11 research outputs found

    Citizen science as a promoter of environmental civility and Nature conservation

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    Ação Lixo Marinho! is a Portuguese nation-wide Ocean Literacy awareness project that uses citizen science activities of marine litter monitoring as one of the strategies to draw attention of the participants towards a responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources (SDG 14). Due to conclude in March 2022, this project serves as a kickstart to achieve these goals in the long term, with all 12 entities involved in it contributing to an increased engagement in reducing pollution in the marine environment while promoting circular economy, sustainable consumption and waste reduction across the whole of Portuguese society. Project's Website Project's Facebook ProfileRemote participation in the "Mitforschen! Das Citizen-Science-Festival" that took place in Berlin, on October 14th and 15th 2020. Project ALIMAR Ação Lixo Marinho! (FA_06_2017_081) is co-funded by Fundo Azul programme of Direção-Geral de Política do Mar (Portuguese Ministry of the Sea).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Individual-based genetic analyses support asexual hydrochory dispersal in Zostera noltei

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    Dispersal beyond the local patch in clonal plants was typically thought to result from sexual reproduction via seed dispersal. However, evidence for the separation, transport by water, and re-establishment of asexual propagules (asexual hydrochory) is mounting suggesting other important means of dispersal in aquatic plants. Using an unprecedented sampling size and microsatellite genetic identification, we describe the distribution of seagrass clones along tens of km within a coastal lagoon in Southern Portugal. Our spatially explicit individual-based sampling design covered 84 km(2) and collected 3 185 Zostera noltei ramets from 803 sites. We estimated clone age, assuming rhizome elongation as the only mechanism of clone spread, and contrasted it with paleo-oceanographic sea level change. We also studied the association between a source of disturbance and the location of large clones. A total of 16 clones were sampled more than 10 times and the most abundant one was sampled 59 times. The largest distance between two samples from the same clone was 26.4 km and a total of 58 and 10 clones were sampled across more than 2 and 10 km, respectively. The number of extremely large clone sizes, and their old ages when assuming the rhizome elongation as the single causal mechanism, suggests other processes are behind the span of these clones. We discuss how the dispersal of vegetative fragments in a stepping-stone manner might have produced this pattern. We found higher probabilities to sample large clones away from the lagoon inlet, considered a source of disturbance. This study corroborates previous experiments on the success of transport and re-establishment of asexual fragments and supports the hypothesis that asexual hydrochory is responsible for the extent of these clones.Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal [PTDC/MAR/099887/2008]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [SFRH/BD/68570/2010

    A ciência-cidadã ao serviço da mudança: o exemplo do projeto A Minha Praia

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    Vencedor da 1ª edição do Orçamento Participativo Portugal (2017), A Minha Praia é um projeto de monitorização ambiental que pretende sensibilizar para a conservação do meio marinho e estimular hábitos de consumo responsáveis, através de ações de ciência cidadã e civismo ambiental.SFRH/BGCT/135195/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um ano de escola n'A Minha Praia – sensibilização para a problemática do lixo marinho utilizando a ciência-cidadã como ferramenta

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    Um ano de escola n’A Minha Praia – sensibilização para a problemática do lixo marinho utilizando a ciência-cidadã como ferramenta O Algarve reúne um conjunto de características que o tornam particularmente vulnerável à presença de lixo marinho e aos seus efeitos nefastos: uma orla costeira longa (aprox. 200km), um destino turístico muito popular, uma população residente concentrada no litoral e uma fração significativa da sociedade cuja subsistência depende de atividades económicas ligadas ao mar (pesca, marisqueio, extração de sal, passeios turísticos, etc.). Foi tendo em conta a magnitude e as consequências da propagação do lixo marinho na região que o Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira coordenou o projeto A Minha Praia, um dos vencedores da primeira edição do Orçamento Participativo Portugal (OPP) em 2017, e cuja execução foi garantida pela colaboração entre os três Centros Ciência Viva (CCVs) no Algarve, com o envolvimento de várias entidades regionais e nacionais. Este projeto permitiu que cerca de 933 alunos provenientes de 17 escolas fossem sensibilizados para a conservação do meio marinho, para hábitos de consumo sustentáveis e para o civismo ambiental, em simultâneo com ações de ciência-cidadã, nas quais periodicamente monitorizavam a presença de lixo marinho em seis praias da costa sul do Algarve. Ainda dentro da função didática do projeto, demonstramos a valorização do plástico (que é o maior componente do lixo marinho), aproveitando-o, reciclando-o e transformando-o em novos objetos que prolongam a sua utilidade.Esta apresentação foi dinamizada no âmbito do projecto OPP-A Minha (OPP220/437), financiado pela Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica e pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    External promotion of a tourism destination: the Center of Portugal

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Turismo, Território e Patrimónios apresentada à Faculdade de LetrasThe phenomenon of globalisation has changed consumption patterns, societies, products, services and technologies, as well as contributed to major changes in the field of tourism, to such an extent that it has become one of the main players in international trade and the main source of income for many developing countries. This development has led to the emergence of new tourism destinations, more diversification, as well as greater competitiveness among tourism destinations. This competitiveness increasingly presupposes quality and sustainability and requires innovation and creativity from destinations, particularly in terms of external promotion. This Master's thesis focuses on this aspect, so essential for destinations, which is external promotion, and focusing mainly in one territory: the Center of Portugal.In Portugal, the external promotion of tourist regions was entrusted to the Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies (ARPT) after the Ministers Resolution no. 97/2003. In this sense, the ARPT Center of Portugal is responsible for promoting Center of Portugal destination. As these organisations have the possibility of forming partnerships between public and private agents, it is important to know the opinion of these tourism agents, that is, of the private stakeholders in relation to the external promotion of the destination. Therefore, the first and second parts of this study have a more theoretical approach around the concepts related to external promotion, such as destination management, branding, marketing and destination management. It also seeks to understand how the national destination and its regions have been promoted and what have they done in terms of strategic planning. The third part of this research is a practical approach to the territory under study, the Center of Portugal, and the work that ARPT Center of Portugal has been developing. The research methodology consisted in conducting structured interviews with associates in order to understand their position in relation to the ARPT Center of Portugal work in external promotion of its destination.In fact, it was concluded that the majority of the interviewees have a favourable opinion regarding the way in which external promotion has been carried out by ARPT Center of Portugal. Nevertheless, it was considered that the large territorial extension can be a problem as it hinders the final communication of the destination, claiming the repetition of promoted regions, as well as cities, and there is not a great inclusion of the whole region. It is therefore important to promote the destination as a whole in order to make the diversity of this region known. This research aims to make known more about the external promotion of a tourism destination, being the first study of this scope that focuses on this region: the Center of Portugal.O fenómeno da globalização alterou padrões de consumo, as sociedades, os produtos, os serviços e as tecnologias, bem como contribuiu para grandes transformações no âmbito do Turismo, de tal maneira que se tornou num dos principais atores do comércio internacional e principal fonte de rendimentos de muitos países em desenvolvimento. Este desenvolvimento proporcionou o aparecimento de novos destinos turísticos, mais e maior diversificação da oferta, tal como uma maior competitividade entre os destinos turísticos. Esta competitividade pressupõe, cada vez mais, qualidade e sustentabilidade e obriga à inovação e à criatividade dos destinos, principalmente ao nível da promoção externa. A presente dissertação de mestrado centra-se neste aspecto tão essencial para os destinos que é a promoção externa, fá-lo centrando-se num território: o Centro de Portugal. Em Portugal, após a Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 97/2003 a promoção externa das regiões turísticas ficou a cargo das Agências Regionais de Promoção Turística (ARPT). Nesse sentido, a ARPT Centro de Portugal é a responsável pela promoção do destino Centro de Portugal. Sendo que estas organizações têm a possibilidade de realizar parcerias entre os agentes públicos e privados, é importante saber qual a opinião destes agentes de turismo, isto é, dos stakeholders privados em relação à promoção externa do destino. Por conseguinte, a primeira e segunda parte deste estudo têm uma abordagem mais teórica nas quais se procura perceber os conceitos relacionados com a promoção externa, como branding, marketing e gestão de destinos. Procura-se também perceber como tem sido a promoção do próprio destino nacional e das suas regiões turísticas, bem como o que tem sido feito a nível de planeamento estratégico. A terceira parte desta investigação é uma abordagem prática do território em estudo, o Centro de Portugal, e do trabalho que a ARPT Centro de Portugal tem desenvolvido. A metodologia da investigação consistiu na realização de entrevistas estruturadas aos associados por forma a perceber qual a sua posição relativamente à ARPT Centro de Portugal e se se reveem na marca Centro de Portugal e na promoção externa do destino. Efetivamente, concluiu-se que a maioria dos entrevistados têm uma opinião favorável relativamente à forma como a promoção externa tem sido realizada pela ARPT Centro de Portugal. Não obstante, considerou-se que a grande extensão territorial pode ser um problema na medida em que dificulta a comunicação final do destino, alegando-se a repetição de regiões promovidas, bem como de cidades, não havendo uma grande inclusão de toda a região. Importa, portanto, que haja uma promoção do destino como um todo, de forma a dar a conhecer a diversidade desta região.Esta investigação ambiciona dar a conhecer mais sobre a temática da promoção externa de um destino turístico, sendo o primeiro estudo deste âmbito que se foca nesta região: o Centro de Portugal

    Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic

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    In the North-east (NE) Atlantic, most intertidal fucoids and warm-temperate kelps show unique low-latitude gene pools matching long-term climatic refugia. For cold-temperate kelps data are scarcer despite their unique cultural, ecological and economic significance. Here we test whether the amphi-Atlantic range of Laminaria digitata is derived from past glacial survival (and vicariance) in both NE and North-west (NW) Atlantic refugia (as suggested by niche modelling), or post-glacial (re)colonization (as suggested by low mtDNA divergence). We screened 14 populations from across the species range for 12 microsatellite loci to identify and map major gene pools and refugia. We assessed if NW Atlantic survival was supported by unique endemic variation, and if genetic diversity and structure were, as predicted from larger hindcasted glacial ranges, higher in the NE Atlantic. Microsatellite data subdivided L. digitata into three main genetic groups matching Brittany, northern Europe and the NW Atlantic, with finer-scale sub-structuring within European clusters. The relatively diverse NE Atlantic lineages probably survived the Last Glacial Maximum along unglaciated periglacial shorelines of the Armorican and Celtic Seas (Brittany cluster) and Ireland (northern European cluster), and remain well differentiated despite their relative proximity. The unique Brittany gene pool, at the contemporary European rear edge, is projected to disappear in the near future under high greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Low allelic diversity and low endemism in the NW Atlantic are consistent with recent post-glacial colonization from Europe, challenging the long-standing hypothesis of in situ glacial survival. Confusion with Hedophyllum nigripes may have led to underestimation of regional diversity of L. digitata, but also to overestimation of its presence along putative trans-Atlantic migration routes. Partial incongruence between modelling and genetic-based biogeographic inferences highlights the benefits of comparing both approaches to understand how shifting climatic conditions affect marine species distributions and explain large-scale patterns of spatial genetic structure.PTDC/MAR-EST/6053/2014, Biodiversa/0004/2015, UID/Multi/04326/2019, SFRH/BSAB/150485/2019 (to EAS) and Norma Transitória DL 57/2016/CP1361/CT001info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hybrid vigour for thermal tolerance in hybrids between the allopatric kelps Laminaria digitata and L. pallida (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) with contrasting thermal affinities

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    Kelps are globally important bioengineering species with high ecological and economic value, but are increasingly threatened by climate-driven geographic range shifts. The inheritance of economically important traits from parents to offspring is poorly understood in kelps but it is of utmost interest to seaweed farmers wishing to select strains with superior performance and resilience to environmental change. For two allopatric kelp species (N-Atlantic Laminaria digitata and S-Atlantic L. pallida), we compared the speed of gametogenesis and reproductive success in parental gametophytes, and produced intraspecific and reciprocal interspecific crosses of female x male gametophyte parents isolated from the two species. We then compared the upper thermal resilience of microscopic and macroscopic sibling sporophytes in an exposure experiment over two weeks. The upper thermal limit of the sporophytes resulting from intraspecific crosses of the two species deviated by 1 degrees C. In contrast, sporophytes from both interspecific hybrid crosses had a 2-3 degrees C higher upper thermal tolerance than single species sporophytes, indicating heterosis for thermal tolerance. This phenotypic response appears partially sex-dependent in our study, with female parents being more important in determining the thermal-response phenotype than male parents. The presence of male gametophytes generally enhanced female reproductive success. Both gametogenesis rate and reproductive success differed among the types of reciprocal crosses. Although the interspecific crosses were artificial in an ecological sense, they may provide a tool for understanding the molecular basis of heterosis and thermal tolerance in kelps (e.g. by investigating species-specific gene expression), or for aquaculture breeding programmes against a background of rapid environmental change.Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/Multi/04326/2019, MARFOR-Biodiversa/0004/2015, GENEKELP-PTDC/MAR-EST/6053/2014]FormasSwedish Research Council FormasNaturvardsverketANRFrench National Research Agency (ANR)FCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [SFRH/BPD/122567/2016]MECSpanish GovernmentFRCTDFGGerman Research Foundation (DFG)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ocean currents shape the genetic structure of a kelp in southwestern Africa

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    Aim Drivers of extant population genetic structure include past climate-driven range shifts and vicariant events, as well as gene flow mediated by dispersal and habitat continuity. Their integration as alternative or complementary drivers is often missing or incomplete, potentially overlooking relevant processes and time scales. Here we ask whether it is the imprint of past range shifts or habitat connectivity driven by oceanographic transport that best explain genetic structure in a poorly understood model, a forest-forming African kelp. Location Southwestern coast of Africa (Benguela current region). Taxon Laminaria pallida. Methods We estimated genetic variability along the species distributional range using 14 microsatellite markers. This genetic variability was compared to estimates of past range shifts derived from species distribution modelling for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the mid-Holocene (MH) and the present, and estimates of habitat connectivity derived from oceanographic biophysical modelling. Results The species is structured in two clusters, a southern cluster with much richer (allelic richness A: 10.40 +/- 0.33) and unique (private alleles PA: 56.69 +/- 4.05) genetic diversity, and a northern cluster (A: 4.75 +/- 0.17; PA: 6.70 +/- 1.45). These clusters matched well-known biogeographical regions and their transition coincided with a dispersal barrier formed by upwelled offshore transport. No major range shifts or vicariant events were hindcasted along the present range, suggesting population stability from the LGM to the present. Main conclusions Habitat connectivity, rather than past range shifts, explains the extant population structure. Future environmental requirements of the species along the Benguela upwelling system are projected to persist or even intensify, likely preserving the observed genetic patterns for the years to come. Yet, the differentiation and endemicity between clusters, and the isolation structured by the regional oceanography, implies high conservation value for genetic biodiversity, and even more if considering the ecological, social and economic services provided by kelp forests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Yritysidentiteetin suunnittelu : Tapahtumailme

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    Opinnäytetyön aihe keskittyy yritysidentiteetin suunnitteluun. Työssä tarkastellaan aiheen käsitteitä ja termejä sekä määritellään tarkoitukset. Työn tavoitteena on selventää termistön käyttöä nykypäivänä sekä esittää yritysidentiteettisuunnittelun prosessi. Työ koostuu teoreettisesta ja toiminnallisesta osasta. Ensimmäisenä tutustutaan käsitteisiin identiteetti ja brändi. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään yritysidentiteettisuunnittelun prosessiin. Prosessia tarkastellaan graafisen suunnittelijan näkökulmasta. Työssä on käytetty lähteinä viestintäalan kirjallisuutta, opinnäytetöitä ja verkkotekstejä sekä asiantuntijoiden suullisia tiedonantoja. Lähteistä hankittua tietoa peilataan tekijän työkokemusta vasten. Toiminnallisessa osuudessa sovelletaan opinnäytetyön aihe tapahtumailmeen suunnitteluun ja reflektoidaan kahden tapahtumailmeen suunnitteluprosessia. Soveltamisen tavoitteena on ymmärtää brändäyksen ja markkinoinnin tarpeellisuus hyvän visuaalisen identiteetin onnistumiseksi. Teoreettisen osuuden tulos on, että käsitteet identiteetti ja brändi eivät ole synonyymejä. Nykypäivänä brändi mielletään helposti yrityksen yritystunnukseksi tai ilmeeksi, mutta se tarkoittaa yleisön tunnetta yrityksestä. Asiakasyritysten toimeksiannot ovat onnistuneet toiveiden ja teoreettisen osaamisen pohjalta. Syventyminen opinnäytetyön aiheeseen on vahvistanut suunnitteluprosessia ja auttanut projektien työskentelyä.The thesis focuses on identity design and it defines the meanings of the terms and concepts by research. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the use of terminology today and to present the process behind designing corporate identities. The work consists of a theoretical and functional part. Theoretical part first gets acquainted with the concepts of identity and brand. Second, the process of design from the point of view of a graphic designer. Literature, theses, online articles and thoughts of communications experts have been used as sources in the work. The information obtained from sources is mirrored against the author's work experience. In the functional part, the subject of the thesis is applied to designing an event identity. The design process of two events is reflected. The purpose of the application is to understand the necessity of branding and marketing to succeed in designing a good visual identity. The result of the theoretical part is that the concepts of identity and brand are not synonymous. Today, the brand is easily perceived as a corporate identity or its visual aspects, but it means the public's sense of business. Customer assignments have been successful on the basis of briefing and author’s theoretical knowledge. The engrossing to the subject of the thesis has strengthened the design process and helped the work of the projects

    Projeto A Minha Praia: A Ciência Cidadã enquanto promotora do civismo ambiental e conservação da Natureza

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    À escala global, a conjugação das atividades humanas com o rápido incremento da população e os sucessivos avanços tecnológicos exercem uma crescente pressão sobre os ambientes marinhos. Atualmente, o lixo marinho é uma das maiores ameaças à vitalidade do Oceano Global: leva à destruição de habitats, à mortalidade de várias espécies, a efeitos adversos na nossa saúde e à quebra geral da produtividade económica providenciada pelo mar. Foi tendo em conta a magnitude e as consequências da disseminação do lixo marinho e a exposição que a região do Algarve tem ao problema, que o Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira assumiu a coordenação do Projeto A Minha Praia, entre Agosto de 2018 e Julho de 2019: um projeto de monitorização ambiental e de sensibilização para a conservação do meio marinho e promoção de hábitos de consumo sustentáveis, através de ações de civismo ambiental e de ciência cidadã. O Projeto A Minha Praia foi um dos vencedores da primeira edição do Orçamento Participativo Portugal (OPP) em 2017, e a sua execução foi garantida pela colaboração entre os três Centros Ciência Viva (CCVs) da região, com o envolvimento de várias entidades regionais e nacionais. Com este projeto, criou-se uma rede de monitorização do lixo marinho em seis praias do Algarve, na qual o público escolar e as camadas mais jovens da região realizaram ações periódicas de sensibilização para a problemática do lixo marinho, sua origem e alcance, bem como a sua catalogação e recolha. O lixo recolhido foi triado e classificado de acordo com a metodologia OSPAR, produzindo informação que foi entregue à Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, a entidade responsável pela monitorização do lixo marinho em Portugal. O Projeto A Minha Praia também apresenta uma vertente técnica, já que nos CCVs aproveitamos para demonstrar que o plástico, que é o maior componente do lixo encontrado no mar e zonas costeiras, deve ser encarado como um matéria-prima a ser aproveitada, reciclada e transformada em novos objetos de carácter prático ou artístico que prolongam a vida útil deste material.Concretização deste poster no âmbito do projecto OPP-A Minha Praia (OPP220/437), financiado pela Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica e pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio