383 research outputs found

    Constraining the IMF using TeV gamma ray absorption

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    Gamma rays of ~TeV energies from distant sources suffer attenuation due to pair production off of ~1 micron EBL photons. We may exploit this process in order to indirectly measure the EBL and constrain models of galaxy formation. Here, using semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, we examine how gamma ray absorption may be used as an indirect probe of the stellar initial mass function (IMF), although there is a degeneracy with dust modeling. We point out that with the new generation of gamma ray telescopes including STACEE, MAGIC, HESS, VERITAS, and Milagro, we should soon possess a wealth of new data and a new method for probing the nature of the IMF.Comment: contribution to "TeV Astrophysics of Extragalactic Sources" VERITAS workshop, editors M. Catanese, J. Quinn, T. Weekes; 3 pages 1 figur

    Universal screening for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : interim results from the NHS Scotland pathfinder project

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    Following recommendations from a Health Technology Assessment (HTA), a prospective cohort study of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screening of all admissions (N = 29 690) to six acute hospitals in three regions in Scotland indicated that 7.5% of patientswere colonised on admission to hospital. Factors associated with colonisation included re-admission, specialty of admission (highest in nephrology, care of the elderly, dermatology and vascular surgery), increasing age, and the source of admission (care home or other hospital). Three percent of all those who were identified as colonised developed hospital-associated MRSA infection, compared with only 0.1% of those not colonised. Specialtieswith a high rate of colonisation on admission also had higher rates of MRSA infection. Very few patients refused screening (11 patients, 0.03%) or had treatment deferred (14 patients, 0.05%). Several organisational issues were identified, including difficulties in achieving complete uptake of screening (88%) or decolonisation (41%); the latter was largely due to short duration of stay and turnaround time for test results. Patient movement resulted in a decision to decontaminate all positive patients rather than just those in high risk specialties as proposed by the HTA. Issues also included a lack of isolation facilities to manage patients with MRSA. The study raises significant concerns about the contribution of decolonisation to reducing risks in hospital due to short duration of stay, and reinforces the central role of infection control precautions. Further study is required before the HTA model can be re-run and conclusions redrawn on the cost and clinical effectiveness of universal MRSA screening

    Retraction Notice of the Article: The DYRK-family kinase Pom1 phosphorylates the F-BAR protein Cdc15 to prevent division at cell poles

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    Division site positioning is critical for both symmetric and asymmetric cell divisions. In many organisms, positive and negative signals cooperate to position the contractile actin ring for cytokinesis. In rod-shaped fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, division at midcell is achieved through positive Mid1/anillin-dependent signaling emanating from the central nucleus and negative signals from the dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase family kinase Pom1 at the cell poles. In this study, we show that Pom1 directly phosphorylates the F-BAR protein Cdc15, a central component of the cytokinetic ring. Pom1-dependent phosphorylation blocks Cdc15 binding to paxillin Pxl1 and C2 domain protein Fic1 and enhances Cdc15 dynamics. This promotes ring sliding from cell poles, which prevents septum assembly at the ends of cells with a displaced nucleus or lacking Mid1. Pom1 also slows down ring constriction. These results indicate that a strong negative signal from the Pom1 kinase at cell poles converts Cdc15 to its closed state, destabilizes the actomyosin ring, and thus promotes medial septation

    Zeros of the Partition Function and Pseudospinodals in Long-Range Ising Models

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    The relation between the zeros of the partition function and spinodal critical points in Ising models with long-range interactions is investigated. We find the spinodal is associated with the zeros of the partition function in four-dimensional complex temperature/magnetic field space. The zeros approach the real temperature/magnetic field plane as the range of interaction increases.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted to PR

    Understanding the process of psychological development in youth athletes attending an intensive wrestling camp

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    This study used a grounded theory methodology to understand if and how psychological development in youth athletes was facilitated by an ‘intensive’ summer wrestling camp experience. The theoretical sampling approach involved 10 athlete participants of the camp, nine parents of athletes, the director of the camp, and four camp staff members, who took part in a series of interviews before, during, and after the camp. Two researchers were also embedded in the camp and attended all sessions, took detailed notes, collected camp materials, and conducted observations. Following a grounded theory analysis approach, a model is presented that outlines how youth participants’ developed psychological qualities from the coach created hallenges and adversity that were systematically designed to facilitate sport performance enhancement and life skills. Variations emerged in psychological antecedents and characteristics, how the challenging wrestling camp environment was interpreted and experienced, and how learning was transferred to sport and life domains outside of the wrestling camp. This study provided insight into a unique youth sport context that was able to simultaneously develop psychological qualities to be used as sport performance enhancement and life skills

    Exact results for hydrogen recombination on dust grain surfaces

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    The recombination of hydrogen in the interstellar medium, taking place on surfaces of microscopic dust grains, is an essential process in the evolution of chemical complexity in interstellar clouds. The H_2 formation process has been studied theoretically, and in recent years also by laboratory experiments. The experimental results were analyzed using a rate equation model. The parameters of the surface, that are relevant to H_2 formation, were obtained and used in order to calculate the recombination rate under interstellar conditions. However, it turned out that due to the microscopic size of the dust grains and the low density of H atoms, the rate equations may not always apply. A master equation approach that provides a good description of the H_2 formation process was proposed. It takes into account both the discrete nature of the H atoms and the fluctuations in the number of atoms on a grain. In this paper we present a comprehensive analysis of the H_2 formation process, under steady state conditions, using an exact solution of the master equation. This solution provides an exact result for the hydrogen recombination rate and its dependence on the flux, the surface temperature and the grain size. The results are compared with those obtained from the rate equations. The relevant length scales in the problem are identified and the parameter space is divided into two domains. One domain, characterized by first order kinetics, exhibits high efficiency of H_2 formation. In the other domain, characterized by second order kinetics, the efficiency of H_2 formation is low. In each of these domains we identify the range of parameters in which, the rate equations do not account correctly for the recombination rate. and the master equation is needed.Comment: 23 pages + 8 figure

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Plantar Plate Rupture

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    Degenerative plantar plate failure is an under-recognized cause of lesser metatarsalgia. We performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a small receiver coil in 13 patients in whom plantar plate ruptures of the second or third metatarsophalangeal joint were clinically suspected. In eight patients, MRI showed focal hyperintensity in the plantar plate that was interpreted as a rupture of the plate. Ruptures were confirmed in all five patients who underwent an operative procedure to treat the unstable, painful metatarsophalangeal joint. MRI is a noninvasive technique that can visualize plantar plate abnormalities and aid the clinical evaluation of problematic lesser metatarsalgia

    A Review of Controlling Motivational Strategies from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective: Implications for Sports Coaches

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    The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary taxonomy of six controlling strategies, primarily based on the parental and educational literatures, which we believe are employed by coaches in sport contexts. Research in the sport and physical education literature has primarily focused on coaches’ autonomysupportive behaviours. Surprisingly, there has been very little research on the use of controlling strategies. A brief overview of the research which delineates each proposed strategy is presented, as are examples of the potential manifestation of the behaviours associated with each strategy in the context of sports coaching. In line with self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2002), we propose that coach behaviours employed to pressure or control athletes have the potential to thwart athletes’ feelings of autonomy, competence,and relatedness, which, in turn, undermine athletes’ self-determined motivation and contribute to the development of controlled motives. When athletes feel pressured to behave in a certain way, a variety of negative consequences are expected to ensue which are to the detriment of the athletes’ well-being. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness and interest in the darker side of sport participation and to offer suggestions for future research in this area

    Coping with the effects of fear of failure in young elite athletes

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    Coping with stress is an important element in effective functioning at the elite level in sports, and fear of failure (FF) is an example of a stressor that athletes experience. Three issues underpin the present preliminary study. First, the prevalence of problems attributed to FF in achievement settings. Second, sport is a popular and significant achievement domain for children and adolescents. Third, there is a lack of research on FF in sport among this population. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to examine the effects of FF on young athletes and to find out their coping responses to the effects of FF. Interviews were conducted individually with nine young elite ath­letes (5 males, 4 females; ages 14-17 years). It was inferred from the data that FF affected the athletes' well-being, interpersonal behavior, sport performance, and schoolwork. The athletes employed a combination of problem-focused, emotion-fo­cused, and avoidance-focused coping strategies, with avoidance strategies being the most frequently reported