20 research outputs found

    Concurrent effects of different psychological processes in the prediction of depressive symptoms - the role of cognitive fusion

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    Cognitive fusion refers to the dominance of verbal processes over behavior regulation, in detriment of being sensitive to contextual contingencies and pursuing valued life goals. It is a core process within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and seems to have a crucial role in the development and maintenance of psychopathology. The first goal of this investigation was to explore the factor structure, factorial invariance and psychometrics of the Portuguese version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ). A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis attested the invariant one-dimensional factor structure of the CFQ across three samples from the general population (n = 408; n = 291; n = 101) with different demographic characteristics. Additionally, the CFQ showed to be a psychometrically robust and reliable measure. A second major goal was to investigate the convergent and incremental validity of this version of CFQ (n = 408). Convergent validity was explored and attested with several psychological indicators. Regarding incremental validity, the predictive power of depressive symptoms of cognitive fusion and three related processes, with origin in different conceptual frameworks, was tested. Results showed that even when the effects of decentering, mindfulness and metacognitions were controlled for, cognitive fusion consistently maintained a significant and unique predictive power over depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that these processes relate differentially and independently with depressive symptoms and, moreover, that cognitive fusion has a superior contribution to its explanation. Given the evidence that cognitive fusion plays an important role in the comprehension of depressive symptoms, conceptual and clinical implications were discussed

    Facetas de mindfulness: características psicométricas de um instrumento de avaliação

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    Mindfulness has been defined as paying attention with purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. Several measures of this construct have been developed. In this paper we propose to explore the underlying structure of the Portuguese version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). 821 individuals completed the FFMQ, as well as some other measures of psychopathology. The Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested a five-factor solution accounting for 50.48% of the variance after factor extraction. The facets were internally consistent and showed moderate positive correlations, except some unexpected negative correlations with the Observe and Non-judge facets. Most of the correlations between the five mindfulness facets and other psychological constructs resulted as expected, except for the facet Observe that behaved in a way not entirely consistent with the others. This study results shows the Portuguese version of the FFMQ as valid to the Portuguese population.La pleine conscience se définit comme l’acte de porter attention sur le moment présent de façon intentionnelle et sans jugement de valeur. Ces dernières années, divers instruments ont été développés pour mesurer la Pleine Conscience. Cet article présente l’adaptation du Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) pour la population portugaise. 821 sujets ont complété le FFMQ, ainsi que d’autres questionnaires de mesure de psychopathologie. L’Analyse Factorielle Exploratoire a identifié une solution de cinq facteurs pour expliquer 50.48% de la variance total. Les facettes présentent de bons indices de consistance interne et possèdent des corrélations modérées entre elles, à l’exception de quelques corrélations inespérées avec les facettes Observer et Non-jugement. Les corrélations entre les facettes et autres construits psychologiques ont été dans le sens prévu, à l’exception de la facette Observer qui a suivi une évolution contraire aux restantes. Les résultats de cette étude de validité indiquent que le FFMQ portugaise est approprié pour la population portugaise.O mindfulness tem sido definido como prestar atenção com propósito, no momento presente e sem ajuizar a experiência. Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidos vários instrumentos de medida do mindfulness. Este artigo tem como objectivo apresentar a aferição do Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) para a população portuguesa. 821 Sujeitos completaram o FFMQ e outras medidas de psicopatologia. A Análise Factorial Exploratória mostrou uma solução de cinco factores a explicar 50.48% da variância total. As facetas apresentaram uma boa consistência interna e mostraram-se moderadamente correlacionadas entre si, à excepção de algumas correlações inesperadas com as facetas Observar e Não Julgar. As correlações entre as facetas e outros constructos psicológicos foram no sentido previsto, à excepção da faceta Observar que se comportou de modo contrário às restantes, à semelhança do que aconteceu no estudo original. Os resultados deste estudo de validação mostram que o Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness é apropriado para a população portuguesa

    Ecology and diversity of Solanum trisectum Dunal from Madeira Island: implications for Its conservation

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    Solanum trisectum Dunal is an endemic Solanaceae of Madeira Island (Portugal), considered critically endangered due to its extreme rarity. Since its discovery this species has shown a narrow distributional range mainly on the northern side of the island, with scattered and small populations and large time gaps between sightings. The present work aimed to understand the underlying ecological underpinnings for this species rarity towards an effort to increase the success of conservation actions. Data on historical locations, environmental conditions field surveys, reinforcement in situ and ex situ germination trials were obtained. The species was found to currently occur only in two wild populations and two reinforcement sites, amounting to twenty-four plants in total. Statistical analysis of these data related wild populations and successful reinforcement sites, separating them from other sites where the reinforcement did not succeed. This suggests that the successful reinforcement sites showed conditions more similar to wild population sites compared to non-successful ones. The data obtained supports the hypothesis that S. trisectum distribution and rarity is determined by species specific habitat needs, i.e., abiotic conditions, which have been for the first time assessed during the present work. Further, this study also reinforces the classification of S. trisectum as a top priority species for conservation.Prospecting, Monitoring and Conservation of Normania triphylla in Madeira (Mohamed bin Zayed Species (project number 13255498)) and Madeira PO 14-20, contract CASBIO (ref M1420-01- 0145-FEDER-000011 ).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seminário Permanente em Estudos Africanos

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013A presente publicação inscreve-se no âmbito das atividades do Seminário Permanente em Estudos Africanos do CHAM. Apresenta uma recolha de contributos de autores que vêm acrescentando novos dados teóricos e críticos sobre textos africanos, a par da introdução, divulgação e análise de produção nos domínios das artes, educação, história e cultura. Os três primeiros textos são sobre autores ou obras literárias; o quarto explora conexões entre literatura e etnografia; os dois seguintes são sobre cinema, nomeadamente o filme "A Batalha de Tabatô"; segue‐se um trabalho sobre Hip‐hop em Cabo Verde; e o livro fecha com um trabalho de investigação sobre questões educativas em S. Tomé e Príncipe. O tema estratégico "Fronteiras" está presente neste volume não só pela evidência da diversidade disciplinar conseguida, mas também pelo facto de os seus textos interpelarem realidades históricas, sociais e do domínio criativo através de novos lugares de exercício crítico.publishersversionpublishe

    Mindfulness: implicações clínicas

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    Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraNa literatura empírica, o mindfulness é essencialmente tratado como uma técnica, um método abrangente, um processo psicológico com resultados e como o próprio resultado de um processo psicológico (e.g., Germer, 2005; Hayes & Wilson, 2003). O presente trabalho reuniu como principais objectivos explorar as características psicométricas de dois instrumentos de mindfulness; explorar longitudinalmente o papel mediador do mindfulness disposicional no estado emocional de estudantes universitários; comparar o impacto ao nível emocional da ruminação e da supressão de pensamento com uma indução laboratorial de mindfulness; e, por último, explorar um programa-piloto baseado no mindfulness adaptado para a ansiedade aos exames em estudantes universitários. O presente trabalho envolveu a realização de diferentes estudos, com diversos desenhos e procedimentos metodológicos, e a utilização de vários questionários de auto-resposta na medida de variáveis psicológicas, em várias amostras da população geral portuguesa: 821 sujeitos na adaptação do Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ, Baer et al., 2006); 530 sujeitos no estudo da Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS, Brown & Ryan, 2003); 80 participantes num estudo longitudinal; 124 sujeitos num estudo experimental; e 33 participantes num estudo de intervenção baseada no mindfulness. Nos estudos psicométricos, tanto o FFMQ como o MAAS replicaram a sua estrutura factorial original, apresentaram boa consistência interna, validade convergente e discriminante. No âmbito do estudo longitudinal, a faceta de mindfulness não julgar mostrou consistentemente um papel mediador na relação entre a propensão para a ansiedade aos exames e estados emocionais de ansiedade e de depressão em diferentes momentos de um ano lectivo. No estudo experimental, na sequência de uma indução experimental de humor negativo os grupos de supressão de pensamento e de mindfulness reportaram um decréscimo significativo imediato na ansiedade e evitamento aos exames, e também no nível de afecto negativo, ao contrário do grupo da ruminação. Os grupos de mindfulness e a supressão de pensamento reportaram também um aumento do afecto positivo, novamente ao contrário do grupo da ruminação. No estudo clínico, a implementação de uma intervenção baseada no mindfulness associou-se a um aumento significativo no nível de mindfulness disposicional dos participantes, assim como a uma diminuição significativa na propensão para a ansiedade aos exames e na preocupação relacionada com os exames, comparativamente a um grupo de controlo. Adicionalmente, este estudo identificou as dimensões associadas ao observar e a não reagir como sendo centrais na iniciação à meditação mindfulness. Ambas as medidas de mindfulness exploradas ao nível psicométrico revelaram boas propriedades no âmbito da adaptação à população geral portuguesa. No estudo longitudinal o mindfulness disposicional mostrou-se protector do impacto da ansiedade aos exames na sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva dos estudantes universitários. No âmbito do estudo experimental, a breve indução de um estado de mindfulness resultou em efeitos imediatos na regulação de um estado de humor negativo. Finalmente, o estudo de intervenção de mindfulness contribuiu para melhor funcionamento ao nível da ansiedade aos exames de estudantes universitários, apontando para a pertinência da sua futura exploração. Em conjunto estes resultados apontam para a relevância clínica do constructo de mindfulness, tanto como uma característica disposicional inata, como na qualidade de um estado breve, e ainda enquanto treino de competências, sobretudo na regulação emocional dos indivíduos. Mais especificamente reuniu-se evidência da importância do mindfulness enquanto capacidade de observar a experiência, sem ajuizar e sem lhe reagir.In the empirical literature mindfulness is fundamentally regarded as a technique, a broad method, a psychological process with results and as the result itself of a psychological process (e.g., Germer, 2005a; Hayes & Wilson, 2003). The current thesis main aims were to: explore the psychometric properties of two mindfulness measures; explore longitudinally the mediator role of dispositional mindfulness in negative emotional states of undergraduate students; compare the emotional impact of rumination and thought suppression with that of a experimental induction of mindfulness; and, as last, explore a pilot mindfulness-based program adapted for test anxiety in university students. The present work entailed several studies with different methodological designs and procedures, and the use of several self-report questionnaires measuring psychological variables, in different samples of the Portuguese general community population: 821 participants in the adaptation of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ, Baer et al., 2006); 530 participants in the study of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS, Brown & Ryan, 2003); 80 participants in a longitudinal study; 124 participants in an experimental study; and 33 participants in the mindfulness-based intervention study. In the psychometric studies, both FFMQ and MAAS corroborated the original factorial structure, presented good internal consistencies, convergent and discriminant validities. In the longitudinal study, the mindfulness facet nonjudge was consistently found as a mediator on the relationship between proneness to test anxiety and anxiety and depression emotional states through the course of the school year. In the experimental study, following an experimental induction of negative affect, thought suppression and mindfulness groups revealed a significant immediate decrease of test anxiety, test avoidance, and negative affect, contrary to the rumination group. Also, both mindfulness and thought suppression groups associated with an increase on positive affect, again contrary to rumination group. In the intervention study, a mindfulness-based treatment associated with a significant increase on mindfulness at a trait-level and a significant improve in worry and test anxiety proneness, when compared to a control group. Also, this study identified observe and non-react mindfulness facets as central to the initiation of mindfulness meditation. Both mindfulness measures adapted to the Portuguese general population revealed sound psychometric properties. In the longitudinal study trait mindfulness was a buffer against the impact of test anxiety on anxious and depressive symptomatology in university students. In the experimental study, a brief induction of a mindfulness state had immediate effects on the regulation of a negative affect state. Finally, in the intervention study, mindfulness contributed to a better functioning in the test anxiety of university students, suggesting the importance of further exploring these findings. Altogether these findings emphasize the clinical relevance of mindfulness, as an innate capacity, as a brief state, as well as integrated in a treatment approach, particularly in respect to the individual’s emotion regulation. Specifically, to the importance of mindfulness as the capacity of observing, non-judgmentally and nonreacting to experience.FCT - SFRH / BD / 40290 / 200

    Mindful Attention and Awareness: Relationships with Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation

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    The growing interest in mindfulness from the scientific community has originated several self-report measures of this psychological construct. The Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) is a self-report measure of mindfulness at a trait-level. This paper aims at exploring MAAS psychometric characteristics and validating it for the Portuguese population. The first two studies replicate some of the original author's statistical procedures in two different samples from the Portuguese general community population, in particular confirmatory factor analyses. Results from both analyses confirmed the scale single-factor structure and indicated a very good reliability. Moreover, cross-validation statistics showed that this single-factor structure is valid for different respondents from the general community population. In the third study the Portuguese version of the MAAS was found to have good convergent and discriminant validities. Overall the findings support the psychometric validity of the Portuguese version of MAAS and suggest this is a reliable self-report measure of trait-mindfulness, a central construct in Clinical Psychology research and intervention fields

    Expanding Research on Decentering as Measured by the Portuguese Version of the Experiences Questionnaire

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    For long decentering has been regarded as a crucial process for well-being and health. Thus, reliable measures are needed to assess decentering. This study aimed at examining the psychometric characteristics of the Portuguese version of the Experiences Questionnaire (EQ), and to contribute to gather new evidence on the role of this particular measure of decentering on the well-known relationship between rumination and depressive symptoms. The EQ factorial structure was assessed through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) conducted in 709 participants (66% women; 34% men). CFA' results supported a 10-item solution (χ2/df = 2.62; CFI = .96; TLI = .95; RMSEA = .05, CI = .04 to .06) with high internal consistency (α = .81), test-retest reliability (r = .86; p < .010) and construct validity. Two path analyses were further conducted in a subsample exploring the indirect effect of rumination on depression through the mechanism of decentering as assessed by the specific measure of EQ, and by the non-specific measure of decentering TMS. Decentering, only when measured by EQ, significantly emerged as a mechanism through which the relationship between rumination and depressive symptoms also operates (R 2 = .22). Findings highlight the importance of using EQ as a specific measure of this transdiagnostic process in research and clinical settings

    implementation and initial results

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the implementation, main intervention areas and initial results of the Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (EIPAS) in Portugal. METHODS: EIPAS was published as a Law, in December of 2017, as a result of a collaboration between several ministries, including the Finance, Internal Affairs, Education, Health, Economy, Agriculture, and Sea Ministries, aiming at improving the dietary habits of the Portuguese population. The working group, led by the Ministry of Health, developed this strategy for over a year. The framework produced was based on WHO and European Commission recommendations as well as on relevant data from the last Portuguese dietary intake survey (2015/2016). EIPAS also reflects the results of a public hearing, including the food industry, among others, and the experience gathered, since 2012, through the National Programme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating. It considers the 'health in all policies' challenge set by WHO and has four different strategic areas, namely (1) creation of healthier food environments, (2) improvement of the quality and accessibility of healthy food choices for consumers, (3) promotion and development of literacy, in order to encourage healthy food choices, and (4) promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to achieve these goals, a set of 51 actions was established and assigned to the seven ministries involved. RESULTS: Under the scope of this strategy, Portugal has already implemented several actions, including (1) definition of standards for food availability at all public healthcare institutions; (2) implementation of a sugar tax on sweetened beverages; (3) implementation of a voluntary agreement with the food industry sector for food reformulation (work in progress); (4) design of a proposal for an interpretative model of front-of-pack food labelling; (5) improvement of the nutritional quality of food aid programmes for low-income groups; and (6) regulation of marketing of unhealthy foods to children. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, Portugal has a nutrition policy based on the WHO concept of 'health in all policies' and on the national data on food intake. The implementing process of all 51 actions and the inherent complexities and difficulties found so far have made this process be an authentic political and social laboratory that deserves to be followed.publishersversionpublishe