92 research outputs found

    O modelo integrativo para o espaço semântico da música e um processo educacional musical contemporâneo: a herança científica e criativa de Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev

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    The advent of computer technology has led to the creation and development of new forms of teaching musical art. The emergence of music computer technologies (MCT) was the basis for creating both new forms in the educational process and new subjects, the appearance of new disciplines and new educational trends in the system of a contemporary musical education. These new subjects, such as “Musical Informatics,” “Computer Music Creative Work,” “Computer Arrangement and Composition, Sound and Timbre Programming,” “Electronic Musical Instruments” and many others, fully reflect the essence of the changes that have occurred in approaches to the study of music art. This article analyzes the possibility of including an integrative model for the semantic space of music, developed with the participation of the prominent cybernetics, scientist Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev, in a contemporary musical educational process.O advento da tecnologia da computação levou à criação e ao desenvolvimento de novas formas de ensino da arte musical. O surgimento das tecnologias de computação musical (MCT) foi a base para a criação tanto de novas formas no processo educacional quanto de novos sujeitos, o surgimento de novas disciplinas e novas tendências educacionais no sistema de uma educação musical contemporânea. Esses novos assuntos, como "Informática Musical", "Trabalho Criativo de Música de Computador", "Arranjo e Composição de Computador, Programação de Som e Timbre", "Instrumentos Musicais Eletrônicos" e muitos outros, refletem totalmente a essência das mudanças que ocorreram em abordagens para o estudo da arte musical. Este artigo analisa a possibilidade de incluir um modelo integrativo para o espaço semântico da música, desenvolvido com a participação do destacado cibernético, o cientista Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev, em um processo educacional musical contemporâneo

    «Земля Иркутская, деревянная ... »

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    Продлите памятникам жизнь!

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    Открытие музея архитектуры

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    Sobre la aplicación de modelos del espacio semántico de la música en el análisis integrador de obras musicales y educación musical con tecnologías informáticas musicales

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    In the second half of the 20th century, many music researchers demonstrated a steady interest in music categories as the space and time, whose fundamental nature and unifying (integrating) potential are obvious. However, despite the undoubted contribution to the consolidation of the findings, there was a need for further improvement in music studies, both regarding the content and the logical (including mathematical) research apparatus. This article considers these aspects of the comprehensive model of the semantic space of music in modern research theory and practice and its impact on the system of contemporary musical education.  En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, gran número de investigadores en el campo de la música demostraron un interés constante en categorías musicales como el espacio y el tiempo, cuya naturaleza fundamental y potencial unificador (integrador) son obvios. Sin embargo, a pesar de la indudable contribución a la consolidación de las conclusiones, era necesario seguir mejorando los estudios sobre música, tanto en lo que respecta al contenido como al aparato de investigación lógico (incluidas las matemáticas). En el artículo se examinan estos aspectos del modelo integral del espacio semántico de la música en la teoría y la práctica de la investigación moderna y su repercusión en el sistema de educación musical contemporánea

    Computadora de música en la enseñanza del curso “Escuchando música”

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    The “Listening to Music” course is an important link in the music education of a child. The “Listening to Music” course fosters love and interest in music, teaches to understand its language, and develops emotional responsiveness in children. The article considers new opportunities in teaching the “Listening to Music” course, which appeared along with a music computer, and which is more often used in the children's music school and meets the requirements of modern pedagogy. The article describes the capabilities of music and computer programs aimed at developing creative abilities of children. The authors examined new forms of work in the classroom using a music computer. The article proves that using a musical computer opens up broad prospects for employing creative tasks at children's music and art schools.El curso “Escuchar música” es un enlace importante en la educación musical de un niño. El curso “Escuchar música” fomenta el amor y el interés por la música, enseña a comprender su lenguaje y desarrolla la capacidad de respuesta emocional en los niños. El artículo considera nuevas oportunidades en la enseñanza del curso “Escuchar música”, que apareció junto con una computadora musical, y que se usa con mayor frecuencia en la escuela de música para niños y cumple con los requisitos de la pedagogía moderna. El artículo describe las capacidades de la música y los programas informáticos destinados a desarrollar las habilidades creativas de los niños. Los autores examinaron nuevas formas de trabajo en el aula utilizando una computadora musical. El artículo demuestra que el uso de una computadora musical abre amplias perspectivas para emplear tareas creativas en las escuelas de música y arte para niños

    Linguistic and Cultural Features of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia (on material of dictionaries of M.F. Druzhinina)

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    The scientific article studies and analyzes words of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia, whose lexical meaning is associated with their culture and traditional way of life. The above-mentioned words express culture-bound items that help survive in the harsh conditions of northeast Russia. It is relevant to consider word meanings since modern linguistics has got a second wind and currently examines language processes with due regard to the culture and history of native speakers and dialect users. Such scientific studies show a certain culture from a new perspective and fully reveal the connection between language and culture. The Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia contain unique words evaluating a person (hardworking/lazy; good-natured/evil; smart/stupid) and denoting hunting methods and means (active/passive; means/tools, components/materials for producing hunting tools). The authors of the article have grouped the obtained data according to the frequency of use. This classification reflects the diversity and richness of the words used by Russian old-timers. The vocabulary related to person nominations and nominations of hunting methods and means represents a significant layer in the linguistic world image of Yakutian old-timers

    Trabajo creativo musical en computadora en el sistema de educación vocacional inicial ruso

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    The development of new music technologies necessitates changes in the content of music education. Musical pedagogy is faced with the task of educating creative musicians who are capable of innovative activities and inventive musical thinking. Therefore, primary music education should introduce creative learning technologies aimed at developing students’ creative abilities. This article analyzes the content of students’ musical and creative activities in the field of music computer technologies (MCT) illustrated by the subject “Computer Music Creative Work.” The theoretical and experimental study led us to conclude that this course not only develops creative abilities but also establishes conditions for the comprehensive and harmonious development of students’ personalities.El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías musicales requiere cambios en el contenido de la educación musical. La pedagogía musical se enfrenta a la tarea de educar a músicos creativos que sean capaces de actividades innovadoras y pensamiento musical inventivo. Por lo tanto, la educación musical primaria debe introducir tecnologías de aprendizaje creativo destinadas a desarrollar las habilidades creativas de los estudiantes. Este artículo analiza el contenido de las actividades musicales y creativas de los estudiantes en el campo de las tecnologías informáticas de música (MCT) ilustradas por el tema “Trabajo creativo de música de computadora”. El estudio teórico y experimental nos llevó a concluir que este curso no solo desarrolla habilidades creativas sino que también establece condiciones para el desarrollo integral y armonioso de las personalidades de los estudiantes

    The Project Music for Everybody in the Context of Continuous Education in Yakutia

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    In 2013, President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mikhail Nikolaev announced the launch of the republican project Music for Everybody. The organizers of this project –– the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Spirituality of the republic –– have set the goal to help all children learn one classical musical instrument by their graduation from general education school. For this purpose, the ministries signed an agreement on joint work in order to promulgate the project that was developed and organized by scientists, musicians, and teachers. In 2015, the Music Faculty of the Yakutsk Gogolev Pedagogical College was appointed as a project coordinator for providing methodological assistance during the implementation of this program. Against this backdrop, the present article discusses the main coordinating aspects and elements of the methodological support of Music for Everybody, which are aimed at consolidating the efforts of the music teachers of Yakutia. In this regard, modern musical computer technologies are increasingly playing a significant role in preparation of the key components of the educational process’s methodological support within the context of project implementation. The application of such technologies facilitates the preservation of the cultural features and national colors of ethnic groups living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), while also making it possible to broadcast the most salient elements of the multinational cultural traditions of the republic’s indigenous ethnic groups.In 2013, President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mikhail Nikolaev announced the launch of the republican project Music for Everybody. The organizers of this project –– the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Spirituality of the republic –– have set the goal to help all children learn one classical musical instrument by their graduation from general education school. For this purpose, the ministries signed an agreement on joint work in order to promulgate the project that was developed and organized by scientists, musicians, and teachers. In 2015, the Music Faculty of the Yakutsk Gogolev Pedagogical College was appointed as a project coordinator for providing methodological assistance during the implementation of this program. Against this backdrop, the present article discusses the main coordinating aspects and elements of the methodological support of Music for Everybody, which are aimed at consolidating the efforts of the music teachers of Yakutia. In this regard, modern musical computer technologies are increasingly playing a significant role in preparation of the key components of the educational process’s methodological support within the context of project implementation. The application of such technologies facilitates the preservation of the cultural features and national colors of ethnic groups living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), while also making it possible to broadcast the most salient elements of the multinational cultural traditions of the republic’s indigenous ethnic groups