251 research outputs found

    Helping End-User Programmers “Engineer” Dependable Software

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    Not long ago, most software was written by professional programmers, who could be presumed to have an interest in software engineering methodologies and in tools and techniques for improving software dependability. Today, however, a great deal of software is written not by professionals but by end-users, who create applications such as multimedia simulations, dynamic web pages, and spreadsheets. Applications such as these are often used to guide important decisions or aid in important tasks, and it is important that they be sufficiently dependable, but evidence shows that they frequently are not. For example, studies have shown that a large percentage of the spreadsheets created by end-users contain faults, and stories abound of spreadsheet faults that have led to multi-million dollar losses. Despite such evidence, until recently, relatively little research had been done to help end-users create more dependable software

    On the Use of Mutation Faults in Empirical Assessments of Test Case Prioritization Techniques

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    Regression testing is an important activity in the software life cycle, but it can also be very expensive. To reduce the cost of regression testing, software testers may prioritize their test cases so that those which are more important, by some measure, are run earlier in the regression testing process. One potential goal of test case prioritization techniques is to increase a test suite’s rate of fault detection (how quickly, in a run of its test cases, that test suite can detect faults). Previous work has shown that prioritization can improve a test suite’s rate of fault detection, but the assessment of prioritization techniques has been limited primarily to hand-seeded faults, largely due to the belief that such faults are more realistic than automatically generated (mutation) faults. A recent empirical study, however, suggests that mutation faults can be representative of real faults and that the use of hand-seeded faults can be problematic for the validity of empirical results focusing on fault detection. We have therefore designed and performed two controlled experiments assessing the ability of prioritization techniques to improve the rate of fault detection of test case prioritization techniques, measured relative to mutation faults. Our results show that prioritization can be effective relative to the faults considered, and they expose ways in which that effectiveness can vary with characteristics of faults and test suites. More importantly, a comparison of our results with those collected using hand-seeded faults reveals several implications for researchers performing empirical studies of test case prioritization techniques in particular and testing techniques in general

    Infrastructure Support for Controlled Experimentation with Software Testing and Regression Testing Techniques

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    Where the development, understanding, and assessment of software testing and regression testing techniques are concerned, controlled experimentation is an indispensable research methodology. Obtaining the infrastructure necessary to support rigorous controlled experimentation with testing techniques, however, is difficult and expensive. As a result, progress in experimentation with testing techniques has been slow, and empirical data on the costs and effectiveness of testing techniques remains relatively scarce. To help address this problem, we have been designing and constructing infrastructure to support controlled experimentation with software testing and regression testing techniques. This paper reports on the challenges faced by researchers experimenting with testing techniques, including those that inform the design of our infrastructure. The paper then describes the infrastructure that we are creating in response to these challenges, and that we are now making available to other researchers, and discusses the impact that this infrastructure has and can be expected to have on controlled experimentation with testing techniques

    A Methodology to Improve Dependability in Spreadsheets

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    Platinum: Reusing Constraint Solutions in Bounded Analysis of Relational Logic

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    Alloy is a light weight specification language based on relational logic, with an analysis engine that relies on SAT solvers to automate bounded verifica- tion of specifications. In spite of its strengths, the reliance of the Alloy Analyzer on computationally heavy solvers means that it can take a significant amount of time to verify software properties, even within limited bounds. This challenge is exacerbated by the ever-evolving nature of complex software systems. This paper presents PLATINUM, a technique for efficient analysis of evolving Alloy specifications, that recognizes opportunities for constraint reduction and reuse of previously identified constraint solutions. The insight behind PLATINUM is that formula constraints recur often during the analysis of a single specification and across its revisions, and constraint solutions can be reused over sequences of anal- yses performed on evolving specifications. Our empirical results show that PLAT- INUM substantially reduces (by 66.4% on average) the analysis time required on specifications extracted from real-world software systems

    Dynamic Characterization of Web Application Interfaces

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    Web applications are increasingly prominent in society, serving a wide variety of user needs. Engineers seeking to enhance, test, and maintain these applications and third-party programmers wishing to utilize these applications need to understand their interfaces. In this paper, therefore, we present methodologies for characterizing the interfaces of web applications through a form of dynamic analysis, in which directed requests are sent to the application, and responses are analyzed to draw inferences about its interface. We also provide mechanisms to increase the scalability of the approach. Finally, we evaluate the approach’s performance on six non-trivial web applications

    The Impact of Test Suite Granularity on the CostEffectiveness of Regression Testing

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    Regression testing is an expensive testing process used to validate software following modifications. The cost-effectiveness of regression testing techniques varies with characteristics of test suites. One such characteristic, test suite granularity, involves the way in which test inputs are grouped into test cases within a test suite. Various cost-benefits tradeoffs have been attributed to choices of test suite granularity, but almost no research has formally examined these tradeoffs. To address this lack, we conducted several controlled experiments, examining the effects of test suite granularity on the costs and benefits of several controlled experiments, examining the effects of test suite granularity on the costs and benefits of several regression testing methodologies across six releases of two non-trivial software systems. Our results expose essential tradeoffs to consider when designing test suites for use in regression testing evolving systems
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