16 research outputs found

    Phenotypic Divergence among West European Populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: The Effects of Migratory and Foraging Behaviours

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    [EN] Divergent selection and local adaptation are responsible for many phenotypic differences between populations, potentially leading to speciation through the evolution of reproductive barriers. Here we evaluated the morphometric divergence among west European populations of Reed Bunting in order to determine the extent of local adaptation relative to two important selection pressures often associated with speciation in birds: migration and diet. We show that, as expected by theory, migratory E. s. schoeniclus had longer and more pointed wings and a slightly smaller body mass than the resident subspecies, with the exception of E. s. lusitanica, which despite having rounder wings was the smallest of all subspecies. Tail length, however, did not vary according to the expectation (shorter tails in migrants) probably because it is strongly correlated with wing length and might take longer to evolve. E. s. witherbyi, which feed on insects hiding inside reed stems during the winter, had a very thick, stubby bill. In contrast, northern populations, which feed on seeds, had thinner bills. Despite being much smaller, the southern E. s. lusitanica had a significantly thicker, longer bill than migratory E. s. schoeniclus, whereas birds from the UK population had significantly shorter, thinner bills. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed that the southern subspecies have a more convex culmen than E. s. schoeniclus, and E. s. lusitanica differs from the nominate subspecies in bill shape to a greater extent than in linear bill measurements, especially in males. Birds with a more convex culmen are thought to exert a greater strength at the bill tip, which is in agreement with their feeding technique. Overall, the three subspecies occurring in Western Europe differ in a variety of traits following the patterns predicted from their migratory and foraging behaviours, strongly suggesting that these birds have became locally adapted through natural selection.Some fieldwork in Portugal was supported financially by ICETA, University of Porto. LG and JMN were supported financially by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through grants SFRH/BD/64645/2009 and SFRH/BPD/40667/2007, respectively. JSM and EJB were funded by the projects CGL2005-02041/BOS and CGL2010-21933-C02-02 granted by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Neto, JM.; Gordinho, L.; Belda, EJ.; Marín Villora, M.; Monrós González, JS.; Fearon, P.; Crates, R. (2013). Phenotypic Divergence among West European Populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: The Effects of Migratory and Foraging Behaviours. PLoS ONE. 8(5):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0063248S11185Van Doorn, G. S., Edelaar, P., & Weissing, F. J. (2009). On the Origin of Species by Natural and Sexual Selection. Science, 326(5960), 1704-1707. doi:10.1126/science.1181661Winker, K. (2010). Chapter 1: Subspecies Represent Geographically Partitioned Variation, A Gold Mine of Evolutionary Biology, and a Challenge for Conservation. Ornithological Monographs, 67(1), 6-23. doi:10.1525/om.2010.67.1.6Servedio, M. R., Doorn, G. S. V., Kopp, M., Frame, A. M., & Nosil, P. (2011). Magic traits in speciation: ‘magic’ but not rare? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26(8), 389-397. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.04.005Via, S. (2009). Natural selection in action during speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(Supplement_1), 9939-9946. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901397106Shaw, K. 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    Increased 30-Day Mortality in Very Old ICU Patients with COVID-19 Compared to Patients with Respiratory Failure without COVID-19

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    Purpose: The number of patients ≥ 80 years admitted into critical care is increasing. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) added another challenge for clinical decisions for both admission and limitation of life-sustaining treatments (LLST). We aimed to compare the characteristics and mortality of very old critically ill patients with or without COVID-19 with a focus on LLST. Methods: Patients 80 years or older with acute respiratory failure were recruited from the VIP2 and COVIP studies. Baseline patient characteristics, interventions in intensive care unit (ICU) and outcomes (30-day survival) were recorded. COVID patients were matched to non-COVID patients based on the following factors: age (± 2 years), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score (± 2 points), clinical frailty scale (± 1 point), gender and region on a 1:2 ratio. Specific ICU procedures and LLST were compared between the cohorts by means of cumulative incidence curves taking into account the competing risk of discharge and death. Results: 693 COVID patients were compared to 1393 non-COVID patients. COVID patients were younger, less frail, less severely ill with lower SOFA score, but were treated more often with invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) and had a lower 30-day survival. 404 COVID patients could be matched to 666 non-COVID patients. For COVID patients, withholding and withdrawing of LST were more frequent than for non-COVID and the 30-day survival was almost half compared to non-COVID patients. Conclusion: Very old COVID patients have a different trajectory than non-COVID patients. Whether this finding is due to a decision policy with more active treatment limitation or to an inherent higher risk of death due to COVID-19 is unclear.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Examples depicting plumage and bill shape differences among Reed Bunting subspecies.

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    <p>a) first-year females <i>E. s. schoeniclus</i> (left) and <i>E. s. lusitanica</i> (right); b) first-year male <i>E. s. schoeniclus</i>; c) first-year male <i>E. s. lusitanica</i> and d) first-year male <i>E. s. witherbyi</i>, captured at Salreu, Estarreja, Portugal, except the latter, which was captured at Lagunas de Villafranca, Toledo, Spain. All pictures were taken by JMN.</p

    Bill shape in relation to population and sex, as measured by the two most important axis of variation for population discrimination (RW1 and RW3) derived from geometric morphometric analysis.

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    <p>Bill shape in relation to population and sex, as measured by the two most important axis of variation for population discrimination (RW1 and RW3) derived from geometric morphometric analysis.</p

    Scatterplot of bill depth and wing length for each age, sex and subspecies/population.

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    <p><i>E. s. schoeniclus</i> includes birds trapped in Portugal during winter as well as those measured in Sweden.</p

    Isometrically-adjusted primary lengths of the resident <i>E.</i>

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    <p><b>s. lusitanica<i> </i></b><b> and the migratory </b><b><i>E. s. schoeniclus</i></b><b> wintering in Portugal and from Sweden.</b><b> </b> Sample size is indicated between parentheses. T-tests indicate that primaries 9, 5, 4, 3, and 2 are significantly different between the subspecies (ns – non-significant; * – P<0.05; ** – P<0.01; *** – P<0.001).</p

    Unstardardized parameters and t-tests of the General Linear Models evaluating the effects of age, sex and subspecies/population on the various biometrics.

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    <p># – P = 0.059; *** – P<0.001; ** – P<0.01; * – P<0.05; ns – non-significant.</p><p>Fat and muscle scores were included as covariates in the model analysing body mass. The parameters represent the difference relative to adults, males and <i>E. s. witherbyi</i>. Models with significant interactions are presented in the main text.</p

    As primeiras participações de atletas do hipismo sul-rio-grandense em Jogos Olímpicos

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    A prática do Hipismo no Rio Grande do Sul foi introduzida pela iniciativa de militares, posteriormente incorporada por civis. Gradualmente, os sul-rio-grandenses começaram a se destacar em competições esportivas. A questão norteadora deste estudo histórico é: como se desenvolveu a prática do hipismo em Porto Alegre até a primeira participação de atletas sul-rio-grandenses em Jogos Olímpicos. A análise documental das fontes evidenciou que a primeira participação de sul-rio-grandenses em Jogos Olímpicos, no hipismo, é datada de 1988, com a presença de um cavaleiro e de uma amazona, embora, desde a edição de 1948, já haver uma equipe representando o Brasil. A conquista de medalhas olímpicas ocorreu em 1996 e 2000, em equipes brasileiras contando com um sul-rio-grandense.Equestrian practice was introduced in Rio Grande do Sul by the military initiative, later incorporated by civilians. Gradually, Rio Grande do Sul people have begun exceling in this sport competitions. The main question of this historical study is: how has it developed Equestrian practice in Porto Alegre until the first participation of Equestrian athletes from Rio Grande do Sul in the Olympic Games. The documentary analysis of the sources revealed that the first participation of Equestrian athletes from Rio Grande do Sul in the Olympic Games is dated 1988 with the presence of a horseman and a horsewoman, though, since the 1948 edition, there is a team representing Brazil. The winning of Olympic medals in 1996 and 2000 occurred in Brazilian teams including an athlete from Rio Grande do Sul