1,578 research outputs found

    Costs of Chronic Waterborne Zinc Exposure and the Consequences of Zinc Acclimation on the Gill/Zinc Interactions of Rainbow Trout in Hard and Soft Water

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    Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to zinc in both moderately hard water (hardness 5 120 mg CaCO3/L, pH = 8.0, Zn = 150 μg/L or 450 μg/L) and soft water (hardness = 20 mg CaCO3/L, pH = 7.2, Zn = 50 μg/L or 120 μg/L) for 30 d. Only the 450 mg/L zinc–exposed fish experienced significant mortality (24% in the first 2 d). Zinc exposure caused no effect on growth rate, but growth affected tissue zinc levels. Whole body zinc levels were elevated, but gills and liver showed no consistent increases relative to controls over the 30-d. Therefore, tissue zinc residues were not a good indicator of chronic zinc exposure. After the 30-d exposure, physiological function tests were performed. Zinc was 5.4 times more toxic in soft water (control 96 h LC50s in hard and soft water were 869 μg/L and 162 μg/L, respectively). All zinc-exposed trout had acclimated to the metal, as seen by an increase in the LC50 of 2.2 to 3.9 times over that seen in control fish. Physiological costs related to acclimation appeared to be few. Zinc exposure had no effect on whole body Ca2+ or Na+ levels, on resting or routine metabolic rates, or on fixed velocity sprint performance. However, critical swimming speed (UCrit) was significantly reduced in zinc-exposed fish, an effect that persisted in zinc-free water. Using radioisotopic techniques to distinguish new zinc incorporation, the gills were found to possess two zinc pools: a fast turnover pool (T1/2 = 3–4 h) and a slow turnover pool (T1/2 = days to months). The fast pool was much larger in soft water than in hard water, but at most it accounted for \u3c3.5% of the zinc content of the gills. The size of the slow pool was unknown, but its loading rate was faster in soft water. Chronic zinc exposure was found to increase the size of the fast pool and to increase the loading rate of the slow pool

    The development of the Pictish symbol system: inscribing identity beyond the edges of Empire

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    The date of unique symbolic carvings, from various contexts across north and east Scotland, has been debated for over a century. Excavations at key sites and direct dating of engraved bone artefacts have allowed for a more precise chronology, extending from the third/fourth centuries AD, broadly contemporaneous with other non-vernacular scripts developed beyond the frontiers of the Roman Empire, to the ninth century AD. These symbols were probably an elaborate, non-alphabetic writing system, a Pictish response to broader European changes in power and identity during the transition from the Roman Empire to the early medieval period

    Assessing the intestinal permeability and anti-inflammatory potential of sesquiterpene lactones from chicory

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    Funding: This research and the article processing cost were funded by EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme under grant agreement N. 760891 project CHIC. M.S.M. also acknowledges the financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for her PhD scholarship (SFRD/BD/145551/2019).Cichorium intybus L. has recently gained major attention due to large quantities of health-promoting compounds in its roots, such as inulin and sesquiterpene lactones (SLs). Chicory is the main dietary source of SLs, which have underexplored bioactive potential. In this study, we assessed the capacity of SLs to permeate the intestinal barrier to become physiologically available, using in silico predictions and in vitro studies with the well-established cell model of the human intestinal mucosa (differentiated Caco-2 cells). The potential of SLs to modulate inflammatory responses through modulation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) pathway was also evaluated, using a yeast reporter system. Lactucopicrin was revealed as the most permeable chicory SL in the intestinal barrier model, but it had low anti-inflammatory potential. The SL with the highest anti-inflammatory potential was 11β,13-dihydrolactucin, which inhibited up to 54% of Calcineurin-responsive zinc finger (Crz1) activation, concomitantly with the impairment of the nuclear accumulation of Crz1, the yeast orthologue of human NFAT.publishersversionpublishe

    Shigella sonnei genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis indicate recent global dissemination from Europe

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    Shigella are human-adapted Escherichia coli that have gained the ability to invade the human gut mucosa and cause dysentery1,2, spreading efficiently via low-dose fecal-oral transmission3,4. Historically, S. sonnei has been predominantly responsible for dysentery in developed countries, but is now emerging as a problem in the developing world, apparently replacing the more diverse S. flexneri in areas undergoing economic development and improvements in water quality4-6. Classical approaches have shown S. sonnei is genetically conserved and clonal7. We report here whole-genome sequencing of 132 globally-distributed isolates. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that the current S. sonnei population descends from a common ancestor that existed less than 500 years ago and has diversified into several distinct lineages with unique characteristics. Our analysis suggests the majority of this diversification occurred in Europe, followed by more recent establishment of local pathogen populations in other continents predominantly due to the pandemic spread of a single, rapidly-evolving, multidrug resistant lineage

    Intrapulmonary Pharmacokinetics of First-line Anti-tuberculosis Drugs in Malawian Patients With Tuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Further work is required to understand the intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. This study aimed to describe the plasma and intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, and explore relationships with clinical treatment outcomes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: Malawian adults with a first presentation of microbiologically-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis received standard 6-month first-line therapy. Plasma and intrapulmonary samples were collected 8 and 16 weeks into treatment and drug concentrations measured in plasma, lung/airway epithelial lining fluid, and alveolar cells. Population pharmacokinetic modelling generated estimates of drug exposure (Cmax and AUC) from individual-level post-hoc Bayesian estimates of plasma and intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics. RESULTS: One-hundred-and-fifty-seven patients (58% HIV co-infected) participated. Despite standard weight-based dosing, peak plasma concentrations of first-line drugs were below therapeutic drug monitoring targets. Rifampicin concentrations were low in all three compartments. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol achieved higher concentrations in epithelial lining fluid and alveolar cells than plasma. Isoniazid and pyrazinamide concentrations were 14.6 (95% CI: 11.2-18.0) and 49.8-fold (95% CI: 34.2-65.3) higher in lining fluid than plasma respectively. Ethambutol concentrations were highest in alveolar cells (alveolar cells:plasma ratio 15.0, 95% CI 11.4-18.6). Plasma or intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics did not predict clinical treatment response. CONCLUSIONS: We report differential drug concentrations between plasma and the lung. While plasma concentrations were below therapeutic monitoring targets, accumulation of drugs at the site of disease may explain the success of the first-line regimen. The low rifampicin concentrations observed in all compartments lend strong support for ongoing clinical trials of high-dose rifampicin regimens

    Computing Power and Sample Size for Case-Control Association Studies with Copy Number Polymorphism: Application of Mixture-Based Likelihood Ratio Test

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    Recent studies suggest that copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) may play an important role in disease susceptibility and onset. Currently, the detection of CNPs mainly depends on microarray technology. For case-control studies, conventionally, subjects are assigned to a specific CNP category based on the continuous quantitative measure produced by microarray experiments, and cases and controls are then compared using a chi-square test of independence. The purpose of this work is to specify the likelihood ratio test statistic (LRTS) for case-control sampling design based on the underlying continuous quantitative measurement, and to assess its power and relative efficiency (as compared to the chi-square test of independence on CNP counts). The sample size and power formulas of both methods are given. For the latter, the CNPs are classified using the Bayesian classification rule. The LRTS is more powerful than this chi-square test for the alternatives considered, especially alternatives in which the at-risk CNP categories have low frequencies. An example of the application of the LRTS is given for a comparison of CNP distributions in individuals of Caucasian or Taiwanese ethnicity, where the LRTS appears to be more powerful than the chi-square test, possibly due to misclassification of the most common CNP category into a less common category

    High intrapulmonary rifampicin and isoniazid concentrations are associated with rapid sputum bacillary clearance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship [grant number 105392/B/14/Z to A.D.M. and L69AGB to JM]. ELC was supported by Wellcome [200901/Z/16/Z]. The Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Clinical Research Programme is supported by a strategic award from the Wellcome Trust [206545/Z/17/Z]. We also acknowledge infrastructural support for bioanalysis from the Liverpool Biomedical Research Centre funded by Liverpool Health Partners.Background Intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics may better explain response to tuberculosis (TB) treatment than plasma pharmacokinetics. We explored these relationships by modelling bacillary clearance in sputum in adult patients on first-line treatment in Malawi. Methods Bacillary elimination rates (BER) were estimated using linear mixed-effects modelling of serial time-to-positivity in mycobacterial growth indicator tubes for sputum collected during the intensive phase of treatment (weeks 0 to 8) for microbiologically confirmed TB. Population pharmacokinetic models used plasma and intrapulmonary drug levels at 8 and 16 weeks. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships were investigated using individual-level measures of drug exposure (AUC and Cmax) for rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, in plasma, epithelial lining fluid, and alveolar cells as covariates in the bacillary elimination models. Results Among 157 participants (58% HIV co-infected), drug exposure in plasma or alveolar cells was not associated with sputum bacillary clearance. Higher peak concentrations (Cmax) or exposure (AUC) to rifampicin or isoniazid in epithelial lining fluid was associated with more rapid bacillary elimination and shorter time to sputum negativity. More extensive disease on baseline chest radiograph was associated with slower bacillary elimination. Clinical outcome was captured in 133 participants, with 15 (11%) unfavourable outcomes recorded (recurrent TB, failed treatment, or death). No relationship between BER and late clinical outcome was identified. Conclusions Greater intrapulmonary drug exposure to rifampicin or isoniazid in the epithelial lining fluid was associated with more rapid bacillary clearance. Higher doses of rifampicin and isoniazid may result in sustained high intrapulmonary drug exposure, rapid bacillary clearance, shorter treatment duration and better treatment outcomes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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