180 research outputs found

    Cytolethal and growth inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on human lymphoid cells

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    Glucocorticoids cause the regression of certain lymphoid tumours, though the precise mechanism by which this is achieved is still not fully understood. Consequently, I studied the action of a glucocorticoid, methylprednisolone (MPS), on human lymphoid cell lines as a possible in vitro model for this effect. MPS induced both a cytolethal and growth inhibitory response in these cells, which I have defined on a kinetic and morphological basis. The cytolethal response - measured by the ability of live cells to exclude nigrosine after treatment over 48hr - was dose-dependent, occurring around 10 MPS. Maximal lethal effects occurred only on continuous exposure of the cells to MPS. Morphological changes, as observed by light and electron microscopy, were consistent with apoptosis followed by autolysis, with increased nigrosine uptake correlating closely with onset of autolysis. A low background level of apoptosis and autolysis was also present in control cultures. The growth inhibitory response - measured by an increase in population doubling time after treatment over several days - was dose-dependent, occurring within the concentration range 10 M - 10 Si MPS. Again, continuous exposure to MPS was necessary for the response to be maintained. Morphological changes resulting from sub lethal damage were seen in mitochondria by electron microscopy; in addition a small increase in the number of apoptotic and autolytic cells was observed by light microscopy. Cell cycle kinetic analysis.revealed that growth inhibition was a stable effect caused by a blockage of cells in G^ (or Gq); I was unable to determine whether blocked cells were committed to death or maintained the ability to return to cycle. A correlation was made between my own results and biochemical studies performed on human lymphoid cell lines by other workers in our research group. The relationship between in vitro and in vivo responses to glucocorticoids was also discussed

    Clarity in diagnosis: Prototypes of the anti-social, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders from the operatic literature

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    A person with a personality disorder (PD) has a pervasive, long term, maladaptive way of interacting with the world (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Costello (1996) described the lives of persons with PDs as chaotic. They are inflexible and rigid in terms of their reactions, and do not have the ability to change their maladaptive ways of interacting in society (Millon, 1981)

    A bibliography of publications by Albert Bates Lord

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    Note: [at time of printing] All items listed here can be found in Ellis Library at the University of Missouri, Columbia, either in Special Collections (Ellis 401) or in open stacks (see the affixed call numbers below). Many journals are available online to University of Missouri faculty, staff, and students, and of course through other institutions as well. A full collection of article-length items is maintained in hard copy and on CD in Special Collections

    An intervention for multiethnic obese parents and overweight children

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    The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the effects of the addition of coping skills training for obese multiethnic parents whose overweight children were attending a weight management program. At 6 months, parents in the experimental group had significantly lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BFP), and higher numbers of pedometer steps compared to the control group. Parents also demonstrated significant improvement in interpersonal relationships, behavior control, and stress management compared to the control group. Children in the experimental group demonstrated trends toward decreased BMI and BFP and increased pedometer steps

    Mutation of the Mouse Syce1 Gene Disrupts Synapsis and Suggests a Link between Synaptonemal Complex Structural Components and DNA Repair

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    In mammals, the synaptonemal complex is a structure required to complete crossover recombination. Although suggested by cytological work, in vivo links between the structural proteins of the synaptonemal complex and the proteins of the recombination process have not previously been made. The central element of the synaptonemal complex is traversed by DNA at sites of recombination and presents a logical place to look for interactions between these components. There are four known central element proteins, three of which have previously been mutated. Here, we complete the set by creating a null mutation in the Syce1 gene in mouse. The resulting disruption of synapsis in these animals has allowed us to demonstrate a biochemical interaction between the structural protein SYCE2 and the repair protein RAD51. In normal meiosis, this interaction may be responsible for promoting homologous synapsis from sites of recombination

    Assimilating Remote Sensing Observations of Leaf Area Index and Soil Moisture for Wheat Yield Estimates: An Observing System Simulation Experiment

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    Observing system simulation experiments were used to investigate ensemble Bayesian state updating data assimilation of observations of leaf area index (LAI) and soil moisture (theta) for the purpose of improving single-season wheat yield estimates with the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) CropSim-Ceres model. Assimilation was conducted in an energy-limited environment and a water-limited environment. Modeling uncertainty was prescribed to weather inputs, soil parameters and initial conditions, and cultivar parameters and through perturbations to model state transition equations. The ensemble Kalman filter and the sequential importance resampling filter were tested for the ability to attenuate effects of these types of uncertainty on yield estimates. LAI and theta observations were synthesized according to characteristics of existing remote sensing data, and effects of observation error were tested. Results indicate that the potential for assimilation to improve end-of-season yield estimates is low. Limitations are due to a lack of root zone soil moisture information, error in LAI observations, and a lack of correlation between leaf and grain growth

    ESTUDIO DE CASO-Criterios de implementación ISO-14001:2015 Sector Ladrillero - el Rubí S.A.S Tunja Boyacá

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    La contaminación ambiental se ha vuelto en el mundo una problemática al cambio climático, en este caso la ladrillera El Rubí S.A.S tiene conocimiento del impacto que propagan a diario en los procesos de fabricación y así mismo abarcando los diferentes aspectos como: nivel ambiental, económico, social, Laboral, salud pública y seguridad donde se encuentra las instalaciones. Esta organización no cuenta con proyectos que ayuden a controlar problemáticas en los aspectos anteriormente mencionados, y es por ende de gran importancia tomar medidas basándose en la norma ISO 14001:2015; con objetivo de que continúen en sus actividades y que sean amistoso con el medio ambiente para que nuestras futuras generaciones gocen de un ambiente sano y saludable.Environmental pollution has become a problem in the world for climate change, in this case the brick factory El Rubí SAS is aware of the impact that they spread daily in the manufacturing processes and also covering different aspects such as: environmental, economic, social, labor, public health and safety where the facilities are located. This organization does not have projects that help to control problems in the aforementioned aspects, and therefore it is of great importance to take measures based on the ISO 14001: 2015 standard; with the objective that they continue in their activities and that they be friendly with the environment so that our future generations enjoy a healthy and healthy environment

    Psychometric evaluation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR)

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    Background: Supporting recovery is the aim of national mental health policy in many countries, including England. There is a need for standardised measures of recovery, to assess policy implementation and inform clinical practice. Only one measure of recovery has been developed in England: the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) which measures recovery from the perspective of adult mental health service users with a psychosis diagnosis. Aims: To independently evaluate the psychometric properties of the 15-item and 22-item versions of QPR. Method: Two samples were used: Dataset 1 (n=88) involved assessment of QPR at baseline, two weeks and three months. Dataset 2 (n=399; ISRCTN02507940) involved assessment of QPR at baseline and one year. Results: For the 15-item version, internal consistency was 0.89, convergent validity was 0.73, test-retest reliability was 0.74 and sensitivity to change was 0.40. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the 15-item version offered a good fit. For the 22 item version comprising two sub-scales, the Interpersonal sub-scale was found to under-perform and the Intrapersonal sub-scale overlaps substantially with the 15 item version. Conclusions: Both the 15-item and the Intrapersonal sub-scale of the 22-item versions of the QPR demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties. The 15-item version is slightly more robust and also less burdensome, so it can be recommended for use in research and clinical practice. Declaration of interest: None

    Plan de auditoría para el programa de auditoría interna al sistema de gestión de calidad de la panificadora Daniel

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    Las funcionalidades de los sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad alimentaria se fundamentan en entregar productos al consumidor que estén bajo los criterios de inocuidad donde la salud humana no se vea afectada. Uno de los sistemas que ayuda a este cumplimiento es el sistema HACCP el cual incide en la determinación de los peligros que afecte la inocuidad del producto en su etapa de fabricación. En este documento se pretendió dar a conocer partiendo de la implementación del sistema HACCP para la panificadora Daniel, la importancia que tiene éste para asegurar la calidad de los productos fabricados en la organización y como evidencia de lo anterior se realizó en el marco de la planificación de un plan de auditoria que interviene a partir de evidencia y hallazgos de no cumplimiento a ciertos aspectos relevantes. Para alcanzar el objetivo planteado en el presente trabajo fue necesario formular actividades específicas que permitieron obtener un plan de auditorías funcional, especifico y que está acorde con las necesidades del programa de auditorías; dichas actividades están relacionadas con la aplicación de los aspectos relevantes de la norma ISO 19011. Luego de haber cumplido con los lineamientos específicos para el presente trabajo según las evidencias antes dispuestas se concluye de manera satisfactoria el diseño del plan de auditoria para la panificadora Daniel, partiendo de los antecedentes evidenciados como los hallazgos el cual cumple para ser aplicado no solo en nuestro caso de la panificadora Daniel.The functionalities of systems about food quality, are based on delivering products to the consumer. They are done under safety criteria where human health is not affected. One of the systems that helps this compliance is the HACCP system. It affects the determination of the dangers that influence the safety of the product in its manufacturing stage. The scope of this document is to make known the implementation of the HACCP system for the Daniel’s bakery. The importance this system has to ensure the quality of the products manufactured in the organization. As evidence of the above, it was carried out within the framework of planning of an audit plan. Its interventions are in accordance to evidence and findings of non-compliance with certain relevant aspects. In order to achieve the objective, set forth in this work, it was necessary to formulate specific activities that allowed obtaining a functional specific audit plan that followed the needed guidelines; These activities are related to the application of the relevant aspects of the ISO 19011 standard. After having complied with the specific guidelines for this work, according to the evidence set forth above, the design of the audit plan for Daniel’s bakery was satisfactorily concluded. Based on the finding such a process can be applied not only in our case at Daniel’s bakery but in other places