239 research outputs found

    Typification of names in genus Hieracium based on original herbarium material of Alexis Jordan and Alexandre Boreau

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    181 names of Hieracium species going back to original herbarium material of Alexis Jordan or Alexandre Boreau are lectotypified, 27 are neotypified. The study is based on herbarium specimens of the Université Catholique de Lyon (LY) and Ville d’Angers (ANG), Martrin-Donos’s herbarium at the Institut Botanique de Montpellier (MPUTarn) and Arvet-Touvet’s herbarium at the Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Grenoble (GRM-AT). The type specimens are illustrated by photographs of the entire herbarium sheets with some detail views of flower heads and leaves. Usual nomenclatural synonyms are given for each taxon

    Software Language Comprehension using a Program-Derived Semantics Graph

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    Traditional code transformation structures, such as abstract syntax trees (ASTs), conteXtual flow graphs (XFGs), and more generally, compiler intermediate representations (IRs), may have limitations in extracting higher-order semantics from code. While work has already begun on higher-order semantics lifting (e.g., Aroma’s simplified parse tree (SPT), verified lifting’s lambda calculi, and Halide’s intentional domain specific language (DSL)), research in this area is still immature. To continue to advance this research, we present the program-derived semantics graph (PSG), a new graphical structure to capture semantics of code. The PSG is designed to provide a single structure for capturing program semantics at multiple levels of abstraction. The PSG may be in a class of emerging structural representations that cannot be built from a traditional set of predefined rules and instead must be learned. In this paper, we describe the PSG and its fundamental structural differences compared to state-of-the-art structures. Although our exploration into the PSG is in its infancy, our early results and architectural analysis indicate it is a promising new research direction to automatically extract program semantics

    Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. montis-scuderii (Asteraceae), a new endemic subspecies from Sicily (Italy)

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    Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. montis-scuderii, a new subspecies endemic to Sicily, is described and illustrated. It is only known from the carbonate cliffs of Monte Scuderi (Peloritani Mountains, NE-Sicily). Informations on its ecology and taxonomic relationships are provided

    Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 3.

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    In this contribution new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Asplenium, Bolboschoenus, Botrychium, Chamaerops, Crocus, Galeopsis, Grafia, Helosciadium, Hieracium, Juniperus, Leucanthemum, Lolium, Medicago, Phalaris, Piptatherum, Potamogeton, Salicornia, Salvia, Seseli, Silene, Spiraea, Torilis and Vicia. Rhaponticoides calabrica is proposed as synonym novum of R. centaurium. Furthermore, new combinations in the genera Galatella and Lactuca are proposed

    Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 2

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    In this contribution new data concerning the Italian distribution of native vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Arctostaphylos, Artemisia, Buglossoides, Convolvulus, Crocus, Damasonium, Epipogium, Ficaria, Filago, Genista, Heptaptera, Heracleum, Heteropogon, Hieracium, Myosotis, Ononis, Papaver, Pilosella, Polygonum, Pulmonaria, Scorzonera, Silene, Trifolium, Vicia and Viola

    An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy

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    An updated inventory of the native vascular flora of Italy, providing details on the occurrence at regional level, is presented. The checklist includes 8195 taxa (6417 species and 1778 subspecies), distributed in 1092 genera and 152 families; 23 taxa are lycophytes, 108 ferns and fern allies, 30 gymnosperms and 8034 angiosperms. The taxa currently occurring in Italy are 7483, while 568 taxa have not been confirmed in recent times, 99 are doubtfully occurring in the country and 19 are data deficient. Out of the 568 not confirmed taxa, 26 are considered extinct or possibly extinct
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