9 research outputs found

    Determination Methods Of Defrosted Protein-vegetable Mixtures Parameters Development

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    The aim of the work is to develop methods of investigating the influence of semolina and extruded semolina on quality and quantity parameters of mixtures with milk-protein concentrates in a cycle of freezing-defrost that allows to substantiate resource-saving in semi-products manufacturing.Obtained results of changes of the quality of protein-vegetable mixtures after the effect of negative temperatures confirm cryo-protective properties of carbohydrates of products of wheat processing.There were studied methods of extracting proteins of whey for getting albumin mass and using in the composition of milk-protein concentrates. It was established, that adding collagen-containing ingredients in amount 0,4 % for intensifying thermal coagulation of whey proteins decreases the duration of precipitation to (55±2) and (40±2) min respectively depending on a type of raw material processing. There were studied both native whey and protein concentrate, obtained by the method of ultra-filtration with mass share of dry substances (16±2) %.The method of thermal analysis determined a cryoscopic temperature of sour-milk fatless cheese and also albumin mass, obtained using «Collagen pro 4402». The calculation method, based on cryoscopic temperature indices determined an amount of moisture, frozen out in milk-whey mixtures with wheat processing products. The presented information is enough for estimating traditional modes of freezing milk-protein concentrates objectively.The obtained results of the studies indicate the effectiveness of the offered methods for determining parameters of protein-vegetable mixtures after defrosting. Measurements of quality parameters may be used for correcting mass losses of concentrates effectively


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    The aim of the work is to develop methods of investigating the influence of semolina and extruded semolina on quality and quantity parameters of mixtures with milk-protein concentrates in a cycle of freezing-defrost that allows to substantiate resource-saving in semi-products manufacturing. Obtained results of changes of the quality of protein-vegetable mixtures after the effect of negative temperatures confirm cryo-protective properties of carbohydrates of products of wheat processing. There were studied methods of extracting proteins of whey for getting albumin mass and using in the composition of milk-protein concentrates. It was established, that adding collagen-containing ingredients in amount 0,4 % for intensifying thermal coagulation of whey proteins decreases the duration of precipitation to (55±2) and (40±2) min respectively depending on a type of raw material processing. There were studied both native whey and protein concentrate, obtained by the method of ultra-filtration with mass share of dry substances (16±2) %. The method of thermal analysis determined a cryoscopic temperature of sour-milk fatless cheese and also albumin mass, obtained using «Collagen pro 4402». The calculation method, based on cryoscopic temperature indices determined an amount of moisture, frozen out in milk-whey mixtures with wheat processing products. The presented information is enough for estimating traditional modes of freezing milk-protein concentrates objectively. The obtained results of the studies indicate the effectiveness of the offered methods for determining parameters of protein-vegetable mixtures after defrosting. Measurements of quality parameters may be used for correcting mass losses of concentrates effectively

    Вплив продуктів переробки зернових на показники заморожених молочно-білкових сумішей

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    This paper reports a study into the influence of manna groats and extruded manna groats on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of milk and protein concentrates over a freezing–defrosting cycle. A slight change in the quality of protein­plant mixtures after defrosting confirms the cryoprotective properties of carbohydrates of plant components.The capability to preserve albumin mass at negative temperatures with its subsequent use as the milk­protein basis for semi­finished products was proven.The feasibility of using a collagen­containing ingredient in the amount of 0.4 % for the intensification of the thermal­acid coagulation of whey proteins was proven experimentally. The process was performed both in native whey and in protein concentrate with a mass fraction of dry substances of (16±2) %, obtained by the ultrafiltration method. It was revealed that coagulation duration is (55±2) min and (40±2) min, respectively, at a temperature of (95±2) °C. A decrease in the duration of the process correlates with a decrease in power consumption. Adding albumin mass, in addition to cottage cheese, to the formulation of semi­products would increase milk protein resources.We report results of research into cryoscopic temperature of mixes based on cottage cheese with manna groats and extruded manna groats, as well as of the albumin mass obtained with the use of “Collagen pro 4402”. The amount of frozen moisture in milk and protein mixtures with wheat processing products was determined by the calculation method. It was proven that the modification of the carbohydrate complex of grains by means of extrusion ensures an increase in binding free moisture in protein­plant mixtures during defrostingПредставлено исследование влияния крупы манной и экструдированной на качественные и количественные показатели молочно-белковых концентратов в цикле замораживания – размораживания. Незначительное изменение качества белково-растительных смесей после размораживания, подтверждают криопротекторные свойства углеводов растительных компонентов.Доказана возможность сохранения при отрицательных температурах альбуминной массы с последующим использованием в качестве молочно-белковой основы для полуфабрикатов.Экспериментально подтверждена целесообразность использования коллагенсодержащего ингредиента в количестве 0,4 % для интенсификации термокислотной коагуляции сывороточных белков. Поцесс осуществляли как в нативной молочной сыворотке, так и в белковом концентрате с массовой долей cухих веществ (16±2) %, полученного методом ультрафильтрации. Выявлено, что продолжительность коагуляции – (55±2) мин и (40±2) мин соответственно при температуре (95±2) ° C. Уменьшение времени процесса коррелирует со снижением энергозатрат. Добавление в рецептуры полуфабрикатов кроме творога альбуминной массы позволит увеличить ресурсы молочного белка.Представлены исследования криоскопической температуры смесей на основе творога с крупой манной и екструдированной, а также альбуминной массой полученной с использованием «Коллаген pro 4402». Расчетным методом на основе криоскопической температуры, определено количество вымороженной влаги в молочно-белковых смесях с продуктами переработки пшеницы. Подтверждено, что модификация углеводного комплекса зерновых путем экструдирования обеспечивает повышение связывания свободной влаги в белково-растительных смесях при размораживанииПредставлено дослідження впливу крупи манної та екструдованої на якісні та кількісні показники молочно-білкових концентратів в циклі заморожування – розморожування. Незначні зміни якості білково-рослинних сумішей після розморожування підтверджують кріопротекторну дію вуглеводів рослинних складових.Доведено можливість збереження за від'ємних температур альбумінної маси з подальшим використанням в якості молочно-білкової основи для напівфабрикатів.Експериментально підтверджена доцільність використання колагенвмісного інгредієнту в кількості 0,4 % для інтенсифікації термокислотної коагуляції сироваткових білків. Процес проводився як в нативній молочній сироватці, так і в концентраті білковому з масовою часткою cухих речовин (16±2)%, отриманого методом ультрафільтрації. Виявлено, що тривалість коагулювання – (55±2) хв та (40±2) хв відповідно за температури (95±2)°C. Зменшення часу процесу корелюється із зниженням енерговитрат. Додавання в рецептури напівфабрикатів окрім сиру кисломолочного альбумінної маси дозволить збільшити ресурси молочного білку.Представлено дослідження кріоскопічної температури сумішей на основі сиру кисломолчного з крупою манною і екструдуваою, а також альбумінної маси отриманої з використанням «Колаген pro 4402». Розрахунковим методом на основі кріоскопічної температури, визначено кількість вимороженої вологи в молочно-білкових сумішах з продуктами переробки пшениці. Підтверджено, що модифікація вуглеводного комплексу зернових шляхом екструдування забезпечує підвищення зв’язування вільної вологи в біково-рослинних сумішах при розморожуванн

    Дослідження лактозброджуючих дріжджів Kluyveromyces lactis для ферментації сировотки з яблучним пектином

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    This study was carried out by using whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture as a fermentative medium in order to evaluate the biochemical activity of lactose–fermenting of some Kluyveromyces lactis strains during fermentation. The fermentation medium contained whey and apple pectin in the fiber in the ratio 9:1. Ten lactose–fermenting Kluyveromyces lactis strains coded 42 K, 95, 300, 304,317, 318, 325, 469, 868–K and 2452 were investigated.During cultivation in aerobic conditions the biomass yield was the highest by yeast cultivation in whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture with Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain (71.3˟106 CFU/ml). Maximum biomass accumulation of Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain was achieved on the 30 h of cultivation at a temperature of 30±2° С. But the addition of apple pectin in the fiber into whey caused lactose–fermenting yeast growth inhibition (in exponential multiplication phase 1.59 % less biomass accumulation compared with the sample without apple pectin in the fiber).During the alcoholic fermentation, the dynamics of CO2 accumulation is positively correlated with the dynamics of biomass accumulation. Maximum CO2 content and ethanol content were observed after 30 h of fermentation at an optimal temperature of 32° С. The best contents of higher alcohols, aldehydes and esters were obtained in whey and APF fermented beverage by using Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain which consists of low contents of n–propane (1.84 mg/l), isobutane (29.30 mg/l), acetaldehyde (27 mg/l), and high contents of 2–methyl–1–butanol (73.52 mg/l), 3–methyl–1–butanol (211.11 mg/l), methylacetate (10.61 mg/l) and ethylacetate (85.11 mg/l).Оценка лактоферментирующих дрожжей для смеси сыворотки и яблочного пектина в клетчатке позволила выбрать Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K как наиболее эффективные для получения ферментированного напитка с высокими ароматическими свойствами. Установлена их рациональная температура ферментации 30...32 °С, при которой наблюдается максимальное накопление дрожжевых клеток 70,5...71,2 млн/см3 и этилового спирта 0,64...0,69 % об. Оцінка лактозозброджувальних дріжджів для ферментації суміші сироватки та яблучного пектину в клітковині дозволила обрати Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K як найбільш ефективні для одержання ферментованих напоїв високих ароматичних властивостей. Встановлена раціональна температура їх ферментації 30...32 °С, при якій спостерігається максимальне накопичення дріжджових клітин 70,5...71,2 млн/см3 та етилового спирту 0,64...0,69 % об.

    Study of Lactose–fermenting Yeasts Kluyveromyces Lactis for Whey and Apple Pectin Mixture Fermentation

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    This study was carried out by using whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture as a fermentative medium in order to evaluate the biochemical activity of lactose–fermenting of some Kluyveromyces lactis strains during fermentation. The fermentation medium contained whey and apple pectin in the fiber in the ratio 9:1. Ten lactose–fermenting Kluyveromyces lactis strains coded 42 K, 95, 300, 304,317, 318, 325, 469, 868–K and 2452 were investigated.During cultivation in aerobic conditions the biomass yield was the highest by yeast cultivation in whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture with Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain (71.3˟106 CFU/ml). Maximum biomass accumulation of Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain was achieved on the 30 h of cultivation at a temperature of 30±2° С. But the addition of apple pectin in the fiber into whey caused lactose–fermenting yeast growth inhibition (in exponential multiplication phase 1.59 % less biomass accumulation compared with the sample without apple pectin in the fiber).During the alcoholic fermentation, the dynamics of CO2 accumulation is positively correlated with the dynamics of biomass accumulation. Maximum CO2 content and ethanol content were observed after 30 h of fermentation at an optimal temperature of 32° С. The best contents of higher alcohols, aldehydes and esters were obtained in whey and APF fermented beverage by using Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain which consists of low contents of n–propane (1.84 mg/l), isobutane (29.30 mg/l), acetaldehyde (27 mg/l), and high contents of 2–methyl–1–Butanol (73.52 mg/l), 3–methyl–1–Butanol (211.11 mg/l), methylacetate (10.61 mg/l) and ethylacetate (85.11 mg/l)

    Influence of Grain Processing Products on the Indicators of Frozen Milk­protein Mixtures

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    This paper reports a study into the influence of manna groats and extruded manna groats on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of milk and protein concentrates over a freezing–defrosting cycle. A slight change in the quality of protein­plant mixtures after defrosting confirms the cryoprotective properties of carbohydrates of plant components.The capability to preserve albumin mass at negative temperatures with its subsequent use as the milk­protein basis for semi­finished products was proven.The feasibility of using a collagen­containing ingredient in the amount of 0.4 % for the intensification of the thermal­acid coagulation of whey proteins was proven experimentally. The process was performed both in native whey and in protein concentrate with a mass fraction of dry substances of (16±2) %, obtained by the ultrafiltration method. It was revealed that coagulation duration is (55±2) min and (40±2) min, respectively, at a temperature of (95±2) °C. A decrease in the duration of the process correlates with a decrease in power consumption. Adding albumin mass, in addition to cottage cheese, to the formulation of semi­products would increase milk protein resources.We report results of research into cryoscopic temperature of mixes based on cottage cheese with manna groats and extruded manna groats, as well as of the albumin mass obtained with the use of “Collagen pro 4402”. The amount of frozen moisture in milk and protein mixtures with wheat processing products was determined by the calculation method. It was proven that the modification of the carbohydrate complex of grains by means of extrusion ensures an increase in binding free moisture in protein­plant mixtures during defrostin

    Sports injuries and illnesses at the Lausanne 2020 Youth Olympic Winter Games: a prospective study of 1783 athletes from 79 countries

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    Objective: To describe the injury and illness characteristics among participating athletes during the Lausanne 2020 Youth Olympic Winter Games (YOG 2020), 9–22 January 2020.Methods: The daily number of athlete injuries and illnesses were recorded (1) through the reporting of all National Olympic Committee (NOC) medical teams and (2) in the polyclinic and medical venues by the Lausanne 2020 medical staff.Results: In total, 1783 athletes from 79 NOCs were observed. NOC and Lausanne 2020 medical staff reported 228 injuries and 167 illnesses, equating 11.7 injuries and 8.6 illnesses per 100 athletes over the 14-day period. Injury incidence was highest for snowboard slopestyle (39%), bobsleigh (36%), snowboard big air (29%), ski slopestyle (29%), snowboard cross (24%) and ski cross (21%), and lowest for speed skating, snowboard halfpipe and curling (2%–4%). The highest incidence of illness was recorded for curling (21%), ski mountaineering (15%), snowboard halfpipe (13%), bobsleigh (11%), cross-country skiing (10%) and figure skating (10%). Almost one-third of injuries were expected to result in time loss and 17% of illnesses. Most injuries occurred to the knee (12%) and head (11%), and 64% of illnesses affected the respiratory system. Overall, women suffered more injuries and illness than males.Conclusion: Overall, injury and illness rates were similar compared with recent YOG. While the rate and characteristics of injury and illness varied between sports, consistent patterns across YOG are emerging. If addressed, changes in highlighted areas of risk could have a positive impact on the health and well-being of these young athletes

    Development of DNA aptamers for visualization of glial brain tumors and detection of circulating tumor cells

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    Here, we present DNA aptamers capable of specific binding to glial tumor cells in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo for visualization diagnostics of central nervous system tumors. We selected the aptamers binding specifically to the postoperative human glial primary tumors and not to the healthy brain cells and meningioma, using a modified process of systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment to cells; sequenced and analyzed ssDNA pools using bioinformatic tools and identified the best aptamers by their binding abilities; determined three-dimensional structures of lead aptamers (Gli-55 and Gli-233) with small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular modeling; isolated and identified molecular target proteins of the aptamers by mass spectrometry; the potential binding sites of Gli-233 to the target protein and the role of post-translational modifications were verified by molecular dynamics simulations. The anti-glioma aptamers Gli-233 and Gli-55 were used to detect circulating tumor cells in liquid biopsies. These aptamers were used for in situ, ex vivo tissue staining, histopathological analyses, and fluorescence-guided tumor and PET/CT tumor visualization in mice with xenotransplanted human astrocytoma. The aptamers did not show in vivo toxicity in the preclinical animal study. This study demonstrates the potential applications of aptamers for precise diagnostics and fluorescence-guided surgery of brain tumors.peerReviewe