441 research outputs found

    Possibilities assessment of the film cluster in the Kaliningrad Oblast functioning

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the problems and prospects of a film cluster in the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation.   The following scientific research methods are used: analysis of scientific publications (articles), collection of primary information (conferences, round tables, foresight sessions, expert interviews), analysis of the regulatory framework. Empirical research methods are also involved: measuring quantitative data, conducting a survey and comparative analysis. The article substantiates the reasons why the Kaliningrad Oblast has been and remains an attractive region for film-makers. The analysis of available opportunities in the field of film production, film education, cast and other things is carried out. All aspects of the film industry are considered, including film festivals, film pitching and more. The work of the film commission is analyzed, in particular the rebate system introduced in 2017. The effectiveness of this system is evaluated in the light of the changes that occurred in it in 2020

    Cluster approach in the film industry

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    The article consider the concepts of cluster and cultural cluster. The specifics of the cluster approach in film production are studied. The basic principles according to which film clusters exist are highlighted. The relationship between the state, companies that are directly involved in production, and companies that have direct and indirect influence at all stages of the creation of an audiovisual product. The work of regional film commissions, which are a guide between the state and film producers within the fixed territory, is considered. The models of regional cinema development in Russia are analysed. The analysis of the prerequisites for the creation of film clusters in the Russian regions is carried out. The key current problems in the regional cinema are identified. The main steps that regions need to take when developing a strategy for the comprehensive long-term development of regional film production are presented


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    To obtain real performance indicators of fuel consuming equipment was held instrumental audit. Were developed measures focused on energy saving of studied object.С целью определения фактических эксплуатационных показателей на работающем топливопотребляющем оборудовании был проведён инструментальный аудит. Разработаны мероприятия, направленные на энергосбережение объекта исследования

    Educational work as a method of implementation of plans for the development of a training group in medical universities

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    The article deals with the principles of educational work, with the help of which it is possible to implement the program of group development, training and formation of a qualified specialist, which is the main goal of the work of teachers of higher educational institutions. Preliminary planning and high-quality organization of educational work can help students to acquire professional knowledge and form the necessary qualities for the physician such as morality, intelligence, compassion for the neighbor, teamwork, responsibility, and others. The article emphasizes the need for cooperation in the educational work of various staff and units of the university: from the lecturer of the department, administration of the faculty and the university to public organizations and associations. The authors emphasize the continuity of educational work, the necessity of conducting it both in classrooms in classes, and in extracurricular time

    Cell wall components in torrefied softwood and hardwood samples

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. Torrefaction - the process of soft pyrolysis (200-300. °S(cyrillic)) in inert atmosphere - is considered to promote the usage of lignocellulosic biomass in various technologies. The initial raw material is not uniform in composition and we compared the effect of torrefaction on the samples of hardwood (birch) and softwood (pine). The major differences between the torrefied samples were observed between 225 and 250. °S(cyrillic) and were largely connected with different behavior of hemicelluloses. Monosaccharide analysis revealed the decrease in detectable xylose from 26% to 1% (250. °S(cyrillic)) of the raw sample in birch, and from 11% to 1%-in pine. Mannans were more resistant to degradation. Comparison of data from HPAEC, thermal analysis and IR-spectroscopy revealed that hemicelluloses are modified during torrefaction at 225-250. °S(cyrillic), rather than fully degraded and removed from the sample. This may lead to considerable modification of wood properties, more pronounced in hardwoods. The relative content of aromatic structures went up during torrefaction, part of the effect was due to condensation of modified carbohydrate units. Index of cellulose crystallinity increased in torrefied samples. The content of cellulose in birch samples remained the same as in raw sample up to 250. °S(cyrillic), while in pine it dramatically decreased after the torrefaction at 250. °S(cyrillic). Torrefaction at 300. °S(cyrillic) made the samples of hardwood and softwood very much alike. The perspectives of usage of hardwoods and softwoods torrefied at different temperatures are discussed

    Elongation of wood fibers combines features of diffuse and tip growth

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    Xylem fibers are highly elongated cells that are key constituents of wood, play major physiological roles in plants, comprise an important terrestrial carbon reservoir, and thus have enormous ecological and economic importance. As they develop, from fusiform initials, their bodies remain the same length while their tips elongate and intrude into intercellular spaces.To elucidate mechanisms of tip elongation, we studied the cell wall along the length of isolated, elongating aspen xylem fibers and used computer simulations to predict the forces driving the intercellular space formation required for their growth.We found pectin matrix epitopes (JIM5, LM7) concentrated at the tips where cellulose microfibrils have transverse orientation, and xyloglucan epitopes (CCRC-M89, CCRC-M58) in fiber bodies where microfibrils are disordered. These features are accompanied by changes in cell wall thickness, indicating that while the cell wall elongates strictly at the tips, it is deposited all over fibers. Computer modeling revealed that the intercellular space formation needed for intrusive growth may only require targeted release of cell adhesion, which allows turgor pressure in neighboring fiber cells to 'round' the cells creating spaces.These characteristics show that xylem fibers' elongation involves a distinct mechanism that combines features of both diffuse and tip growth

    Eukaryotic RNases H1 act processively by interactions through the duplex RNA-binding domain

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    Ribonucleases H have mostly been implicated in eliminating short RNA primers used for initiation of lagging strand DNA synthesis. Escherichia coli RNase HI cleaves these RNA–DNA hybrids in a distributive manner. We report here that eukaryotic RNases H1 have evolved to be processive enzymes by attaching a duplex RNA-binding domain to the RNase H region. Highly conserved amino acids of the duplex RNA-binding domain are required for processivity and nucleic acid binding, which leads to dimerization of the protein. The need for a processive enzyme underscores the importance in eukaryotic cells of processing long hybrids, most of which remain to be identified. However, long RNA–DNA hybrids formed during immunoglobulin class-switch recombination are potential targets for RNase H1 in the nucleus. In mitochondria, where RNase H1 is essential for DNA formation during embryogenesis, long hybrids may be involved in DNA replication