559 research outputs found

    Secondary Structure Transition and Critical Stress for a Model of Spider Silk Assembly

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    Spiders spin their silk from an aqueous solution to a solid fiber in ambient conditions. However, to date the assembly mechanism in the spider silk gland has not been satisfactorily explained. In this paper, we use molecular dynamics simulations to model N. clavipes MaSp1 dragline silk formation under shear flow and determine the secondary structure transitions leading to the experimentally observed fiber structures. While no experiments are performed on the silk fiber itself, insights from this polypeptide model can be transferred to the fiber scale. The novelty of this study lies in the calculation of the shear stress (300-700 MPa) required for fiber formation and identification of the amino acid residues involved in the transition. This is the first time that the shear stress has been quantified in connection with a secondary structure transition. By study of molecules containing varying numbers of contiguous MaSp1 repeats we identified the smallest molecule size that gives rise to a 'silk-like' structure contains six poly-alanine repeats. Through a probability analysis of the secondary structure we identify specific amino acids that transition from α-helix to β-sheet. In addition to portions of the poly-alanine section these amino acids include glycine, leucine and glutamine. Stability of β-sheet structures appears to arise from a close proximity in space of helices in the initial spidroin state. Our results are in agreement with the forces exerted by spiders in the silking process and the experimentally determined global secondary structure of spidroin and pulled MaSp1 silk. Our study emphasizes the role of shear in the assembly process of silk and can guide the design of microfluidic devices that attempt to mimic the natural spinning process and predict molecular requirements for the next generation of silk-based functional materials

    Curvature-induced stiffening of a fish fin

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    How fish modulate their fin stiffness during locomotive manoeuvres remains unknown. We show that changing the fin's curvature modulates its stiffness. Modelling the fin as bendable bony rays held together by a membrane, we deduce that fin curvature is manifested as a misalignment of the principal bending axes between neighbouring rays. An external force causes neighbouring rays to bend and splay apart, and thus stretches the membrane. This coupling between bending the rays and stretching the membrane underlies the increase in stiffness. Using analysis of a 3D reconstruction of a Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) pectoral fin, we calculate the range of stiffnesses this fin is expected to span by changing curvature. The 3D reconstruction shows that, even in its geometrically flat state, a functional curvature is embedded within the fin microstructure owing to the morphology of individual rays. Since the ability of a propulsive surface to transmit force to the surrounding fluid is limited by its stiffness, the fin curvature controls the coupling between the fish and its surrounding fluid. Thereby, our results provide mechanical underpinnings and morphological predictions for the hypothesis that the spanned range of fin stiffnesses correlates with the behaviour and the ecological niche of the fish

    Form and function of the bulbus arteriosus in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and blue marlin (Makaira nigricans): static properties

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    The juxtaposition of heart and gills in teleost fish means that the Windkessel function characteristic of the whole mammalian arterial tree has to be subserved by the extremely short ventral aorta and bulbus arteriosus. Over the functional pressure range, arteries from blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) have J-shaped pressure-volume (P-V) loops, while bulbi from the same species have r-shaped P-V loops, with a steep initial rise followed by a compliant plateau phase. The steep initial rise in pressure is due to the geometry of the lumen. The interactions between radius, pressure and tension require a large initial pressure to open the bulbar lumen for flow. The plateau is due to the unique organization of the bulbar wall. The large elastin:collagen ratio, limited amount of collagen arranged cirumferentially, lack of elastin lamellae and low hydrophobicity of the elastin itself all combine to lower stiffness, increase extensibility and allow efficient recoil. Even though the modulus of bulbus material is much lower than that of an artery, at large volumes the overall stiffness of the bulbus increases rapidly. The morphological features that give rise to the special inflation characteristics of the bulbus help to extend flow and maintain pressure during diastole

    Form and function of the bulbus arteriosus in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares): dynamic properties

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    The bulbus arteriosus of the teleost heart possesses a static inflation curve that is r-shaped over the in vivo pressure range. To examine the possible significance of this in living animals, we recorded arterial blood pressure from anaesthetized yellowfin tuna and utilized a video dimensional analyser to simultaneously record changes in bulbar diameter. By plotting the changes in pressure against the changes in diameter, it was possible to create dynamic pressure-diameter (P-D) loops as well as calculate the instantaneous volume changes within the bulbus. The dynamic P-D loops showed the same features exhibited by static inflation. When nearly empty, a small stroke volume caused a large increase in blood pressure, while around systolic pressure large changes in volume resulted in small changes in pressure. We conclude that these features allow the bulbus to maintain ventral aortic flows and pressures over a large range of volumes

    SAMNet: a network-based approach to integrate multi-dimensional high throughput datasets

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    The rapid development of high throughput biotechnologies has led to an onslaught of data describing genetic perturbations and changes in mRNA and protein levels in the cell. Because each assay provides a one-dimensional snapshot of active signaling pathways, it has become desirable to perform multiple assays (e.g. mRNA expression and phospho-proteomics) to measure a single condition. However, as experiments expand to accommodate various cellular conditions, proper analysis and interpretation of these data have become more challenging. Here we introduce a novel approach called SAMNet, for Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Networks, that is able to interpret diverse assays over multiple perturbations. The algorithm uses a constrained optimization approach to integrate mRNA expression data with upstream genes, selecting edges in the protein–protein interaction network that best explain the changes across all perturbations. The result is a putative set of protein interactions that succinctly summarizes the results from all experiments, highlighting the network elements unique to each perturbation. We evaluated SAMNet in both yeast and human datasets. The yeast dataset measured the cellular response to seven different transition metals, and the human dataset measured cellular changes in four different lung cancer models of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), a crucial process in tumor metastasis. SAMNet was able to identify canonical yeast metal-processing genes unique to each commodity in the yeast dataset, as well as human genes such as β-catenin and TCF7L2/TCF4 that are required for EMT signaling but escaped detection in the mRNA and phospho-proteomic data. Moreover, SAMNet also highlighted drugs likely to modulate EMT, identifying a series of less canonical genes known to be affected by the BCR-ABL inhibitor imatinib (Gleevec), suggesting a possible influence of this drug on EMT.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U54CA112967)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01GN089903)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award DB1-0821391)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Progra

    Hierarchical Chain Model of Spider Capture Silk Elasticity

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    Spider capture silk is a biomaterial with both high strength and high elasticity, but the structural design principle underlying these remarkable properties is still unknown. It was revealed recently by atomic force microscopy that, an exponential force--extension relationship holds both for capture silk mesostructures and for intact capture silk fibers [N. Becker et al., Nature Materials 2, 278 (2003)]. In this Letter a simple hierarchical chain model was proposed to understand and reproduce this striking observation. In the hierarchical chain model, a polymer is composed of many structural motifs which organize into structural modules and supra-modules in a hierarchical manner. Each module in this hierarchy has its own characteristic force. The repetitive patterns in the amino acid sequence of the major flagelliform protein of spider capture silk is in support of this model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Will be formally published in PR

    Integrative analysis identifies candidate tumor microenvironment and intracellular signaling pathways that define tumor heterogeneity in NF1

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a monogenic syndrome that gives rise to numerous symptoms including cognitive impairment, skeletal abnormalities, and growth of benign nerve sheath tumors. Nearly all NF1 patients develop cutaneous neurofibromas (cNFs), which occur on the skin surface, whereas 40-60% of patients develop plexiform neurofibromas (pNFs), which are deeply embedded in the peripheral nerves. Patients with pNFs have a ~10% lifetime chance of these tumors becoming malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs). These tumors have a severe prognosis and few treatment options other than surgery. Given the lack of therapeutic options available to patients with these tumors, identification of druggable pathways or other key molecular features could aid ongoing therapeutic discovery studies. In this work, we used statistical and machine learning methods to analyze 77 NF1 tumors with genomic data to characterize key signaling pathways that distinguish these tumors and identify candidates for drug development. We identified subsets of latent gene expression variables that may be important in the identification and etiology of cNFs, pNFs, other neurofibromas, and MPNSTs. Furthermore, we characterized the association between these latent variables and genetic variants, immune deconvolution predictions, and protein activity predictions

    Progress and Trends in Artificial Silk Spinning: A Systematic Review

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    More than 400 million years of natural selection acting throughout the arthropoda has resulted in highly specialized and energetically efficient processes to produce protein-based fibers with properties that are a source of inspiration for all. As a result, for over 80 years researchers have been inspired by natural silk production in their attempts to spin artificial silks. While significant progress has been made, with fibers now regularly outperforming silkworm silks, surpassing the properties of superior silks, such as spider dragline, is still an area of considerable effort. This review provides an overview of the different approaches for artificial silk fiber spinning and compares all published fiber properties to date which has identified future trends and challenges on the road towards replicating high performance silks

    Micromechanical model for protein materials: From macromolecules to macroscopic fibers

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    We propose a model for the mechanical behavior of protein materials. Based on a limited number of experimental macromolecular parameters (persistence and contour lengths, rate of unfolding dissipation) we obtain the macroscopic behavior of keratin fibers (human, cow, and rabbit hair), taking into account the damage and residual stretches effects which are fundamental in many functions of life. We support our theoretical results by showing that our model is robust and able to reproduce with high quantitive accuracy the cyclic experimental behavior of different keratinous protein materials we tested. We also show the capability of describing, even if with lower precision, the dissipation and permanent strain effects in spider silks
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