1,278 research outputs found

    Teaching and understanding of quantum interpretations in modern physics courses

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    Just as expert physicists vary in their personal stances on interpretation in quantum mechanics, instructors vary on whether and how to teach interpretations of quantum phenomena in introductory modern physics courses. In this paper, we document variations in instructional approaches with respect to interpretation in two similar modern physics courses recently taught at the University of Colorado, and examine associated impacts on student perspectives regarding quantum physics. We find students are more likely to prefer realist interpretations of quantum-mechanical systems when instructors are less explicit in addressing student ontologies. We also observe contextual variations in student beliefs about quantum systems, indicating that instructors who choose to address questions of ontology in quantum mechanics should do so explicitly across a range of topics.Comment: 18 pages, references, plus 2 pages supplemental materials. 8 figures. PACS: 01.40.Fk, 03.65.-

    Hierarchical Spatial Gossip for Multiresolution Representations in Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we propose a lightweight algorithm for constructing multi-resolution data representations for sensor networks. At each sensor node u, we compute, O(logn) aggregates about exponentially enlarging neighborhoods centered at u. The ith aggregate is the aggregated data from nodes approximately within 2 i hops of u. We present a scheme, named the hierarchical spatial gossip algorithm, to extract and construct these aggregates, for all sensors simultaneously, with a total communication cost of O(npolylogn). The hierarchical gossip algorithm adopts atomic communication steps with each node choosing to exchange information with a node distance d away with probability ∌ 1/d 3. The attractiveness of the algorithm attributes to its simplicity, low communication cost, distributed nature and robustness to node failures and link failures. We show in addition that computing multi-resolution aggregates precisely (i.e., each aggregate uses all and only the nodes within 2 i hops) requires a communication cost of ℩(n √ n), which does not scale well with network size. An approximate range in aggregate computation like that introduced by the gossip mechanism is therefore necessary in a scalable efficient algorithm. Besides the natural applications of multi-resolution data summaries in data validation and information mining, we also demonstrate the application of the pre-computed multi-resolution data summaries in answering range queries efficiently

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Primordial Magnetic Fields

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    We reanalyze the effect of magnetic fields in BBN, incorporating several features which were omitted in previous analyses. We find that the effects of coherent magnetic fields on the weak interaction rates and the electron thermodynamic functions (\rhoe, \Pe, and \drhoedt ) are unimportant in comparison to the contribution of the magnetic field energy density in BBN. In consequence the effect of including magnetic fields in BBN is well approximated numerically by treating the additional energy density as effective neutrino number. A conservative upper bound on the primordial magnetic field, parameterized as ζ=2eBrms/(TÎœ2)\zeta=2eB_{rms}/(T_\nu^2), is ζ≀2\zeta \le 2 (ρB<0.27ρΜ\rho_B < 0.27 \rho_\nu). This bound can be stronger than the conventional bound coming from the Faraday rotation measures of distant quasars if the cosmological magnetic field is generated by a causal mechanism.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 3 uuencoded figures appende

    Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the Balmer lines in Sirius B

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    Sirius B is the nearest and brightest of all white dwarfs, but it is very difficult to observe at visible wavelengths due to the overwhelming scattered light contribution from Sirius A. However, from space we can take advantage of the superb spatial resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope to resolve the A and B components. Since the closest approach in 1993, the separation between the two stars has become increasingly favourable and we have recently been able to obtain a spectrum of the complete Balmer line series for Sirius B using HST?s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). The quality of the STIS spectra greatly exceed that of previous ground-based spectra, and can be used to provide an important determination of the stellar temperature (Teff = 25193K) and gravity (log g = 8.556). In addition we have obtained a new, more accurate, gravitational red-shift of 80.42 +/- 4.83 km s-1 for Sirius B. Combining these results with the photometric data and the Hipparcos parallax we obtain new determinations of the stellar mass for comparison with the theoretical mass-radius relation. However, there are some disparities between the results obtained independently from log g and the gravitational redshift which may arise from flux losses in the narrow 50x0.2arcsec slit. Combining our measurements of Teff and log g with the Wood (1995) evolutionary mass-radius relation we get a best estimate for the white dwarf mass of 0.978 M. Within the overall uncertainties, this is in agreement with a mass of 1.02 M obtained by matching our new gravitational red-shift to the theoretical M/R relation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Vitamins A & D Inhibit the Growth of Mycobacteria in Radiometric Culture

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    The role of vitamins in the combat of disease is usually conceptualized as acting by modulating the immune response of an infected, eukaryotic host. We hypothesized that some vitamins may directly influence the growth of prokaryotes, particularly mycobacteria. complex).Vitamins A and D cause dose-dependent inhibition of all three mycobacterial species studied. Vitamin A is consistently more inhibitory than vitamin D. The vitamin A precursor, ÎČ-carotene, is not inhibitory, whereas three vitamin A metabolites cause inhibition. Vitamin K has no effect. Vitamin E causes negligible inhibition in a single strain.We show that vitamin A, its metabolites Retinyl acetate, Retinoic acid and 13-cis Retinoic acid and vitamin D directly inhibit mycobacterial growth in culture. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that complementing the immune response of multicellular organisms, vitamins A and D may have heretofore unproven, unrecognized, independent and probable synergistic, direct antimycobacterial inhibitory activity

    Consistent Histories in Quantum Cosmology

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    We illustrate the crucial role played by decoherence (consistency of quantum histories) in extracting consistent quantum probabilities for alternative histories in quantum cosmology. Specifically, within a Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model sourced with a free massless scalar field, we calculate the probability that the univese is singular in the sense that it assumes zero volume. Classical solutions of this model are a disjoint set of expanding and contracting singular branches. A naive assessment of the behavior of quantum states which are superpositions of expanding and contracting universes may suggest that a "quantum bounce" is possible i.e. that the wave function of the universe may remain peaked on a non-singular classical solution throughout its history. However, a more careful consistent histories analysis shows that for arbitrary states in the physical Hilbert space the probability of this Wheeler-DeWitt quantum universe encountering the big bang/crunch singularity is equal to unity. A quantum Wheeler-DeWitt universe is inevitably singular, and a "quantum bounce" is thus not possible in these models.Comment: To appear in Foundations of Physics special issue on quantum foundation

    Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field

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    The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, Îœe+n→p+e−\nu _{e} + n \to p + e ^{-}, in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde

    An analysis of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula

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    This paper presents an analysis of a series of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula. Only the reddest part of the spectra can safely be attributed to light from the nebula, and indicates Rayleigh scattering by the gas, in conformity with the large angles of scattering involved and the proximity of the star. In the blue, light from HD44179, refracted or scattered in the atmosphere, dominates the spectra. This paper questions the reliability of ground-based observations of extended objects in the blue.Comment: 25 figure

    Representations of Double Affine Lie algebras

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    We study representations of the double affine Lie algebra associated to a simple Lie algebra. We construct a family of indecomposable integrable representations and identify their irreducible quotients. We also give a condition for the indecomposable modules to be irreducible, this is analogous to a result in the representation theory of quantum affine algebras. Finally, in the last section of the paper, we show, by using the notion of fusion product, that our modules are generically reducible
