133 research outputs found

    The Mechanical Basis of Memory – the MeshCODE Theory

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    One of the major unsolved mysteries of biological science concerns the question of where and in what form information is stored in the brain. I propose that memory is stored in the brain in a mechanically encoded binary format written into the conformations of proteins found in the cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesions that organise each and every synapse. The MeshCODE framework outlined here represents a unifying theory of data storage in animals, providing read-write storage of both dynamic and persistent information in a binary format. Mechanosensitive proteins that contain force-dependent switches can store information persistently, which can be written or updated using small changes in mechanical force. These mechanosensitive proteins, such as talin, scaffold each synapse, creating a meshwork of switches that together form a code, the so-called MeshCODE. Large signalling complexes assemble on these scaffolds as a function of the switch patterns and these complexes would both stabilise the patterns and coordinate synaptic regulators to dynamically tune synaptic activity. Synaptic transmission and action potential spike trains would operate the cytoskeletal machinery to write and update the synaptic MeshCODEs, thereby propagating this coding throughout the organism. Based on established biophysical principles, such a mechanical basis for memory would provide a physical location for data storage in the brain, with the binary patterns, encoded in the information-storing mechanosensitive molecules in the synaptic scaffolds, and the complexes that form on them, representing the physical location of engrams. Furthermore, the conversion and storage of sensory and temporal inputs into a binary format would constitute an addressable read-write memory system, supporting the view of the mind as an organic supercomputer

    The MeshCODE to scale—visualising synaptic binary information

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    The Mercator projection map of the world provides a useful, but distorted, view of the relative scale of countries. Current cellular models suffer from a similar distortion. Here, we undertook an in-depth structural analysis of the molecular dimensions in the cell’s computational machinery, the MeshCODE, that is assembled from a meshwork of binary switches in the scaffolding proteins talin and vinculin. Talin contains a series of force-dependent binary switches and each domain switching state introduces quantised step-changes in talin length on a micrometre scale. The average dendritic spine is 1 μm in diameter so this analysis identifies a plausible Gearbox-like mechanism for dynamic regulation of synaptic function, whereby the positioning of enzymes and substrates relative to each other, mechanically-encoded by the MeshCODE switch patterns, might control synaptic transmission. Based on biophysical rules and experimentally derived distances, this analysis yields a novel perspective on biological digital information

    The MeshCODE to scale – Visualising synaptic binary information

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    The Mercator projection map of the world provides a useful, but distorted, view of the relative scale of countries. Current cellular models suffer from a similar distortion. Here, we undertook an in-depth structural analysis of the molecular dimensions in the cells computational machinery, the MeshCODE, that is assembled from a meshwork of binary switches in the scaffolding proteins talin and vinculin. Talin contains a series of force-dependent binary switches and each domain switching state introduces quantised step-changes in talin length on a micrometre scale. The average dendritic spine is 1 μm in diameter so this analysis identifies a plausible Gearbox-like mechanism for dynamic regulation of synaptic function, whereby the positioning of enzymes and substrates relative to each other, mechanically-encoded by the MeshCODE switch patterns, might control synaptic transmission. Based on biophysical rules and experimentally derived distances, this analysis yields a novel perspective on biological digital information

    Mechanotransduction through protein stretching

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    Cells sense and respond to subtle changes in their physicality, and via a myriad of different mechanosensitive processes, convert these physical cues into chemical and biochemical signals. This process, called mechanotransduction, is possible due to a highly sophisticated machinery within cells. One mechanism by which this can occur is via the stretching of mechanosensitive proteins. Stretching proteins that contain force-dependent regions results in altered geometry and dimensions of the connections, as well as differential spatial organization of signals bound to the stretched protein. The purpose of this mini-review is to discuss some of the intense recent activity in this area of mechanobiology that strives to understand how protein stretching can influence signaling outputs and cellular responses

    The Talin Head Domain Reinforces Integrin-Mediated Adhesion by Promoting Adhesion Complex Stability and Clustering

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    Talin serves an essential function during integrin-mediated adhesion in linking integrins to actin via the intracellular adhesion complex. In addition, the N-terminal head domain of talin regulates the affinity of integrins for their ECM-ligands, a process known as inside-out activation. We previously showed that in Drosophila, mutating the integrin binding site in the talin head domain resulted in weakened adhesion to the ECM. Intriguingly, subsequent studies showed that canonical inside-out activation of integrin might not take place in flies. Consistent with this, a mutation in talin that specifically blocks its ability to activate mammalian integrins does not significantly impinge on talin function during fly development. Here, we describe results suggesting that the talin head domain reinforces and stabilizes the integrin adhesion complex by promoting integrin clustering distinct from its ability to support inside-out activation. Specifically, we show that an allele of talin containing a mutation that disrupts intramolecular interactions within the talin head attenuates the assembly and reinforcement of the integrin adhesion complex. Importantly, we provide evidence that this mutation blocks integrin clustering in vivo. We propose that the talin head domain is essential for regulating integrin avidity in Drosophila and that this is crucial for integrin-mediated adhesion during animal development

    Structural Basis of β2 Integrin Inside—Out Activation

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    β2 integrins are expressed on all leukocytes. Precise regulation of the β2 integrin is critical for leukocyte adhesion and trafficking. In neutrophils, β2 integrins participate in slow rolling. When activated by inside–out signaling, fully activated β2 integrins mediate rapid leukocyte arrest and adhesion. The two activation pathways, starting with selectin ligand engagement and chemokine receptor ligation, respectively, converge on phosphoinositide 3-kinase, talin-1, kindlin-3 and Rap1. Here, we focus on recent structural insights into autoinhibited talin-1 and autoinhibited trimeric kindlin-3. When activated, both talin-1 and kindlin-3 can bind the β2 cytoplasmic tail at separate but adjacent sites. We discuss possible pathways for talin-1 and kindlin-3 activation, recruitment to the plasma membrane, and their role in integrin activation. We propose new models of the final steps of integrin activation involving the complex of talin-1, kindlin-3, integrin and the plasma membrane

    The mechanical cell – the role of force dependencies in synchronising protein interaction networks

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    The role of mechanical signals in the proper functioning of organisms is increasingly recognised, and every cell senses physical forces and responds to them. These forces are generated both from outside the cell or via the sophisticated force-generation machinery of the cell, the cytoskeleton. All regions of the cell are connected via mechanical linkages, enabling the whole cell to function as a mechanical system. In this Review, we define some of the key concepts of how this machinery functions, highlighting the critical requirement for mechanosensory proteins, and conceptualise the coupling of mechanical linkages to mechanochemical switches that enables forces to be converted into biological signals. These mechanical couplings provide a mechanism for how mechanical crosstalk might coordinate the entire cell, its neighbours, extending into whole collections of cells, in tissues and in organs, and ultimately in the coordination and operation of entire organisms. Consequently, many diseases manifest through defects in this machinery, which we map onto schematics of the mechanical linkages within a cell. This mapping approach paves the way for the identification of additional linkages between mechanosignalling pathways and so might identify treatments for diseases, where mechanical connections are affected by mutations or where individual force-regulated components are defective

    Investigation of the filamin A-Dependent mechanisms of tissue factor incorporation into microvesicles

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    We have previously shown that phosphorylation of tissue factor (TF) at Ser253 increases the incorporation of TF into microvesicles (MVs) following protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) activation through a process involving filamin-A, whereas Ser258 phosphorylation suppresses this process. Here we examined the contribution of the individual phosphorylation of these serine residues to the interaction between filamin-A and TF, and further examined how filamin-A regulates the incorporation of TF into MVs. In vitro binding assays using recombinant filamin-A C-terminal repeats 22-24 with biotinylated phospho-TF cytoplasmic domain peptides as bait, showed that filamin-A had the highest binding affinities for phospho-Ser253 and double-phosphorylated TF peptides, whilst the phospho-Ser258 TF peptide had the lowest affinity. Analysis of MDA-MB-231 cells using an in situ proximity ligation assay revealed increased proximity between the C-terminus of filamin-A and TF following PAR2 activation, which was concurrent with Ser253 phosphorylation and TF-positive MV release from these cells. Knock-down of filamin-A expression suppressed PAR2-mediated increases in cell surface TF procoagulant activity without reducing cell surface TF antigen expression. Disrupting lipid rafts by pre-incubation with methyl-beta cyclodextrin (MβCD) prior to PAR2 activation reduced TF-positive MV release and cell surface TF procoagulant activity to the same extent as filamin-A knock-down. In conclusion, this study shows that the interaction between TF and filamin-A is dependent on the differential phosphorylation of Ser253 and Ser258. Furthermore the interaction of TF with filamin-A may translocate cell surface TF to cholesterol-rich lipid rafts, increasing cell surface TF activity as well as TF incorporation and release into MVs

    Clutching at Guidance Cues: The Integrin–FAK Axis Steers Axon Outgrowth

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    Integrin receptors are essential contributors to neurite outgrowth and axon elongation. Activated integrins engage components of the extracellular matrix, enabling the growth cone to form point contacts, which connect the extracellular substrate to dynamic intracellular protein complexes. These adhesion complexes facilitate efficient growth cone migration and neurite extension. Major signalling pathways mediated by the adhesion complex are instigated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK), whilst axonal guidance molecules present in vivo promote growth cone turning or retraction by local modulation of FAK activity. Activation of FAK is marked by phosphorylation following integrin engagement, and this activity is tightly regulated during neurite outgrowth. FAK inhibition slows neurite outgrowth by reducing point contact turnover; however, mutant FAK constructs with enhanced activity stimulate aberrant outgrowth. Importantly, FAK is a major structural component of maturing adhesion sites, which provide the platform for actin polymerisation to drive leading edge advance. In this review, we discuss the coordinated signalling of integrin receptors and FAK, as well as their role in regulating neurite outgrowth and axon elongation. We also discuss the importance of the integrin–FAK axis in vivo, as integrin expression and activation are key determinants of successful axon regeneration following injury
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