82 research outputs found

    Protein-based dishes with safe texture for people with cerebral palsy: design, processing and shelf life

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    Entre las estrategias para manejar la disfagia orofaríngea (DO) asociada a la parálisis cerebral (PC) se incluye la alimentación basada en platos de textura modificada (PTM). Si bien se han realizado diversos estudios sobre alimentos particulares, poco se sabe sobre las características de los PTM desde el punto de vista analítico y tecnológico. Por ello, los objetivos de la presente tesis fueron (1) establecer las características texturales de los PTM destinados a la DO, (2) desarrollar un método para elaborar PTM orientados a la DO asociada a la PC y (3) definir las características sensoriales y la aceptabilidad de los PTM orientados a la PC. Finalmente, se consideró oportuno (4) efectuar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los métodos instrumentales y sensoriales de uso frecuente en el análisis textural de los alimentos destinados a la DO con objeto de identificar los más adecuados para los ámbitos clínico y tecnológico. Para la caracterización instrumental de los PTM aptos para la DO, se recurrió al análisis mediante viscosímetro y texturómetro a diferentes velocidades. Para el diseño de los PTM orientados a la DO asociada a la PC, se desarrolló un método de cocinado, triturado y mezclado con aditivos alimentarios para que fueran termoestables y de mayor vida útil. Se texturizaron 5 platos habituales en la dieta de personas con PC y se analizaron instrumentalmente con texturómetro (5 mm/s) y mediante un análisis sensorial descriptivo con logopedas expertas en DO. También se evaluó la aceptación por personas afectadas con DO y PC y la caracterización general y particular de cada PTM recurriendo a jueces no expertos, consumidores, mediante el método Check-all-thatapply (CATA). En cuanto a la revisión sistemática, se aplicó el método PRISMA. Se estableció una clasificación de la viscosidad y la textura en tres niveles de PTM. Se generaron 5 PTM clasificados como aptos por las logopedas expertas en DO siendo sus características principales: bajos niveles de firmeza, adhesividad y restos, valores medios de cohesividad y altos de fluidez y puntuación de aptitud de deglución. Además, fueron aceptados por personas con DO y PC. Se identificaron atributos para definir de forma general o particular los diferentes platos. Por último, se propusieron métodos y sus parámetros para diferentes tipos de alimentos para la disfagia, sólidos, semisólidos o líquidos. Es necesario seguir investigando y generando nuevos PTM con características nutricionales y organolépticas adecuadas los requerimientos de las personas con DO asociada a la PC. Para ello será necesario desarrollar métodos de caracterización estandarizados, de manera consensuada y multidisciplinar, con el fin de facilitar el trabajo en la industria de alimentos para la DO y en los campos clínicos y de la investigación.Strategies to manage oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) associated with cerebral palsy (CP) include feeding based on texture-modified dishes (TMD). Although several studies have been conducted on specific foods, little is known about the characteristics of TMDs from an analytical and technological point of view. Therefore, the objectives of the present tesis were (1) to establish the textural characteristics of TMDs intended for DO, (2) to develop a method to elaborate DOoriented TMDs associated with CP, and (3) to define the sensory characteristics and acceptability of CP-oriented TMDs. Finally, it was considered opportune (4) to carry out a literatura review of the instrumental and sensory methods frequently used in the textural analysis of foods intended for OD in order to identify the most suitable ones for the clinical and technological fields. For the instrumental characterization of TMDs suitable for OD, it resorted to viscometer and texturometer analysis at different speeds. For the design of CP-associated OD-oriented TMDs, a method of cooking, grinding and mixing with food additives was developed to make them thermostable and with a longer shelf life. Five dishes commonly found in the diet of people with CP were texturized and analyzed instrumentally with a texturometer (5 mm/s) and by descriptive sensory analysis with expert OD speech therapists. Acceptance by people affected with OD and CP and the general and particular characterization of each TMD were also evaluated using nonexpert judges, consumers, by means of the Check-all-that-apply (CATA) method. As for the systematic review, the PRISMA method was applied. A classification of viscosity and texture into three levels of TMD was established. Five TMDs were generated and classified as suitable by the expert in OD speech therapists, their main characteristics being: low levels of firmness, adhesiveness and residue, medium values of cohesiveness and high values of fluidity and suitable texture score. In addition, they were accepted by people with OD and CP. Attributes were identified to define in a general or particular way the different dishes. Finally, methods and their parameters were proposed for different types of dysphagia foods, solid, semisolid or liquid. It is necessary to continue researching and generating new TMDs with nutritional and organoleptic characteristics appropriate to the requirements of people with CP-associated OD. This will require the development of standardized characterization methods, in a consensual and multidisciplinary way, in order to facilitate the work in the OD food industry and in the clinical and research fields.Las actividades investigadoras de la presente tesis doctoral se han realizado en el marco del proyecto de 'Platos de Base Proteica Texturizados, Nutritivos, Saludables y Adaptados a la Disfagia' (código expediente 0011-1365-2017-000132), Ayudas para la realización de proyectos de I+D, 2017-2019 (Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Gobierno de Navarra), cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra. Contrato predoctoral Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) y Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra (FBCAN).Programa de Doctorado en Agroalimentación (RD 99/2011) Nekazaritzako Elikagaietako Doktoretza Programa (ED 99/2011

    Harvest Strategies for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in Western Mediterranean Demersal Fisheries

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    The serious overfishing of most Mediterranean stocks demands urgent reforms of the management measures aiming to guarantee the sustainability of resources, notably when compared with the improvement observed in other European areas. The new EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) constitutes an excellent opportunity to introduce the changes needed for such a reform. According to this CFP, all European fish stocks should be brought to a state where they can produce at MSY by 2020 at the latest. The CFP also establishes that the objective of sustainable exploitation should be achieved through multiannual plans (MAPs) adopted in consultation with relevant stakeholders having fisheries management interests such as fishermen, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers. Together with the MSY and MAP approaches, the new CFP contains several other measures, directed to guarantee the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of fisheries by means of the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). With this new perspective, the CFP wants to avoid past failures of fisheries management based on monospecific approaches. This study is a first step toward the application of the EAFM in the Balearic Islands by means of the development of a harvest strategy with defined objectives, targets, limits, and clear management control rules aimed at optimizing socioeconomic and ecological objectives in the framework of the new CFP. Different management scenarios designed to achieve that goal were modeled for the main demersal commercial fisheries from the study area, the bottom trawl, and small-scale fisheries. The work begins with a general description of those fisheries, their main fishing grounds, and assessments of the exploitation status of the main target stocks in order to establish the current situation. Secondly, alternative management scenarios to maximize catch and profits while considering societal objectives were evaluated by means of bio-economic models. Thirdly, management measures were provided based on the previous modeling and discussions with stakeholders. Finally, a monitoring scheme was outlined to assess the progresses of the proposed management actions. This work is intended to be a working example of co-management (fishers, policy-makers, and scientists) in the Mediterranean in the framework of the new EU CFPVersión del edito

    Estimation et analyse bio-économique d'une pêche au trémail de l'île de Majorque (NO Méditerranée)

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    9 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables.[EN] Trammel net is the main fishing gear used by artisanal fishers in Majorca Island (NW Mediterranean), and is representative of Mediterranean small-scale fisheries using static gear. The use of static gears close to the coast, where seasonal variability and spatial heterogeneity are high, promotes the diversification of fishing practices or metiers. We analyze the seasonal dynamics of the nets used, target species (red and black scorpionfish, red mullet and cuttlefish) exploitation patterns and the socio-economic conditions under which this fishery takes place, based on General Fisheries Directorate daily sale records (2002-2006). Additional personal socioeconomic interviews allowed the characterization of the trammel net fishery, its fishing behaviour, cost structure and conflicts. Catch and effort data and market surveys are used to evaluate the level of exploitation of the target species and allowed describing Majorca trammel net fishery as an activity based on a sustainable resource. The main target species were found to be near their maximum sustainable yield both by means of a surplus production model (with parameters estimated by CEDA-Catch Effort Data Analysis, software) and an age structured assessment model based on yield-per-recruit analysis. Management actions currently debated by local administration and fishers focus on improving fishers' economic situation, rather than on protecting a threatened resource. One of the management actions proposed is a one day effort reduction, which was analyzed here with the help of a bioeconomic simulation model. A 15-year (2005-2020) simulation allows providing advice to local managers to focus on the commercialization aspects, in order to obtain a higher value to the fish production, rather than expecting to obtain higher profits only by a reduction of the offer.[FR] Le filet trémail est le principal engin de la pêche artisanale utilisé par les pêcheurs de l'île de Majorque (NO Méditerranée) ; il est représentatif de la petite pêche en Méditerranée, utilisant des engins dormants. L'usage de ces engins dormants à proximité de la côte, où la variabilité saisonnière et l'hétérogénéité spatiale sont élevées, entraîne la diversification des pratiques de pêche ou métiers. Nous analysons la dynamique saisonnière des filets utilisés, les espèces-cibles (rascasse rouge, rascasse blanche, le mulet barbet et la seiche), les modèles d'exploitation et les conditions socio-économiques sous lesquelles la pêcherie se développe, basées sur les données des ventes journalières de la Direction Générale des Pêches (2002-2006). Des enquêtes socio-économiques ont permis de caractériser la pêcherie au trémail, les comportements de pêche, la structure des coûts et les conflits. Les données d'effort et de capture et l'étude du marché sont utilisées pour évaluer le niveau d'exploitation des espèces-cibles et permettent de décrire la pêcherie au trémail de Majorque comme une activité basée sur des ressources à l'équilibre. Les principales espèces-cibles sont trouvées proches de leur rendement maximum à l'équilibre, à la fois au moyen d'un modèle de surplus de production (avec des paramètres estimés au moyen du logiciel CEDA, Catch Effort Data Analysis) et par un modèle d'estimation structurée en âge, basé sur l'analyse des rendements par recrue. La gestion couramment débattue par l'administration locale et les pêcheurs se focalisait sur l'amélioration de la situation économique des pêcheurs plutôt que de protéger une ressource en danger. Une des actions de gestion proposée est une réduction de l'effort - un jour de pêche, qui peut être analysée ici avec l'aide d'un modèle de simulation bio-économique. Une simulation sur 15 ans (2005-2020) permet de fournir des conseils aux gestionnaires locaux sur les aspects de commercialisation, en vue d'obtenir une plus haute valeur de production de poissons, plutôt que d'espérer obtenir des profits plus élevés par une réduction de l'offre seulement.This study was funded by the Commission of the European Communities, specific RTD programme “Specific Support to Policies”, SSP-2004-22745 “Probabilistic assessment, management and advice model for fishery management in the case of poor data availability” (POORFISH).Peer reviewe

    Bioeconomic simulation analysis of hake and red mullet fishery in the Gulf of Saronikos (Greece)

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    [EN] Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) are two of the most important species in Greek fisheries due to their high commercial interest. Both have been reported to be overexploited and in need of management to preserve the continuity of their exploitation. Hake is exploited by trawlers and red mullet by both trawlers and beach seiners in Saronikos Gulf (Greece). The MEFISTO bioeconomic simulation model is applied in order to test the interaction between trawlers and beach seiners through the age-specific fishing mortality applied by each fleet to the red mullet stock. The effects of the withdrawal of some beach seiners in 2002 and the increase in trawl mesh size that has already been implemented (from 28 mm to 40 mm stretched mesh) are tested jointly with alternative management scenarios such as the complete withdrawal of beach seiners and effort reduction in trawler activity. The analysis of the simulation results is based on the evolution of biological and economic indicators through 15-year stochastic projections. It is shown that limiting fishing effort and improving selectivity patterns of the trawl fleet would be beneficial for the recovery of the populations and for the profitability of the fishery. In addition to the increase in trawl mesh size, a further fishing effort reduction of 12% is recommended for the trawling fleet. Conversely, limiting or completely removing the beach seiner fleet would protect red mullet juveniles but would not significantly increase the profitability of the trawling fleet, and it would cause unemployment[ES] La merluza (Merluccius merluccius) y el salmonete (Mullus barbatus), debido a su gran interés comercial, son las dos especies más importantes de las pesquerías griegas. Ambas especies se encuentran en situación de sobreexplotación y necesitadas de una gestión adecuada que proteja la continuidad de su explotación. En el Golfo de Saronikos (Grecia), la merluza es explotada por la flota de arrastre mientras que el salmonete lo pescan las flotas de arrastre y la de cerco de playa. Se utiliza el modelo de simulación MEFISTO para el análisis de la interacción de ambas flotas a través de las mortalidades pesqueras aplicadas sobre las clases de edad del salmonete. En el presente trabajo se evalúan los efectos de la retirada de algunos cerqueros que tuvo lugar en 2002 y del incremento del ancho de malla (desde 28 mm a 40 mm) que tuvo lugar en 2000, así como algunos escenarios de gestión alternativos como la completa retirada de la flota de cerco o la reducción del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota de arrastre. El análisis de las simulaciones estocásticas se presenta a través de la evolución de los indicadores bioeconómicos durante 15 años. Se muestra que la limitación del esfuerzo pesquero y la mejora en los parámetros de selectividad de la flota de arrastre serían beneficiosos tanto desde un punto de vista económico como conservacionista. Por otro lado, se recomienda una reducción de esfuerzo del 12%. Por el contrario, la limitación o retirada de la flota de cerco de playa causaría un problema de desempleo y no permitiría aumentar los beneficios de la flota de arrastre, sin llegar a ser beneficioso para las poblaciones explotadasWe thank Triantafyllos Kountouris and Argyris Argyrokastritis for their help and advice in the in situ approach to the hake and red mullet fishery in the Gulf of Saronikos and all the staff in the Fisheries Laboratory of the Ministry of Rural Development and FoodPeer reviewe

    Bioeconomic simulation analysis of hake and red mullet fishery in the Gulf of Saronikos (Greece)

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    Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) are two of the most important species in Greek fisheries due to their high commercial interest. Both have been reported to be overexploited and in need of management to preserve the continuity of their exploitation. Hake is exploited by trawlers and red mullet by both trawlers and beach seiners in Saronikos Gulf (Greece). The MEFISTO bioeconomic simulation model is applied in order to test the interaction between trawlers and beach seiners through the age-specific fishing mortality applied by each fleet to the red mullet stock. The effects of the withdrawal of some beach seiners in 2002 and the increase in trawl mesh size that has already been implemented (from 28 mm to 40 mm stretched mesh) are tested jointly with alternative management scenarios such as the complete withdrawal of beach seiners and effort reduction in trawler activity. The analysis of the simulation results is based on the evolution of biological and economic indicators through 15-year stochastic projections. It is shown that limiting fishing effort and improving selectivity patterns of the trawl fleet would be beneficial for the recovery of the populations and for the profitability of the fishery. In addition to the increase in trawl mesh size, a further fishing effort reduction of 12% is recommended for the trawling fleet. Conversely, limiting or completely removing the beach seiner fleet would protect red mullet juveniles but would not significantly increase the profitability of the trawling fleet, and it would cause unemployment.La merluza (Merluccius merluccius) y el salmonete (Mullus barbatus), debido a su gran interés comercial, son las dos especies más importantes de las pesquerías griegas. Ambas especies se encuentran en situación de sobreexplotación y necesitadas de una gestión adecuada que proteja la continuidad de su explotación. En el Golfo de Saronikos (Grecia), la merluza es explotada por la flota de arrastre mientras que el salmonete lo pescan las flotas de arrastre y la de cerco de playa. Se utiliza el modelo de simulación MEFISTO para el análisis de la interacción de ambas flotas a través de las mortalidades pesqueras aplicadas sobre las clases de edad del salmonete. En el presente trabajo se evalúan los efectos de la retirada de algunos cerqueros que tuvo lugar en 2002 y del incremento del ancho de malla (desde 28 mm a 40 mm) que tuvo lugar en 2000, así como algunos escenarios de gestión alternativos como la completa retirada de la flota de cerco o la reducción del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota de arrastre. El análisis de las simulaciones estocásticas se presenta a través de la evolución de los indicadores bioeconómicos durante 15 años. Se muestra que la limitación del esfuerzo pesquero y la mejora en los parámetros de selectividad de la flota de arrastre serían beneficiosos tanto desde un punto de vista económico como conservacionista. Por otro lado, se recomienda una reducción de esfuerzo del 12%. Por el contrario, la limitación o retirada de la flota de cerco de playa causaría un problema de desempleo y no permitiría aumentar los beneficios de la flota de arrastre, sin llegar a ser beneficioso para las poblaciones explotadas

    A revisited branch-and-cut algorithm for large-scale orienteering problems

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    The orienteering problem is a route optimization problem which consists of finding a simple cycle that maximizes the total collected profit subject to a maximum distance limitation. In the last few decades, the occurrence of this problem in real-life applications has boosted the development of many heuristic algorithms to solve it. However, during the same period, not much research has been devoted to the field of exact algorithms for the orienteering problem. The aim of this work is to develop an exact method which is able to obtain the optimum in a wider set of instances than with previous methods, or to improve the lower and upper bounds in its disability. We propose a revisited version of the branch-and-cut algorithm for the orienteering problem which includes new contributions in the separation algorithms of inequalities stemming from the cycle problem, in the separation loop, in the variables pricing, and in the calculation of the lower and upper bounds of the problem. Our proposal is compared to three state-of-the-art algorithms on 258 benchmark instances with up to 7397 nodes. The computational experiments show the relevance of the designed components where 18 new optima, 76 new best-known solutions and 85 new upper-bound values were obtained.The authors are partially supported by the projects BERC 2022-2025 (Basque Government) and by SEV-2017-0718 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities). The first and third authors are partially supported by the grant PID2019-104933GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). The first author is also supported by the grant BES-2015-072036 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and project ELKARTEK (Basque Government). The third author is supported by IT-1494-22 (Basque Government) and GIU20/054 (University of the Basque Country). The fourth author is also supported by IT-1504-22 (Basque Government) and the grants PID2019-104966GB-I00 and PID2019-106453GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). We gratefully acknowledge the authors of the TSP solver Concorde for making their code available to the public, since it has been the working basis of our implementations. We also thank Prof. J.J. Salazar-Gonzalez who provided us with the codes used in Fischetti et al. (1998)