1,642 research outputs found

    Rapport au Roi Souverain : rapport de la Commission d'EnquĂȘte ; A. M. le SecrĂ©taire d'État de l'État IndĂ©pendant du Congo [31 octobre 1905]

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    Bakgrund: Den palliativa vĂ„rden för hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdspersonal innebĂ€r att försöka uppnĂ„ den döende personens maximala livskvalitet och att lindra lidandet. VĂ„rden lutar sig mot det nationella vĂ„rdprogrammet för palliativ vĂ„rd samt International Council of Nurses, ICN. Sjuksköterskans roll och uppgifter inom vĂ„rden beskrivs dĂ€r Ă€ven de fyra hörnstenarna belyses. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter vid vĂ„rd av patienter med palliativ diagnos. Metod: Examensarbetet Ă€r en litteraturöversikt baserad pĂ„ Fribergs analysmetod. Denna litteraturöversikt inkluderar tio vetenskapliga artiklar som har sökts i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Som en teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt har Patricia Benners teori frĂ„n novis till expert valts som en diskussion i resultatdiskussionen. Resultat: Sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter av att vĂ„rda patienter med en palliativ diagnos resulterade i fyra huvudteman i litteraturöversikten; kommunikation, nĂ€rstĂ„ende och relation, vĂ„rdteamet samt kunskap och erfarenheter. Diskussion: Resultatet i litteraturöversikten har diskuterats utifrĂ„n Benners teori. Sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter belystes genom fyra teman – kunskap och erfarenhet, nĂ€rstĂ„endestöd, kommunikation mellan kollegor och gentemot patienten samt kultur som upplevd svĂ„righet.Background: Palliative care for health professional means trying to achieve the maximum dying person's quality of life and ease suffering. The palliative care for health professionals means to try to achieve the dying person's maximum quality of life and alleviate suffering. The care inclined towards the Swedish national health care program for palliative care and the International Council of Nurses, ICN. The nurse's role and tasks in health care are described where even the four cornerstones elucidated. Aim: To elucidate the nurses perceived difficulties in nursing patients with palliative diagnosis. Method: The thesis is a literature review based on Friberg's analysis. This literature review includes ten scientific articles that have been searched in the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed. As a theoretical base, Patricia Benner's theory from novice to expert was selected as a discussion of the results discussion. Results: The nurses perceived difficulties of caring for patients with a palliative diagnosis resulted in four main themes in the literature; communication, family and relationship, the health care team as well as knowledge and experience. Discussion: The results of the literature review are discussed based on Benner's theory. The nurses' perceived difficulties irradiated by four themes – knowledge and experience, family support, communication between colleagues and towards the patient as well the culture as perceived difficulties

    Adaptive latitudinal variation in Common Blackbird Turdus merula nest characteristics

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    Nest construction is taxonomically widespread, yet our understanding of adaptive intraspecific variation in nest design remains poor. Nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to predictable variation in spring temperatures over large spatial scales, yet such variation in nest design remains largely overlooked, particularly amongst open-cup-nesting birds. Here, we systematically examined the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures and precipitation on the morphology, volume, composition, and insulatory properties of open-cup-nesting Common Blackbirds’ Turdus merula nests to test the hypothesis that birds living in cooler environments at more northerly latitudes would build better insulated nests than conspecifics living in warmer environments at more southerly latitudes. As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the external diameter of nests decreased. However, as nest wall thickness also decreased, there was no variation in the diameter of the internal nest cups. Only the mass of dry grasses within nests decreased with warmer temperatures at lower latitudes. The insulatory properties of nests declined with warmer temperatures at lower latitudes and nests containing greater amounts of dry grasses had higher insulatory properties. The insulatory properties of nests decreased with warmer temperatures at lower latitudes, via changes in morphology (wall thickness) and composition (dry grasses). Meanwhile, spring precipitation did not vary with latitude, and none of the nest characteristics varied with spring precipitation. This suggests that Common Blackbirds nesting at higher latitudes were building nests with thicker walls in order to counteract the cooler temperatures. We have provided evidence that the nest construction behavior of open-cup-nesting birds systematically varies in response to large-scale spatial variation in spring temperatures

    Extensive spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections after primate spinal cord injury.

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    Although axonal regeneration after CNS injury is limited, partial injury is frequently accompanied by extensive functional recovery. To investigate mechanisms underlying spontaneous recovery after incomplete spinal cord injury, we administered C7 spinal cord hemisections to adult rhesus monkeys and analyzed behavioral, electrophysiological and anatomical adaptations. We found marked spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections, with reconstitution of fully 60% of pre-lesion axon density arising from sprouting of spinal cord midline-crossing axons. This extensive anatomical recovery was associated with improvement in coordinated muscle recruitment, hand function and locomotion. These findings identify what may be the most extensive natural recovery of mammalian axonal projections after nervous system injury observed to date, highlighting an important role for primate models in translational disease research

    Repolarization of ferroelectric superlattices BaZrO3/BaTiO3

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    The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation, project No. № 17-72-20105

    Study of LHC Searches for a Lepton and Many Jets

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    Searches for new physics in high-multiplicity events with little or no missing energy are an important component of the LHC program, complementary to analyses that rely on missing energy. We consider the potential reach of searches for events with a lepton and six or more jets, and show they can provide increased sensitivity to many supersymmetric and exotic models that would not be detected through standard missing-energy analyses. Among these are supersymmetric models with gauge mediation, R-parity violation, and light hidden sectors. Moreover, ATLAS and CMS measurements suggest the primary background in this channel is from t-tbar, rather than W+jets or QCD, which reduces the complexity of background modeling necessary for such a search. We also comment on related searches where the lepton is replaced with another visible object, such as a Z boson.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    New massive supergravity multiplets

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    We present new off-shell formulations for the massive superspin-3/2 multiplet. In the massless limit, they reduce respectively to the old minimal (n=-1/3) and non-minimal (n≠−1/3,0n\neq -1/3, 0) linearized formulations for 4D N=1 supergravity. Duality transformations, which relate the models constructed, are derived.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX; v2: minor changes, references adde
