269 research outputs found

    Content and practice of realization of mechanisms of public administration in vocation and technical training development at regional level

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    The article contains an analysis conducted on the basis of normativelegal documents of vocation-and-technical training’s formation and development within the context of the education system of Ukraine. There were determined peculiarities of content and viewed the practice of using mechanisms of state management in guiding vocation-and-technical training’s development at the regional level. Perspectives of modernizing the vocation-and-technical training system for national economy development were considered

    Напрями впровадження дуальної форми навчання у Національному технічному університеті "Харківський політехнічний інститут": державно-управлінський аспект

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    The article views the directions in the application of the dual form of training in the higher education system of Germany and considers a possibility of introducing its elements to the training process of a higher education institution of the National technical university "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"; there are specified the content and practical direction of implementing the dual form of training to the education process at a technical higher education establishment. Important perspective directions concerning the problematics in question is the introduction of elements of dual form training to vocation-and-technical training institutions of the I and II accreditation levels.У статті розглянуто напрями використання дуальної форми навчання в системі вищої освіти Німеччини та з'ясовано можливість впровадження її елементів в освітній процес вищого закладу освіти Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", конкретизовано зміст та практичну спрямованість імплементації дуальної форми навчання в освітній процес вищого технічного закладу освіти. Важливими перспективними напрямами щодо порушеної проблематики є впровадження елементів дуальної форми навчання в закладах професійно-технічної освіти І-ІІ рівнів акредитації

    Childhood Asthma Utilization Rates in a Nonsmoking Population of Utah Compared to State and National Rates

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    Risk factors, such as parental smoking, are commonly associated with increased asthma symptoms and hospitalizations of children. Deseret Mutual Benefits Administrators (DMBA) is the health insurer for employees of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their families. Due to religious proscription, employees abstain from alcohol and tobacco use, creating a cohort of children not exposed to parental smoking. Calculation of hospitalization rates for DMBA, Utah, and the US were made in children to compare rates between a nonsmoking population and general populations. Compared to DMBA, rate ratios for asthma hospitalization and emergency department asthma visits were higher for the US and Utah. The incidence of hospital outpatient department and physician office visits was significantly greater for the US population compared to the DMBA. This study demonstrates a decreased need for health services used by children not exposed to second-hand smoke

    Psychology of a leader’s managerial activity

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    This tutorial aid deals with the subject, functions and principles, psychological laws of a leader’s managerial activity, leadership and management, a leader’s role in managerial activity, methods of psychological influence in management systems, individual-and-psychological peculiarities of leader’s personality and his/her role in improving a collective’s social-and-psychological and moral-and psychological climate. For students of all specialities studying psychology course of a leader’s managerial activity

    Педагогіка успіху

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    The content and main directions of pedagogy of success study are considered. Authors show the necessity of professional self-conscience formation, which includes formation of self-know-ledge, positive self-image, awareness of self-concept and their role during the self-development process. Effectiveness of pedagogical conditions, which are required for the students focus on successful professional activity formation, is justified and experimentally verified. Various techniques that can be used for self-development and self-perfection are provided. Book is intended for graduate and postgraduate students, teachers of all specialties.Розглянуто зміст педагогіки успіху та основні напрямки її вивчення. Показано необ-хідність формування професійної самосвідомості: самопізнання, позитивної самооцінки, усвідомлення Я-концепції та їх роль у процесі саморозвитку. Обґрунтовано, експеримен-тально перевірено ефективність педагогічних умов, необхідних для формування спрямо-ваності студентів на успішну професійну діяльність. Наведено різні методики, які можуть бути використані для саморозвитку і самовдосконалення особистості. Призначено для студентів, магістрів, аспірантів і викладачів усіх спеціальностей

    Subject matter of Ukraine's vocational training's development: state administrative aspect

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    The article is devoted to the study of content of possible directions in reforming the system of vocational training in Ukraine as well as the analysis of conditions for passing the law on vocational training in Ukraine. There are determined the problem issues within the system of Ukraine’s vocational training sphere operation and possible ways of their solving within the state educational policies are offered in the article. Besides, the article contains the analysis results of prospects on accomplishment of certain tasks concerning development of vocational training education in Ukraine in the context of the existing institutional norms and propositions as to improvement of their content and usage practices

    Crotalus atrox venom preconditioning increases plasma fibrinogen and reduces perioperative hemorrhage in a rat model of surgical brain injury.

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    Perioperative bleeding is a potentially devastating complication in neurosurgical patients, and plasma fibrinogen concentration has been identified as a potential modifiable risk factor for perioperative bleeding. The aim of this study was to evaluate preconditioning with Crotalus atrox venom (Cv-PC) as potential preventive therapy for reducing perioperative hemorrhage in the rodent model of surgical brain injury (SBI). C. atrox venom contains snake venom metalloproteinases that cleave fibrinogen into fibrin split products without inducing clotting. Separately, fibrinogen split products induce fibrinogen production, thereby elevating plasma fibrinogen levels. Thus, the hypothesis was that preconditioning with C. atrox venom will produce fibrinogen spilt products, thereby upregulating fibrinogen levels, ultimately improving perioperative hemostasis during SBI. We observed that Cv-PC SBI animals had significantly reduced intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative hematoma volumes compared to those of vehicle preconditioned SBI animals. Cv-PC animals were also found to have higher levels of plasma fibrinogen at the time of surgery, with unchanged prothrombin time. Cv-PC studies with fractions of C. atrox venom suggest that snake venom metalloproteinases are largely responsible for the improved hemostasis by Cv-PC. Our findings indicate that Cv-PC increases plasma fibrinogen levels and may provide a promising therapy for reducing perioperative hemorrhage in elective surgeries