12 research outputs found

    Organizational commitment, psychometric qualities and invariance of the Meyer and Allen Questionnaire for Portuguese Nurses

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    Objetivo: avaliar as qualidades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Questionário de Comprometimento Organizacional, para o contexto da enfermagem, através de análise confirmatória e de invariância, visando a confiabilidade, consistência interna, validade de construto e a validade externa do instrumento. Método: procedeu-se à análise fatorial confirmatória da versão portuguesa do questionário, numa amostra de 850 enfermeiros, em contexto hospitalar. Complementou-se a análise com recurso à pesquisa de especificação. A qualidade de ajustamento foi avaliada através de diferentes índices. Estimou-se a confiabilidade, consistência interna e validade de construto. A invariância do modelo foi avaliada em duas subamostras, da amostra global, por forma a confirmar a validade externa da solução fatorial. Resultados: O modelo obtido após refinamento demonstrou bom ajustamento global (χ2/df=6,37; CFI=0,91; GFI=0,92; RMSEA=0,08; MECVI=0,62). A estrutura fatorial revelouse estável (λ:Δχ2(14)=18,31; p=0,193; Interceptos: Δχ2(14)=22,29; p=0,073; Covariância: Δχ2(3)=6,01; p=0,111; Resíduos: Δχ2(15)=22,44; p=0,097). Conclusão: o modelo simplificado do questionário revelou boa qualidade de ajustamento, apresentando uma solução fatorial estável. O instrumento revelou-se ajustado para monitorizar e avaliar o comprometimento organizacional dos enfermeiros portugueses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe the coverage of news concerning the nursing profession in the Portuguese media: informative sites on the Internet and in print media. METHOD: a total of 1,271 health news items were collected in September and October of 2011 (956 online news items and 325 news items originating from the press review of the Portuguese Order of Nurses). Statistical analysis was used to characterize the variables. RESULTS: nurses were the sources of information in 6.6% of cases, suggesting limited media exposure. The health news collected is characterized by a production based on limited information sources, that is, male and official sources, on information disseminated by news agencies focused on economic and political issues in the health field. CONCLUSION: the presence of nurses in the news concerning nursing health is reduced. We suggest that nurses develop public communication skills to disseminate the importance of their profession in society and their relationship with the media

    Practice environment scale of the nursing work index: portuguese version and psychometric properties

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    Aim: To assess the psychometric properties regarding the Portuguese version of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Background: The Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index is the most widely used measure for assessing the practice environment. A model with a higher number of factors appears to be more adequate to Portuguese settings. Method: A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index using a sample of 850 Portuguese nurses. Three models were tested: the original model, a seven-factor model and a higher-order model. An analysis of invariance was performed in two subsets to confirm the stability of the solution. Results: The seven-factor model fit better to the data than the original model. After refinement, this solution showed suitability and a stable factor structure. Reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity were confirmed. A second-order factor solution also showed suitability. Conclusion: The seven-factor structure of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index showed a better goodness-of- fit to Portuguese settings than the original structure. The second-order factor solution allows an overall assessment of practice environments. Implications for Nursing Management: The Portuguese version of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index is a valuable tool for assessing Portuguese nursing practice environments. The seven-factor solution of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index showed high specificity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An evolved security architecture for distributed industrial automation and control systems

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    Over the recent years, control and sensor systems used for IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) have become more complex, due to the increasing number of interconnected distributed devices, sensors and actuators. Such components are often widely dispersed in the field – this is the case for microgeneration (wire-to-water generation, solar or wind), smart metering, oil and gas distribution or smart water management, among others. This IoT (Internet of Things)-centric IACS paradigm expands the infrastructure boundaries well beyond the single or aggregated-plant, mono-operator vision (mostly associated with geographically constrained systems topologies), being dispersed over a large geographic area, with increasingly small areas of coverage as we progress towards its periphery. This situation calls for a different approach to cyber threat detection, which is one of the most relevant contributions of the ATENA (Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT components and their dependencies over critical infrAstructures) H2020 project (ATENA 2016). This paper presents and describes the ATENA cyber-security architecture, designed for the emerging generation of distributed IoT IACS, leveraging technologies such as Software Defined Networking/Network Function Virtualization and Big data event processing) within the scope of a cyber-detection architecture designed to deal with the inherent challenges of dispersed IACS, involved different operator domains.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio