59 research outputs found

    Podejście leksykalne w taksonomii emocji

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    The first attempts to create a taxonomy of emotions were made before the psychology has become an official field of science. Over the centuries, scientists have attempted to reach a taxonomy consensus of emotions, however, unsuccessfully. Despite the relative agreement in the division of emotions into basic and complex, no agreement on applied criteria was reached. It leads to a significant discrepancy in the published lists of basic emotions. Furthermore, subsequent attempts at the taxonomy of emotions, despite their increasing detail, have also not led to any solution that could be considered as consensus. The article discusses selected, current ways of classifying emotions and presents an alternative way to unify the taxonomy of emotions. It could be done by looking at the emotions as an individual difference. It is possible, among others, on the grounds of an evolutionary approach. The taxonomic potential of the lexical approach in the systematization of individual differences has never been used in the area of emotion classification despite the fact that psycholexical approach helped to achieve relative consensus, for example, in personality psychology. The article discusses the most important problems to solve in order to identify culturally universal emotions, based on natural languages.Pierwsze próby klasyfikacji emocji zostały podjęte jeszcze przed wyodrębnieniem psychologii jako nauki. Na przestrzeni wieków, ze szczególną intensyfikacją w ciągu ostatnich 50 lat, naukowcy podejmowali się prób osiągnięcia konsensusu w taksonomii emocji, jednakże – jak do tej pory – nieskutecznie. Pomimo względnej zgodności w podziale emocji na podstawowe oraz złożone nie osiągnięto porozumienia w zakresie kryteriów, jakie powinny stać się podstawą takiego podziału. Doprowadziło to do znaczącej rozbieżności w dotychczas opublikowanych wykazach emocji uznanych za podstawowe. Kolejne, coraz bardziej szczegółowe próby taksonomii emocji również nie doprowadziły do rozwiązania, które może zostać uznane za konsensus. W artykule omówiono wybrane sposoby klasyfikacji emocji oraz zaprezentowano alternatywną drogę w taksonomii emocji, traktując je jako różnice indywidualne w myśl podejścia ewolucyjnego. Potencjał taksonomiczny podejścia leksykalnego w systematyzacji różnic indywidualnych jeszcze nie został wykorzystany w obszarze klasyfikacji emocji, mimo że pozwolił osiągnąć względny konsensus w taksonomii cech osobowości. W artykule przedyskutowano najważniejsze problemy do rozwiązania, aby identyfikacja kulturowo uniwersalnych emocji na bazie języków naturalnych była możliwa

    Attribution asymmetry in perception of companies' successes and failures

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    This study assessed the asymmetry in the causal and dispositional attributions for a company's failures and successes from the perspective of an external observer in the context of morality- vs. competence-related events. Eight hundred respondents participated in a fve-factor experiment within a covariation model. We found asymmetry in the attributions of successes and failures in that company factors were found to have contributed more to successes than failures. Successful companies were perceived as open, innovative and stable, whereas unsuccessful companies were viewed as less innovative and unstable. This study contributes to the knowledge of how observers react to the successes and failures of companies with respect to two broad categories of attribution targets

    The Effects of Online Learning Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Satisfaction, Adjustment, Performance, and Loyalty

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    This research investigates the student online learning experience (SOLE) during the 2020 spring Covid-19 pandemic. We collected quantitative data through an online survey from 362 international and 488 domestic students at a large Polish University. Correlation and path analysis within a conceptual model of SOLE and its academic outcomes established that (1) SOLE explained adjustment, performance, satisfaction, and loyalty, (2) academic adjustment predicts performance, satisfaction, and loyalty, (3) that academic performance and satisfaction predict student loyalty, and (4) that academic performance predicts satisfaction. Interestingly, time spent in quarantine/self-isolation did not exert any effect on academic outcomes in SOLE. Moreover, qualitative data collected via narrative interviews with 13 international and domestic students developed our understanding of SOLE and its outcomes. We propose some research and practice implications for universities to enhance SOLE

    Wpływ reklam na postrzeganą wartość marki dla obrazu siebie konsumenta

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    The aim of the experiment was to determine the possibility of the specific influence by the creator of the advertisement on the image of the brand user and on the symbolic self-completion among consumers. The manipulated content of press advertisements referred to each of five personality traits which are taking account by consumer in the process of comparison their self with typical brand user: agency, sociability, responsibility, sophistication and haughtiness. The impact of experimental manipulation on the perceived symbolic potential of advertised brands was tested on the example of five categories of products. Data were collected individually using a computer. It was determined the specific impact of emphasized personality traits in advertising on the image of a typical user and the perceived symbolic value of the brand for the self-image of the consumers.Celem badań eksperymentalnych było sprawdzenie, czy przy użyciu reklam możliwy jest specyficzny (kontrolowany przez twórcę reklamy) wpływ na wizerunek użytkownika marki oraz na symboliczne dopełnianie/potwierdzanie obrazu siebie wśród konsumentów. Treść reklam prasowych stanowiąca przedmiot manipulacji eksperymentalnej odwoływała się do każdej z pięciu cech osobowości istotnych w porównaniach z typowymi użytkownikami marek: sprawczości, towarzyskości, odpowiedzialności, wyrafinowania i wyniosłości. Wpływ manipulacji eksperymentalnej na postrzegany potencjał symboliczny reklamowanych marek sprawdzono na przykładzie pięciu kategorii produktów. Badania zostały przeprowadzone indywidualnie z użyciem komputera. Stwierdzono specyficzny wpływ akcentowanych cech osobowości w reklamie na wizerunek typowego użytkownika oraz na postrzeganą wartość symboliczną marki dla obrazu siebie konsumenta

    Searching for Predictors of Safe Driving Behaviour as an Important Activity in Achieving an Integrated Traffic System. Research on the Behavioural Criterion of the Psychometric Test Validity for Drivers

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    Safety in road traffic as a system in which there are dynamic interactions between its different users depends on how integrated it is. In this system, drivers are a favoured group of users. Unfortunately they are also the most dangerous group, as research shows. Studying the causes of dangerous driving behaviour is still important. The paper aims to present the psychometric methodology to define the diagnostic and prognostic validity of some psychometric tests used by transport psychologists. Our statistical analysis included the four experimental groups of professional drivers with motor vehicle accident and one control group of drivers whose road performance had no motor vehicle accident recordings. The novelty of the study presented here is in linking the psychometric tests outcomes of professional road drivers (city bus drivers, school bus drivers, taxi drivers, ambulance drivers, fire trucks drivers, police drivers, military vehicle drivers, special vehicle drivers etc.) and their behavioral safety performance on public roads (i.e. causing road accidents, road collisions, participating in accidents but not causing it, and participating in road collision but not causing it) – which aims to indicate the diagnostic and prognostic validity of these tests for drivers. Discriminatory analysis based on Fisher ĝ-function was used to find discrepancies between the specific test outcomes of the road drivers in the control group and the four risky behaviour groups. The identified discrepancies are interpreted in terms of equivalence between the diagnostic and prognostic validity of the taken into consideration psychometric tools used by psychologists for diagnosing road drivers

    Kernel structure of the combined English, Dutch, and Polish personality type-nouns, with a critical test against a type-noun based structure in Swahili

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    We compared three trait-structures based on type-nouns, to find their common kernel structure. We used ratings from 607 participants on 372 English type-nouns, 800 participants on 571 Dutch type-nouns, and 1,325 participants on 454 Polish typenouns. PCA based factor structures were compared using congruence coefficients. SCA was applied on a joint matrix of type-nouns with ratings from a total of 2,737 participants on 331 type-nouns shared by all three languages. The resulting structure reflected versions of the Big Five, yet narrowed to their oratory role. Finally, the results were compared with a type-nouns based structure in Swahili.</p

    The External Validity of Psychometric Testing Methods and Their Meaning for Safe Road Performance

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate which psychometric tools commonly used by Polish transport psychologists appropriately measure necessary abilities of professional drivers. According to Levis-Evans’ differentiation between the driver ’s performance and the driver’s behavior, we explored a statistical relation between the results of tests currently used by transport psychologists, measured according to Szalma’s individual differences and safe behaviors on roads. We examine validity of tests using data based on real professional drivers’ behavior. The sample included 200 drivers involved in accidents and collisions, and 100 who behaved safely. We tested external validity of chosen psychometric tools by analyzing statistically the relation between test scores and unsafe driving behavior recorded by the police. The results show that only few measurements are valid for differentiation of safe and unsafe drivers. The paper indicates the methodology to reach the prognostic value of the diagnostic tests employed by transport psychologist

    Struktura wizerunku elektoratów partii politycznych

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    The aim of the paper is to establish the structure of the voter’s perception of the electorates of various political parties. We conducted an exploratory and confirmatory study using the data collected from voters in 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2017. The structure involved aspects related to human personality traits (Honesty, Disagreeableness, and Susceptibility to Manipulation), worldview and ideology (Conservatism, Left Wing vs. Right Wing), and evaluation (Backwardness vs. Modernity). The study revealed the configural and metric invariance of the structure of the voter’s perception of political party electorates. These aspects explain political preferences at an individual level. This is a contribution to current literature that links the voter’s perception of electorates to political preferences by presenting a six-factor model established on a valid and reliable psychometric inventory. The model opens up new opportunities for systematic empirical research that will advance our knowledge of the voter’s behavior.Celem serii czterech badań eksploracyjnych i konfirmacyjnych przeprowadzonych w latach 2009, 2011, 2015 i 2017 była identyfikacja struktury postrzegania elektoratów partii politycznych i opracowanie narzędzia do pomiaru tej struktury. Ustalono, że elektoraty partii politycznych są postrzegane przez pryzmat trzech wymiarów osobowości (Uczciwość, Konfliktowość i Podatność na manipulację), światopoglądu i ideologii (Konserwatyzm, Lewicowość vs. Prawicowość) oraz wymiaru oceniającego (Zacofanie vs. Nowoczesność). W badaniach potwierdzono równoważność konfiguracyjną i metryczną struktury postrzegania elektoratów różnych partii oraz ich wartość w wyjaśnianiu preferencji wyborczych. Opracowany model strukturalny oraz walory psychometryczne kwestionariusza otwierają nowe możliwości systematycznych badań empirycznych uwarunkowań zachowań wyborczych