1,150 research outputs found

    The Role of the Gouy Phase in the Coherent Phase Control of the Photoionization and Photodissociation of Vinyl Chloride

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    We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the Gouy phase of a focused laser beam may be used to control the photo-induced reactions of a polyatomic molecule. Quantum mechanical interference between one- and three-photon excitation of vinyl chloride produces a small phase lag between the dissociation and ionization channels on the axis of the molecular beam. Away from the axis, the Gouy phase introduces a much larger phase lag that agrees quantitatively with theory without any adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ion-Size Effect at the Surface of a Silica Hydrosol

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    The author used synchrotron x-ray reflectivity to study the ion-size effect for alkali ions (Na+^+, K+^+, Rb+^+, and Cs+^+), with densities as high as 4×1018−7×10184 \times 10^{18}- 7 \times 10^{18} m−2^{-2}, suspended above the surface of a colloidal solution of silica nanoparticles in the field generated by the surface electric-double layer. According to the data, large alkali ions preferentially accumulate at the sol's surface replacing smaller ions, a finding that qualitatively agrees with the dependence of the Kharkats-Ulstrup single-ion electrostatic free energy on the ion's radius.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Radius of a Photon Beam with Orbital Angular Momentum

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    We analyze the transverse structure of the Gouy phase shift in light beams carrying orbital angular momentum and show that the Gouy radius rGr_G characterizing the transverse structure grows as 2p+∣ℓ∣+1\sqrt{2p+|\ell|+1} with the nodal number pp and photon angular momentum number ℓ\ell. The Gouy radius is shown to be closely related to the root-mean-square radius of the beam, and the divergence of the radius away from the focal plane is determined. Finally, we analyze the rotation of the Poynting vector in the context of the Gouy radius.Comment: 11 page

    Heterodyne non-demolition measurements on cold atomic samples: towards the preparation of non-classical states for atom interferometry

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    We report on a novel experiment to generate non-classical atomic states via quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements on cold atomic samples prepared in a high finesse ring cavity. The heterodyne technique developed for the QND detection exhibits an optical shot-noise limited behavior for local oscillator optical power of a few hundred \muW, and a detection bandwidth of several GHz. This detection tool is used in single pass to follow non destructively the internal state evolution of an atomic sample when subjected to Rabi oscillations or a spin-echo interferometric sequence.Comment: 23 page

    Sum rules of codon usage probabilities

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    In the crystal basis model of the genetic code, it is deduced that the sum of usage probabilities of the codons with C and A in the third position for the quartets and/or sextets is independent of the biological species for vertebrates. A comparison with experimental data shows that the prediction is satisfied within about 5 %.Comment: 7 page

    Incorporation of excluded volume correlations into Poisson-Boltzmann theory

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    We investigate the effect of excluded volume interactions on the electrolyte distribution around a charged macroion. First, we introduce a criterion for determining when hard-core effects should be taken into account beyond standard mean field Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. Next, we demonstrate that several commonly proposed local density functional approaches for excluded volume interactions cannot be used for this purpose. Instead, we employ a non-local excess free energy by using a simple constant weight approach. We compare the ion distribution and osmotic pressure predicted by this theory with Monte Carlo simulations. They agree very well for weakly developed correlations and give the correct layering effect for stronger ones. In all investigated cases our simple weighted density theory yields more realistic results than the standard PB approach, whereas all local density theories do not improve on the PB density profiles but on the contrary, deviate even more from the simulation results.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Description beyond the mean field approximation of an electrolyte confined between two planar metallic electrodes

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    We study an electrolyte confined in a slab of width WW composed of two grounded metallic parallel electrodes. We develop a description of this system in a low coupling regime beyond the mean field (Poisson--Boltzmann) approximation. There are two ways to model the metallic boundaries: as ideal conductors in which the electric potential is zero and it does not fluctuate, or as good conductors in which the average electric potential is zero but the thermal fluctuations of the potential are not zero. This latter model is more realistic. For the ideal conductor model we find that the disjoining pressure is positive behaves as 1/W31/W^3 for large separations with a prefactor that is universal, i.e. independent of the microscopic constitution of the system. For the good conductor boundaries the disjoining pressure is negative and it has an exponential decay for large WW. We also compute the density and electric potential profiles inside the electrolyte. These are the same in both models. If the electrolyte is charge asymmetric we find that the system is not locally neutral and that a non-zero potential difference builds up between any electrode and the interior of the system although both electrodes are grounded.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, added a new appendix B and a discussion on ideal conductors vs. good conductor

    X-ray study of the electric double layer at the n-hexane/nanocolloidal silica interface

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    The spatial structure of the transition region between an insulator and an electrolyte solution was studied with x-ray scattering.The electron density profile across the n-hexane/silica sol interface (solutions with 5-nm, 7-nm, and 12-nm colloidal particles) agrees with the theory of the electrical double layer and shows separation of positive and negative charges. The interface consists of three layers, i.e., a compact layer of Na+, a loose monolayer of nanocolloidal particles as part of a thick diffuse layer, and a low-density layer sandwiched between them. Its structure is described by a model in which the potential gradient at the interface reflects the difference in the potentials of "image forces" between the cationic Na+ and anionic nanoparticles and the specific adsorption of surface charge. The density of water in the large electric field (1-10 GV/m) of the transition region and the layering of silica in the diffuse layer is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Ion-ion correlations: an improved one-component plasma correction

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    Based on a Debye-Hueckel approach to the one-component plasma we propose a new free energy for incorporating ionic correlations into Poisson-Boltzmann like theories. Its derivation employs the exclusion of the charged background in the vicinity of the central ion, thereby yielding a thermodynamically stable free energy density, applicable within a local density approximation. This is an improvement over the existing Debye-Hueckel plus hole theory, which in this situation suffers from a "structuring catastrophe". For the simple example of a strongly charged stiff rod surrounded by its counterions we demonstrate that the Poisson-Boltzmann free energy functional augmented by our new correction accounts for the correlations present in this system when compared to molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revtex styl

    X-ray Near Field Speckle: Implementation and Critical Analysis

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    We have implemented the newly-introduced, coherence-based technique of x-ray near-field speckle (XNFS) at 8-ID-I at the Advanced Photon Source. In the near field regime of high-brilliance synchrotron x-rays scattered from a sample of interest, it turns out, that, when the scattered radiation and the main beam both impinge upon an x-ray area detector, the measured intensity shows low-contrast speckles, resulting from interference between the incident and scattered beams. We built a micrometer-resolution XNFS detector with a high numerical aperture microscope objective and demonstrate its capability for studying static structures and dynamics at longer length scales than traditional far field x-ray scattering techniques. Specifically, we characterized the structure and dynamics of dilute silica and polystyrene colloidal samples. Our study reveals certain limitations of the XNFS technique, which we discuss.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figure
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