4 research outputs found
Extracinematic animation: Gregory Barsamian in conversation with Suzanne Buchan
Gregory Barsamian's strobe-lit kinetic sculptures create an experience that places observers in a perceptual paradox that oscillates between the illusion of animated cinema and the phenomenal presence of real objects that share the viewer's physical presence in space and time. The conversation reveals Barsamian's working methods, his aesthetic and philosophical influences and intentions and his artistic relationship with animated illustion
Machine Times
This book of essays, interviews and art projects forms the catalogue to the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2000. Theoretical texts and discussions interspersed with descriptions of the works from the event together explore time as a technological concept in its various physical, cultural, musical, and biological aspects, as well as its artistic, scientific, and economic deployments. Biographical notes. 42 bibl. ref
Images du futur '93
The catalogue of this 8th annual exhibition of art and new technologies briefly documents the work of 41 artists working in numerous media, including many interactive works. Artists' statements and biographical notes