9 research outputs found

    Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), propagation from rhizophores with different numbers of buds

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    Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon. Highlights: Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics. The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings. Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution. Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection.Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon. Highlights: Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics. The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings. Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution. Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection


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    A cultura da yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) tem origem andina e atualmente está sendo cultivada e consumida por apresentar inúmeras propriedades nutricêuticas, porém o manejo da cultura, inclusive o efeito da competição com plantas daninhas ainda é desconhecido. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar os efeitos da competição das plantas daninhas na fase inicial da cultura da yacon. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos: T1- yacon solteira; T2- yacon e tiririca; T3- yacon e grama seda; T4– yacon e trapoeraba, cada um com quatro repetições. Foram realizadas avaliações aos 20 e 30 dias após o transplantio, relativas à altura, diâmetro, número de folhas e massa seca. O convívio com a grama seda causou a morte de todas as mudas de yacon 30 dias após o transplantio. A presença de plantas daninhas limitou o crescimento, reduziu a área foliar e massa seca das mudas de yacon, indicando a maior necessidade de controle dessas daninhas na fase inicial da cultura, sendo a grama seda e trapoeraba as mais prejudicais

    Evaluación de sustentabilidad de agroecosistemas cafetaleros en Vitoc, Junín, Perú

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la sustentabilidad de los agroecosistemas cafetaleros conducidos por los agricultores familiares del distrito de Vitoc, Región Junín. Se eligieron seis localidades del distrito y dentro de cada localidad, en forma proporcional, las propiedades de los agricultores familiares. Se evaluaron las dimensiones económicas (rentabilidad, ingreso neto mensual y riesgo económico), ambiental (conservación de la vida del suelo, riego de erosión y manejo de biodiversidad) y social (satisfacción de las necesidades básicas, integración social y conciencia ecológica) y el Índice de Sustentabilidad General. Asimismo, para considerar que el agroecosistema es sustentable, se consideró que el indicador debe ser mayor a 2 en todas las dimensiones y en el índice general. Los resultados muestran que los indicadores obtenidos para las dimensiones económica, ambiental, social y el índice general son favorables y orientan hacia una agricultura sustentable. Sin embargo, presenta problemas con la diversificación de los cultivos para la venta, protección del suelo y la cobertura sanitaria, las que pueden ser considerados como una debilidad del agroecosistema. Se concluye que, para las condiciones del estudio, los agroecosistemas cafetaleros conducidos por los agricultores familiares son sustentables

    Behavior of cultivars of arabica coffee with and without irrigation in regions of the mountains of the state Espírito Santo

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    O estado do Espírito Santo se destaca por ser o terceiro maior produtor de Coffea arabica L., sendo seu cultivo predominantemente realizado em grande parte por agricultores familiares. Em algumas situações a baixa produtividade está relacionada ao déficit hídrico. Diversos estudos têm demonstrado a importância da irrigação para o incremento da produtividade, bem como para a melhoria da qualidade do café. Objetivou-se com esse estudo, avaliar o comportamento de quatro cultivares de cafeeiro arábica sob os sistemas de irrigação por aspersão e microjet. Foram conduzidos no Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (INCAPER) dois experimentos para cada uma das quatro cultivares, um no sistema de irrigação convencional e o outro sistema de irrigação localizada microjet, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas 2 x 4, sendo as parcelas representadas pela irrigação em dois níveis (irrigado e não irrigado) e as subparcelas, pelas cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86, Rubi MG 1192, Paraíso MG 419-1 e Obatã IAC 1669 20, em um delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo cinco plantas por parcela. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o cafeeiro apresentou produtividade acentuada para os sistemas de cultivo. Os resultados foram comparados em nível de 5% de probabilidade, pelo teste “t” de Student para as variáveis vegetativas, produtivas e parâmetros de qualidade. Para as características vegetativas como altura da planta, número de ramos produtivos e número de rosetas por ramos não foram verificadas diferenças significativas para os sistemas de irrigação (localizada microjet e aspersão). Dessa forma, os resultados podem ter sido influenciados pelos altos índices pluviométricos ocorridos na região, induzindo semelhança entre os cultivos nos sistemas.The Espírito Santo state stands out for being the third largest producer of Coffea arabica L., and its cultivation predominantly done largely by farmers. In some situations the low productivity is related to water deficit. Several studies have demonstrated the importance of irrigation to increase productivity and to improve the quality of coffee. Several studies have been demonstrating the importance of irrigation to increase productivity and to improve the quality of coffee. The objective with this study was to evaluate the behavior of four cultivars of Arabica coffee systems under sprinkler and microjet irrigation. Were conducted at Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural Two experiments for each of the four cultivars, one of the conventional irrigation system and another microjet irrigation system located in split plot layout 2 x 4, being in the plots in two irrigation levels (irrigated and non-irrigated) and cultivars (Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86,Rubi MG 1192, Paraíso MG 419-1 and Obatã IAC 1669 20) as subplot a randomized block design with four replications, five plants per plot. According to the results, the coffee showed an increased productivity for cropping systems, though not differing from the non-irrigated and irrigated system. The results were compared to the 5% level of probability, the "t" of student for the vegetative, productive and quality parameters variables. For vegetative traits as plant height, number of branches and number of rosettes by branches no significant differences for the irrigation system were verified microjet located, but also to the sprinkler irrigation system. Thus allow the results justify due to heavy rainfall in the area similarity between systems.CAPE

    Aluminum toxicity effect on the initial growth of yacon plantlets

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    ABSTRACT The increasing consumption of yacon potato has raised worldwide interest in its crop and generated demand for scientific elucidations of several factors associated to its agricultural management. Among the demands, there are the studies related to the effects of aluminum (Al3+) on the development of yacon plants. Thus, this study was developed to evaluate the effects of aluminum on budding and initial growth of yacon plantlets. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized block design, with three replications and six aluminum contents in the substrate: 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg L-1. The response of yacon plantlets to aluminum contents was evaluated by the emergence time, emergence speed index, number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, radicle length, and dry mass weight of leaves, stems, and radicles. The presence of aluminum in the substrate negatively influences the emergence and initial growth of yacon, causing losses in foliage development (number of leaves and leaf area), in biomass accumulation, growth and, especially, restricting the development of radicles. Aluminum toxicity fully inhibits radicle growth in substrate contents above 83 mg L-1, under the controlled conditions used in this experiment

    Aluminum toxicity effect on the initial growth of yacon plantlets

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The increasing consumption of yacon potato has raised worldwide interest in its crop and generated demand for scientific elucidations of several factors associated to its agricultural management. Among the demands, there are the studies related to the effects of aluminum (Al3+) on the development of yacon plants. Thus, this study was developed to evaluate the effects of aluminum on budding and initial growth of yacon plantlets. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized block design, with three replications and six aluminum contents in the substrate: 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg L-1. The response of yacon plantlets to aluminum contents was evaluated by the emergence time, emergence speed index, number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, radicle length, and dry mass weight of leaves, stems, and radicles. The presence of aluminum in the substrate negatively influences the emergence and initial growth of yacon, causing losses in foliage development (number of leaves and leaf area), in biomass accumulation, growth and, especially, restricting the development of radicles. Aluminum toxicity fully inhibits radicle growth in substrate contents above 83 mg L-1, under the controlled conditions used in this experiment.</p></div


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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a uniformidade e a eficiência de um sistema de irrigação por aspersão instalado em uma área de pastagem no município de Alegre-ES, a área entre quatro aspersores avaliados foi dividida em subáreas quadradas de aproximadamente 3 m x 3 m e coletores foram instalados no centro de cada subárea, de forma que a lâmina coletada representasse sua precipitação. Após a montagem da malha de coletores, o sistema de irrigação foi ligado por um período de uma hora e os volumes coletados foram medidos e posteriormente convertidos em mm de água. A uniformidade de aplicação de água do sistema foi estimada através do Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC), Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Distribuição (CUD) e do Coeficiente de Uniformidade Estatística (Us), além desses foram calculados a irrigação real necessária, a lâmina coletada, lâmina aplicada, as perdas do sistema, a eficiência de aplicação e a irrigação total necessária. Com base nos valores encontrados pode-se concluir que o projeto de irrigação avaliado apresentou uma uniformidade razoável de aplicação de água, a lâmina média aplicada no período avaliado foi superior a lâmina real necessária à cultura irrigada e a eficiência de aplicação de água do sistema encontra-se abaixo do recomendado pela literatura

    Eficiência energética da produção de milho em dois locais na costa central, Peru

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    Studies that point to the energy flow of agroecosystems are of great importance for world agricultural production, in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture. The objective of this research was to analyze the energy efficiency of corn production intwo localities of the central coast, in Peru. The experiment was carried out in the localities of Quilmaná and Herbay Alto, department of Lima. In each locality was adopted the design in complete blocks at random, with three treatments and four repetitions. The treatments were represented by the hybrids DK 7088 (simple hybrid), XB 8010 (double hybrid) and ATL 310 (triple hybrid). Were evaluated input and output of energy, liquid energy,and energy efficiency. With the data of the two experiments was carried out the combined analysis, after evaluation of the homogeneity of variances. The means were compared with the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. According to the results, there was no interaction between the hybrids and localities. For the set of evaluated variables, the hybrid DK 7088 and the locality of Quilmaná stood out. For the set of variables evaluated, the hybrid DK 7088 and the town of Quilmaná stood out, demonstrating that the production of maize has a high dependence on mineral fertilizers andthat energy efficiency is influenced by the genetic load of the plant material and the conditions environmental in which it developsOs estudos que apontam para o fluxo de energia dos agroecossistemas são de grande importância para a produção agrícola global, a fim de alcançar uma agricultura mais sustentável. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a eficiência energética da produção de milho em dois locais da costa central, no Peru. O experimento foi realizado nos locais de Quilmaná e Herbay Alto, no departamento de Lima. Em cada local foi adotado o desenho em blocos completos ao acaso, com três tratamentos e quatro réplicas. Os tratamentos foram representados pelos híbridos DK 7088 (híbrido simples), XB 8010 (híbrido duplo) e ATL 310 (híbrido triplo). Foram avaliadas a entrada e saída de energia, a energia líquida e a eficiência energética. Com os dados dos dois experimentos foi realizada a análise combinada, após a avaliação da homogeneidade das variâncias. As médias foram comparadas com o teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade. De acordo com os resultados, não houve interação entre híbridos e local. Para o conjunto de variáveis avaliadas, destacou-se o híbrido DK 7088, e o local de Quilmaná, mostrando que a produção de milho é altamente dependente dos adubos minerais e que a eficiência energética é influenciada pela carga genética do material vegetal e pelas condições ambientais em que é desenvolvido

    Evaluación de sustentabilidad de agroecosistemas cafetaleros en Vitoc, Junín, Perú

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the sustainability of coffee agroecosystems managed by family farmers in the Vitoc district, Junín Region. Six localities of the district were chosen and within each locality, proportionally, the properties of family farmers. The economic (profitability, monthly net income and economic risk), environmental (conservation of soil life, erosion risk and biodiversity management) and social dimensions (satisfaction of basic needs, social integration andecological awareness) and the General Sustainability Index were evaluated.Likewise, to consider that the agroecosystem is sustainable, it is considered that the indicator must be greater than 2 in all dimensions and in the general index. The results showthat the indicators obtained for the economic, environmental and social dimensions and the general index are favorable and oriented towards sustainable agriculture.However, it presents problems with the diversification of crops for sale, soil protection and sanitary coverage, which can be considered as a weakness of the agroecosystem. It is concluded that, for the conditionsof the study,coffee agroecosystems managed by family farmers are sustainable.El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la sustentabilidad de los agroecosistemas cafetaleros conducidos por los agricultores familiares del distrito de Vitoc, Región Junín. Se eligieron seis localidades del distrito y dentro de cada localidad, en forma proporcional, las propiedades de los agricultores familiares. Se evaluaron las dimensiones económicas (rentabilidad, ingreso neto mensual y riesgo económico), ambiental (conservación de la vida del suelo, riego de erosión y manejo de biodiversidad) y social (satisfacción de las necesidades básicas, integración social y conciencia ecológica) y el Índice de Sustentabilidad General. Asimismo, para considerar que el agroecosistema es sustentable, se consideró que el indicador debe ser mayor a 2 en todas las dimensiones y en el índice general. Los resultados muestran que los indicadores obtenidos para las dimensiones económica, ambiental, social y el índice general son favorables y orientan hacia una agricultura sustentable. Sin embargo, presenta problemas con la diversificación de los cultivos para la venta, protección del suelo y la cobertura sanitaria, las que pueden ser considerados como una debilidad del agroecosistema. Se concluye que, para las condiciones del estudio, los agroecosistemas cafetaleros conducidos por los agricultores familiares son sustentables