1,257 research outputs found

    Space Resources and Space Settlements

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    The technical papers from the five tasks groups that took part in the 1977 Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements and Industrialization Using Nonterrestrial Materials are presented. The papers are presented under the following general topics: (1) research needs for regenerative life-support systems; (2) habitat design; (3) dynamics and design of electromagnetic mass drivers; (4) asteroids as resources for space manufacturing; and (5) processing of nonterrestrial materials

    A Quantum Monte Carlo Method at Fixed Energy

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    In this paper we explore new ways to study the zero temperature limit of quantum statistical mechanics using Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We develop a Quantum Monte Carlo method in which one fixes the ground state energy as a parameter. The Hamiltonians we consider are of the form H=H0+λVH=H_{0}+\lambda V with ground state energy E. For fixed H0H_{0} and V, one can view E as a function of λ\lambda whereas we view λ\lambda as a function of E. We fix E and define a path integral Quantum Monte Carlo method in which a path makes no reference to the times (discrete or continuous) at which transitions occur between states. For fixed E we can determine λ(E)\lambda(E) and other ground state properties of H

    Amorphization of ZnAl2O4 spinel under heavy ion irradiation

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    ZnAl2O4 spinels have been irradiated with several ions (Ne, S, Kr and Xe) at the IRRSUD beam-line of the GANIL facility, in order to determine irradiation conditions (stopping power, fluence) for amorphisation. We observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) that with Xe ions at 92 MeV, individual ion tracks are still crystalline, whereas an amorphisation starts below a fluence of 5.1012 cm-2 up to a total amorphisation between 1x1013 and 1x1014 cm-2. The coexistence of amorphous and crystalline domains in the same pristine grain is clearly visible in the TEM images. All the crystalline domains remain close to the same orientation as the original grain. According to TEM and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results, the stopping power threshold for amorphisation is between 9 and 12 keV.nm-1

    The massive binary HD 152218 revisited: A new colliding wind system in NGC 6231

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    We present the results of an optical and X-ray monitoring campaign on the short-period massive SB2 binary HD 152218. Combining our HiRes spectroscopic data with previous observations, we unveil the contradictions between the published orbital solutions. In particular, we solve the aliasing on the period and derive a value close to 5.604 d. Our eccentricity e = 0.259 +/- 0.006 is slightly lower than previously admitted. We show that HD 152218 is probably undergoing a relatively rapid apsidal motion of about 3deg/yr and we confirm the O9IV + O9.7V classification. We derive minimal masses of 15.82 +/- 0.26 Msol operator and 12.00 +/- 0.19 Msol operator and constrain the radius of the components to R1 = 10.3 +/- 1.3 Rsol and R2 = 7.8 +/- 1.7 Rsol. We also report the results of an XMM-Newton monitoring of the HD 152218 X-ray emission throughout its orbital motion. The averaged X-ray spectrum is relatively soft and it is well reproduced by a 2-T optically thin thermal plasma model with component temperatures about 0.3 and 0.7 keV. The system presents an increase of its X-ray flux by about 30% near apastron compared to periastron, which is interpreted as the signature of an ongoing wind-wind interaction process occurring within the wind acceleration region.Comment: published by New Astronomy, 13, 20

    Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms, Small Gaps, and Different Paths

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    We construct a set of instances of 3SAT which are not solved efficiently using the simplest quantum adiabatic algorithm. These instances are obtained by picking random clauses all consistent with two disparate planted solutions and then penalizing one of them with a single additional clause. We argue that by randomly modifying the beginning Hamiltonian, one obtains (with substantial probability) an adiabatic path that removes this difficulty. This suggests that the quantum adiabatic algorithm should in general be run on each instance with many different random paths leading to the problem Hamiltonian. We do not know whether this trick will help for a random instance of 3SAT (as opposed to an instance from the particular set we consider), especially if the instance has an exponential number of disparate assignments that violate few clauses. We use a continuous imaginary time Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm in a novel way to numerically investigate the ground state as well as the first excited state of our system. Our arguments are supplemented by Quantum Monte Carlo data from simulations with up to 150 spins.Comment: The original version considered a unique satisfying assignment and one problematic low lying state. The revision argues that the algorithm with path change will succeed when there are polynomially many low lying state

    Binary interaction dominates the evolution of massive stars

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    The presence of a nearby companion alters the evolution of massive stars in binary systems, leading to phenomena such as stellar mergers, X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts. Unambiguous constraints on the fraction of massive stars affected by binary interaction were lacking. We simultaneously measured all relevant binary characteristics in a sample of Galactic massive O stars and quantified the frequency and nature of binary interactions. Over seventy per cent of all massive stars will exchange mass with a companion, leading to a binary merger in one third of the cases. These numbers greatly exceed previous estimates and imply that binary interaction dominates the evolution of massive stars, with implications for populations of massive stars and their supernovae.Comment: 9 page, 2 figures. This is the authors' version. Final version and supplementary materials available at http://www.sciencemag.or

    Multiplicity of massive O stars and evolutionary implications

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    Nearby companions alter the evolution of massive stars in binary systems. Using a sample of Galactic massive stars in nearby young clusters, we simultaneously measure all intrinsic binary characteristics relevant to quantify the frequency and nature of binary interactions. We find a large intrinsic binary fraction, a strong preference for short orbital periods and a flat distribution for the mass-ratios. Our results do not support the presence of a significant peak of equal-mass `twin' binaries. As a result of the measured distributions, we find that over seventy per cent of all massive stars exchange mass with a companion. Such a rate greatly exceeds previous estimates and implies that the majority of massive stars have their evolution strongly affected by interaction with a nearby companion.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Conference proceedings to appear in "370 years of astronomy in Utrecht

    Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms, Small Gaps, and Different Paths

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    We construct a set of instances of 3SAT which are not solved efficiently using the simplestquantum adiabatic algorithm. These instances are obtained by picking randomclauses all consistent with two disparate planted solutions and then penalizing one ofthem with a single additional clause. We argue that by randomly modifying the beginningHamiltonian, one obtains (with substantial probability) an adiabatic path thatremoves this difficulty. This suggests that the quantum adiabatic algorithm should ingeneral be run on each instance with many different random paths leading to the problemHamiltonian. We do not know whether this trick will help for a random instance of3SAT (as opposed to an instance from the particular set we consider), especially if theinstance has an exponential number of disparate assignments that violate few clauses.We use a continuous imaginary time Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm in a novel way tonumerically investigate the ground state as well as the first excited state of our system.Our arguments are supplemented by Quantum Monte Carlo data from simulations withup to 150 spins.United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Research Agreement DE-FG02-94ER40818)W. M. Keck Foundation Center for Extreme Quantum Information TheoryU.S. Army Research Laboratory (Grant W911NF-09-1-0438)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0829421

    Three-dimensional orbits of the triple-O stellar system HD 150136

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    peer reviewedContext. HD 150136 is a triple hierarchical system and a non-thermal radio emitter. It is formed by an O3-3.5 V + O5.5-6 V close binary and a more distant O6.5-7 V tertiary. So far, only the inner orbital properties have been reliably constrained. Aims. To quantitatively understand the non-thermal emission process, accurate knowledge of the physical and orbital properties of the object is crucial. Here, we aim to investigate the orbital properties of the wide system and to constrain the inclinations of the inner and outer binaries, and with these the absolute masses of the system components. Methods. We used the PIONIER combiner at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer to obtain the very first interferometric measurements of HD 150136. We combined the interferometric observations with new and existing high resolution spectroscopic data to derive the orbital solution of the outer companion in the three-dimensional space. Results. The wide system is clearly resolved by PIONIER, with a projected separation on the plane of the sky of about 9 milli-arcsec. The best-fit orbital period, eccentricity, and inclination are 8.2 yr, 0.73 and 108 degr. We constrain the masses of the three stars of the system to 63 +/- 10, 40 +/- 6, and 33 +/- 12 Msun for the O3-3.5 V, O5.5-6 V and O6.5-7 V components. Conclusions. The dynamical masses agree within errors with the evolutionary masses of the components. Future interferometric and spectroscopic monitoring of HD 150136 should allow one to reduce the uncertainties to a few per cent only and to accurately constrain the distance to the system. This makes HD 150136 an ideal system to quantitatively test evolutionary models of high-mass stars as well as the physics of non-thermal processes occurring in O-type systems