536 research outputs found

    "Never Say I": Inscriptions and Erasures of the Self in Queer Poetry in Spanish and Portuguese

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    In‐plane photocurrent spectroscopy in GaAs-AlAs superlattices

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    The in‐plane photoconductivity of GaAs‐AlAs superlattices on GaAs substrates is experimentally studied as a function of the incident photon energy at different temperatures and light intensities. Superlattice and substrate are electrically isolated by a thick  Al0.3Ga0.7As barrier but connected through penetrating contacts. Depending on the transport properties of the two subsystems pseudo‐negative photoconductivity can be observed, i.e., at the absorption maximum of the superlattice the photocurrent exhibits a minimum

    Gestaltningsförslag av utemiljö vid Villa Roos Park

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    I det hĂ€r examensarbetet undersöks hur en avgrĂ€nsad del av utemiljön vid Vardaga Villa Roos Park (i regi av omsorgsföretaget Vardaga, fortsĂ€ttnings vis benĂ€mnt Villa Roos Park), ett sĂ€rskilt boende för personer med demenssjukdom, kan utvecklas med stöd av EBD, evidensbaserad design av utemiljöer i vĂ„rdsammanhang (Bengtsson et al., 2018). FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna som besvaras Ă€r hur en avgrĂ€nsad del av utemiljön vid Villa Roos Park kan utvecklas med stöd av evidens baserad design och vilka vĂ€xter som Ă€r lĂ€mpliga utifrĂ„n mĂ„lgruppens sĂ€rskilda behov. Syftet har varit att utarbeta en övergripande designlösning för att visa hur utemiljön i högre utstrĂ€ckning kan anvĂ€ndas och integreras i aktiviteter med fokus pĂ„ vĂ€xtlighetens positiva betydelse för upplevelsen av trĂ€dgĂ„rden. UtgĂ„ngspunkten för kandidatarbetet har varit kursen HĂ€lsotrĂ€dgĂ„rdar, inom pro grammet TrĂ€dgĂ„rdsingenjör design, SLU. DĂ€r gav en fördjupningsdel möjlighet att lĂ€ra mer om personer med demenssjukdom och deras behov i kontakt med utemiljön. Arbetet inleds med en kort beskrivning av begreppet hĂ€lsotrĂ€dgĂ„rd. Fakta om demenssjukdomar och hur personer pĂ„verkas av demenssjukdom har ocksĂ„ sammanstĂ€llts, för förstĂ„else av mĂ„lgruppens behov. En teoretisk bakgrund beskriver de analysmodeller som anvĂ€nts (se sidan 3). Arbetets resultatdel fokuserar kring designprocessen med stöd av EBD (Bengtsson et al., 2018). Processen har genomförts i tre steg dĂ€r steg ett inbegrep undersökning av miljön med platsbesök, platsdokumentation och samtal med verksamhetschef om önskemĂ„l för utveckling av den avgrĂ€nsade delen av trĂ€dgĂ„rden. Resultat av undersökningar och information sammanstĂ€lldes. Ett antal brister i den nuvarande utemiljön identifierades och ett antal önskemĂ„l om trĂ€dgĂ„rdens anvĂ€ndning framkom. UtifrĂ„n indelning under rubrikerna Brister i utemiljön och ÖnskemĂ„l för trĂ€dgĂ„rdens utveckling gavs i steg tvĂ„ förslag till Ă„tgĂ€rder. Dessa samlades under tre teman med utgĂ„ngspunkt i QET, Quality evulation tool (Bengtsson & Grahn, 2014). QET-verktyget behandlar platsens möjlighet att anpassas utifrĂ„n evidensbaserade designteorier i vĂ„rdsammanhang. I det tredje steget och som resultat av designprocessen presenteras ett gestaltningsförslag i form av en övergripande illustrationsplan med tillhörande vĂ€xtförslag. Gestaltningen bygger pĂ„ de tre temana, utifrĂ„n vilka fem trĂ€dgĂ„rdsrum skapats: GĂ„ngstrĂ„k, InnergĂ„rd, Stilla trĂ€dgĂ„rd, KökstrĂ€dgĂ„rd och RegntrĂ€dgĂ„rd. TrĂ€dgĂ„rdsrum har skapats för sociala aktiviteter, sinnesstimulans och möjlighet till motion sĂ„vĂ€l som för lugn och ro i en mer kravlös miljö. GenomgĂ„ende lĂ€ggs fokus pĂ„ orienterbarhet och sĂ€kerhet (ibid). Flera faktorer har beaktats gĂ€llande vĂ€xtvalen: TrĂ€dgĂ„rden har försetts med en vintergrön struktur och vĂ€xter har valts som tydliggör Ă„rstidsvĂ€xlingar och skapar skönhetsvĂ€rden Ă„ret om. VĂ€xter har valts för att vara vĂ€lbekanta (Grönt kulturarv 2020) och för fĂ€rg, doft och smak. VĂ€xter som gynnar pollinatörer och bidrar till en upplevelserik och varierad miljö Ă€r ocksĂ„ betydelsefulla. I kökstrĂ€dgĂ„rden kan en mĂ€ngd aktiviteter ske knutna till odling, skötsel och skörd. Frukt, bĂ€r, grönsaker och örter Ă€r dĂ€rför viktiga inslag i trĂ€dgĂ„rden. VĂ€xters behov utifrĂ„n stĂ„ndort, skötsel och sĂ€rskilda vĂ€xtval för översvĂ€mningsytan har varit andra faktorer att beakta, liksom att undvika giftiga vĂ€xter (Giftinformationscentralen 2014) och alltför pollenspridande vĂ€xter (Astma- & allergilinjen u. Ă„.). Resultatet av arbetet tydliggjorde att en mĂ€ngd faktorer behöver beaktas gĂ€llande utformning av miljöer för personer med demens. VĂ€xtlighetens positiva betydelse för utemiljöer i vĂ„rd sammanhang kan inte nog understrykas. Om rĂ€tt förutsĂ€ttningar ges vid utformandet av utemiljön, sĂ„ att den kan samspela med sĂ„vĂ€l omgivning som arkitektur pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt, ges den Ă€ven möjlighet att stödja varje brukare utifrĂ„n individuella behov.This thesis examines how a limited part of the outdoor environment at Vardaga Villa Roos Park (under the auspices of the care company Vardaga, hereafter referred to as Villa Roos Park), a nursery home for people suffering from dementia, can be developed with the support of EBD, evidence-based design of outdoor environments in care context (Bengtsson et al., 2018). The questions that are answered are how a limited part of the outdoor environment at Villa Roos Park can be developed with the support of evidence-based design and which plants that are suitable based on the target group’s special needs. The purpose has been to prepare an overall design solution to show how the outdoor environment can be used and integrated to a greater extent in activities with a focus on the positive significance of vegetation for the experience of the garden. The starting point for the bachelor’s thesis has been the course Health Gardens, within the program Garden Engineer Design, SLU. There, an in-depth section provided the opportunity to learn more about people with dementia and their needs in contact with the outdoor environment. The introdction of the thesis is a brief description of the concept of health gardens. Facts about dementia and how people are affected by dementia have also been compiled, to understand the needs of the target group. A theoretical background describes the analysis models used (see page 3). The results part of the work focuses on the design process with the support of EBD (Bengtsson et al., 2018). The process has been implemented in three steps, where step one included an investigation of the environment with site visits, site documentation and conversations with the operations manager about wishes for the development of the delimited part of the garden. The result of surveys and information were compiled. A number of deficiencies in the current outdoor environment were identified and a number of requests for the use of the garden emerged. Based on the division under the headings Deficiencies in the outdoor environment and Requests for garden development, proposals for souloutions were given in step two. These were assembled under three themes based on QET, Quality evulation tool (Bengtsson & Grahn, 2014). The QET tool processes the site’s ability to adapt based on evidence-based design theories in healthcare contexts. In the third step and as a result of the design process, a design proposal is presented in the form of an overall illustration plan with associated plant proposals. The design is based on the three themes, from which five garden rooms have been created: Walkway, Courtyard, Quiet garden, Kitchen garden and Rain garden. Garden rooms have been created for social activities, sensory stimulation and the opportunity for exercise as well as for peace and quiet in a more unpretentious environment. Throughout, the focus is on orientability and security (ibid). Several factors have been taken into account regarding the plant choices: The garden has been provided with an evergreen structure and plants have been chosen that clarify seasonal changes and create beauty values all year round. Plants have been chosen to be familiar (Grönt kulturarv 2020) and for color, aroma and taste. Plants that benefit pollinators and contribute to an experiential and varied environment are also important. In the kitchen garden, a variety of activities can take place related to cultivation, care and harvesting. Fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs are therefore important elements in the garden. The needs of plants based on location, care and special plant choices for the rain garden have been other factors to consider, as well as avoiding poisonous plants (Giftinformationscentralen 2014) and overly pollen-spreading plants (Astma- & allergilinjen u. Ă„.). The results of the work made it clear that a number of factors need to be taken into account regarding the design of environments for people with dementia. The positive significance of vegetation for outdoor environments in care contexts cannot be overemphasized. If the right conditions are given for designing a health-care garden, so that it can interact with both the environment and architecture in the best way, it can also support each user based on individual needs


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    Den sista vilan : vad kÀnnetecknar en rofylld begravningsplats?

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    This essay examines the criteria for a peaceful cemetery. First there is a short history of the Swedish funeral place. After that follows the definitions of a peaceful place according to environmental psychology. From these definitions an analysis method is constructed for identifying a peaceful cemetery. The analysis method contains six criteria, shape of the entrances, existence of sound, vegetation character, the cemetery’s demarcation, the cemetery’s management and what feeling the cemetery mediates. The analysis method is put into practice on three cemeteries, Överklinten cemetery, Stockholm forest cemetery and the old cemetery in Malmö. The results are then put together and show that the two most important criteria for a peaceful place are vegetation and sound. Are these two criteria not fulfilled the cemetery is not a peaceful place. The simplest step to take is to change the vegetation since it has with the actual area to do. Most of the cemeteries have grounds which are not used for burying. These places can be of use for planting shrubs and trees to increase the quality of the vegetation. It is much more difficult to change the sound because the noise often has its origin outside the cemetery. The only way to change the sound is to shut of the cemetery with some kind of shield

    Daily Eastern News: April 10, 2014

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