10 research outputs found

    The influence of regular physical activity on the self-concept

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    Foi objetivo desta pesquisa estudar a influência da atividade física regular de homens e mulheres de mais de 40 anos sobre o seu autoconceito. A Escala Fatorial de Autoconceito foi administrada a 200 sujeitos, metade deles praticando algum tipo de atividade física regular no momento da pesquisa e a outra metade sendo sedentários. A Anova 2X2 revelou efeito principal da atividade física regular e do gênero sobre vários fatores do autoconceito. Os escores foram superiores em autoconfiança, autocontrole e self somático para o grupo experimental e no self ético-moral para as mulheres. Conclui-se que a atividade física regular tem impacto benéfico sobre o autoconceito.The objective of this research was to study the effect of regular physical activity of men and women over 40 on their self-concept. The Self-concept Factorial Scale was administered to 200 subjects, half of them practicing some kind of regular physical activity and the other half being sedentary. The Anova 2X2 revealed a main effect of physical activity and gender on several factors of the self-concept. The scores were higher for the experimental group on self-confidence, self-control, and somatic self. Men scored higher on self-confidence while women on moral self. It was concluded that regular physical activity is beneficial for self-concept

    Endo-β-1,3-glucanase (GH16 Family) from Trichoderma harzianum Participates in Cell Wall Biogenesis but Is Not Essential for Antagonism Against Plant Pathogens

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    This is the published version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordTrichoderma species are known for their ability to produce lytic enzymes, such as exoglucanases, endoglucanases, chitinases, and proteases, which play important roles in cell wall degradation of phytopathogens. β-glucanases play crucial roles in the morphogenetic-morphological process during the development and differentiation processes in Trichoderma species, which have β-glucans as the primary components of their cell walls. Despite the importance of glucanases in the mycoparasitism of Trichoderma spp., only a few functional analysis studies have been conducted on glucanases. In the present study, we used a functional genomics approach to investigate the functional role of the gluc31 gene, which encodes an endo-β-1,3-glucanase belonging to the GH16 family in Trichoderma harzianum ALL42. We demonstrated that the absence of the gluc31 gene did not affect the in vivo mycoparasitism ability of mutant T. harzianum ALL42; however, gluc31 evidently influenced cell wall organization. Polymer measurements and fluorescence microscopy analyses indicated that the lack of the gluc31 gene induced a compensatory response by increasing the production of chitin and glucan polymers on the cell walls of the mutant hyphae. The mutant strain became more resistant to the fungicide benomyl compared to the parental strain. Furthermore, qRT-PCR analysis showed that the absence of gluc31 in T. harzianum resulted in the differential expression of other glycosyl hydrolases belonging to the GH16 family, because of functional redundancy among the glucanases.CNPq Rede Pró-Centro OesteState of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP

    Endo-β-1,3-glucanase (GH16 Family) from Trichoderma harzianum Participates in Cell Wall Biogenesis but Is Not Essential for Antagonism Against Plant Pathogens

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    Trichoderma species are known for their ability to produce lytic enzymes, such as exoglucanases, endoglucanases, chitinases, and proteases, which play important roles in cell wall degradation of phytopathogens. β-glucanases play crucial roles in the morphogenetic-morphological process during the development and differentiation processes in Trichoderma species, which have β-glucans as the primary components of their cell walls. Despite the importance of glucanases in the mycoparasitism of Trichoderma spp., only a few functional analysis studies have been conducted on glucanases. In the present study, we used a functional genomics approach to investigate the functional role of the gluc31 gene, which encodes an endo-β-1,3-glucanase belonging to the GH16 family in Trichoderma harzianum ALL42. We demonstrated that the absence of the gluc31 gene did not affect the in vivo mycoparasitism ability of mutant T. harzianum ALL42; however, gluc31 evidently influenced cell wall organization. Polymer measurements and fluorescence microscopy analyses indicated that the lack of the gluc31 gene induced a compensatory response by increasing the production of chitin and glucan polymers on the cell walls of the mutant hyphae. The mutant strain became more resistant to the fungicide benomyl compared to the parental strain. Furthermore, qRT-PCR analysis showed that the absence of gluc31 in T. harzianum resulted in the differential expression of other glycosyl hydrolases belonging to the GH16 family, because of functional redundancy among the glucanases.</jats:p

    A crítica discente e a reflexão docente

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    O que fazer quando um aluno faz uso de um dos instrumentos de avaliação do professor para tecer crítica à metodologia de trabalho deste? Prontamente, escrevi de impulso no texto desse aluno, e antes de devolvê-lo, compartilhei texto e réplica com um companheiro de docência (co-auto deste artigo), com quem sempre converso sobre nosso ofício. Por coincidência, acabamos de participar de um curso de atualização didático-pedagógica na instituição federal de ensino superior (Ifes) onde lecionamos. Trata-se de um momento para que nossa concepção sobre a docência e as reflexões provocadas pela critica de Felipe possam ser articuladas com leituras, discussões e pontos de vista compartilhados neste (e além deste) curso de atualização. Partindo de tais reflexões, discutimos neste artigo algumas questões sobre o papel do professor na experiência de aprendizado do aluno, recorrendo, para isso, a alguns conceitos da biologia do conhecer de Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela. A conclusão prática dessa vivência foi a reestruturação da metodologia de ensino de uma disciplina de análise das organizações, num curso de graduação em Administração