3,903 research outputs found

    On the generalized constructive set

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    In this paper, we use the elementary methods to study the properties of the con- structive set S, and obtain some interesting properties for it

    Generalizations of Weighted Trapezoidal Inequality for Monotonic Mappings and Its Applications

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    In this paper, we establish some generalizations of weighted trapezoid inequality for monotonic mappings, and give several applications for r − moment, the expectation of a continuous random variable and the Beta mapping

    1916 Commencement Speaker Gou Hock

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    The Fort Hays State Normal School Speaker Gou Hockhttps://scholars.fhsu.edu/commencement/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Optimal Use of Current and Outdated Channel State Information - Degrees of Freedom of the MISO BC with Mixed CSIT

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    We consider a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) broadcast channel with mixed channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) that consists of imperfect current CSIT and perfect outdated CSIT. Recent work by Kobayashi et al. presented a scheme which exploits both imperfect current CSIT and perfect outdated CSIT and achieves higher degrees of freedom (DoF) than possible with only imperfect current CSIT or only outdated CSIT individually. In this work, we further improve the achievable DoF in this setting by incorporating additional private messages, and provide a tight information theoretic DoF outer bound, thereby identifying the DoF optimal use of mixed CSIT. The new result is stronger even in the original setting of only delayed CSIT, because it allows us to remove the restricting assumption of statistically equivalent fading for all users

    Homenatge a Josep Marull Gou

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    Meeting in remembrance of a founder of the Catalan Economics Society whose work in the public sector revolutionised the traditional bureaucratic approach of supply side management to modern demand based objectives, where public institutions operate with the same principles of accounting as any large private firm. His companions, teachers and the mayor of Barcelona pay homage to the former manager of Barcelona Town Hall

    Harmonisation, decentralisation and local governance: Enhancing aid effectiveness

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    During the last decades, international development assistance was often marked by overlaps, duplication of efforts and rivalry between multitudes of donor organisations. In order to translate the principles of the Paris Declaration into practice in the field of Local Governance and Decentralisation (LGD), different donor organisations have joined forces on headquarter level and formed a working group, the Development Partners Working Group for Local Governance and Decentralisation (DPWG-LGD), which is operating since 2006. InWEnt is hosting the secretariat of the group since 2008 and assigned Wageningen International to organise two lead donor workshops. The workshop drew a cross section of delegates who comprised development partners, consultants, academicians, members of parliament and local governance practitioners. The partner countries included Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda whose experiences were mutually re-enforcing and beneficial

    Challenges of financing rural water supply services in the context of decentralisation in Uganda

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    The Government of Uganda has been vigorously pursuing the policy of Decentralisation since 1993. The type of decentralisation pursued is a mixture / hybrid of Devolution, Deconcentration and Delegation. In order to control inflation and maintain macro-economic stability, the Government of Uganda (GoU) is increasingly phasing out projects in favour of budget support. This means that all available financial resources from Donors/Development partners, and GoU are put in one ‘ basket’ and then every sector, including the water sector, has a budget ceiling in which to carry out all its activities. Furthermore, there is ‘No additionality’ to the sector ceiling even when extra donor grants are identified for support to the water sector. This paper questions the rationale of sector ceilings and highlights the inherent weaknesses of implementing such a broad policy shifts, especially as they relate to achievement of longterm sector targets and sustainability of the facilities constructed

    Bloomberg: Foxconn Hires Outside Managers for China Dormitories

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.CLW_2010_Report_China_foxconn_hires.pdf: 40 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020


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