19 research outputs found

    Systematics, biogeography, and diversification of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae), an enigmatic radiation of Neotropical montane birds

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    Copyright © American Ornithological Society 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: [email protected]. We studied the phylogeny, biogeography, and diversification of suboscine passerines in the genus Scytalopus (Rhinocryptidae), a widespread, species-rich, and taxonomically challenging group of Neotropical birds. We analyzed nuclear (exons, regions flanking ultraconserved elements) and mitochondrial (ND2) DNA sequence data for a taxonomically and geographically comprehensive sample of specimens collected from Costa Rica to Patagonia and Brazil. We found that Scytalopus is a monophyletic group sister to Eugralla and consists of 3 main clades roughly distributed in (1) the Southern Andes, (2) eastern Brazil, and (3) the Tropical Andes and Central America. The clades from the Southern Andes and eastern Brazil are sister to each other. Despite their confusing uniformity in plumage coloration, body shape, and overall appearance, rates of species accumulation through time in Scytalopus since the origin of the clade in the Late Miocene are unusually high compared with those of other birds, suggesting rapid non-adaptive diversification in the group. We attribute this to their limited dispersal abilities making them speciation-prone and their occurrence in a complex landscape with numerous barriers promoting allopatric differentiation. Divergence times among species and downturns in species accumulation rates in recent times suggest that most speciation events in Scytalopus predate climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. Our analyses identified various cases of strong genetic structure within species and lack of monophyly of taxa, flagging populations which likely merit additional study to clarify their taxonomic status. In particular, detailed analyses of species limits are due in S. parvirostris, S. latrans, S. speluncae, the S. atratus complex, and the Southern Andes clade

    Phylogenomics of manakins (Aves: Pipridae) using alternative locus filtering strategies based on informativeness

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    Target capture sequencing effectively generates molecular marker arrays useful for molecular systematics. These extensive data sets are advantageous where previous studies using a few loci have failed to resolve relationships confidently. Moreover, target capture is well-suited to fragmented source DNA, allowing data collection from species that lack fresh tissues. Herein we use target capture to generate data for a phylogeny of the avian family Pipridae (manakins), a group that has been the subject of many behavioral and ecological studies. Most manakin species feature lek mating systems, where males exhibit complex behavioral displays including mechanical and vocal sounds, coordinated movements of multiple males, and high speed movements. We analyzed thousands of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci along with a smaller number of coding exons and their flanking regions from all but one species of Pipridae. We examined three different methods of phylogenetic estimation (concatenation and two multispecies coalescent methods). Phylogenetic inferences using UCE data yielded strongly supported estimates of phylogeny regardless of analytical method. Exon probes had limited capability to capture sequence data and resulted in phylogeny estimates with reduced support and modest topological differences relative to the UCE trees, although these conflicts had limited support. Two genera were paraphyletic among all analyses and data sets, with Antilophia nested within Chiroxiphia and Tyranneutes nested within Neopelma. The Chiroxiphia-Antilophia Glade was an exception to the generally high support we observed; the topology of this Glade differed among analyses, even those based on UCE data. To further explore relationships within this group, we employed two filtering strategies to remove low-information loci. Those analyses resulted in distinct topologies, suggesting that the relationships we identified within Chiroxiphia-Antilophia should be interpreted with caution. Despite the existence of a few continuing uncertainties, our analyses resulted in a robust phylogenetic hypothesis of the family Pipridae that provides a comparative framework for future ecomorphological and behavioral studies.Peer reviewe

    hzar: hybrid zone analysis using an R software package

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    We present a new software package (hzar) that provides functions for fitting molecular genetic and morphological data from hybrid zones to classic equilibrium cline models using the Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The software applies likelihood functions appropriate for different types of data, including diploid and haploid genetic markers and quantitative morphological traits. The modular design allows flexibility in fitting cline models of varying complexity. To facilitate hypothesis testing, an autofit function is included that allows automated model selection from a set of nested cline models. Cline parameter values, such as cline centre and cline width, are estimated and may be compared statistically across clines. The package is written in the R language and is available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/). Here, we describe hzar and demonstrate its use with a sample data set from a well-studied hybrid zone in western Panama between white-collared (Manacus candei) and golden-collared manakins (M. vitellinus). Comparisons of our results with previously published results for this hybrid zone validate the hzar software. We extend analysis of this hybrid zone by fitting additional models to molecular data where appropriate. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Differential introgression of a female competitive trait in a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed species

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    Mating behavior between recently diverged species in secondary contact can impede or promote reproductive isolation. Traditionally, researchers focus on the importance of female mate choice and male-male competition in maintaining or eroding species barriers. Although female-female competition is widespread, little is known about its role in the speciation process. Here, we investigate a case of interspecific female competition and its influence on patterns of phenotypic and genetic introgression between species. We examine a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed, Neotropical shorebird species, the northern jacana (Jacana spinosa) and wattled jacana (J. jacana), in which female-female competition is a major determinant of reproductive success. Previous work found that females of the more aggressive and larger species, J. spinosa, disproportionately mother hybrid offspring, potentially by monopolizing breeding territories in sympatry with J. jacana. We find a cline shift of female body mass relative to the genetic center of the hybrid zone, consistent with asymmetric introgression of this competitive trait. We suggest that divergence in sexual characteristics between sex-role reversed females can influence patterns of gene flow upon secondary contact, similar to males in systems with more typical sex roles

    Data from: Differential introgression of a female competitive trait in a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed species

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    Mating behavior between recently diverged species in secondary contact can impede or promote reproductive isolation. Traditionally, researchers focus on the importance of female mate choice and male-male competition in maintaining or eroding species barriers. Although female-female competition is widespread, little is known about its role in the speciation process. Here, we investigate a case of interspecific female competition and its influence on patterns of phenotypic and genetic introgression between species. We examine a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed, Neotropical shorebird species, the northern jacana (Jacana spinosa) and wattled jacana (J. jacana), in which female-female competition is a major determinant of reproductive success. Previous work found that females of the more aggressive and larger species, J. spinosa, disproportionately mother hybrid offspring, potentially by monopolizing breeding territories in sympatry with J. jacana. We find a cline shift of female body mass relative to the genetic center of the hybrid zone, consistent with asymmetric introgression of this competitive trait. We suggest that divergence in sexual characteristics between sex-role reversed females can influence patterns of gene flow upon secondary contact, similar to males in systems with more typical sex roles

    Individual sample information

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    Data file includes information on sample ID, sex, age, date collected, geographic locality, morphological measurements, genomic hybrid index, and species identification

    Patterns of Song across Natural and Anthropogenic Soundscapes Suggest That White-Crowned Sparrows Minimize Acoustic Masking and Maximize Signal Content

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    <div><p>Soundscapes pose both evolutionarily recent and long-standing sources of selection on acoustic communication. We currently know more about the impact of evolutionarily recent human-generated noise on communication than we do about how natural sounds such as pounding surf have shaped communication signals over evolutionary time. Based on signal detection theory, we hypothesized that acoustic phenotypes will vary with both anthropogenic and natural background noise levels and that similar mechanisms of cultural evolution and/or behavioral flexibility may underlie this variation. We studied song characteristics of white-crowned sparrows (<i>Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli</i>) across a noise gradient that includes both anthropogenic and natural sources of noise in San Francisco and Marin counties, California, USA. Both anthropogenic and natural soundscapes contain high amplitude low frequency noise (traffic or surf, respectively), so we predicted that birds would produce songs with higher minimum frequencies in areas with higher amplitude background noise to avoid auditory masking. We also anticipated that song minimum frequencies would be higher than the projected lower frequency limit of hearing based on site-specific masking profiles. Background noise was a strong predictor of song minimum frequency, both within a local noise gradient of three urban sites with the same song dialect and cultural evolutionary history, and across the regional noise gradient, which encompasses 11 urban and rural sites, several dialects, and several anthropogenic and natural sources of noise. Among rural sites alone, background noise tended to predict song minimum frequency, indicating that urban sites were not solely responsible for driving the regional pattern. These findings support the hypothesis that songs vary with local and regional soundscapes regardless of the source of noise. Song minimum frequency from five core study sites was also higher than the lower frequency limit of hearing at each site, further supporting the hypothesis that songs vary to transmit through noise in local soundscapes. Minimum frequencies leveled off at noisier sites, suggesting that minimum frequencies are constrained to an upper limit, possibly to retain the information content of wider bandwidths. We found evidence that site noise was a better predictor of song minimum frequency than territory noise in both anthropogenic and natural soundscapes, suggesting that cultural evolution rather than immediate behavioral flexibility is responsible for local song variation. Taken together, these results indicate that soundscapes shape song phenotype across both evolutionarily recent and long-standing soundscapes.</p></div

    Sound masking profiles and song minimum frequencies for five sites.

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    <p>The solid black line represents the audibility curve (i.e., hearing threshold in silence; following Dooling 2007) for <i>Z</i>. <i>leucophrys</i>. Colored lines are masking profiles for each site, and are shown only where they occur above the audibility curve. The dashed line represents 12dB above the best (i.e., lowest) intensity of the audiogram of the bird with the best hearing. Where the masking profile crosses the dashed line is the predicted low frequency limit of hearing. The mean song minimum frequency for each site is plotted on the dashed line. Points for two sites are shifted up or down from that line for visual clarity. At each site, the minimum song frequency is higher than the predicted low frequency limit of hearing, and this is most distinctive for two sites: U<sub>Battery East</sub> and U<sub>Lake Merced</sub> whose masking profiles cross the dashed line at higher frequencies than the audibility curve. The other three sites have predicted frequency limits much lower than the observed song minimum frequencies (U<sub>Lobos Dunes</sub>, U<sub>Inspiration Point</sub>, and R<sub>Commonweal</sub>).</p

    Map of study sites.

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    <p>Circles indicate sites within city limits of San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. Triangles indicate sites outside city limits. See text for details on each site.</p