181 research outputs found

    Quitter Charleville dans les années 1860-1870

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    Cet article propose une analyse de l’émigration urbaine à court (un an) et à moyen (cinq ans) terme dans la seconde moitié du xixe siècle à partir des recensements annuels de la ville de Charleville (est de la France). Cette ville connaît dans les années 1860-1870 une croissance démographique soutenue liée à son industrialisation. Le renouvellement de la population dans cette petite ville est comparable à celui des grandes métropoles européennes et américaines à la même époque. L’article se fixe comme objectif d’identifier les variables individuelles qui favorisent le départ de la ville d’un recensement à l’autre et à cinq ans. Comme attendu, l’âge des individus, leur position dans leur ménage sont des facteurs clés. Mais la variable d’origine géographique des habitants fait apparaître le comportement singulier de la communauté belge installée à Charleville qui se signale par une stabilité comparable à celle des natifs. Les individus les plus mobiles ne sont pas seulement les ouvriers et les domestiques mais aussi les employés des administrations publiques et des compagnies de chemin de fer. Les variables significatives de la mobilité à un an ne recouvrent pas exactement celles de la mobilité à cinq ans.This paper analyses short-term (one year) and medium-term (five years) urban emigration during the second half of the 19th century, using the annual census of the town of Charleville (eastern France). From 1860 to 1870, the town underwent sustained demographic growth due to industrialization. The renewal of the population of this small town reflects that of major European and American cities during the same period. The article’s objective is to identify the individual variables that favoured departure from the town from one census to another, and over five years. As expected, individuals’ age and position in the household are key factors. But the variable of inhabitants’ geographical origin reveals the singular behaviour of the Belgian community settled in Charleville, characterised by a stability comparable to those born in the town. In addition to labourers and servants, the most mobile individuals included government and railway company employees. The significant variables for mobility over one year do not exactly overlap those for mobility over five years

    Parrains et voisins? Espace et parrainage en banlieue parisienne au XIXe siècle

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    Située à proximité de Paris, Aubervilliers, au cours du XIXe siècle, connaît une forte croissance de sa population et une transformation de son tissu social avec l’arrivée de migrants et l’orientation des activités économiques vers l’industrie au détriment de l’agriculture traditionnelle. Dans le cadre d’une réfl exion générale concernant la place du parrainage dans la construction des liens sociaux et particulièrement de la sociabilité communautaire à l’échelle locale, la distribution spatiale des parrains et marraines des enfants baptisés dans l’unique église paroissiale de la localité a été analysée sur trois siècles, afi n de montrer la fi n progressive du parrainage entre voisins appartenant à une même communauté, la paroisse, entre XVIIIe siècle et XIXe siècle, et l’élargissement du bassin de recrutement des parents spirituels, celui-ci témoignant du recul de l’esprit communautaire ancien. Au XIXe siècle, quand les choix dans la parenté n’amènent pas à aller quérir des parrains loin d’Aubervilliers, d’autres types de parrains voisins apparaissent: les gens du quartier, voire les voisins d’immeuble, prennent alors une place importante, notamment dans le quartier ouvrier peuplé de migrants de Quatre Chemins-Champ Blanc, au sud de la commune. Il ressort ainsi de l’analyse détaillée des baptêmes de 1881 que l’espace de la banlieue était loin d’être uniforme. Par beaucoup d’aspects dont le parrainage, Aubervilliers était bien une «périphérie» de Paris (cf. la proportion de parrains et marraines vivant dans la capitale), mais en son sein plusieurs quartiers, où des logiques de choix diff érentes étaient mises en oeuvre au moment des baptêmes, coexistaient

    Surface acoustic wave driven ferromagnetic resonance in (Ga,Mn)(As,P) epilayers

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    Interdigitated transducers were used to generate and detect surface acoustic waves on a thin layer of (Ga,Mn)(As,P). The out-of-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of this dilute magnetic semiconductor is very sensitive to the strain of the layer, making it an ideal test material for the dynamic control of magnetization via magneto-striction. The time-domain measurement of the amplitude and phase of the transmitted SAW during magnetic field sweeps indicated a clear resonant behavior at a field close to the one calculated to give a precession frequency equal to the SAW frequency. A resonance was observed from 5K to 85K, just below the Curie temperature of the layer. A full analytical treatment of the coupled magnetization/acoustic dynamics showed that the magneto-strictive coupling modifies the elastic constants of the material and accordingly the wave-vector solution to the elastic wave equation. The shape and position of the resonance were well reproduced by the calculations, in particular the fact that velocity (phase) variations resonated at lower fields than the acoustic attenuation variations

    Effect of picosecond strain pulses on thin layers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)(As,P)

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    The effect of picosecond acoustic strain pulses (ps-ASP) on a thin layer of (Ga,Mn)As co-doped with phosphorus was probed using magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). A transient MOKE signal followed by low amplitude oscillations was evidenced, with a strong dependence on applied magnetic field, temperature and ps-ASP amplitude. Careful interferometric measurement of the layer's thickness variation induced by the ps-ASP allowed us to model very accurately the resulting signal, and interpret it as the strain modulated reflectivity (differing for σ±\sigma_{\pm} probe polarizations), independently from dynamic magnetization effects.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    La vejez en Francia, siglos XVII-XX. Entre las regulaciones familiares, las representaciones sociales y los intereses científico-políticos

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    En este artículo se intenta ofrecer una síntesis historiográfica de los trabajos franceses que se han orientado en esta dirección. En primer lugar, se abordarán las formas que adoptó la protección de la vejez en el marco familiar durante el Antiguo Régimen, aprovechando además para ver el alcance y la diversidad local de las prácticas existentes. En un segundo momento, se analizará el cambio que conoció la imagen de la vejez entre los siglos XVII y XIX, y se aprovechará para mostrar la deuda que dicho cambio tuvo con el movimiento de las Luces, en el cual apareció, por un lado, el moderno concepto de pensión y, por otro, el ideal del abuelo cariñoso y comprensivo. Ya en un tercero, analizaremos el concepto de “envejecimiento de la población” creado por los demógrafos franceses, para pasar luego al estudio de su evolución científica e intelectual en el curso de los siglos XIX y XX, amén de realizar una evaluación crítica de los cambios experimentados por la edad de entrada en la vejez. Finalizaremos señalando las futuras orientaciones que, en nuestra opinión, debería seguir la investigación en el futuro

    Réseaux sociaux et parrainage: les consequences de l'application du Concile de Trente dans une paroisse française, Aubervilliers (1552-1631)

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    Con cierto retraso respecto a lo sucedido en Italia, las diócesis francesas comenzaron a aplicar las decisiones del Concilio de Trento a comienzos del siglo XVII. En el norte de Francia, uno de los aspectos derivados de esa aplicación fue la paulatina asunción de un modelo de padrinazgo binario, del tipo padrino-madrina, en un ámbito dominado hasta entonces por el modelo ternario. En este trabajo se ha procedido a describir esa transición entre 1552 y 1631 a partir de lo sucedido en una parroquia rural cercana a París, Aubervilliers. Dicha parroquia fue confiada a los Oratorianos a partir de 1610-1620, quienes en apenas unos años consiguieron implantar en ella el padrinazgo binario. Su adopción tuvo efectos sociorrelacionales inmediatos. Por ejemplo, el clero local dejó de ser solicitado como padrino de los recién nacidos en favor de la parentela maternal y de los individuos pertenecientes a las elites locales. Nos encontramos así con ciertos procesos semejantes a los hallados en el norte de Italia por estudios semejantes, si bien desarrollándose conforme a los matices propios del contexto social que en la época imperaba en el mundo rural de Île-de-France

    CRISPR/Cas9-induced (CTG⋅CAG)n repeat instability in the myotonic dystrophy type 1 locus: implications for therapeutic genome editing

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is caused by (CTG⋅CAG)n-repeat expansion within the DMPK gene and thought to be mediated by a toxic RNA gain of function. Current attempts to develop therapy for this disease mainly aim at destroying or blocking abnormal properties of mutant DMPK (CUG)n RNA. Here, we explored a DNA-directed strategy and demonstrate that single clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9-cleavage in either its 5′ or 3′ unique flank promotes uncontrollable deletion of large segments from the expanded trinucleotide repeat, rather than formation of short indels usually seen after double-strand break repair. Complete and precise excision of the repeat tract from normal and large expanded DMPK alleles in myoblasts from unaffected individuals, DM1 patients, and a DM1 mouse model could be achieved at high frequency by dual CRISPR/Cas9-cleavage at either side of the (CTG⋅CAG)n sequence. Importantly, removal of the repeat appeared to have no detrimental effects on the expression of genes in the DM1 locus. Moreover, myogenic capacity, nucleocytoplasmic distribution, and abnormal RNP-binding behavior of transcripts from the edited DMPK gene were normalized. Dual sgRNA-guided excision of the (CTG⋅CAG)n tract by CRISPR/Cas9 technology is applicable for developing isogenic cell lines for research and may provide new therapeutic opportunities for patients with DM1

    Strain-Control of the magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)(As,P) ferromagnetic semiconductor layers

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    A small fraction of phosphorus (up to 10 %) was incorporated in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As epilayers grown on a GaAs substrate. P incorporation allows reducing the epitaxial strain or even change its sign, resulting in strong modifications of the magnetic anisotropy. In particular a reorientation of the easy axis toward the growth direction is observed for high P concentration. It offers an interesting alternative to the metamorphic approach, in particular for magnetization reversal experiments where epitaxial defects stongly affect the domain wall propagation

    A prospective, observational study of fidaxomicin use for Clostridioides difficile infection in France.

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    To describe the characteristics, management and outcomes of hospitalised patients with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) treated with and without fidaxomicin. This prospective, multicentre, observational study (DAFNE) enrolled hospitalised patients with CDI, including 294 patients treated with fidaxomicin (outcomes recorded over a 3-month period) and 150 patients treated with other CDI therapies during three 1-month periods. The primary endpoint was baseline and CDI characteristics of fidaxomicin-treated patients. At baseline, the fidaxomicin-treated population included immunocompromised patients (39.1%) and patients with severe (59.2%) and recurrent (36.4%) CDI. Fidaxomicin was associated with a high rate of clinical cure (92.2%) and low CDI recurrence (16.3% within 3 months). Clinical cure rates were ≥90% in patients aged ≥65 years, those receiving concomitant antibiotics and those with prior or severe CDI. There were 121/296 (40.9%) patients with adverse events (AEs), 5.4% with fidaxomicin-related AEs and 1.0% with serious fidaxomicin-related AEs. No fidaxomicin-related deaths were reported. Fidaxomicin is an effective and well-tolerated CDI treatment in a real-world setting in France, which included patients at high risk of adverse outcomes.Trial registration: Description of the use of fidaxomicin in hospitalised patients with documented Clostridium difficile infection and the management of these patients (DAFNE), NCT02214771, www.ClinicalTrials.gov