2,009 research outputs found

    A new functional for charge and mass identification in Delta E-E telescopes

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    We propose a new functional for the charge and mass identification in Delta E-E telescopes. This functional is based on Bethe's formula, allowing safe interpolation or extrapolation in regions with low statistics. When applied to telescopes involving detectors delivering a linear response, as silicon detectors or ionization chambers, a good mass and charge identification is achieved. For other detectors, as caesium-iodide used as a final member of a telescope, a good accuracy is also obtained except in the low residual energy region. A good identification is however recovered if a non-linear energy dependence of the light output is included.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2e + EPS figures reduced in size Submitted to Elsevie

    Mesures pour de nouvelles filières de réacteurs nucléaires

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    Corporate Governance in the Nigerian Banking Industry: Issues and Challenges

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    Globalization no doubt has made the world a global village. This has given rise to the continuous integration of the world economy and capital markets which has in turn given rise to increase in the interdependence of international financial markets. It has also given rise to increased mobility of capital across the globe. Therefore, one way to assure investors across the globe that their investments are safe is by putting in place good corporate governance. That is, ensuring that business operations are carried out transparently and internal controls are adhered to. The corporate scandals experienced at the turn of this century across the globe and the recent bank crisis in Nigeria are traceable to poor corporate governance. This study is aimed at examining the corporate governance of the Nigerian banking industry and how to address the challenges posed by poor corporate governance in order to instill public confidence in corporate reporting. The paper adopted a conceptual approach. The finding reveals that the bank crisis is traceable to poor corporate governance practices and laxity in credit administration processes. It is therefore, recommended amongst others that there should be zero tolerance for corporate governance infraction and shareholders should be alive to their responsibilities by being active at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

    An Evaluation of Banks’ Liability in Robbery Incidents at Banks’ Premises in Nigeria

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    The spate of armed robbery attack on banks in the last decade has been alarming. It is hoped with the current Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) cashless policy there will be a drastic drop in such incidents. However, the issue of armed robbery attack at the bank premises brings to the fore two issues which are of paramount interest to the banker, customer and the general public. The issues are: (a) is the family of a bank customer killed by armed robbers in the banking hall during a transaction entitled to compensation? (b) Is a customer who is attacked by armed robbers in the banking hall and whose cash is snatched in the process of being lodged in; entitled to compensation from the bank? Therefore, the paper is aimed at examining banks’ liability in robbery incidents. The study adopts a theoretical approach and use of secondary data. The findings show that it is not in all cases that the customer will be compensated. It depends on the merit of the case and the stage the title in cash passes to the bank. Based on the findings it is recommended that banks’ should train their staff to be security conscious and how to behave in case of robbery attacks so as not to endanger their lives; and that of the customers.Key words: Liability, robbery, customer, security, cash and premises

    El sistema deposicional del Golfo de León

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    El sistema deposicional del Golfo de León presenta una plataforma  constituida por varios prismas epicontinentales, un talud y unascenso continental entallados por numerosos cañones, y dos cuerpos deposicionales profundos de gran importancia: el abanico del Ródano y el «Acúmulo de los Cañones Pirenaicos)). Las evaporitas messinienses han jugado un papel determinante en la evolución morfo-sedimentaria de este sistema durante el Plio-Cuaternario

    El sistema deposicional del Golfo de León

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    El sistema deposicional del Golfo de León presenta una plataforma  constituida por varios prismas epicontinentales, un talud y unascenso continental entallados por numerosos cañones, y dos cuerpos deposicionales profundos de gran importancia: el abanico del Ródano y el «Acúmulo de los Cañones Pirenaicos)). Las evaporitas messinienses han jugado un papel determinante en la evolución morfo-sedimentaria de este sistema durante el Plio-Cuaternario

    "Resultados preliminares de la campaña marina realizada en el precontinente catalán entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes"

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    Los autores hacen un estudio preliminar de la estructura y unidades sedimentarias deducidas a partir de los perfiles sísmicos y testigos obtenidos en el sector de la plataforma continental comprendida entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes (Costa Brava, Gerona), y establece una correlación con los ya estudiados del Ampurdán y del Roussillon. Asimismo, se describe una secuencia del Cuaternario reciente a partir de los testigos de gravedad estudiados

    Fine structure of the 0.7 MeV resonance in the 230Th neutron--induced cross section

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    The fine structure of the 0.7 MeV resonance in the 230Th neutron-induced cross section is investigated within the hybrid model. A very good agreement with experimental data is obtained. It is suggested that fine structure of the cross section quantify the changes of the intrinsic states of the nucleus during the disintegration process.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    "Resultados preliminares de la campaña marina realizada en el precontinente catalán entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes"

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    Los autores hacen un estudio preliminar de la estructura y unidades sedimentarias deducidas a partir de los perfiles sísmicos y testigos obtenidos en el sector de la plataforma continental comprendida entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes (Costa Brava, Gerona), y establece una correlación con los ya estudiados del Ampurdán y del Roussillon. Asimismo, se describe una secuencia del Cuaternario reciente a partir de los testigos de gravedad estudiados

    Resultados preliminares de la campaña marina realizada en el precontinente catalán entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes

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    Los autores hacen un estudio preliminar de la estructura y unidadel sedimentarias deducidas a partir de los perfiles sísmicos y testigos obtenidos en el sector de la platahorma continental comprendida entre los cañones de la Fonera y Blanes (Costa Brava, Gerona), y establece una correlación con los ya estudiadocs del Ampurdán y del Roussillon. Asimismo, se describe una secuencia del Cuaternario reciente a partir de los testigos de gravedad estudiados