467 research outputs found

    Vpliv severnoatlantske oscilacije na ledenik Debeli Namet

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    This article presents the relationship between climate variables in the Durmitor Massif (Montenegro) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). A new climate standard for temperatures and precipitation over the last 30 years has been presented. The Debeli Namet Glacier is an indicator of climate change. We have shown that the size of this glacier is affected by the NAO which mainly affects the precipitation in the accumulation period from December to March. During the ablation period from June to September, the influence of the NAO on precipitation and temperatures is less pronounced. El Niño and La Niña events are significant, especially in years with a low NAO index. The relationship between El Niño/La Niña and the NAO is still a subject of scientific debate.Članek predstavlja povezavo med podnebnimi spremenljivkami v masivu Durmitor (Črna gora) in severnoatlantsko oscilacijo (NAO). Predstavljen je nov podnebni standard za temperature in padavine v zadnjih 30 letih. Ledenik Debeli Namet je pokazatelj podnebnih sprememb. Pokazali smo, da na velikost tega ledenika vpliva NAO, ki vpliva predvsem na količino padavin v akumulacijskem obdobju od decembra do marca. V obdobju ablacije od junija do septembra je vpliv NAO na padavine in temperature manj izrazit. Dogodki El Niño in La Niña so pomembni zlasti v letih z nizkim indeksom NAO. Razmerje med El Niño/La Niña in NAO je še vedno predmet znanstvenih razprav

    New Materialism, Technophilia and Emancipation

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    The aim of this paper is to reflect on psychological, ethical and political implications of new materialisms (Barad, Bennett, Coole, Frost) in the context of expanded and accelerated regimes of measurement as part of a technological governance of the human. As new materialists are committed to both epistemic and political emancipation, I first analyse theoretical, in particular epistemological, foundations of new materialism. The new materialism has achieved liberating epistemic effects in criticizing self-referential discursive and socio-constructionist agendas. It argued instead for a return to material and somatic realities. However, I examine whether its flat ontology, its epistemology of de-differentiation of the human and non-human, even non-living agencies and commitments into a principle of immanence, provide appropriate means to critically assess ethical and political implications of entanglements of humans with the historically- produced technologies and social worlds in general. The next question to be discussed is whether a return (nevertheless a discursive one) to material and somatic realities can in itself protect those very vulnerable realities. As horizontal ontology invokes a horizontal normativity which cannot serve as a foundation for emancipatory projects, it follows that normativity needs other sources beyond the new materialism paradigm. Thus, I argue that such a weak or insecure position of normativity within the new materialisms affects any concept of human subject, regardless of its entanglements, and any project of emancipation. I conclude these critical analyses by claiming that the new materialism’s epistemological and political emancipatory promises cannot be fulfilled by means provided by the new materialism itself


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    This paper presents a research on design of multiplierless comb compensators with magnitude response synthesized as sinewave functions. First, it is elaborated the importance of comb decimation filter and why we need its compensator. In continuation are presented some favorable characteristics of comb compensator. The compensators, with magnitude characteristic synthesized as sinewave functions fulfill those favorable characteristics. Next, are described some most important results on design of compensators with sinewave-based magnitude responses including single and cascaded sinewave-based functions. In all designs are presented the overall corresponding magnitude responses and the zooms in the passband. The parameters of design generally depend only on number of cascaded combs and generally do not depend on decimation factor. Design parameters are presented in tables along with the corresponding required number of adders

    Enhanced Recovery in Surgical Intensive Care: A Review

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    Patients are admitted to the surgical intensive care (SICU) unit after emergency and elective surgery. After elective surgery, for further support, or to manage coexisting comorbidities. The implementation of the ERAS (Enhanced recovery after surgery) protocols in surgery should decrease the need for ICU beds, but there will always be unpredicted complications after surgery. These will require individual management. What we can do for our surgical patients in ICU to further enhance their recovery? To promote early enhanced recovery in surgical intensive care—SICU, three areas need to be addressed, sedation, analgesia, and delirium. Tools for measurement and protocols for management in these three areas should be developed to ensure best practice in each SICU. The fourth important area is Nutrition. Preoperative screening and post-operative measurement of the state of nutrition also need to be developed in the SICU. The fifth important area is early mobilization. ERAS protocols encourage early mobilization of the critically ill patients, even if on mechanical ventilation. Early mobilization is possible and should be implemented by special multidisciplinary ICU team. All team members must be familiar with protocols to be able to implement them in their field of expertise. Personal and professional attitudes are critical for implementation. In the core of all our efforts should be the patient and his well-being

    De l’interprétation théorique culturelle de la psychanalyse freudienne

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    Es wird für ein kulturwissenschaftliches Verständnis der Psychoanalyse argumentiert, das sowohl Reflexion über psychoanalytische Begriffs- und Theoriebildung als auch über ihre reichhaltige, auch widersprüchliche Rezeptionsgeschichte ermöglicht. Der für die Psychoanalyse unentbehrliche Begriff des Triebes wird bei Freud über Triebschicksale konzeptualisiert und dadurch der individuelle biologische Rahmen gesprengt. Andererseits ist der freudsche Kulturbegriff auffällig verkürzt individualistisch begründet. Spannungen anderer Art haben Rezeptionsgeschichte der Psychoanalyse gekennzeichnet, in der sie sowohl als bloßer Mythos als auch als eine einzigartige Wissenschaft aufgefasst wurde. Ein ähnlicher Widerspruch ist im szientistischen Missverständnis der Psychoanalyse (Habermas) zu finden. Das Konfliktmuster verdoppelt sich in Deutungen der Psychoanalyse, die ihren verdrängten Biologismus aufdecken (Sulloway), wobei sie ihrerseits hermeneutische und gesellschaftstheoretische Deutungen verschweigen.U članku se argumentira u ime kulturnoznanstvenog poimanja psihoanalize koje omogućava refleksiju kako o psihoanalitičkoj tvorbi pojmova i teorije, tako i o njezinoj izdašnoj, ali i proturječnoj povijesti recepcije. Pojam nagona, neizostavan u psihoanalizi, kod Freuda biva konceptualiziran kroz njihove sudbine, čime se probija individualan biološki okvir. S druge je strane pak frojdovski pojam kulture upadljivo sažeto individualistički utemeljen. Tenzije drugog kova obilježile su povijest recepcije psihoanalize, gdje je bila tumačena ili kao sušti mit, ili kao zasebna znanost. Analogna oprečnost pojavljuje se u scijentističkom nerazumijevanju psihoanalize (Habermas). Taj se konfliktni obrazac množi u interpretacijama psihoanalize koje raskrivaju njezin potisnuti biologizam (Sulloway), pri čemu s vlastite strane prešućuju hermeneutička i društvenoteorijska pojašnjenja.The article argues on behalf of the cultural theory understanding of psychoanalysis which enables reflection on psychoanalytic formation of concepts and theories, as well as its rich, albeit contradictory history of reception. The notion of drive, essential for psychoanalysis, is being conceptualised by Freud through their vicissitudes, which makes the individual biological framework broken. On the other hand, the Freudian notion of culture is grounded in a strikingly reduced individualistic fashion. Tensions of another kind have marked the history of reception of psychoanalysis, in which it was understood either as a mere myth, or as a unique science. A similar contradiction is found in the scientistic misconception of psychoanalysis (Habermas). This pattern of conflict is multiplied in interpretations of psychoanalysis that uncover its suppressed biologism (Sulloway), where they on their part conceal hermeneutical and social theory interpretations.L’article argumente en faveur d’une compréhension scientifico-culturelle de la psychanalyse qui permet la réflexion sur la formation des concepts et de la théorie psychanalytique tout comme sur la riche mais aussi contradictoire histoire de sa réception. La notion de pulsion, incontournable en psychanalyse, se voit conceptualisée chez Freud à travers ses destins. D’autre part, le concept freudien de culture est fondé de manière visiblement succinctement individualiste. Des tensions d’une autre nature ont marqué l’histoire de la réception de la psychanalyse, où elle a été interprétée soit comme un pur mythe soit comme une science à part. Une opposition similaire apparaît dans la mécompréhension scientiste (Habermas). Ce modèle conflictuel est redoublé dans les interprétations de la psychanalyse qui dévoilent son biologisme refoulé (Sulloway) et passent pour leur part sous silence les interprétations herméneutiques et socio-théoriques

    Tranexamic acid effect on perioperative bleeding in total knee arthoplasty

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    Uvod Napredak hirurških i anestezioloških tehnika učinio je hiruršku intervenciju ugradnje totalne proteze kolena uspešnom i bezbednom. Međutim, pošto spada u opsežne ortopedske intervencije, praćena je značajnim gubicima krvnog volumena, kao i značajnom potrošnjom krvi i krvnih derivata. Trendovi u savremenoj medicini idu u pravcu restrikcije upotrebe krvi i krvnih derivata i čine se veliki napori u istraživanju i razvijanju metoda i tehnika koje mogu biti alternative alogenoj transfuziji krvi. Traneksamična kiselina koja ima antifibrinolitičko dejstvo, može dovesti do značajnog smanjenja perioperativnog krvarenja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili utvrđivanje uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativno krvarenje kod operacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena, kao i utvrđivanje postojanja uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativnu upotrebu alogene krvi kod operaacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena. Matrijal i metode u studiju je bilo uključeno 96 bolesnika oba pola, starijih od 18 godina, kojima je bila ugrađivana primarna elektivna totalna proteza kolena. Oni su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, 48 u ispitivanoj grupi kod kojih je primenjivana traneksamična kiselina i 48 bolesnika koji su bili kontrolna grupa. Svi bolesnici su bili u spinalnoj anesteziji i primenjivana je pneumatska poveska na ekstremitetu koji se operisao. Ispitivana grupa je dobijala traneksamičnu kiselinu u dva navrata u dozi od 15 mg /kg i 10 mg/kg u vidu kontinuirane i.v. infuzije u trajanju od 15 minuta. Prvo davanje leka je bilo neposredno nakon uvoda u anesteziju. Drugo davanje leka je bilo 15 minuta pre otpuštanja pneumatske poveske. Kontrolna grupa je dobijala istu količinu 0.9% fiziološkog rastvora koji je primenjivan na isti način. Intraoperativni gubitak krvi je beležen i meren kao gubitak u aspiratoru i gubitak na gazama. Postoperativn gubitak krvi se merio nakon 6, 12 sati i nakon 24 sata, kao gubitak na drenove Beležio se i broj primenjenih jedinica krvi i broj ukupno dobijenih mililitara krvi i ostalih krvnih produkata, kao i vreme njihove primene. Rezultati Postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosečnom intraoperativnom krvarenju između grupa (Z = -7,281; p = 000). Prosečno intraoperativno krvarenje u ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 100 ± 92,690 ml, a u kontrolnoj 447 ± 299,282 ml. U kontrolnoj grupi bolesnici imaju statistički značajno veće ukupno postoperativno krvarenje od bolesnika iz ispitivane grupe (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01) ( ispitivana grupa 309,78± 143,612 ml, kontrolna grupa 455,42 ± 201,177 ml). Razlika je bila statistički značajna nakon 6 sati (p < 001) i nakon 12 sati u korist ispitivane grupe (p<0,05). Postji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju među grupama i traneksamična kiselina je statistički značajno (p<0,000) smanjila ukupno krvarenje од 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) na 405, 32 ml (95% IP 353, 407-457, 231). Ukupno perioperativno krvarenje je u proseku iznosilo 662, 34 ml i kretalo se u intervalu od 100 do 1700 ml. U ispitivanoj grupi je samo 5 (10,4%) ispitanika primilo transfuziju, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi 39 (81,3%), što je statistički značajna razlika (2=45,692; p=0,000). Prosečna količina date alogene krvi u ispitivanoj grupi je 33,33 ± 99,2 ml, dok je prosečna količina date alogene krvi u kontrolnoj grupi bila skoro deset puta veća i iznosila je 319,2 ± 230 ml, što je statistički značajno veće (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperativne vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita bile su statistički značajno veće u isptivanoj grupi. Bolesnici iz ispitivane grupe su statistički značajno ranije postoperativno uzimali prvi obrok, sedeli i ustajali od bolesnika u kontrolnoj grupi. Zaključci Iz dobijenih rezultata o intraoperativnom, postoperativnom i ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju može se zaključiti da je traneksamična kiselina veoma efikasan lek i da statistički značajno smanjuje krvarenje vezano za ugradnju totalne proteze kolena i da smanjuje upotrebu transfuzije alogene krvi za 66,7%. Traneksamična kiselina je uticajem na smanjenje perioperativnog krvarenja dovela do očuvanja vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita. Bolesnici koji su dobijali traneksamičnu kiselinu su takođe imali brži i kvalitetniji neposredni postoperativni oporavak.Uvod Napredak hirurških i anestezioloških tehnika učinio je hiruršku intervenciju ugradnje totalne proteze kolena uspešnom i bezbednom. Međutim, pošto spada u opsežne ortopedske intervencije, praćena je značajnim gubicima krvnog volumena, kao i značajnom potrošnjom krvi i krvnih derivata. Trendovi u savremenoj medicini idu u pravcu restrikcije upotrebe krvi i krvnih derivata i čine se veliki napori u istraživanju i razvijanju metoda i tehnika koje mogu biti alternative alogenoj transfuziji krvi. Traneksamična kiselina koja ima antifibrinolitičko dejstvo, može dovesti do značajnog smanjenja perioperativnog krvarenja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili utvrđivanje uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativno krvarenje kod operacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena, kao i utvrđivanje postojanja uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativnu upotrebu alogene krvi kod operaacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena. Matrijal i metode u studiju je bilo uključeno 96 bolesnika oba pola, starijih od 18 godina, kojima je bila ugrađivana primarna elektivna totalna proteza kolena. Oni su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, 48 u ispitivanoj grupi kod kojih je primenjivana traneksamična kiselina i 48 bolesnika koji su bili kontrolna grupa. Svi bolesnici su bili u spinalnoj anesteziji i primenjivana je pneumatska poveska na ekstremitetu koji se operisao. Ispitivana grupa je dobijala traneksamičnu kiselinu u dva navrata u dozi od 15 mg /kg i 10 mg/kg u vidu kontinuirane i.v. infuzije u trajanju od 15 minuta. Prvo davanje leka je bilo neposredno nakon uvoda u anesteziju. Drugo davanje leka je bilo 15 minuta pre otpuštanja pneumatske poveske. Kontrolna grupa je dobijala istu količinu 0.9% fiziološkog rastvora koji je primenjivan na isti način. Intraoperativni gubitak krvi je beležen i meren kao gubitak u aspiratoru i gubitak na gazama. Postoperativn gubitak krvi se merio nakon 6, 12 sati i nakon 24 sata, kao gubitak na drenove Beležio se i broj primenjenih jedinica krvi i broj ukupno dobijenih mililitara krvi i ostalih krvnih produkata, kao i vreme njihove primene. Rezultati Postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosečnom intraoperativnom krvarenju između grupa (Z = -7,281; p = 000). Prosečno intraoperativno krvarenje u ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 100 ± 92,690 ml, a u kontrolnoj 447 ± 299,282 ml. U kontrolnoj grupi bolesnici imaju statistički značajno veće ukupno postoperativno krvarenje od bolesnika iz ispitivane grupe (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01) ( ispitivana grupa 309,78± 143,612 ml, kontrolna grupa 455,42 ± 201,177 ml). Razlika je bila statistički značajna nakon 6 sati (p < 001) i nakon 12 sati u korist ispitivane grupe (p<0,05). Postji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju među grupama i traneksamična kiselina je statistički značajno (p<0,000) smanjila ukupno krvarenje od 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) na 405, 32 ml (95% IP 353, 407-457, 231). Ukupno perioperativno krvarenje je u proseku iznosilo 662, 34 ml i kretalo se u intervalu od 100 do 1700 ml. U ispitivanoj grupi je samo 5 (10,4%) ispitanika primilo transfuziju, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi 39 (81,3%), što je statistički značajna razlika (2=45,692; p=0,000). Prosečna količina date alogene krvi u ispitivanoj grupi je 33,33 ± 99,2 ml, dok je prosečna količina date alogene krvi u kontrolnoj grupi bila skoro deset puta veća i iznosila je 319,2 ± 230 ml, što je statistički značajno veće (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperativne vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita bile su statistički značajno veće u isptivanoj grupi. Bolesnici iz ispitivane grupe su statistički značajno ranije postoperativno uzimali prvi obrok, sedeli i ustajali od bolesnika u kontrolnoj grupi. Zaključci Iz dobijenih rezultata o intraoperativnom, postoperativnom i ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju može se zaključiti da je traneksamična kiselina veoma efikasan lek i da statistički značajno smanjuje krvarenje vezano za ugradnju totalne proteze kolena i da smanjuje upotrebu transfuzije alogene krvi za 66,7%. Traneksamična kiselina je uticajem na smanjenje perioperativnog krvarenja dovela do očuvanja vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita. Bolesnici koji su dobijali traneksamičnu kiselinu su takođe imali brži i kvalitetniji neposredni postoperativni oporavak.Introduction: Total knee arthroplasty today is efficient and safe surgical procedure. Being extensive orthopaedic surgical procedure poses a risk from substantial perioperative bleeding and consecutive usage of blood products.  Trends in modern medicine and surgery are in favor of restrictive usage of blood products and there are paramount efforts in researching and developing new techniques and methods of allogenic blood transfusion alternatives. Tranexamic acid as fibrinolytic agent is good example of substance that can be used to reduce preoperative bleeding in orthopaedic surgery. Aims of the study: We wanted to explore effects of tranexamic acid on perioperative bleeding reduction in total knee arthroplasty, and it’s effect on reduction of blood product usage in this surgical population. Маterial and methods: We conducted double blind, randomized controlled trial with 96 adult patient (older than 18 years) in the study, 48 in two groups. All patients had elective, unilateral total knee arthroplasty. First group got tranexamic acid(TA), and second (control) group got normal saline. Surgery was performed in spinal anaesthesia with usage of pneumatic tourniquet in all patients. First group got tranexamic acid 15mg /kg/ bw и 10 mg/kg/bw as continuous intravenous infusion in duration of 15 min. Control group got same amount of normal saline. First dose of TA was given at the beginning of the operation and second dose 15 min before release of the tourniquet. Control group got normal saline at the same way. Intraoperative blood loss was measured as blood loss in suction bottle and blood loss on the surgical sponges. Postoperative blood loss was measured as blood loss in surgical wound drains after 6, 12, and 24 hours. Number of blood units and total amount of blood and blood products in milliliters were also recorded. Results There are statistically significant difference in average intraoperative bleeding between groups in favor tranexamic acid group (Z = -7,281; p = 000).Average intraoperative bleeding in TA group is 100 ± 92,690 mil, vs 447 ± 299,282 mil in control group. Patient in TA group has statistically significant less total postoperative bleeding (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01)( TA group 309,78± 143,612 mil vs,420 ± 201,177 mil). Blood loss was statistically significant less after 6 (p < 001) and 12 hrs (p <0,05). in TA group. Total perioperative bleeding was statistically significant less (p< 0,000) in TA group and TA decreased total blood loss from 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) to 405,32 ml (95%IP 353,407-457,231).Average total blood loss was 662,34 ml with interval from 100 to 1700 ml. In TA group only 5 (10,4%) patients received vs control group where 39 (81,3%) patients received allogenic blood transfusion and that is statistically significant (2=45,692; p=0,000).Average blood usage in TA group was 33,33 ± 99,2 ml vs 319,2 ± 230 ml in the control group (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperative hemoglobin, haematocrit and platelets count values were statistically significant less in control group. Patient in TA group had earlier first postoperative meal, sitting and standing earlier than patient in the control group. Concliusions Data from this study clearly shows that intraoperative, postoperative and total perioperative blood loss in total knee arthroplasty are reduced with usage of tranexamic acid. Tranexamic acid is effective in reducing perioperative blood loss and usage of allogenic blood transfusion, which dropped for 66,7%.This reduced blood loss led to higher postoperative hemoglobin levels. Patients from TA group showed faster postoperative functional recover

    Les défis post-modernes de l’animal symbolicum

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    Angesichts der konstitutiven Bedeutung der Symbolisierung sowohl für die individuelle Entwicklung des Menschen als auch für die historische Entwicklung der Menschengattung wird die Frage nach den Wandlungen der Symbolisierung in der Postmoderne gestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass hinter dem postmodernen Karneval der Zeichen und Ekstase der Kommunikation eine tiefgreifende Desymbolisierung sowohl des Subjektiven als auch des Sozialen sich vollzieht. Als Folgen dieser Prozesse werden Bedingungen der Möglichkeit der Reflexion und gesellschaftlicher Kritik abgeschafft. Das animal symbolicum hat sich im Zuge der Postmoderne schrecklicherweise in ein animal desymbolicum verwandelt, das in einer verwüsteten Gesellschaft lebt, das seine lokale Erfahrung nicht transzendieren kann, weil es die Begriffe aufgelöst hat und die symbolische Ordnung in Gefahr gebracht hat und nach allem, was es begangen hat, in eine tiefe historische und soziale Amnesie gefallen ist.Uzimajući u obzir značaj simbolizacije za individualni razvoj čovjeka, kao i za povijesni razvoj čovječanstva, postavlja se pitanje transformacija simbolizacije u postmodernim uvjetima. Cilj rada je pokazati da se iza postmodernih karnevala znakova i ekstaze komunikacije pojavljuje duboka desimbolizacija kako subjektivnog tako i onog društvenog. Posljedica tih procesa je nestajanje uvjeta mogućnosti refleksije i kritike društva. Stoga, pod parolom postmoderne, animal symbolicum postaje animal desymbolicum, živeći u društvenoj pustinji, u nemoći da transcendira svoje lokalno iskustvo budući da je rastvorio opće pojmove i ugrozio simbolički poredak. Čini se da je upao u duboku povijesnu i društvenu amneziju.Taking into account the significance of symbolization for human individual development, as well as for historical development of mankind, a question of transformations of symbolization under postmodern conditions has been raised. The aim is to show that behind the postmodern carnivals of signs and ecstasy of communication a deep desymbolization of the subjective as well of the social is occurring. As a consequence of such processes, conditions of possibility of reflection and social critique are disappearing. Thus, under the banner of postmodernity, animal symbolicum is becoming an animal desymbolicum, living in a social desert, unable to transcend its local experience as it has dissolved general notions and endangered symbolic order. It seems it has fallen into a deep historical and social amnesia.Compte tenu de l’importance de la symbolisation dans le développement individuel de l’homme, tout comme dans le développement historique de l’humanité, se pose la question de la transformation de la symbolisation dans les conditions postmodernes. L’objectif est de montrer que, derrière les carnavals postmodernes des signes et l’extase de la communication, une profonde désymbolisation du subjectif aussi bien que du social est en train de se produire. La conséquence de ces processus est la disparition des conditions de la possibilité de réflexion et de la critique de la société. Ainsi, sous le slogan de la postmodernité, l’animal symbolicum devient l’animal desymbolicum, vivant dans un désert social, incapable de transcender son expérience locale puisqu’il a dissolu les concepts généraux et mis en danger l’ordre symbolique. Il semblerait qu’il soit tombé dans une amnésie historique et sociale profonde


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    Both onomastic lexicon (the saints’ names and the names of holidays above all) and the lexicon used with expressive function in the language had largely penetrated from the Old Slavonic language and from the terminology of the Church into the Serbian vernacular. Besides morphological adaptation, there were numerous cases of changes of sense and meaning of the loanwords

    De l’interprétation théorique culturelle de la psychanalyse freudienne

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    Es wird für ein kulturwissenschaftliches Verständnis der Psychoanalyse argumentiert, das sowohl Reflexion über psychoanalytische Begriffs- und Theoriebildung als auch über ihre reichhaltige, auch widersprüchliche Rezeptionsgeschichte ermöglicht. Der für die Psychoanalyse unentbehrliche Begriff des Triebes wird bei Freud über Triebschicksale konzeptualisiert und dadurch der individuelle biologische Rahmen gesprengt. Andererseits ist der freudsche Kulturbegriff auffällig verkürzt individualistisch begründet. Spannungen anderer Art haben Rezeptionsgeschichte der Psychoanalyse gekennzeichnet, in der sie sowohl als bloßer Mythos als auch als eine einzigartige Wissenschaft aufgefasst wurde. Ein ähnlicher Widerspruch ist im szientistischen Missverständnis der Psychoanalyse (Habermas) zu finden. Das Konfliktmuster verdoppelt sich in Deutungen der Psychoanalyse, die ihren verdrängten Biologismus aufdecken (Sulloway), wobei sie ihrerseits hermeneutische und gesellschaftstheoretische Deutungen verschweigen.U članku se argumentira u ime kulturnoznanstvenog poimanja psihoanalize koje omogućava refleksiju kako o psihoanalitičkoj tvorbi pojmova i teorije, tako i o njezinoj izdašnoj, ali i proturječnoj povijesti recepcije. Pojam nagona, neizostavan u psihoanalizi, kod Freuda biva konceptualiziran kroz njihove sudbine, čime se probija individualan biološki okvir. S druge je strane pak frojdovski pojam kulture upadljivo sažeto individualistički utemeljen. Tenzije drugog kova obilježile su povijest recepcije psihoanalize, gdje je bila tumačena ili kao sušti mit, ili kao zasebna znanost. Analogna oprečnost pojavljuje se u scijentističkom nerazumijevanju psihoanalize (Habermas). Taj se konfliktni obrazac množi u interpretacijama psihoanalize koje raskrivaju njezin potisnuti biologizam (Sulloway), pri čemu s vlastite strane prešućuju hermeneutička i društvenoteorijska pojašnjenja.The article argues on behalf of the cultural theory understanding of psychoanalysis which enables reflection on psychoanalytic formation of concepts and theories, as well as its rich, albeit contradictory history of reception. The notion of drive, essential for psychoanalysis, is being conceptualised by Freud through their vicissitudes, which makes the individual biological framework broken. On the other hand, the Freudian notion of culture is grounded in a strikingly reduced individualistic fashion. Tensions of another kind have marked the history of reception of psychoanalysis, in which it was understood either as a mere myth, or as a unique science. A similar contradiction is found in the scientistic misconception of psychoanalysis (Habermas). This pattern of conflict is multiplied in interpretations of psychoanalysis that uncover its suppressed biologism (Sulloway), where they on their part conceal hermeneutical and social theory interpretations.L’article argumente en faveur d’une compréhension scientifico-culturelle de la psychanalyse qui permet la réflexion sur la formation des concepts et de la théorie psychanalytique tout comme sur la riche mais aussi contradictoire histoire de sa réception. La notion de pulsion, incontournable en psychanalyse, se voit conceptualisée chez Freud à travers ses destins. D’autre part, le concept freudien de culture est fondé de manière visiblement succinctement individualiste. Des tensions d’une autre nature ont marqué l’histoire de la réception de la psychanalyse, où elle a été interprétée soit comme un pur mythe soit comme une science à part. Une opposition similaire apparaît dans la mécompréhension scientiste (Habermas). Ce modèle conflictuel est redoublé dans les interprétations de la psychanalyse qui dévoilent son biologisme refoulé (Sulloway) et passent pour leur part sous silence les interprétations herméneutiques et socio-théoriques

    Histiocytosis x: Recurrent isolated mandibular lesion (case report)

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    Histiocytosis X usually affects children and adolescents. In our case, a 54-year-old woman was admitted to hospital for evaluating and treatment of an isolated, painless swelling of the left side of the mandible. Orthopanthomogram showed a cystic formation located on the left side of the mandibular body. Radiographs of the scull and body showed no pathologic changes. Laboratory findings did not reveal any abnormality. Surgical enucleation of the mandibular cystic lesion was performed and histopathological analysis confirmed the presence of histiocytosis X. One year after the first operation a relapse formation was found and surgically removed. Resection of the left side of the mandibular body was performed immediately followed by reconstruction of the mandibular defect with free osseos graft taken from the iliac crest. All follow-ups in the period of three years after the second operation showed no sign of relapse