14 research outputs found


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    В работе изложена методика расчёта выхода термогаза в технологии термической переработки твердых коммунальных отходов. В результате проведенных исследований было установлено, что при начальной влажности органического сырья (ОС) W0=28,46 %, все водяные пары будут израсходованы в процессе газификации.The paper describes a methodology for calculating the output of thermogas in the technology of thermal processing of solid municipal waste. As a result of the studies, it was found that with the initial moisture content of organic raw materials W0 = 28.46 %, all water vapor will be consumed in the gasification process

    Circulation of Venusian Atmosphere at 90-110 km Based on Apparent Motions of the O2 1.27 μm Nightglow From VIRTIS-M (Venus Express) Data

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    The paper is devoted to the investigation of Venus mesosphere circulation at 90-110 km altitudes, where tracking of the O2(a1∆g) 1.27 μm nightglow is practically the only method of studying the circulation. The images of the nightglow were obtained by VIRTIS-M on Venus Express over the course of more than 2 years. The resulting global mean velocity vector field covers the nightside between latitudes 75°S-20°N and local time 19-5 h. The main observed mode of circulation is two opposite flows from terminators to midnight; however, the wind speed in the eastward direction from the morning side exceeds the westward (evening) by 20-30 m/s, and the streams "meet" at 22.5 ± 0.5 h. The influence of underlying topography was suggested in some cases: Above mountain regions, flows behave as if they encounter an "obstacle" and "wrap around" highlands. Instances of circular motion were discovered, encompassing areas of 1,500-4,000 km

    Geologically recent areas as one key target for identifying active volcanism on Venus

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    The recently selected NASA VERITAS and DAVINCI missions, the ESA EnVision, the Roscosmos Venera-D will open a new era in the exploration of Venus. One of the key targets of the future orbiting and in situ investigations of Venus is the identification of volcanically active areas on the planet. The study of the areas characterized by recent or ongoing volcano-tectonic activity can inform us on how volcanism and tectonism are currently evolving on Venus. Following this key target, Brossier et al. (2022, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099765) extend the successful approach and methodology used by previous works to Ganis Chasma in Atla Regio. Here we comment on the main results published in Brossier et al. (2022, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099765) and discuss the important implications of their work for the future orbiting and in situ investigation of Venus. Their results add further lines of evidence indicating possibly recent volcanism on Venus

    Introducing the “analogs for Venus’ geologically recent surfaces” initiative: an opportunity for identifying and analyzing recently active volcano-tectonic areas of Venus trough a comparative study with terrestrial analogs

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    Several missions to Venus have been recently selected for launch [1–6], opening a new era for the exploration of the planet. One of the key questions that the future missions need to address is whether Venus is presently volcanically active [7–15]. Studying areas of active volcanism and tectonism on Venus is crucial to reveal clues about the geologic past of the planet, as well as provide information about the volatile content of its interior and the formation of its dense atmosphere. The “Analogsfor VENus’ GEologically Recent Surfaces” (AVENGERS) initiative aims to build a comprehensive database of terrestrial analog sites for the comparative study of recent and possibly on- going volcanic activity on Venus. Besides its scientific relevance, the AVENG- ERS initiative also acts as a bridge for international scientific collaboration, including the leadership and/or team members from the currently selected missions to Venus

    Mount Etna as a terrestrial laboratory to investigate recent volcanic activity on Venus by future missions:A comparison with Idunn Mons, Venus

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    The recently selected missions to Venus have opened a new era for the exploration of this planet. These missions will provide information about the chemistry of the atmosphere, the geomorphology, local-to-regional surface composition, and the rheology of the interior. One key scientific question to be addressed by these future missions is whether Venus remains volcanically active, and if so, how its volcanism is currently evolving. Hence, it is fundamental to analyze appropriate terrestrial analog sites for the study of possibly active volcanism on Venus. To this regard, we propose Mount Etna - one of the most active and monitored volcanoes on Earth - as a suitable terrestrial laboratory for remote and in-situ investigations to be performed by future missions to Venus. Being characterized by both effusive and explosive volcanic products, Mount Etna offers the opportunity to analyze multiple eruptive styles, both monitoring active volcanism and identifying the possible occurrence of pyroclastic activity on Venus. We directly compare Mount Etna with Idunn Mons, one of the most promising potentially active volcanoes of Venus. Despite the two structures show a different topography, they also show some interesting points of comparison, and in particular: a) comparable morpho-structural setting, since both volcanoes interact with a rift zone, and b) morphologically similar volcanic fields around both Mount Etna and Idunn Mons. Given its ease of access, we also propose Mount Etna as an analog site for laboratory spectroscopic studies to identify the signatures of unaltered volcanic deposits on Venus

    Venera-D Mission Concept to Study Atmosphere, Surface and Plasma Environment: Phase II Report of the Venera-D Joint Science Definition Team

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    Venus and Earth were formed approximately the same distance from the Sun, and have almost the same masses and volumes: they should be the most similar pair of planets in the Solar System. A vital, outstanding question is how and when these planets diverged in their atmospheric evolutions. Significantly, recent investigations present evidence for microbial life in Venus' cloud deck. Venus presents us with fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of planetary bodies and life in our Solar System.Venera-D (D stands for the Russian word for "long-lived:" dolgozhivushaya) is a potential mission that would combine simultaneous observations of Venus' atmosphere, plasma environment, and surface to try to answer these essential questions

    Venus Evolution Through Time: Key Science Questions, Selected Mission Concepts and Future Investigations

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    In this work we discuss various selected mission concepts addressing Venus evolution through time. More specifically, we address investigations and payload instrument concepts supporting scientific goals and open questions presented in the companion articles of this volume. Also included are their related investigations (observations & modeling) and discussion of which measurements and future data products are needed to better constrain Venus’ atmosphere, climate, surface, interior and habitability evolution through time. A new fleet of Venus missions has been selected, and new mission concepts will continue to be considered for future selections. Missions under development include radar-equipped ESA-led EnVision M5 orbiter mission (European Space Agency 2021), NASA-JPL’s VERITAS orbiter mission (Smrekar et al. 2022a), NASA-GSFC’s DAVINCI entry probe/flyby mission (Garvin et al. 2022a). The data acquired with the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision from the end of this decade will fundamentally improve our understanding of the planet’s long term history, current activity and evolutionary path. We further describe future mission concepts and measurements beyond the current framework of selected missions, as well as the synergies between these mission concepts, ground-based and space-based observatories and facilities, laboratory measurements, and future algorithmic or modeling activities that pave the way for the development of a Venus program that extends into the 2040s (Wilson et al. 2022)

    Monitoring of the atmosphere of Mars with ACS TIRVIM nadir observations on ExoMars TGO.

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    The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), a mission by ESA and Roscosmos started its operational scientific phase in March 2018. The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) is a set of three spectrometers (NIR, MIR, and TIRVIM) designed to observe the Martian atmosphere in solar occultation, nadir and limb geometry [1]. The thermal infrared channel — TIRVIM is a Fourier-transform spectrometer encompassing the spectral range of 1.7–17 μm, with the best spectral resolution 0.13 cm−1. In nadir operation mode, the primary goal of TIRVIM is the long-term monitoring of atmospheric temperature and aerosol (dust and ice clouds) state from the surface to approximately 60 km. We present the results of the first half year operation in orbit around Mars