318 research outputs found

    Advances in the Understanding of Sourcing and Fate of Pyrogenic Organic Matter in the Environment

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    With higher occurrences of forest fires worldwide, there has been an increase in scientific interest surrounding the chemistry of pyrogenic organic matter (pyOM). The main structural components of pyOM, the condensed aromatic compounds (ConAC), exhibit intriguing physico-chemical properties and have been one of the main focuses of biogeochemical research. The overwhelmingly large number of scientific articles regarding pyOM and ConAC are guided by the assumption that ConAC in the environment are exclusively of pyrogenic origin, even though some recent studies have suggested that some of these ConAC could also be derived from non-pyrogenic radical-driven processes. To evaluate this controversial proposition, two wood samples exposed to Fenton chemistry through iron nails are evaluated using several qualitative and quantitative techniques. Presented is quantitative evidence that ConAC can be produced non-pyrogenically from terrestrial biomass upon exposure to reactive oxygen species. Evidence from this study directly challenges the dogmatic assumption that ConAC are solely pyrogenic and implores that the global estimates of the contributions of fire-derived organic matter to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems must be re-evaluated. During rain events, significant amounts of pyOM enter the aquatic environment by dissolution and become known as dissolved pyOM (pyDOM). Then, degradative processes driven by sunlight and microbes can alter its composition. Using advanced analytical techniques, the structural and molecular changes that occur to pyDOM after photo-irradiation and microbial incubation were evaluated. Multiple new insights into the photochemical degradation of pyDOM were uncovered, including the evolution of new structural entities, the development of a photo-transformation pathway, and the attribution of photo-reactivity to fire temperature and pyrolyzed biomass type. The bio-incubation of pyDOM with soil microbes indicated that a portion of pyDOM has been incorporated into microbial biomass which vastly differed for each different incubation. The lability and observed diversity in composition of the microbially produced compounds indicate that pyDOM contributes to the large complexity and diversity of natural organic matter in the environment. Results from this Dissertation advance our understanding of pyOM, pyDOM, and ConAC in the environment, and reveal that the sourcing and degradation (fate) of ConAC (and, therefore, of pyOM/pyDOM) are much more complex than originally perceived

    Implementación de un quadricoptero basado en el microcontrolador stm32f4

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    [ES] El objetivo de este pro yecto es construir un cuadricóptero y realizar pruebas de vuelo. Esto implica el diseño e implementación de un sistema de control para conseguir la estabilidad y variación de orientación. Para ello, se utiliza el microcontrolador STM32F4 como unidad de pro cesamiento central junto a los sensores encargados de la unidad de medición inercial. Previamente se recurre a una selección de componentes y montaje de los mismos para definir el sistema final. Posteriormente se describe la cinemática y la dinámica del c uadricóptero para poder realizan simulaciones utilizando Simulink y Matlab con la finalidad de predecir el comportamiento de la aeronave antes de ponerla en funcionamiento. Más adelante se ha procedido a la programación del microcontrolador, esto incluye l a configuración de puertos y pines, diseño de funciones, uso de librerías, etc. También se incluye el algoritmo de control siendo este una acción de control formada por tres controladores PID aplicada a cada uno de los rotores. Finalmente se realizan prueb as de vuelo, se estiman las ganancias de los tres PIDs y a partir de los resultados se han incluido una serie de mejoras para definir el comportamiento final del cuadricóptero.[EN] The o bjective of this project is to build a quadcopter and do flight tests . This involves the design and implementation of control system for stability and variation of the orientation. To do this, the STM32F4 microcontroller is us ed as central processing unit beside the sensors responsible for the inertial measurement unit. Previously is resorted to a selection of components and assembly thereof to define the final system. Subsequently, the kinematics and dynamics of quadcopter are described to perform simulations using Simulink and Matlab in order to predict the behavior of the aircraft before puttin g it into operation . Later we proceeded to program the microcontroller, this includes configuration of ports and pin s , design of funct ions , use of libraries, et cetera. Also, the control algorithm is included, which is basically a control action that consists of three PID controllers applied to each one of the rotors. Finally, f light tests are performed, the gains of the three PIDs are e stimated and from the results , a number of improvements are included to define the final performance of the quadcopter.Emilov Goranov, A. (2016). Implementación de un quadricoptero basado en el microcontrolador stm32f4. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73896TFG

    Control de un brazo robot con articulaciones elásticas

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    This project is based on the implementation of different techniques of control, to control a robotic arm with elastic joints. The main objective of this project is the design of optimal control with which, we pretend to operate the dynamic system at the lowest cost. Three modalities of the quadratic linear regulator have been tested: the classic, with trajectory tracking and the iterative. Previously the dynamic model has been obtained through the Lagrange-Euler equations that require the potential and kinetic energies of the different links. Then, the model has been linearized to move to the state space, which is the recommended way to manage and control multivariate processes. For the tests of the control, on the one hand, it has been tested and simulated with Matlab and on the other hand, it has been tested in the real plant. For the case of the real plant, a microcontroller has been used and it represents the control device. That involves interaction with sensors and actuators and the need to develop a software that performs all the tasks of interpreting information to determine and obtain the control algorithm that brings the system to the desired state. Also, homing has been implemented and security measures like controlled stop.El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar distintas técnicas de control, para controlar un brazo robótico con articulaciones elásticas. Este proyecto se centra sobre todo en el control optimo con el que se procura la operación del sistema dinámico al menor costo. Se han probado tres modalidades del regulador lineal cuadrático: el clásico, con seguimiento de trayectoria y el iterativo. Previamente se ha obtenido el modelo dinámico a través de las ecuaciones de Lagrange-Euler que requieren de las energías potenciales y cinéticas de los diferentes eslabones. Después se ha procedido a linealizar el modelo para pasar al espacio de estados que es la forma recomendable para manejar y controlar procesos multivariable. Para probar el control por una parte se han realizado pruebas y simulación con Matlab y por otra se ha probado en la planta real. Para el caso de la planta real se ha tenido que usar un microcontrolador que representa el dispositivo de mando. Esto implica la interacción con sensores y actuadores y la necesidad de desarrollar un software que realice todas las tareas de interpretación de información para determinar y obtener el algoritmo de control que lleve el sistema al estado deseado. Asimismo, se ha implementado el homing y medidas de seguridad como es la parada controlada.Emilov Goranov, A. (2017). Control de un brazo robot con articulaciones elásticas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/94063TFG

    Multipli mijelom s uznapredovalom koštanom bolešću i niskim tumorskim opterećenjem – različite kliničke manifestacije ali sličan ishod nakon terapije na osnovi bortezomiba i radioterapije

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    There is a small but well recognized group of patients with multiple myeloma (MM), characterized by multiple bone lesions and low tumor burden, the so-called macrofocal form of MM (MF-MM). The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence, clinical manifestation, therapeutic outcome and prognosis of patients with MF-MM treated with bortezomib-based therapy and radiotherapy, in comparison to classic MM. There were 148 MM patients treated with bortezomibbased regimens, with 15 (10.1%) of them meeting the criteria for MF-MM. Comparative analysis involved disease- and therapy-related variables and markers of bone metabolism in MF-MM and classic MM groups. Event-free survival (EFS) and median survival (MS) were analyzed. Patients in MF-MM and classic MM groups had similar mean age and sex distribution. Patients with MF-MM had advanced myeloma bone disease (MBD), significantly lower clonal plasma cell infiltration in bone marrow, and lower paraprotein level. These patients were predominantly in an early International Staging System stage, showed non-secretory and light-chain variants, and significant association with extramedullary plasmacytomas. EFS was 20 months in MF-MM group versus 13 months in classic MM group (nonsignificant difference). MS was 42 months in both MF-MM and classic MM groups. MF-MM presents with imbalance of the minimal tumor burden and massive bone involvement. Along with advanced skeletal manifestations, these patients showed features of preserved bone marrow and no end-organ damages. Following bortezomib-based therapy and radiotherapy, the EFS and MS did not differ between MF-MM and classic MM groups.Postoji manja, ali dobro prepoznata skupina bolesnika s multiplim mijelomom (MM) koja je obilježena višestrukim oštećenjima kostiju i niskim tumorskim opterećenjem, tzv. makrofokalni oblik MM (MF-MM). Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je analizirati incidenciju, kliničke manifestacije, ishod terapije i prognozu u bolesnika s MF-MM liječenih terapijom na osnovi bortezomiba i radioterapijom u usporedbi s klasičnim MM. Ukupno je 148 bolesnika s MM liječeno terapijom na osnovi bortezomiba, od kojih je 15 (10,1%) ispunjavalo kriterije za MF-MM. Usporedbena analiza obuhvatila je varijable povezane s bolešću i terapijom te biljege koštanog metabolizma u skupinama bolesnika s MF-MM i klasičnim MM. Analizirano je preživljenje bez ispada (event-free survival, EFS) te medijan preživljenja (median survival, MS). Distribucija prema srednjoj dobi i spolu bila je slična u skupinama s MF-MM i klasičnim MM. Bolesnici s MF-MM imali su uznapredovalu mijelomsku bolest kostiju, značajno niži stupanj infiltracije klonskih plazma stanica u koštanoj srži te nižu razinu paraproteina. Ovi bolesnici bili su pretežito u ranom stadiju prema Međunarodnom sustavu stadija bolesti, imali su ne-sekrecijske i lako-lančane varijante te značajnu pridruženost ekstramedularnih plazmacitoma. EFS je bio 20 mjeseci u skupini s MF-MM prema 13 mjeseci u skupini s klasičnim MM (neznačajna razlika). MS je bio 42 mjeseca u objema skupinama bolesnika. MF-MM se manifestirao kao neravnoteža minimalnog tumorskog opterećenja i velikim zahvaćanjem kostiju. Uz uznapredovale skeletne manifestacije, ovi bolesnici su imali očuvanu koštanu srž i izostanak oštećenja krajnjih organa. Nakon terapije zasnovane na bortezomibu i radioterapije nije bilo razlike u EFS i MS između skupina bolesnika s MF-MM i klasičnim MM

    Ispitivanje tehnoloških i senzornih svojstava mafina pripremljenih s chia sjemenkama i liofiliziranim prahom breskve

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    Research background. There is an increasing interest in foods with added nutritional value. This study presents the opportunity for the reformulation of muffins using chia seeds and lyophilized peach powder in view of the emerging societal challenges regarding unhealthy eating patterns and food intolerances. Experimental approach. Two new formulations were developed to eliminate the use of eggs and alter the flour content and type. Physical characteristics, texture analysis, water activity, microbial load, antioxidant potential and sensory profile aided in the evaluation of the newly developed products. Results and conclusions. The results indicate an inversely proportional relationship between the relative mass of the dough and physical parameters (density, volume and height) of all muffin formulations. The modification of the original recipe compared to the control sample led to decreased baking losses, increased total phenolic content, as well as enhanced nutritional value in terms of fibre content. The addition of chia seeds and peach powder led to positive sensory changes. The alteration of the original recipe resulted in significant effect on the colour, making the muffins darker and less yellow than the control sample. In terms of texture characteristics, the new formulations had a profile close to the control. Novelty and scientific contribution. Recipe reformulation without deteriorating quality attributes is important for the food technology field. Reformulation should comply with the new expectations of the modern consumer. The study targets an approach where new products with enhanced functional characteristics are presented. §Paper was presented at the 11th Central European Congress on Food and Nutrition CEFood2022, Čatež ob Savi, Slovenia, 27-30 September 2022Pozadina istraživanja. Interes potrošača za hranom s dodatnom hranjivom vrijednošću sve je veći. U ovom je radu prikazana mogućnost pripreme mafina prema novoj recepturi, s chia sjemenkama i liofiliziranim prahom breskve, čime bi se smanjile društvene posljedice nezdravih prehrambenih navika i time povezane intolerancije na hranu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Razvijene su dvije nove recepture pomoću kojih se izbjegava upotreba jaja i korigiraju količina i tip brašna. Novi su proizvodi procijenjeni pomoću sljedećih parametara: fizikalna svojstva, tekstura, aktivitet vode, broj stanica mikroorganizama, antioksidacijski potencijal i senzorna svojstva. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da su relativna masa tijesta i njegove fizikalne značajke (gustoća, volumen i visina) obrnuto proporcionlni u svim uzorcima mafina. U usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom, u uzorcima pripremljenim prema modificiranoj recepturi smanjio se gubitak pri pečenju, povećao ukupni udjel fenola i povećao udjel vlakana a time i poboljšala hranjiva vrijednost mafina. Dodatkom chia sjemenki i praha breskve poboljšala su se njihova senzorna svojstva. Promjene izvorne recepture bitno su utjecale na boju mafina, koji su bili tamniji i manje žuti od kontrolnog uzorka. Tekstura novih uzoraka bila je bliža onoj kontrolnog uzorka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Razvoj nove recepture koja neće umanjiti kakvoću proizvoda je bitan u tehnologiji hrane. Nova receptura treba zadovoljiti očekivanja modernih potrošača. Svrha je ovoga rada bila prikazati novi proizvod s poboljšanim funkcionalnim značajkama

    YabA of Bacillus subtilis controls DnaA-mediated replication initiation but not the transcriptional response to replication stress

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    yabA encodes a negative regulator of replication initiation in Bacillus subtilis and homologues are found in many other Gram-positive species. YabA interacts with the β-processivity clamp (DnaN) of DNA polymerase and with the replication initiator and transcription factor DnaA. Because of these interactions, YabA has been proposed to modulate the activity of DnaA. We investigated the role of YabA in regulating replication initiation and the activity of DnaA as a transcription factor. We found that YabA function is mainly limited to replication initiation at oriC. Loss of YabA did not significantly alter expression of genes controlled by DnaA during exponential growth or after replication stress, indicating that YabA is not required for modulating DnaA transcriptional activity. We also found that DnaN activates replication initiation apparently through effects on YabA. Furthermore, association of GFP-YabA with the replisome correlated with the presence of DnaN at replication forks, but was independent of DnaA. Our results are consistent with models in which YabA inhibits replication initiation at oriC, and perhaps DnaA function at oriC, but not with models in which YabA generally modulates the activity of DnaA in response to replication stress.United States. Public Health Service (Grant GM41934)National Institutes of Health (U.S) ( Kirschstein NRSA postdoctoral fellowship 5 F32 G-076950

    TEnvR: MATLAB-Based Toolbox for Environmental Research

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    With the advancements in science and technology, datasets become larger and more multivariate, which warrants the need for programming tools for fast data processing and multivariate statistical analysis. Here, the MATLAB-based Toolbox for Environmental Research TEnvR (pronounced ten-ver ) is introduced. This novel toolbox includes 44 open-source codes for automated data analysis from a multitude of techniques, such as ultraviolet-visible, fluorescence, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, as well as from ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Provided are codes for processing data (e.g., spectral corrections, formula assignment), visualization of figures, calculation of metrics, multivariate statistics, and automated work-up of large datasets. TEnvR allows for efficient data analysis with minimal by-hand manual work by the user, which allows scientists to do research more efficiently. This manuscript is supplemented with a detailed tutorial, example data, and screenshots, which collectively provide instructions on how to use all codes. TEnvR is novice-friendly and experience in programming with MATLAB is not required. TEnvR fulfills the need for a concise MATLAB-based toolbox for working with environmental data and will be updated annually to keep pace with the latest advances and needs for computational work in the environmental sciences

    Accuracy analysis of reacheble sets computation generalized algebraic approach for linearized discret-time systems

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    In this paper, problem of reachable set comparison of the nonlinear continuous controlled system and linearized discrete-time system is considered. As the controlled plant we use the model of aircraft in which the motion is described by nonlinear differential equation system. The initial plant model is reduced to linear discrete-time form. The description of generalized recurrent method of the linear system reachable sets computation is provided and the comparative analysis of the received results with an initial reachable set of the nonlinear controlled system is made.Рассматривается задача сравнения областей достижимости непрерывной нелинейной и линеаризованной дискретной управляемых динамических систем. В качестве объекта управления используется модель летательного аппарата, движение которого описывается системой нелинейных динамических уравнений. Производится преобразование исходной модели объекта к дискретному линейному виду. Приводится описание общего алгебраического метода построения области достижимости и производится сравнительный анализ областей достижимости исходной нелинейной непрерывной и линейной дискретной динамических систем

    The Optimal Open-Loop Temonal Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous Problem

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    The paper proposes a method for solving of optimal terminal open-loop control problem of spacecraft rendez-vous. The initial model is a nonlinear differential equations, which describes the relative motion dynamics in the central gravitational field of the Earth. The original system is replaced by its linear recurrence approximation, and then using the functions of constructing forward and backward reachable sets, the optimal terminal open-loop control problem is solved.В работе предлагается способ решения задачи оптимального программного терминального управления сближением двух космических аппаратов. В качестве исходной модели выбирается нелинейная система дифференциальных уравнений, описывающая динамику относительного движения в центральном поле тяготения Земли. Исходная система заменяется ее линейной рекуррентной аппроксимацией, после чего с использованием аппарата построения прямых и обратных областей достижимости решается задача оптимального программного терминального управления