61 research outputs found

    Cumplimiento del protocolo de Bioseguridad Odontológica en la clínica multidisciplinaria de la UNAN-Managua, II semestre 2020

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    El COVID-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa producida por el virus SARS-CoV-2 que afecta las vías respiratorias (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2020). Dicha enfermedad ha provocado muchas muertes a nivel mundial por lo que se ha considerado hasta el día de hoy como una pandemia. En Nicaragua, según el Ministerio de Salud (2021), se han diagnosticado 4,992 casos de COVID-19 y han fallecido 169 personas por causa de esta pandemia hasta la fecha del 26 de enero del año 2021. Entre la población de alto riesgo de contagio se encuentra el personal de salud, especialmente los trabajadores del área odontológica y sus auxiliares, debido a que en las distintas prácticas dentales se utilizan instrumentos de rotación que generan aerosoles que podrían transportar el virus y contagiar al personal odontológico. Por esta situación se crea un cambio mundial en el protocolo de atención y bioseguridad odontológica en el consultorio dental. La UNAN-Managua ha implementado un protocolo específico para la atención de pacientes en las instalaciones de la clínica multidisciplinaria de odontología en tiempos de Coronavirus el cual fue facilitado por las autoridades a los estudiantes y docentes, previo al inicio del segundo semestre 2020. Dicho protocolo describe cómo deben ingresar y laborar en las instalaciones de la clínica multidisciplinaria y se especifica las barreras de bioseguridad adecuadas para la atención de pacientes en tiempos de Coronavirus el cual se vive en la actualidad. La buena ejecución de los procedimientos y medidas de prevención será la única herramienta para que el riesgo de contagio de esta enfermedad disminuya. El objetivo de este estudio es Evaluar el cumplimiento del protocolo de bioseguridad de la clínica odontológica multidisciplinaria de la UNAN-Managua durante la pandemia de Coronavirus en docentes y estudiantes de III a V año en el segundo semestre 2020, consideramos que es de suma importancia realizar esta investigación para asegurarnos que dicho protocolo se está cumpliendo por parte de los docentes y estudiantes, evaluando qué porcentaje de ellos cumple las normas y qué porcentaje no lo hace, ya que ellos se encuentran en primera línea de riesgo de contagio, por los diversos tratamientos que se realizan en las instalaciones de la clínica multidisciplinari

    Ovarian Cancer during Pregnancy: Clinical and Pregnancy Outcome

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical feature and pregnancy outcome in patients with ovarian cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 27 patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer during pregnancy at Cheil General Hospital & Women's Healthcare Center from January 1996 to December 2006. Mean age of the patients was 29.1 yr (range 23-40), and a mean follow-up period was 57 months (range 7-112 months). Of 27 patients, 15 (55.5%) had borderline malignancies, 7 (25.9%) had epithelial malignancies and 5 (18.6%) had germ cell tumors. A total of 26 patients received a conservative surgery preserving pregnancy. The mean time for surgical intervention during pregnancy was 20 weeks of gestational age. Of the 27 patients, 26 had full term delivery of a healthy baby without any congenital malformation. Only one patient with epithelial ovarian cancer had a relapse at 19 months after the first conservative operation with adjuvant chemotherapy. There were few data for managing patients with ovarian cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. This study results could help establish a guideline for management of ovarian malignancy complicating pregnancy

    Ovarian carcinoma associated with pregnancy: A clinicopathologic analysis of 23 cases and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to analyze and describe cases of ovarian cancer in pregnant women treated at our center and to review the literature concerned, and to discuss the rationale for therapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-Three patients of ovarian malignancies during pregnancy were treated at Vali- Asr Hospital between 1991 and 2002. Data on treatment and follow-up were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of ovarian carcinoma associated with pregnancy in our series was 0.083/1000 deliveries. Eleven (47.8%) were found with ovarian malignant germ cell tumors, five (21.7%) with low malignant potential tumors, four (17.4%) with invasive epithelial tumors, and three (13%) with sex cord stromal tumors. Seventeen (73.9%) of the patients were diagnosed in stage I and had complete remission. Five of the six in advanced stage died. The mean follow-up was 36.3 months. The prognosis was significantly related with stage and histological type (<it>P </it>< 0.05). Sixteen healthy live babies were recorded in this group, and two premature newborn died of respiratory distress syndrome. Chemotherapy was administered to 44% of the patients, in two cases during pregnancy. Overall survival at 5 years was 61%. In most of case conservative surgical treatment could be performed with adequate staging and debulking.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Early finding of ascitis by ultrasound and persistent large ovarian mass during pregnancy may be related to malignancy and advanced stage. Pregnant women in advanced stage of ovarian cancer seem to have poor prognosis.</p

    The administration of chemotherapy in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth and ovarian cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Standard adjuvant chemotherapy for epithelial ovarian carcinoma most commonly consists of a combination of carboplatin with a taxane derivative. However, treatment-related side effects such as peripheral neuropathy and neutropenia can be debilitating and in certain patient populations alterations may need to be considered. CASE: We describe a case of a patient with epithelial ovarian carcinoma who had pre-existing peripheral neuropathy secondary to Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT). She developed a distal sensory and motor neuropathy after her first treatment with carboplatin and paclitaxel and was unable to walk, write, or drive. Upon transfer of care to our center, we changed her taxane to docetaxel and her symptoms improved dramatically. We discuss the outcome of her treatment and the effects of paclitaxel on her underlying peripheral neuropathy. CONCLUSION: Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease who require chemotherapy may not be able to tolerate the neurotoxic side effects of paclitaxel-based chemotherapy. Consideration of alternative, less neurotoxic treatment regimens containing docetaxel may be considered

    Tolerability, Efficacy, and Safety of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin in Combination with Carboplatin Versus Gemcitabine–Carboplatin for the Treatment of Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    A review of the literature was used to compare the tolerability, efficacy, and safety profiles of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in combination with carboplatin with those of gemcitabine–carboplatin for the treatment of patients with platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer