research outputs found

    Self-disclosure mediates the effects of gender orientation and homophobia on the relationship quality of male same-sex friendships

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    This study tested the degree to which self-disclosure mediates the effects of gender orientation and homophobia on relational satisfaction, closeness, and commitment in men’s same-sex friendships. Participants included 211 men from the southwest region of the US, who reported on either geographically close (n = 107) or long distance same-sex friendships (n = 104). Results indicated that self-disclosure mediates the positive effect of femininity on satisfaction, closeness, and commitment in men’s same-sex friendships. Self-disclosure also mediates the negative, indirect effects of homophobia on all three relational outcomes. Tests of structural invariance provided no evidence to suggest that the indirect effects of femininity and homophobia on all three relational outcomes vary as a function of geographic distance.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Від фундаментальних досліджень до комерціалізації результатів: досвід і завдання НАН України

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    У статті дано короткий огляд деяких науково-технічних розробок, що виконані в останні роки в установах НАН України і вже знайшли практичне застосування або готові до інноваційного впровадження. Ці розробки переконують у тому, що наука України зберігає потужний потенціал, який може повністю реалізуватися при належній фінансовій підтримці з боку держави і створенні сприятливого інноваційного клімату, що дасть можливість науковцям заробляти значні позабюджетні кошти своєю прикладною діяльністю.В статье приведен краткий обзор некоторых научно-технических разработок, которые выполнены в последние годы в учреждениях НАН Украины и уже нашли практическое применение либо готовы к инновационному внедрению. Эти разработки убеждают в том, что наука Украины сохраняет мощный потенциал, который может полностью реализоваться при надлежащей финансовой поддержке со стороны государства и создании благоприятного инновационного климата, что позволит ученым зарабатывать значительные внебюджетные средства своей прикладной деятельностью.A brief review of some science & technology developments is contained, accomplished in recent years in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, already used or ready for innovation-specific applications. These developments can assure that science in Ukraine could preserve the powerful capacity that can be fully utilized given proper financial support from the state and fostering favorable innovation climate, which will allow scientists to earn good off-budget money by applied activities

    The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) administration on the microbiome-gut-brain axis in adolescents with anorexia nervosa (the MiGBAN study): study protocol for a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disease that often takes a chronic course due to insufficient treatment options. Emerging evidence on the gut-brain axis offers the opportunity to find innovative treatments for patients with psychiatric disorders. The gut microbiome of patients with AN shows profound alterations that do not completely disappear after weight rehabilitation. In previous studies, the administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) resulted in effects that might be beneficial in the treatment of AN, affecting the microbiome, body weight and executive functions. Therefore, the MiGBAN study aims to examine the effects of a nutritional supplementation with PUFA on the gut microbiome and body mass index (BMI) in patients with AN. Methods This is a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Within 2 years, 60 adolescent patients aged 12 to 19 years with AN will receive either PUFA or placebo for 6 months additional to treatment as usual. After 1 year, the long-term effect of PUFA on the gut microbiome and consecutively on BMI will be determined. Secondary outcomes include improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms, eating disorder psychopathology, and comorbidities. Additionally, the interaction of the gut microbiome with the brain (microbiome-gut-brain axis) will be studied by conducting MRI measurements to assess functional and morphological changes and neuropsychological assessments to describe cognitive functioning. Anti-inflammatory effects of PUFA in AN will be examined via serum inflammation and gut permeability markers. Our hypothesis is that PUFA administration will have positive effects on the gut microbiota and thus the treatment of AN by leading to a faster weight gain and a reduction of gastrointestinal problems and eating disorder psychopathology. Discussion Due to previously heterogeneous results, a systematic and longitudinal investigation of the microbiome-gut-brain axis in AN is essential. The current trial aims to further analyse this promising research field to identify new, effective therapeutic tools that could help improve the treatment and quality of life of patients. If this trial is successful and PUFA supplementation contributes to beneficial microbiome changes and a better treatment outcome, their administration would be a readily applicable additional component of multimodal AN treatment

    The effects of probiotics administration on the gut microbiome in adolescents with anorexia nervosa—A study protocol for a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    Objective Knowledge on gut?brain interaction might help to develop new therapies for patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), as severe starvation-induced changes of the microbiome (MI) do not normalise with weight gain. We examine the effects of probiotics supplementation on the gut MI in patients with AN. Method This is a study protocol for a two-centre double-blind randomized-controlled trial comparing the clinical efficacy of multistrain probiotic administration in addition to treatment-as-usual compared to placebo in 60 patients with AN (13?19 years). Moreover, 60 sex- and age-matched healthy controls are included in order to record development-related changes. Assessments are conducted at baseline, discharge, 6 and 12 months after baseline. Assessments include measures of body mass index, psychopathology (including eating-disorder-related psychopathology, depression and anxiety), neuropsychological measures, serum and stool analyses. We hypothesise that probiotic administration will have positive effects on the gut microbiota and the treatment of AN by improvement of weight gain, gastrointestinal complaints and psychopathology, and reduction of inflammatory processes compared to placebo. Conclusions If probiotics could help to normalise the MI composition, reduce inflammation and gastrointestinal discomfort and increase body weight, its administration would be a readily applicable additional component of multi-modal AN treatment

    The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) administration on the microbiome-gut-brain axis in adolescents with anorexia nervosa (the MiGBAN study): study protocol for a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disease that often takes a chronic course due to insufficient treatment options. Emerging evidence on the gut-brain axis offers the opportunity to find innovative treatments for patients with psychiatric disorders. The gut microbiome of patients with AN shows profound alterations that do not completely disappear after weight rehabilitation. In previous studies, the administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) resulted in effects that might be beneficial in the treatment of AN, affecting the microbiome, body weight and executive functions. Therefore, the MiGBAN study aims to examine the effects of a nutritional supplementation with PUFA on the gut microbiome and body mass index (BMI) in patients with AN. Methods: This is a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Within 2 years, 60 adolescent patients aged 12 to 19 years with AN will receive either PUFA or placebo for 6 months additional to treatment as usual. After 1 year, the long-term effect of PUFA on the gut microbiome and consecutively on BMI will be determined. Secondary outcomes include improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms, eating disorder psychopathology, and comorbidities. Additionally, the interaction of the gut microbiome with the brain (microbiome-gut-brain axis) will be studied by conducting MRI measurements to assess functional and morphological changes and neuropsychological assessments to describe cognitive functioning. Anti-inflammatory effects of PUFA in AN will be examined via serum inflammation and gut permeability markers. Our hypothesis is that PUFA administration will have positive effects on the gut microbiota and thus the treatment of AN by leading to a faster weight gain and a reduction of gastrointestinal problems and eating disorder psychopathology. Discussion: Due to previously heterogeneous results, a systematic and longitudinal investigation of the microbiome-gut-brain axis in AN is essential. The current trial aims to further analyse this promising research field to identify new, effective therapeutic tools that could help improve the treatment and quality of life of patients. If this trial is successful and PUFA supplementation contributes to beneficial microbiome changes and a better treatment outcome, their administration would be a readily applicable additional component of multimodal AN treatment. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00017130. Registered on 12 November 2019

    Evidence-Based Management of Hand Eczema

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    Hand eczema is a common skin disease with a wide variation in morphology and a complex etiology based on endogenous and exogenous factors.The diagnosis of hand eczema is based on patient history, exposure assessment, physical examination, and the results of patch testing. Management of hand eczema starts with education of the patient on the etiology of the disease, and the needed changes in behavior regarding skin care and preventive measures, and avoidance of relevant exposure factors. In many cases, medical treatment is needed for successful management of the disease; use of medication can only be successful with proper education and avoidance of relevant exposure

    Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA):Protocol for individual participant data meta-analyses

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    OBJECTIVES: Psychosocial factors have been hypothesized to increase the risk of cancer. This study aims (1) to test whether psychosocial factors (depression, anxiety, recent loss events, subjective social support, relationship status, general distress, and neuroticism) are associated with the incidence of any cancer (any, breast, lung, prostate, colorectal, smoking-related, and alcohol-related); (2) to test the interaction between psychosocial factors and factors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol use, weight, physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep, age, sex, education, hormone replacement therapy, and menopausal status) with regard to the incidence of cancer; and (3) to test the mediating role of health behaviors (smoking, alcohol use, weight, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep) in the relationship between psychosocial factors and the incidence of cancer.METHODS: The psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA) consortium was established involving experts in the field of (psycho-)oncology, methodology, and epidemiology. Using data collected in 18 cohorts (N = 617,355), a preplanned two-stage individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis is proposed. Standardized analyses will be conducted on harmonized datasets for each cohort (stage 1), and meta-analyses will be performed on the risk estimates (stage 2).CONCLUSION: PSY-CA aims to elucidate the relationship between psychosocial factors and cancer risk by addressing several shortcomings of prior meta-analyses.</p