441 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a closed-circuit television display in landing operations with a helicopter

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    Evaluating closed circuit television display in helicopter landing operation

    UV finiteness of 3D Yang-Mills theories with a regulating mass in the Landau gauge

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    We prove that three-dimensional Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge supplemented with a infrared regulating, parity preserving mass term are ultraviolet finite to all orders. We also extend this result to the Curci-Ferrari gauge.Comment: 6 page

    Dynamical mass generation by source inversion: Calculating the mass gap of the Gross-Neveu model

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    We probe the U(N) Gross-Neveu model with a source-term JΨˉΨJ\bar{\Psi}\Psi. We find an expression for the renormalization scheme and scale invariant source J^\hat{J}, as a function of the generated mass gap. The expansion of this function is organized in such a way that all scheme and scale dependence is reduced to one single parameter d. We get a non-perturbative mass gap as the solution of J^=0\hat{J}=0. In one loop we find that any physical choice for d gives good results for high values of N. In two loops we can determine d self-consistently by the principle of minimal sensitivity and find remarkably accurate results for N>2.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, added referenc

    O(1/N_f) Corrections to the Thirring Model in 2<d<4

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    The Thirring model, that is, a relativistic field theory of fermions with a contact interaction between vector currents, is studied for dimensionalities 2<d<4 using the 1/N_f expansion, where N_f is the number of fermion species. The model is found to have no ultraviolet divergences at leading order provided a regularization respecting current conservation is used. Explicit O(1/N_f) corrections are computed, and the model shown to be renormalizable at this order in the massless limit; renormalizability appears to hold to all orders due to a special case of Weinberg's theorem. This implies there is a universal amplitude for four particle scattering in the asymptotic regime. Comparisons are made with both the Gross-Neveu model and QED.Comment: 22 pages in plain TeX, with 7 figs included using psfig.tex (Minor conceptual changes - algebra unaffected

    Off-diagonal mass generation for Yang-Mills theories in the maximal Abelian gauge

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    We investigate a dynamical mass generation mechanism for the off-diagonal gluons and ghosts in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories, quantized in the maximal Abelian gauge. Such a mass can be seen as evidence for the Abelian dominance in that gauge. It originates from the condensation of a mixed gluon-ghost operator of mass dimension two, which lowers the vacuum energy. We construct an effective potential for this operator by a combined use of the local composite operators technique with algebraic renormalization and we discuss the gauge parameter independence of the results. We also show that it is possible to connect the vacuum energy, due to the mass dimension two condensate discussed here, with the non-trivial vacuum energy originating from the condensate , which has attracted much attention in the Landau gauge.Comment: 15 pages. Revtex. 1 .eps figure. Talk given by D.Dudal at XXV Encontro Nacional de Fisica de Particulas e Campos, Caxambu, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 24-28 Aug 2004. To appear in Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Renormalization group aspects of the local composite operator method

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    We review the current status of the application of the local composite operator technique to the condensation of dimension two operators in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). We pay particular attention to the renormalization group aspects of the formalism and the renormalization of QCD in various gauges.Comment: 13 latex pages, talk presented at RG0

    Remarks on a class of renormalizable interpolating gauges

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    A class of covariant gauges allowing one to interpolate between the Landau, the maximal Abelian, the linear covariant and the Curci-Ferrari gauges is discussed. Multiplicative renormalizability is proven to all orders by means of algebraic renormalization. All one-loop anomalous dimensions of the fields and gauge parameters are explicitly evaluated in the MSbar scheme.Comment: 24 pages. no figure

    The infrared behavior of the gluon and ghost propagators in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in the maximal Abelian gauge

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    We report on some recent analytical results on the behaviour of the gluon and ghost propagators in Euclidean SU(2) Yang-Mills theory quantized in the maximal Abelian gauge (MAG). This gauge is of particular interest for the dual superconductivity picture to explain color confinement. Two kinds of effects are taken into account: those arising from a treatment of Gribov copies in the MAG and those arising from a dynamical mass originating in a dimension two gluon condensate. The diagonal component of the gluon propagator displays the typical Gribov-type behaviour, while the off-diagonal component is of the Yukawa type due to the dynamical mass. These results are in qualitative agreement with available lattice data on the gluon propagators. The off-diagonal ghost propagator exhibits an infrared enhancement due to the Gribov restriction, while the diagonal one remains unaffected.Comment: 6 pages. Talk given by S.P. Sorella at the "I Latin American Workshop on High Energy Phenomenology (I LAWHEP)", December 1-3 2005, Instituto de Fisica, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasi