89 research outputs found

    Normalisation et régulation des marchés : la téléphonie mobile en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

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    L’étude propose d’analyser les liens complexes entre standardisation et régulation des marchés de téléphonie mobile selon une perspective d’économie politique tenant compte, dans une perspective schumpetérienne, des déséquilibres de marché et des phénomènes monopolistiques associés à l’innovation. Elle vise d’abord à souligner, pour les différentes générations de réseaux (de 0 G à 4G), la particularité de cette industrie en matière de retour sur investissement, et le rôle clé que tient la standardisation des réseaux dans la structuration du marché. Cette variable-clé du standard explique en grande partie la rente qu’a représenté le GSM dans les dynamiques industrielles et financières du secteur. L’étude explore ainsi les relations entre les politiques de normalisation, qui ne sont évidemment ni le seul fait d’acteurs publics ni de simples règles de propriété industrielle, et les politiques de régulation du secteur (attribution de licences, règles de concurrence, etc.). Elle souligne que les vingt-cinq dernières années rendent de plus en plus complexes les configurations d’expertise, et accroissent les interdépendances entre entrepreneurs de réseaux, normalisateurs et régulateurs. Dans une perspective proche de celle de Fligstein, qui met en avant différentes dimensions institutionnelles de la structuration du marché (politiques concurrentielles, règles de propriété industrielle, rapports salariaux, institutions financières), il s’agit donc ici de souligner les relations d’interdépendance entre diverses sphères d’activité fortement institutionnalisées.The study proposes analyzing the complex links between the standardization and regulation of mobile phone markets from a political economy perspective. Moreover, this study examines these links by taking into consideration, from a Schumpeterian perspective, the market disequilibrium and the monopolistic phenomena associated with innovation. It aims firstly to underline, with respect to different network generations (0G to 4G), the particularity of this industry in terms of investment return, and the key role that network standardization plays in the structuring of the market. This key variable of the standard explains in large part the income that GSM represented in the industrial and financial dynamics of the sector. The study thus explores the relations between the normalization policies, which are certainly neither the sole issue of public actors nor are they simple industrial property regulations, and the regulation policies of the sector (allocation of licenses, trade regulations, etc.). It underlines that the last twenty-five years have made the configurations of expertise more and more complex, and have increased the interdependency between network entrepreneurs, normalizers, and regulators. From a perspective close to Fligstein’s, which emphasizes the different institutional dimensions of market structuring (trade policies, industrial property regulations, wage relations, financial institutions), this study focuses on the interdependent relations between diverse, heavily institutionalized spheres of activity.Monopolisation; Normalisation; Régulation des marchés; Téléphonie mobile;

    Estimation of landslides activities evolution due to land–use and climate change in a Pyrenean valley

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    International audienceGlobal changes would have impacts worldwide, but their effects should be even more exacerbated in areas particularly vulnerable. Mountainous areas are among these vulnerable territories. Ecological systems are often at a fragile equilibrium, socio-economical activities are often climate-dependent and climate-driven natural hazards can be a major threat for human activities. In order to estimate the capacity of such mountainous valleys to face global changes (climate, but also climate-and human-induced land-use changes), it is necessary to be able to evaluate the evolution of the different threats. The present work shows a method to evaluate the influences of the evolution of both vegetation cover and climate on landslides activities over a whole valley until 2100, to propose adequate solutions for current and future forestry management. Firstly, the assessment of future land use is addressed through the construction of four prospective socioeconomic scenarios up to 2050 and 2100, which are then spatially validated and modeled with LUCC models. Secondly, the climate change inputs of the project correspond to 2 scenarios of emission of greenhouse gases. The used simulations available on the portal DRIAS (http://www.drias-climat.fr) were performed with the GHG emissions scenarios (RCP: Representative concentration pathways, according to the standards defined by the GIEC) RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. The impact of land use and climate change is then addressed through the use of these scenarios into hazards computations. For that we use a large-scale slope stability assessment tool ALICE which combines a mechanical stability model (using finite slope analysis), a vegetation module which interfere with the first model, to take into account the effects of vegetation on the mechanical soil properties (cohesion and overload), and an hydrogeologi-cal model. All these elements are interfaced within a GIS-based solution. In that way, future changes in temperature, precipitation and vegetation cover are analyzed, permitting to address the direct and indirect impacts of global change on mountain societies. The whole chain is applied to a 100-km 2 Pyrenean Valley, for the ANR Project SAMCO (Society Adaptation for coping with Mountain risks in a global change COntext), as a first step in the chain for risk assessment for different climate and economical development scenarios, to evaluate the resilience of mountainous areas

    Downscaling socio-economic prospective scenarios with a participatory approach for assessing the possible impacts of future land use and cover changes on the vulnerability of societies to mountain risks

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    International audienceDue to the peculiarities of their landscapes and topography, mountain areas bring together a large range of socioeconomic activities whose sustainability is likely to be jeopardised by projected global changes. Disturbance of hydro-meteorological processes will alter slope stability and affect mountain hazards occurrence. Meanwhile, socioeconomic transformations will influence land use and cover changes (LUCC), which in turn will affect both hazards occurrence and hazards consequences on buildings, infrastructures and societies. Already faced with recurrent natural hazards, mountain areas will have to cope with increasing natural risks in the future. Better understanding the pathways through which future socioeconomic changes might influence LUCC at local scale is thus a crucial step to assess accurately the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of societies to mountain risks in a global change context. Scientists face two main issues in assessing spatially explicit impacts of socioeconomic scenarios in mountainous landscapes. First, modelling LUCC at local scale still faces many challenges related to past (observed) LUCC and those to consider in the future in terms of dynamics and processes. Second, downscaling global socioeconomic scenarios so that they provide useful input for local LUCC models requires a thorough analysis of local social dynamics and economic drivers at stake, which falls short with current practices. Numerous socioeconomic prospective scenarios have recently been developed at regional, national and international scales. They mostly rely on literature reviews and expert workshops carried out through global sectoral analysis (e.g. agriculture, forestry or industry) but only few of these exercises attempt to decline global scenarios at smaller scales confronting global vision with information gathered from the field and stakeholders. Yet, vulnerability assessments are more useful when undertaken at local scales that are relevant to geophysical fluxes and local decision-making processes. Therefore, there is a need to downscale socioeconomic prospective scenarios so that they are both consistent with global scenarios used to feed public policies and relevant for local policy-makers in charge of implementing natural risks management strategies. This paper investigates the contribution of coupling participatory approach in downscaling socioeconomic prospective scenarios with spatially explicit LUCC modelling to assess future changes in mountain risks. We present an ongoing work aiming at co-constructing with local stakeholders integrated city-scale socioeconomic scenarios up to 2040 and 2100 in a way that is consistent with the requirements of LUCC models. The study site is located in the city of Cauterets (Pyrenean Mountains, France)

    The impact of spatial temporal averaging on the dynamic statistical properties of rain fields

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    Knowledge of the spatial-temporal variation of rain fields is required for the planning and optimization of wide area high frequency terrestrial and satellite communication networks. This paper presents data and a method for characterizing multi-resolutions statistical/dynamic parameters describing the spatial-temporal variation of rain fields across ocean climate in North- Western Europe. The data is derived from the NIMROD network of rain radars. The characterizing parameters include: (i) statistical distribution of point one-minute rainfall rates, (ii) spatial and temporal correlation function of rainfall rate and, (iii) the probability of rain/no-rain. The main contributions of this paper are the assessment of the impact of varying spatial and temporal integration lengths on these parameters, their dependencies on the integration volumes and area sizes, and the model for both temporal and spatial correlation parameters

    Ambivalences of mobility: rival state authorities and mobile strategies in a Saharan conflict

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    How do ongoing histories of mobility in economic and political life affect rival state authorities’ claims over a disputed territory? In the conflict over Western Sahara, wide-ranging strategies of mobility pose a challenge to familiar tropes of states constraining movement while subjects seek to escape such control. Morocco and its rival, the liberation movement Polisario Front, both curb mobility while their mobile Sahrawi subjects evade the authority of a state; simultaneously, however, each state authority invests in the circulation of persons to support claims over territory while Sahrawis exercise mobility to enhance their position vis-à-vis a state authority. Mobility emerges as an ambivalent means of mediating and transforming power relations, especially between governing authorities and governed constituencies. [mobility, Morocco, Polisario Front, sovereignty, the state, territory, Western Sahara

    Implications économiques des choix de protection des eaux souterraines pour l’alimentation en eau potable

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    En France, le bon état des ressources en eau souterraine est un enjeu majeur pour l’alimentation en eau potable des territoires. Pour préserver ou reconquérir la qualité de cette ressource précieuse mais peu visible, les gestionnaires doivent définir et mettre en œuvre dès aujourd'hui des actions de protection qui vont générer des coûts immédiats pour des bénéfices futurs difficiles à évaluer, souvent incertains et peu perceptibles pour les acteurs des territoires concernés. À travers l’analyse économique comparée de plusieurs stratégies d'action, cet article propose un éclairage sur les implications économiques des choix de protection des eaux souterraines pour l’alimentation en eau potable

    Comment les Touaregs ont perdu le fleuve

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    Dans le Nord-Mali, le fleuve Niger dessine sur les cartes une ligne bleue au milieu de vastes plaines arides. Tout autour de cette vallée, se concentrent depuis des siècles de nombreuses populations (Arabes, Arma, Peuls, Songhay, Touaregs…) attirées notamment par les terres fertiles (exploitées par la riziculture) et les ressources pastorales. Cet article traite d’une petite partie de cette très longue histoire de confluences sociales, à travers l’observation de différentes formes d’appropriation des ressources et de l’espace qui se sont succédé et entremêlées de la seconde moitié du XIXe à la fin du XXe siècle, dans le cercle de Gao (subdivision administrative héritée de la colonisation). Les sources mobilisées à cette fin sont en grande majorité orales, issues d’un corpus de témoignages recueillis dans l’ensemble de la région de Gao de 1998 à 2001, auprès de populations rurales essentiellement. A partir de questions très simples et très larges : « avec qui étiez vous en relation ? de quelles manières ? quand, comment et pourquoi, selon-vous, ces relations ont-elles évolué ? », les personnes interrogées précisent l’identité des groupes, des familles et des individus qui avaient accès à telle ou telle ressource, et décrivent en même temps les règles conditionnant l’accès et les principes fondateurs de ces règles. Par ailleurs, d’autres types de discours (écrits ceux-là), sont sollicités, des textes produits par le pouvoir colonial français, et plus récemment par des « cadres » maliens, qui éclairent l’origine et la forme des revendications foncières. De ces données émergent des évolutions considérables, comme la perte du contrôle de la vallée par les Touaregs et leur marginalisation dans cet espace, ou les idéologies servant à appuyer les revendications ; mais aussi ce qui perdure, notamment des liens sociaux et familiaux spécifiques qui, lorsqu’ils sont tissés sur plusieurs générations et conservés en mémoire, peuvent conférer à l’espace et aux ressources une dimension patrimoniale.In northern Mali, the river Niger draws on maps a blue line in the middle of vast and arid plains. For centuries, numerous populations have been concentrating all around the valley (Arabs, Arma, Fulanis, Songhay, Tuaregs…), attracted by fertile lands and rearing ressources. This article treats of a small part of this long story of social mingling, observing the different forms of ressources and space appropriation which have succeeded and intermixed from the second half of the 19th century until the end of the 20th, in the circle of Gao (administrative subdivision dating from colonization). The sources used to this end are oral for the major part, stemming from a corpus of testimonies collected in the entire region of Gao from 1998 to 2001. Starting from very simple and large questions “who were you in touch with? in which way? according to you, when, how and why have they evolved?”, people interviewed specify the identity of groups, families and individuals who had access to such and such ressources, and in the same time, describe the rules conditioning the access and the founding principles of these rules. Moreover, other types of discourse (this time written) are sought. Texts produced by the French colonial authorities, and more recently by Malian “executives”, who throw a light on the origin and form of land claiming. From these data emerge considerable evolutions, like the Tuaregs loosing control over the valley and becoming marginalized, or ideologies used to back up claims; but also what endures, notably specific social and family bonds, which when weaved from generations and kept as memory, can give a patrimonial dimension to space and ressources

    "Le cri dans le désert des tribus touareg", Atlas des Peuples, La Vie - Le Monde

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    Article historique dans un atla

    Pirates et contrebandiers le long de la frontière sino-vietnamienne : une frontière mise à l'épreuve ? (1895-1940)

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    Through the study of the activity of border crossings, this research aims to analyze how the French colonial administration maintained order along the China-Vietnamese borderlands from 1895 to 1940 with their Chinese counterparts by checking various cross-border crimes committed on Tonkin by mobs from China: theft of cattle, raids against border villages, ambushes on roads, smuggling. But difficulties are important despite the action of the “partisans” who are the backbone to maintain order on the borderlands: weakness of the border crossings network, unhealthy climate, complexity of the topography. While the repression carried out by the regular troops is often successful in the event of mass incursions and is more akin to military operations than to policing law enforcement, cross border criminality of everyday life is checked with difficulties and underlines that stability on the borderlands are in the making.A travers l’étude de l’activité des postes frontaliers situés le long de la frontière chinoise, cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif de retracer la manière dont l’administration française a tenté de maintenir l’ordre sur les confins septentrionaux du Vietnam de 1895 à 1940 conjointement avec leurs homologues chinois afin de maîtriser les illégalismes frontaliers commis sur le territoire tonkinois par des groupes venus de Chine, tout en élargissant le regard sur des pratiques migratoires à destination du Céleste empire condamnées et considérées comme du trafic d’êtres humains par les autorités françaises. En combinant à la fois approche statistique et analyse qualitative, cette recherche lève un pan de la vie quotidienne de la frontière à travers la criminalité transfrontalière. La faiblesse du maillage territorial, l’inexpérience relative des commandants de postes, l’insalubrité du climat et la complexité de la topographie de la région frontalière constituent autant de difficultés pour l’autorité coloniale afin de contrôler la frontière, malgré l’entretien d’un service de renseignements considéré par ailleurs comme peu fiable, et en dépit de l’action des partisans, véritable colonne dorsale du maintien de l’ordre frontalier. Cette porosité patente de la frontière se traduit par de nombreuses incursions : du simple vol de bétail aux raids commis contre des villages frontaliers en passant par les embuscades commises sur des chemins ou encore l’introduction frauduleuse de produits sur le territoire tonkinois, l’éventail des crimes transfrontaliers est vaste et soumet la frontière à une pression variable en fonction des évènements se déroulant du côté chinois. Si la répression menée par les troupes régulières est souvent couronnée de succès en cas d’incursions massives et s’apparente plus à des opérations militaires que des actions policières de maintien de l’ordre, en revanche la criminalité du quotidien échappe en grande partie à la vigilance des forces de l’ordre, témoignant par là même des difficultés pour l’autorité centrale d’affirmer son autorité sur une frontière dont la stabilité reste encore largement en devenir
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