38 research outputs found

    Walk A Mile In Her Shoes: The Impact of (Low) Power On Blaming The Victim

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    The effects of situationally-activated social power and just world beliefs on victim blame and endorsement of rape myths were examined. Male and female participants were randomly assigned to high power or low power (or served as a control) condition before they evaluated a case of sexual assault. Belief in a just world had no effect on victim blame or rape myth acceptance. Men generally blamed the victim more than did women, but the low power manipulation significantly reduced the extent to which they blamed the victim, moving them to a low level of victim blame comparable to that of women. High power did not differentially affect victim blaming relative to the control condition for men, and no condition effects were observed for women. A moderated-mediation analysis indicated that the tendency for males in the low power condition to decrease their victim blaming was significantly mediated by a decrease in their endorsement of rape myths that portray sexual assault victims as liars. The results of this study point to important implications of social power in a legal context

    The Impact of Power and Communal Relationship Orientation on the Perception of Outgroups

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    Research on prejudice and discrimination suggests that many variables can impact behavior toward minorities. One such variable is the amount of power that a perceiver holds. For example, recent research has found that relative to those without power, individuals who have power tend to individuate others less (Fiske, 1993; Goodwin et al., 2000). Nevertheless, not all individuals in a position of power react in a manner that deindividuates marginalized individuals. For instance, Chen and her colleagues (Chen, Lee-Chai, & Bargh, 2001 ) found that when primed to feel powerful, communally oriented individuals responded in socially responsible ways, whereas exchange-oriented individuals acted in terms of their self-interests. Although this research shows that relationship orientation moderates the relationship between power and behavior toward less fortunate others, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are less well understood. This research sought to extend previous findings, uncovering the role an individual\u27s relationship orientation, in conjunction with one of three levels of power, has on the tendency to categorize or individuate a marginalized individual . Preliminary findings suggest that individuals primed to feel powerless have a greater tendency to align themselves with the outgroup observed through their indication of a greater liking for African American speakers. Further, the greater an individual\u27s communal relationship orientation, the less prejudiced they were toward African Americans. Future directions in the analyses and the importance of examining such variables are discussed

    Putusan Bebas Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencabulan Anak Dibawah Umur (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Sorong Nomor 138/Pid.Sus/2019/PN.Son Jo Putusan Kasasi Nomor 550 K/Pid.Sus/2020)

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    Seorang anak merupakan Amanah yang dalam dirinya melekat harkat dan martabat yang berhak mendaptkan perlindungan hukum serta mendapatkan hak tanpa ia minta. siring dengan perkembangan zaman permasalahan huum pun kerap terkadi di kalangan masyarakat terlebih khusunya kepada anak di bawah umur, salah satunya yritu kejahatan kesusilaan yang mengarah pada kejahatan seksual dan lebih khususnya lagi yaitu tindak pidana pencabulan terhadap anak di bawah umur. Tindak Pidana Pencabulan Terhadap Anak di Bawah umur merupakan suatu perbuatan yang merusak mental dan fisik serta mengganggu tumbuh kembang dan kejiwaan anak. Ketika anak terlibat dalam permasalahan hukum, negara harus memberikan perlindungan kepada anak melalui peraturan perundang undangan yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan anak Pasal 1 ayat (2) yang berbunyi : Perlindungan anak adalah segala kegiatan untuk menjamin dan melindungi anak dan hak-haknya agar dapat hidup, tumbuh, berkembang dan berpartisipasi, secara optimal sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan serta mendapat perlindungan dari kekerasaan dan deskriminasi. Tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk menemukan, menggambarkan dan menganalisis apa sebab Hakim memberikan putusan bebas pada Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Sorong Nomor 138/Pid.Sus/2019/PN.Son jo Putusan Nomor 550 K/Pid.Sus/2020)

    Assessing the Impact of Media on Blaming the Victim of Acquaintance Rape

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    Along with the trauma experienced by rape victims due to their assault, many victims also suffer secondary victimization due to the negative reactions of those around them. Among these negative reactions, perhaps the most damaging is the tendency to blame victims for their assault, particularly in cases of acquaintance rape. The current research explores the role of news media coverage in promoting a victim blaming culture in the United States. In Study 1, I content analyzed 179 articles reporting sexual assaults from two newspapers. These media over-reported stranger rapes and underreported acquaintance rape relative to actual frequencies, a tendency that may promote stranger rape as “real rape” and discount the victimization of acquaintance rapes. Articles were further evaluated for the presence/absence of victim blaming language and other attributes of victims, and comparisons were made based on political leaning of the news source, accompanying photography, journalist gender, and overall word count. These analyses provided some indications of objectivity (e.g., few differences based on political leaning of news source emerged), but there was a greater tendency to use victim-blaming language in reports of acquaintance rape than stranger rape. Study 2 explored the extent to which participants recognized differences in victim blame across high and low victim blaming articles and the influence of a positive or negative assailant photograph on evaluations of victim blame. Perceivers indeed recognized differences in victim blaming, such that high victim-blaming content led readers to blame the victim more. However, accompanying photography had no influence on these perceptions. In Study 3, I demonstrated that victim blaming tendencies in news articles have significant downstream consequences. Specifically, following exposure to a high blaming article, participants were more likely to blame the victim of an unrelated case of sexual assault, and to endorse rape myths. The findings of this research demonstrate the importance of the media in shaping public perception of rape victims, particularly victims of acquaintance rape

    National Leadership Index 2008: A National Study of Confidence in Leadership

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    The National Study of Confidence in Leadership is a social science research program examining the attitudes of the American public toward the nation’s leadership. The study includes the National Leadership Index 2008, a multidimensional measure of the public’s confidence in leadership within different sectors of society. The study was pioneered in 2005 by the Center’s Research Director, Professor Todd L. Pittinsky.Center for Public Leadershi

    Blaming the Victim of Acquaintance Rape: Individual, Situational, and Sociocultural Factors

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    Victims of rape are uniquely vulnerable for being blamed for their assault relative to victims of other interpersonal crimes and thus much research has been conducted to understand why this is the case. But the study of victim blaming in acquaintance rape cases is hindered by contradictory empirical results. Early investigations in victim blaming often treated acquaintance rapes and stranger rapes as synonymous and thus much of these data are suspect for drawing conclusions particular to acquaintance rape. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research literature on victim blame in acquaintance rape cases, highlighting inconsistencies and drawing particular attention to areas of research in need of further exploration. Specifically, we review the commonly studied individual (perceiver) factors that influence victim blaming, as well as common situational (target) factors included or manipulated within sexual assault scenarios. Our review reveals many inconsistent findings and interactions between perceiver and scenario factors. In an effort to make sense of these complex interactions and inconsistent findings, we suggest a need for more transparency in describing the scenarios used in research on victim blaming in sexual assault cases and greater empirical attention to sociocultural factors that may influence blaming tendencies

    Glycosylation Can Influence Topogenesis of Membrane Proteins and Reveals Dynamic Reorientation of Nascent Polypeptides within the Translocon

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    The topology of multispanning membrane proteins in the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum is thought to be dictated primarily by the first hydrophobic sequence. We analyzed the in vivo insertion of a series of chimeric model proteins containing two conflicting signal sequences, i.e., an NH2-terminal and an internal signal, each of which normally directs translocation of its COOH-terminal end. When the signals were separated by more than 60 residues, linear insertion with the second signal acting as a stop-transfer sequence was observed. With shorter spacers, an increasing fraction of proteins inserted with a translocated COOH terminus as dictated by the second signal. Whether this resulted from membrane targeting via the second signal was tested by measuring the targeting efficiency of NH2-terminal signals followed by polypeptides of different lengths. The results show that targeting is mediated predominantly by the first signal in a protein. Most importantly, we discovered that glycosylation within the spacer sequence affects protein orientation. This indicates that the nascent polypeptide can reorient within the translocation machinery, a process that is blocked by glycosylation. Thus, topogenesis of membrane proteins is a dynamic process in which topogenic information of closely spaced signal and transmembrane sequences is integrated

    Clarity-related Changes in Acoustic Measures of Intonation and Speech Timing in Read and Extemporaneous Speech of Speakers with Parkinson Disease

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    The purpose of the current study was to determine the extent to which a clear speech instruction would modulate acoustic measures of intonation and speech timing in speakers with and without PD in reading and extemporaneous speech tasks. Speakers both read simple reading passages and responded to self-selected extemporaneous speech prompts. Participants first performed the reading and extemporaneous speech tasks in a habitual manner, and then a second time in a clearer than usual style following an instruction to “over-enunciate each word.” The speech samples were parsed using a process specified by the Systemic Theory of Functional Linguistics and further analyzed acoustically for measures of intonation and speech timing. Results revealed that speakers with PD presented with overall less variation in fundamental frequency and slower falling and rising fundamental frequency contours than controls regardless of speaking style. Speakers with PD exhibited significantly less clarity-related reduction in articulation rate than controls for both speaking tasks. For the reading task, all speakers exhibited clarity-related reduction in articulation rate. For the extemporaneous task, only control speakers exhibited clarity-related changes in articulation rate and pause durations, whereas speakers with PD exhibited no change in articulation rate between the habitual and clear speech styles. These results may indicate that speakers with PD exhibited a less robust clear speech response than controls. Additionally, it is possible that the higher cognitive-linguistic load of the extemporaneous task interfered with the magnitude of the clear speech response. Together, the demands of generative language and clear speech production associated with the extemporaneous task may have reduced some of the clear speech benefits for speakers in the PD group

    Alcoolisation massive ou " binge drinking " et troubles mnésiques

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    BESANCON-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (250562102) / SudocSudocFranceF