172 research outputs found

    Der Runenstein von Tanum - ein religionsgeschichtliches Denkmal aus urnordischer Zeit

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    The article offers a critical analysis of the inscriptions on three runic stones: the Rök stone from the early Viking Era (800-820), the stone from Stentoften (550-580/699) and the stone from Tanum (200-500). According to the author, all three runic stones seem to have filled a cultic function and can thus shed light on the Old Norse religion

    Precise video feedback through live annotation of football

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    The domain of sports analysis is a huge field in sports science. Several different computer systems are available for doing analysis, both expensive and less expensive. Some specialize in specific sports such as football or ice hockey, while others are sports agnostic. However, a common property of most of these systems is that they try to give in-depth and detailed analysis of the sport in question. This thesis proposes and describes a system that provides the user with the ability to annotate interesting happenings during a live sporting event, through a non-invasive mobile device interface. The device permits focus on important happenings by filtering out unnecessary detail. Our system provides corresponding video of the annotations on the same mobile device, thereby facilitating the process of giving video feedback to the involved coaches and players. We have implemented a prototype of the system that enables evaluation of this idea, and through case studies with Tromsø Idrettslag, a Norwegian Premier League football club, we show its usefulness and applicability

    Rådgivers rolle og bortvalg i videregående skole : I hvilken grad kan skolens rådgiver bruke sin rolle til å bidra til mindre bortvalg i videregående skole?

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    Videregående opplæring synes å være viktig for det enkelte individ i dagens samfunn (Hernes, 2010). Det er derimot ikke alle elever i norske skoler som fullfører opplæringen, og på den måten står uten studie - eller yrkeskompetanse. I følge Statistisk sentralbyrå fullførte 71 % av elevene i 2014 som hadde startet sin opplæring i 2009 (SSB, 2015). For å forhindre det store bortvalget, har det vært fokusert på ulike forebyggende tiltak. Oppmerksomheten rundt fenomenet har vært stor i et politisk perspektiv. Blant annet la regjeringen Bondevik II frem en tiltaksplan mot fattigdom i 2002, hvor betydningen av fullført videregående skole blir nevnt som et viktig tiltak mot fattigdom (Arbeids - og sosialdepartementet, 2003). “Satsing mot frafall” er et eksempel på politisk initiativ for å forhindre bortvalget, hvor en styrket rådgivningstjeneste blir benevnt som vesentlig i arbeidet med at flere fullfører opplæringen. Oppgaven har derfor ønsket å undersøke nærmere rådgivers eventuelle betydning på bortvalget. Problemstillingen for oppgaven har vært: i hvilken grad kan skolens rådgiver bruke sin rolle til å bidra til mindre bortvalg i videregående skole? For å finne ut av dette har oppgaven benyttet seg av litteraturstudie. Oppgavens teoretiske rammeverk viser at forskningen rundt tematikken har vært stor, hvor det i hovedsak har vært fokusert på identifisering av hvilke elever som velger å avslutte opplæringen. Som det kommer frem av litteraturstudien, har det derimot de siste årene vært fremmet studier som peker på rådgivers rolle i forebyggelsesarbeidet mot bortvalg. I analysen av litteraturstudien trekkes paralleller mot årsaksforklaringer på bortvalg og hvilken forebyggende rolle rådgiver kan ha i forhold til de ulike årsaksforklaringene. Oppgaven viser at det finnes litteratur som tydelig peker i retning av at rådgiver har betydning i et forebyggende arbeid mot bortvalg i videregående skole. Samtidig viser litteraturgjennomgangen at det finnes lite forskning omkring elevenes egne erfaringer og av rådgivningstilbudet som blir gitt, og samtidig hvordan rådgivningstjenesten kan bli en mer integrert del av skolens praksis. Det argumenteres derfor for studier som tar for seg “elevenes stemmer” i søken etter mer kunnskap om rådgivningsarbeidet som finnes i dagens skole, og samtidig forskning som tar for seg hvordan rådgivningstjenesten kan bli en større 3 del av skolens kultur. Slik kunnskap kan tenkes å være viktig for skolen i arbeidet for at flere elever gjennomfører opplæringen

    Studying language change through indexed and interlinked dictionaries

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    In this paper we present our study how to use the Meta Dictionary of the Norwegian Language Collections to measure lexical stability in standard dictionaries across a timespan. The Meta Dictionary uses the lexical item as its core unit, expressing each lexical unit in a separate Meta Dictionary entry. The success of this model rests on having access to electronic versions of major and generally accepted dictionaries from the different stages of the orthography of a language. With this documentation it is possible to see, for instance, how much and which parts of the 1873 lexicon (Norwegian vernacular) is present in modern Nynorsk and Bokmål respectively, and whether this lexicon is present in its original orthography or not. This method for studies of the lexical development is comparable to remote sensing in archaeology and distant reading in literary studies. As an extended example of the application of the method we study a few issues related to the position of the pioneering lexicographers Ivar Aasen (1813-1896) and Hans Ross (1831-1912) in the description of Nynorsk, as shown in more recent lexicographical works, and in particular in two school dictionaries from 1954 and 1970 which border on being spellers.publishedVersio

    Framandorda og norsk språkutvikling i nyare tid

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    Er det stygt å seie neger? Om konnotasjonar, bruksmarkering og nemne for folkegrupper

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    In this article, the author discusses the lexicographical challenges inherent in dealingwith what is generally termed sensitive vocabulary, such as words for minoritygroups amongst language users. The starting point is recent evidence of changingattitudes in Norway to some such words, in particular the word neger (negro). Thelexicographical treatment of this word and its near-synonyms is compared todevelopments in the treatment of words for older ethnic minorities in the region(same, finn, lapp; sigøynar, tater, rom(ani); jøde). The author argues that a goodmonolingual dictionary gives as accurate a reflection as possible of the vocabulary ofthe language it purports to describe, in a way which is immediately recognisable andacceptable to the users of that language. This lexicographic mirror image mustcomprise both denotative and connotative usage. Changes in attitude to vocabularyamongst dictionary users therefore require competent handling by dictionary editors.Some methods are suggested and commented on for dealing with the type ofvocabulary discussed here

    Fast redigeringsskjema for verb? Semantikk versus grammatikalisering

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    The purpose of this article is to clear the ground for a general and common editorialschema for lexicographic treatment of all verbs in the Norwegian language. Therefore,claims that verbs should be classified into groups with special qualities and functionsare examined. In grammatical tradition, verbs are content words, excepting several smallsubsets of verbs used in constructing multi-word verb forms, which according to thegrammars require different treatment. In Norwegian lexicograhy another classificationhas emerged, counterpoising ”big verbs” with multiple functions and a multitude ofderived phrasal verbs against the rest. These classifications are examined against thedefining practice shown in entries on individual verbs, and a general maximum model forordering and defining verbs, including derived phrasal verbs, is presented

    Verknader av digitalisering på materialvurdering, redaksjonell metode og opplæring

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    Effects of digitisation on the use of source materials, editorial method and editorial training.Digitisation of Norway’s largest academic dictionary project, Norsk Ordbok 2014, through aninterlinked set of relational databases has led to new ways of using source materials in lemmaselection, manuscript management and quality control. Editorial method is radically changed byincreased transparency, both in looking at source materials and in handling dictionary and entryformats. These changes are prerequisites for training linguists to become productive editorswithin a minimal time span, with six months for basic training and full editorial responsibilityafter one year. The aim of the exercise is to complete seven volumes of Norsk Ordbok in nineyears, with no loss of, and preferably an increase in, quality

    Redigeringsprogrammet for Norsk Ordbok 2014. I skjeringspunktet mellom menneskeleg skjonn og automatisering

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    Norsk Ordbok is to be completed and published by the end of 2014. To meet this demand, the eightremaining volumes are written into an editor programmc and stored in a database. All information categoriesin the dictionary therefore need to be reworked, rcdcfincd and tightcned up in content, and organisedmore tightly in relation to othcr catcgories, than what is rcquired in a traditional mam",1.ript. Thisarticle prescnts a survey of the proccss of recreating the dictionary structurc, a process in which oncmust weigh the logical against the practicablc, and deeide which conventions and proccdures can beautomated through the editor programme, and which decisions should be lefl to the human editor. Themain premisc is that the character of Norsk Ordbok must not be altcred. This major dictionary shall,when completed, gi ve a united view of Norwegian dialccts and Nynorsk standard language

    The Islamist paradox in Iran : a study of Olivier Roy's thesis on 'the failure of political Islam'

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    The purpose of this study is to test Olivier Roy’s thesis on ’the failure of political Islam’, by considering its relevance in explaining religio-political developments in post-revolutionary Iran. The task is undertaken by a theoretical assessment of Roy’s thesis, and an analysis of institutional arrangements and historical events in post-revolutionary Iran. In The Failure of Political Islam (1994), Roy argues that political Islam has failed, and that Islamism will never pass the test of power because of the inherent inconsistencies in the Islamist agenda. The aim is political power and the establishment of an Islamic state to fight secularization and strengthen the standing of religion in the society. However, political action is necessarily followed by the emergence of an autonomous secular political space, and the religious state will inevitably be secularized if religion and politics are integrated. Further, Roy argues that intermixing of religious and political spheres will lead to a contamination of religion and a delegitimation of religious leaders. The theoretical debate on the trajectories of Islamism is invoked to account for relevant critique directed at Roy’s thesis, and show the productivity of his approach. The relevance of conceptual frameworks in this field is also discussed and related to divergent conceptions of the phenomenon. Based on an assessment of Roy’s key theoretical claims, an analytical framework centered on the Islamist paradox is established, and subsequently applied to the case of Iran. Fundamentally, I argue that Iran is not an Islamic state, that politics repeatedly prevail of religion in the Islamic Republic, and that the effort to fulfill the Islamist agenda has generated a dysfunctional regime. The Islamist paradox is illustrated by the fate of the Islamic Republic, because the Islamist experiment in the country instigated religio-political dynamics leading to a secularization of society, delegitimation of religion, and a dysfunctional state. According to Roy, the failure of political Islam in Iran was inevitable once the Islamists reached power. I argue that Roy’s theoretical framework provide useful references for understanding the developments in Iran, and that my findings support Roy’s central theoretical claims. The distinctive features of the ‘case of Iran’ are emphasized to stress that the findings to not verify the general nature of Roy’s thesis, even if it is plausible that similar dynamics have been at work in other countries. Finally, I suggest that the current move towards democracy in Iran is related to the Islamist experience in the country, and that the case of Iran is unique – and central – for understanding the dynamic relations of religion and politics in the Middle East