55 research outputs found

    Computing Vertex Centrality Measures in Massive Real Networks with a Neural Learning Model

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    Vertex centrality measures are a multi-purpose analysis tool, commonly used in many application environments to retrieve information and unveil knowledge from the graphs and network structural properties. However, the algorithms of such metrics are expensive in terms of computational resources when running real-time applications or massive real world networks. Thus, approximation techniques have been developed and used to compute the measures in such scenarios. In this paper, we demonstrate and analyze the use of neural network learning algorithms to tackle such task and compare their performance in terms of solution quality and computation time with other techniques from the literature. Our work offers several contributions. We highlight both the pros and cons of approximating centralities though neural learning. By empirical means and statistics, we then show that the regression model generated with a feedforward neural networks trained by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is not only the best option considering computational resources, but also achieves the best solution quality for relevant applications and large-scale networks. Keywords: Vertex Centrality Measures, Neural Networks, Complex Network Models, Machine Learning, Regression ModelComment: 8 pages, 5 tables, 2 figures, version accepted at IJCNN 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.1176

    Democratização da informação a partir do uso de repositórios digitais institucionais : da comunicação científica às informações tecnológicas de patentes

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    O presente estudo aborda a produção, a comunicação e o uso da informação científica e tecnológica no contexto dos repositórios digitais institucionais de universidades brasileiras, bem como a disseminação e o uso das informações contidas em documentos de patente. Verifica-se que o uso dessas informações ainda é insipiente no Brasil, mesmo nas universidades, e considera-se que um meio de promover esse tema é explorando os serviços prestados pelos repositórios na divulgação da propriedade intelectual gerada nessas instituições. Para tanto, tem-se como objetivo geral estudar a democratização do acesso à informação a partir dos repositórios digitais institucionais, considerando seus elementos aderentes e seu uso para a comunicação das informações tecnológicas de patentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e interpretativa, dividida em quatro etapas qualitativas: pesquisa do referencial bibliográfico; identificação dos campos de metadados sobre patentes nos repositórios; verificação da existência de depósitos de patentes no Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial de titularidade das universidades pesquisadas; comparações e análises. Identificou-se que não é uma prática corrente a disponibilização das informações dos documentos de patente nos repositórios, bem como se constata uma baixa padronização em relação aos metadados utilizados ou aos valores a estes atribuídos. Propõe-se um conjunto de metadados para a descrição dos documentos de patente e promove-se uma discussão crítica a respeito dos temas abordados.The present study deals with the production, communication and use of scientific and technological information in the context of institutional digital repositories of Brazilian universities, as well as the dissemination and use of the information contained in patent documents. It is verified that the use of this information is still insipient in Brazil, even in the universities, and it is considered that a means to promote this theme is exploring the services provided by the repositories in the divulgation of the intellectual property generated in these institutions. For this purpose, the general objective is to study the democratization of access to information from institutional digital repositories, considering their adherent elements and their use for the communication of technological patent information. This is an exploratory and interpretative research, divided in four qualitative stages: research of the bibliographic reference; identification of patent metadata fields in repositories; verification of the existence of patent deposits in the National Institute of Industrial Property owned by the researched universities; comparisons and analyzes. It was identified that it is not current practice to make patent document information available in repositories, as well as low standardization in relation to the metadata used or the values assigned to them. A set of metadata is proposed for the description of the patent documents and a critical discussion about the topics covered is promoted.El presente estudio aborda la producción, la comunicación y el uso de la información científica y tecnológica en el contexto de los repositorios digitales institucionales de universidades brasileñas, así como la diseminación y el uso de la información contenida en documentos de patente. Se verifica que el uso de esas informaciones aún es insipiente en Brasil, incluso en las universidades, y se considera que un medio de promover ese tema es explorando los servicios prestados por los repositorios en la divulgación de la propiedad intelectual generada en esas instituciones. Para ello, se tiene como objetivo general estudiar la democratización del acceso a la información a partir de los repositorios digitales institucionales, considerando sus elementos adherentes y su uso para la comunicación de las informaciones tecnológicas de patentes. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria e interpretativa, dividida en cuatro etapas cualitativas: investigación del referencial bibliográfico; identificación de los campos de metadatos sobre patentes en los repositorios; verificación de la existencia de depósitos de patentes en el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial de titularidad de las universidades investigadas; comparaciones y análisis. Se identificó que no es una práctica corriente la disponibilización de las informaciones de los documentos de patente en los repositorios, así como se constata una baja estandarización en relación a los metadatos utilizados oa los valores a éstos asignados. Se propone un conjunto de metadatos para la descripción de los documentos de patente y se promueve una discusión crítica sobre los temas abordados

    Cell block technique as a complementary method in the clinical diagnosis of cyst-like lesions of the jaw

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the applicability of the cell block technique as a complementary method for presumptive diagnosis in the analysis of cyst-like aspirates from jaw lesions prior to histopathological diagnosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample was made up of 17 cyst-like jaw lesions. After puncture, the aspirates were centrifuged, fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin and processed. All lesions were biopsied and submitted to histopathological examination. RESULTS: In 9 cases, the cytopathological analysis using the cell block method showed a predominant presence of erythrocytes, inflammatory cells and few epithelial cells. In the other 8 cases, the cell block technique demonstrated the presence of parakeratin, whose histopathological analysis confirmed the occurrence of keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOTs). CONCLUSIONS: According to the studied cases, the cell block method was proven to be a simple, fast and low-cost technique to effectively differentiate KOTs from other lesions with similar clinical and radiographic features. The cell block technique comprises cellular preparations useful to determine a clinical diagnosis and help to develop a therapeutic plan for those lesions

    Maneuvering Past Meaning: Queering Language through Trans-Poetics

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    Queer studies today has seen a rise in analysis of the trans subject. While previous research has focused on the queer body and on the term queer, my interest in trans studies is in the form and function of language. That focus on the structures of language is what underlies this thesis. My claim is that queering language is visible in the authors I cover in the form of what I call trans-poetics. I focus on keri edwards’ succubus in my pocket and Moss Angel’s Sea-Witch Volume 1. In edwards, I locate a displaced “I” and thus a displaced subjectivity that actually escapes the process of identity construction. For Angel, I consider her work as the disruption of the disturbance of meaning as we understand it in relationship to the binary system of categorization. Drawing on Maurice Blanchot’s thought of the Outside, I make the point that trans-poetics is not just poststructuralist in its moves and configurations, it is queer; it functions as a sign of that which is neither one nor the other. In sum, through trans-poetics I offer a new perspective on linguistic strategies, a meddling in normative identities, and thus an enhanced perspective on the trans experience

    Relação entre fatores exógenos e a abundância de roedores em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, Rio Grande do Sul

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    In regions affected by seasonal variation in environmental conditions and resources availability, rodent species abundance and composition tend to fluctuate, following these environmental changes. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between exogenous factors and the variation in rodent abundance in an Araucaria Rainforest remnant in northern Rio Grande do Sul. We used pitfall traps with guide fences and wire traps to collect species and to estimate their abundance, between June 2009 and January 2010. Posteriorly, we used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling and Pearson correlation analysis in order to investigate the relationship between exogenous factors and changes in rodent abundance across the sampled seasons. At the end of our study, we captured 54 individuals belonging to 10 rodent species. Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers 1818), registered in all seasons and Akodon montensis (Thomas 1913), which was not recorded only in the spring, were the most abundant species in the study area. We found that temperature was correlated to the first axis of variation of rodent abundance. Moreover, the increase of Sooretamys angouya (Thomas 1913), Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein 1829) and Akodon azarae (Fischer 1829) abundances were negatively correlated with temperature, while the opposite pattern was observed for Akodon paranaensis (Christoff et al. 2000), Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse 1837) and Mus musculus (Linnaeus 1758). Finally, our study contributes to the definition of factors related to rodent population dynamics and to increase the knowledge about the rodent composition in Araucaria Rainforest remnants in Rio Grande do Sul.Em regiões que possuem sazonalidade em condições ambientais e na disponibilidade de recursos, a abundância e a composição de espécies de roedores tendem a variar com mudanças ambientais. Neste estudo, exploramos a relação entre fatores exógenos e variações na abundância de roedores em um remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Utilizamos armadilhas de queda com cercas-guia e armadilhas de arame para coletar e estimar a abundância das espécies durante junho de 2009 a janeiro de 2010. Realizamos ‘Scaling’ Multidimensional Não-Métrico e análise de correlação de Pearson buscando relacionar fatores exógenos com variações na abundância de roedores nas estações. Ao fim do estudo, capturamos 54 indivíduos pertencentes a 10 espécies de roedores. Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers 1818), registrado em todas as estações do ano, e Akodon montensis (Thomas 1913), não capturado na primavera, foram as espécies mais abundantes na área. Constatamos que a temperatura esteve relacionada ao principal eixo de variação na abundância de roedores. Além disto, aumentos na abundância de Sooretamys angouya (Thomas 1913), Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein 1829) e Akodon azarae (Fischer 1829) tiveram correlação negativa com a temperatura, enquanto que o padrão inverso foi registrado para Akodon paranaensis (Christoff et al. 2000), Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse 1837) e Mus musculus (Linnaeus 1758). Por fim, o estudo contribui para a definição de fatores relacionados à dinâmica populacional de roedores e para o acréscimo no conhecimento da composição de espécies de roedores em remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no Rio Grande do Sul