456 research outputs found

    Templum solare e culti di fondazione. Marzabotto, Roma, Este: appunti per una aritmo-geometria del rito (IV)

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    Alla domanda con cui si concludeva il precedente studio, se cioè la regola per la fondazione di Marzabotto costituisse un unicum, non generalizzabile all’interno delle prime fondazioni ortogonali della penisola tra VII e IV sec. a. C., oppure se da essa si potessero cogliere i fondamenti concettuali del rito augurale e della limitatio urbana della tradizione etrusco-italica, rispondono oggi ulteriori elementi di riscontro legati al caso della fondazione di Roma, oggetto negli ultimi anni di un serrata rilettura, tra esegesi delle fonti e indagine archeologica. Se tale confronto rimanderà al caso su cui più si soffermano i commentatori, quello cioè dei riti augurali che anticipavano la fondazione dell’Urbe, ulteriori e decisivi elementi emergono da nuove scoperte archeologiche avvenute nell’ultimo decennio in tutt’altro contesto. Gli scavi condotti nel 1999 presso Meggiaro di Este, hanno permesso di riconoscere un’area auguratoriale delimitata secondo uno schema che ricorda molto da vicino il modello di Bantia. L’area si colloca all’interno di un contesto cultuale concettualmente non dissimile dalle strutture presenti sull’arce di Misanello e non si esclude che si ponesse in connessione topografica con l’impianto di Este secondo lo stesso principio di diagonalità già ipotizzato per Marzabotto. Se le analogie rituali che osservammo a suo tempo tra i due luoghi si basavano sull’azzardo di un possibile confronto tra contesti culturali, geografici e cronologici assai lontani, Roma e Meggiaro fissano ora un decisivo tassello, tra Marzabotto e Bantia, con cui si colma ogni possibile ambiguità interpretativa nell’analisi che operammo di quei contesti

    The archaeological settlement of Monte Bibele (Bologna)

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    Monte Bibele is an archaeological settlement of the 4th and 3rd century BC with a village, a necropolis and a votive deposit. Earlier, during the 14th and 13th century BC, in the same area there was a small village of sub-Apennine facies attributable to the late Bronze Age. The Second Iron Age settlement is just a part of a larger demographic reorganization of the Apennines, as is also proved by the recent discovery of the Monterenzio Vecchio necropolis and votive deposit, on the opposite side of Idice Valley. These are small settlements located close to the main routes of both sides of the Apennines and populated by Italic (Etruscans, Umbrians, Ligurians, etc.) and transalpine peoples (Celts) allied to control the surroundings. Of the architectural structures of Monte Bibele, the best known are those of the village, in the part of the massive called ‘Pianella di Monte Savino’. It has an Etruscan foundation, over an area of about 7,000 m2, in part still to be explored, and documented in its final phase in the late 3rd century BC, when the village was sealed by a sudden fire. Archaeologists of Te.M.P.L.A. (Research Center for Multimedia Technologies Applied to Archaeology of Bologna University’s Department of History and Cultures) over the last decade, have made many models of houses at Pianella. Reconstructions are based on direct feedbacks (archaeological data) and indirect comparisons (historical sources, traditional architecture). The first model was virtual, followed by a real one made near the Museum of Monterenzio, and by the two new houses made directly in situ, thanks to EU funds for the development of Emilia Romagna used for renovating the archaeological and naturalistic area of Monte Bibele (Por Fesr 2007/2013)

    Exciton Optical Activity of Molecules Containing Three and Six Coupled Oscillators Belonging to C3 and D3 Point Groups: Applications to Cyclotriveratrylenes and Cryptophanes

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    The exciton model of optical activity has been applied to C3 cyclotriveratrylenes and D3 cryptophanes, molecules containing three and six coupled oscillators, respectively. Using this model, in conjunction with Platt\u27s spectroscopic moment approach, very good agreement has been established between experimental and calculated spectra. These results point to the importance of the exciton model in explaining the CD spectra of molecules containing more than two oscillators

    Strategia progetto e sviluppo tecnologico del portale NADIR - network archeologico di ricerca

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    The portal NADIR (Network of Archaeological Research) is developed from the work of the \u201cCommission Carandini\u201d of 2009 for the SITAN (Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico Nazionale) and aims to build integration between scienti c information systems and infrastructure of computer networks, the physical locations and the various functional areas of research that are developed at the national level. It aspires to be a cooperative network of shared work between the different databases spread throughout the country

    Self-assembled guanine ribbons as wide-bandgap semiconductors

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    We present a first principle study about the stability and the electronic properties of a new biomolecular solid-state material, obtained by the self-assembling of guanine (G) molecules. We consider hydrogen-bonded planar ribbons in isolated and stacked configurations. These aggregates present electronic properties similar to inorganic wide-bandgap semiconductors. The formation of Bloch-type orbitals is observed along the stacking direction, while it is negligible in the ribbon plane. Global band-like conduction may be affected by a dipole-field which spontaneously arises along the ribbon axis. Our results indicate that G-ribbon assemblies are promising materials for biomolecular nanodevices, consistently with recent experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physica

    Photodetectors fabricated from a self-assembly of a deoxyguanosine derivative

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    A metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) photodetector has been fabricated using as the semiconductor, a self-assembled layer of a DNA basis, namely a deoxyguanosine derivative, deposited between two gold electrodes. These were defined lithographically on a SiO2 substrate, separated by a distance of about 120 nm. The resulting self-assembled guanosine crystal has been deposited in such a way to achieve striking semiconducting properties. We show that with these conditions, the I–V characteristics are independent of the crystal orientation. The device shows a high current response (differential resistance at room temperature ranges in MΩ) which is symmetric with respect to bias sign and dependent on the illumination conditions. This behavior can be explained by taking into account the standard MSM theory and its applications as a photodetector

    Ab-initio study of model guanine assemblies: The role of pi-pi coupling and band transport

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    Several assemblies of guanine molecules are investigated by means of first-principle calculations. Such structures include stacked and hydrogen-bonded dimers, as well as vertical columns and planar ribbons, respectively, obtained by periodically replicating the dimers. Our results are in good agreement with experimental data for isolated molecules, isolated dimers, and periodic ribbons. For stacked dimers and columns, the stability is affected by the relative charge distribution of the pi orbitals in adjacent guanine molecules. pi-pi coupling in some stacked columns induces dispersive energy bands, while no dispersion is identified in the planar ribbons along the connections of hydrogen bonds. The implications for different materials comprised of guanine aggregates are discussed. The bandstructure of dispersive configurations may justify a contribution of band transport (Bloch type) in the conduction mechanism of deoxyguanosine fibres, while in DNA-like configurations band transport should be negligible.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Transistors based on the Guanosine molecule (a DNA base)

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    Abstract Molecules are attractive to develop nano-electronic devices. In this paper a new type of transistor is realized by using self-organized films of the Guanosine molecule, a modified DNA base. With its 40 nm channel length the transistor is a good starting point for a new class of nano-electronics devices. Experimental current-voltage characteristics are shown. A circuital model is also proposed

    Field Effect Transistor Based on a Modified DNA Base

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    In this work, a field effect transistor based on a deoxyguanosine derivative (a DNA base) is demonstrated. Our experiments on transport through the source and drain electrodes interconnected by self-assembled guanine ribbons (Gottarelli et al. Helv. Chim. Acta 1998, 81, 2078; Gottarelli et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2000, 6, 3242; Giorgi et al. Chem Eur. J. 2002, 8, 2143) suggest that these devices behave like p-channel MOSFETs, The devices exhibit a maximum voltage gain of 0.76. This prototype transistor represents a starting point toward the development of biomolecular electronic devices

    Biomolecular electronic devices based on self-organized deoxyguanosine nanocrystals.

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    We report on a new class of hybrid electronic devices based on a DNA nucleoside (deoxyguanosine lipophilic derivative) whose assembled polymeric ribbons interconnect a submicron metallic gate. The device exhibits large conductivity at room temperature, rectifying behavior and strong current-voltage hysteresis. The transport mechanism through the molecules is investigated by comparing films with different self-assembling morphology. We found that the main transport mechanism is connected to pi-pi interactions between guanosine molecules and to the formation of a strong dipole along ribbons, consistently with the results of our first-principles calculations