11 research outputs found

    Estudio de la reproducción en praderas de Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson mediante la producción de semillas

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    Cymodocea nodosa es una fanerógama marina dioica que se reproduce tanto vía asexual como sexual. Este último método de reproducción se caracteriza por un ciclo anual sensible a las condiciones ambientales que consta de los procesos de floración, fructificación y producción de semillas, así como de germinación y posterior desarrollo de plántulas. Esta especie forma bancos de semillas con un periodo de latencia de 7-9 meses, gracias a lo cual se ve favorecida por la adquisición de nuevos genotipos. Conocer la reproducción de esta especie permite comprender su estado y resiliencia y, por tanto, su posible evolución y recuperación. A pesar de ello, existe un claro desconocimiento al respecto. En este trabajo se estudia la dinámica reproductora de C. nodosa mediante la producción de semillas. Para ello, se escogieron tres localidades de la provincia de Alicante con distinto nivel de protección: Albufereta (alto), Tabarca (intermedio) y San Juan (bajo); a lo largo de seis tiempos distribuidos en casi dos años. Se realizó una caracterización previa de las praderas, obteniendo así valores de cobertura y densidad de haces. Se contabilizaron frutos y semillas y se midieron los parámetros biométricos de estas para determinar su tamaño. Se comprobó si aparecían semillas germinadas o plántulas. Los resultados mostraron una densidad de semillas significativamente mayor en la localidad más protegida. Apenas hubo producción de semillas en el resto de localidades, excepto para Tabarca durante mayo de 2017. No se observaron semillas germinadas ni plántulas. La biomasa de las semillas de la Albufereta es relativamente menor para la producción de 2016-2017 frente a 2017-2018, y mayor frente al único tiempo con semillas de Tabarca. Las distintas estrategias reproductivas entre tiempos y localidades podrían deberse a factores tanto exógenos como endógenos. Mejorar y continuar este proyecto ayudará a conocer de manera más concluyente la dinámica reproductora de las praderas de C. nodosa en la provincia de Alicante

    Assessing the expansion and success of a restored population of Gongolaria barbata (Stackhouse) Kuntze (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) using high-precision positioning tools and size distribution frequencies

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    Ongoing human pressures over recent decades have caused the loss and ensuing impoverishment of the complexity and diversity of Mediterranean habitats dominated by algal species of the order Fucales. Gongolaria barbata, a habitat-forming Fucales species that has disappeared in several places across the Mediterranean, was reintroduced in a cove (Cala Teulera, Maó Bay, Menorca) where it was known to have been locally extinct for more than 40 years. Reintroduction was performed in 2011 using innovative non-destructive techniques. Here we describe the expansion patterns of the population ten years after its reintroduction, and we look at the size-structure distribution of the restored population compared to one of the only natural populations known in Spain (Fornells Bay, Menorca). Newly settled individuals exhibit a progressive dispersal pattern from restoration sites, favouring rocky substrates at the shallowest level parallel to the shore. The area occupied by G. barbata has increased by almost three orders of magnitude in ten years, from approximately 3.6 m2 of the initially restored area to a current restored area of 2093 m2. Recruits and juveniles dominate the restored population but some individuals have reached large size classes, the overall size distribution resembling the reference population. The high-resolution cartography included in our study enables an accurate mid to long-term assessment of the expansion of G. barbata. Incorporating such tools in restored marine forests would facilitate the implementation of efficient management policies that will help reinforce their conservation.Funding was provided by IEO (“Mola-Menorca Dos Project”, financed by the Direcció General de Recerca del Govern de les Illes Balears through the European Regional Development Fund)

    Association between Body Mass Index and Sensory Processing in Childhood: InProS Study

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    We assessed the association between body mass index (BMI) and sensory processing in 445 Spanish children aged 3-7 from the InProS project. Child sensory processing was measured using the short sensory profile (SSP); an atypical sensory performance was defined as an SSP total score <155 and scores of tactile sensitivity <30; taste/smell sensitivity <15; movement sensitivity <13; under-responsive/seeks sensation <27; auditory filtering <23; low energy/weak <26; and visual/auditory sensitivity <19. The BMI was calculated according to the cutoffs by the World Health Organization for children aged 0-5 and 5-19 years. We used multiple Poisson regression models with robust variance to obtain prevalence ratios (PR). No associations between children's overweight and obesity and the prevalence of atypical sensory outcomes were observed. A one-point increase in BMI was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of atypical tactile sensitivity (PR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02; 1.12). A statistically marginal association was also observed for atypical total SSP (PR = 1.03, 95% CI: 1.00; 1.07) and atypical movement sensitivity (PR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.00; 1.10). To our knowledge, this is the first time the association between children's BMI and sensory processing has been reported. Our findings suggest that sensory processing issues may play a part in the complex context of childhood obesity. Further research is required to confirm these findings

    Cartografiado y seguimiento de la evolución de una población restaurada de Cystoseira barbata en Menorca

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    [spa] Las características morfológicas y la longevidad de las macroalgas del género Cystoseira las convierten en especies bioingenieras, capaces de formar hábitats de elevada complejidad y con una alta biodiversidad asociada. En las últimas décadas, algunas especies de este género han sufrido un retroceso severo en el mar Mediterráneo, por lo que ha sido necesario aplicar ciertas medidas de gestión y de protección que ayuden a restablecer y perpetuar sus poblaciones. Además, dado que estas especies son altamente vulnerables a cualquier cambio natural o antrópico, el seguimiento a largo plazo es de vital importancia para evaluar su estado de conservación y entender así su comportamiento ante tales perturbaciones. En este trabajo se evalúa el estado actual de una población restaurada de la especie protegida Cystoseira barbata en Cala Teulera (Bahía de Mahón, Menorca). Para ello se realizó una cartografía exhaustiva registrando su distribución espacial y cobertura, tanto de la especie objetivo como del resto de la comunidad de macrófitos que la acompaña. Además, se evaluó el estado de madurez comparando la estructura de tallas de la población restaurada con las tres poblaciones naturales situadas en la Bahía de Fornells (norte de Menorca). Los resultados obtenidos aportan información sobre el comportamiento espacial y temporal post-restauración de C. barbata. Los individuos de esta especie muestran un patrón de dispersión progresivo a partir de la zona inicial de restauración, distribuyéndose especialmente en la zona más somera y próxima a la línea de costa. Actualmente, la población restaurada de C. barbata puede considerarse como madura y bien establecida, al compararse con las poblaciones control. Este estudio nos ha permitido definir patrones de crecimiento post-restauración, además de la evolución espacial y temporal de una especie formadora de hábitat. Asimismo, pone en manifiesto la importancia de realizar seguimientos a largo plazo para clarificar y profundizar los conocimientos sobre las interacciones bióticas y abióticas de esta especie, así como sus patrones reproductivos

    Association between Body Mass Index and Sensory Processing in Childhood: InProS Study

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    We assessed the association between body mass index (BMI) and sensory processing in 445 Spanish children aged 3&ndash;7 from the InProS project. Child sensory processing was measured using the short sensory profile (SSP); an atypical sensory performance was defined as an SSP total score &lt;155 and scores of tactile sensitivity &lt;30; taste/smell sensitivity &lt;15; movement sensitivity &lt;13; under-responsive/seeks sensation &lt;27; auditory filtering &lt;23; low energy/weak &lt;26; and visual/auditory sensitivity &lt;19. The BMI was calculated according to the cutoffs by the World Health Organization for children aged 0&ndash;5 and 5&ndash;19 years. We used multiple Poisson regression models with robust variance to obtain prevalence ratios (PR). No associations between children&rsquo;s overweight and obesity and the prevalence of atypical sensory outcomes were observed. A one-point increase in BMI was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of atypical tactile sensitivity (PR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02; 1.12). A statistically marginal association was also observed for atypical total SSP (PR = 1.03, 95% CI: 1.00; 1.07) and atypical movement sensitivity (PR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.00; 1.10). To our knowledge, this is the first time the association between children&rsquo;s BMI and sensory processing has been reported. Our findings suggest that sensory processing issues may play a part in the complex context of childhood obesity. Further research is required to confirm these findings

    An outbreak of the invasive macroalgae Rugulopteryx okamurae in Alicante Bay and its colonization on dead Posidonia oceanica matte

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    We report the first occurrence of Rugulopteryx okamurae in Alicante Bay, the northernmost location in the Iberian Mediterranean where this species was detected. Collected specimens were studied using a morphological and molecular approach. A rapid assessment survey was conducted to assess its presence and abundance in the nearest beach-cast and infralittoral areas. The highest abundance was found over dead P. oceanica matte, occupying an important extension in the bay. We found detached fragments of R. okamurae dispersed by local hydrodynamics, accumulating on some tourist beaches in the region. The potential suitability of the Mediterranean for its spread necessitates monitoring programs to study its variation over time and potential impacts on native biota

    Performance of a modular ton-scale pixel-readout liquid argon time projection chamber

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    International audienceThe Module-0 Demonstrator is a single-phase 600 kg liquid argon time projection chamber operated as a prototype for the DUNE liquid argon near detector. Based on the ArgonCube design concept, Module-0 features a novel 80k-channel pixelated charge readout and advanced high-coverage photon detection system. In this paper, we present an analysis of an eight-day data set consisting of 25 million cosmic ray events collected in the spring of 2021. We use this sample to demonstrate the imaging performance of the charge and light readout systems as well as the signal correlations between the two. We also report argon purity and detector uniformity measurements, and provide comparisons to detector simulations

    Performance of a modular ton-scale pixel-readout liquid argon time projection chamber

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    International audienceThe Module-0 Demonstrator is a single-phase 600 kg liquid argon time projection chamber operated as a prototype for the DUNE liquid argon near detector. Based on the ArgonCube design concept, Module-0 features a novel 80k-channel pixelated charge readout and advanced high-coverage photon detection system. In this paper, we present an analysis of an eight-day data set consisting of 25 million cosmic ray events collected in the spring of 2021. We use this sample to demonstrate the imaging performance of the charge and light readout systems as well as the signal correlations between the two. We also report argon purity and detector uniformity measurements, and provide comparisons to detector simulations

    Search for supersymmetry with photons in pp collisions at √s=8  TeV

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