23 research outputs found

    Extended Tidal Structure In Two Lyman Alpha-Emitting Starburst Galaxies

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    We present new VLA C-configuration HI imaging of the Lyman Alpha-emitting starburst galaxies Tol 1924-416 and IRAS 08339+6517. The effective resolution probes neutral gas structures larger than 4.7 kpc in Tol 1924-416, and larger than 8.1 kpc in IRAS 08339+6517. Both systems are revealed to be tidally interacting: Tol 1924-416 with ESO 338-IG04B (6.6 arcminutes = 72 kpc minimum separation), and IRAS 08339+6517 with 2MASX J08380769+6508579 (2.4 arcminutes = 56 kpc minimum separation). The HI emission is extended in these systems, with tidal tails and debris between the target galaxies and their companions. Since Lyman Alpha emission has been detected from both of these primary systems, these observations suggest that the geometry of the ISM is one of the factors affecting the escape fraction of Lyman Alpha emission from starburst environments. Furthermore, these observations argue for the importance of interactions in triggering massive star formation events.Comment: ApJ, in press; 11 pages, 2 color figure

    Magellan/MMIRS near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy of nebular emission from star forming galaxies at 2<z<3

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    To investigate the ingredients, which allow star-forming galaxies to present Lyalpha line in emission, we studied the kinematics and gas phase metallicity (Z) of the interstellar medium. We used multi-object NIR spectroscopy with Magellan/MMIRS to study nebular emission from z=2-3 star-forming galaxies discovered in 3 MUSYC fields. We detected emission lines from four active galactic nuclei and 13 high-z star-forming galaxies, including Halpha lines down to a flux of 4.E-17 erg/sec/cm^2. This yielded 7 new redshifts. The most common emission line detected is [OIII]5007, which is sensitive to Z. We were able to measure Z for 2 galaxies and to set upper(lower) limits for another 2(2). The Z values are consistent with 0.3<Z/Zsun<1.2. Comparing the Lyalpha central wavelength with the systemic redshift, we find Delta_v(Lyalpha-[OIII])=70-270 km/sec. High-redshift star-forming galaxies, Lyalpha emitting (LAE) galaxies, and Halpha emitters appear to be located in the low mass, high star-formation rate (SFR) region of the SFR versus stellar mass diagram, confirming that they are experiencing burst episodes of star formation, which are building up their stellar mass. Their Zs are consistent with the relation found for z<2.2 galaxies in the Z versus stellar mass plane. The measured Delta_v(Lyalpha-[OIII]) values imply that outflows of material, driven by star formation, could be present in the z=2-3 LAEs of our sample. Comparing with the literature, we note that galaxies with lower Z than ours are also characterized by similar Delta_v(Lyalpha-[OIII]) velocity offsets. Strong [OIII] is detected in many Lyalpha emitters. Therefore, we propose the Lyalpha/[OIII] flux ratio as a tool for the study of high-z galaxies; while influenced by Z, ionization, and Lyalpha radiative transfer in the ISM, it may be possible to calibrate this ratio to primarily trace one of these effects.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 6 table

    Empirical Estimate of Lyman-alpha Escape Fraction in a Statistical Sample of Lyman-alpha Emitters

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    The Lyman-alpha (Lya) recombination line is a fundamental tool for galaxy evolution studies and modern observational cosmology. However, subsequent interpretations are still prone to a number of uncertainties. Besides numerical efforts, empirical data are urgently needed for a better understanding of Lya escape process. We empirically estimate the Lyman-alpha escape fraction fesc(Lya) in a statistically significant sample of z ~ 0 - 0.3 galaxies in order to calibrate high-redshift Lyman-alpha observations. An optical spectroscopic follow-up of a sub-sample of 24 Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) detected by GALEX at z ~ 0.2-0.3, combined with a UV-optical sample of local starbursts, both with matched apertures, allow us to quantify the dust extinction through Balmer lines, and to estimate the Lyman-alpha escape fraction from the Halpha flux corrected for extinction in the framework of the recombination theory. The global escape fraction of Lyman-alpha radiation spans nearly the entire range of values, from 0.5 to 100 %, and fesc(Lya) clearly decreases with increasing nebular dust extinction E(B-V). Several objects show fesc(Lya) greater than fesc(continuum) which may be an observational evidence for clumpy ISM geometry or for an aspherical ISM. Selection biases and aperture size effects may still prevail between z ~ 0.2-0.3 LAEs and local starbursts, which may explain the difference observed for fesc(Lya).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the influence of physical galaxy properties on Lyman-alpha escape in star-forming galaxies

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    [abridged] Among the different observational techniques used to select high-redshift galaxies, the hydrogen recombination line Lyman-alpha (Lya) is of particular interest as it gives access to the measurement of cosmological quantities such as the star formation rate of distant galaxy populations. However, the interpretation of this line and the calibration of such observables is still subject to serious uncertainties. Therefore, it important to understand under what conditions the Lya line can be used as a reliable star formation diagnostic tool. We use a sample of 24 Lya emitters at z ~ 0.3 with an optical spectroscopic follow-up to calculate the Lya escape fraction and its dependency upon different physical properties. We also examine the reliability of Lya as a star formation rate indicator. We combine these observations with a compilation of Lya emitters selected at z = 0 - 0.3 to assemble a larger sample. The Lya escape fraction depends clearly on the dust extinction following the relation fesc(Lya) = C(Lya) x 10^(-0.4 E(B-V) k(Lya)), but with a shallower slope than previously reported, with k(Lya) ~ 6.67 and C(Lya) = 0.22. However, the correlation does not follow the expected curve for a simple dust attenuation. We explore the various mechanisms than lead to fesc(Lya) values above the continuum extinction curve, i.e. to an enhancement of the Lya output. We also observe that the strength of Lya and the escape fraction appear unrelated to the galaxy metallicity. Regarding the reliability of Lya as a star formation rate (SFR) indicator, we show that the deviation of SFR(Lya) from the true SFR (as traced by the UV continuum) is a function of the observed SFR(UV), which can be seen as the decrease of fesc(Lya) with increasing UV luminosity. Moreover, we observe a redshift-dependence of this relationship revealing the underlying evolution of fesc(Lya) with redshift.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publicatio

    The escape of Lyman photons from a young starburst: the case of Haro 11

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    (Abridged) Lyman-alpha (Lya) is a dominant probe of the galaxy population at high-z. However, interpretation of data drawn from Lya alone hinges on the Lya escape fraction which, due to the complex radiative transport, may vary greatly. Here we map the Lya emission from local starburst Haro 11, a Lya emitter and the only known candidate for low-z Lyman continuum emission (LyC). To aid in the interpretation we perform a detailed multi-wavelength analysis and model the stellar population, dust distribution, ionising photon budget, and star-cluster population. We use archival X-ray observations to further constrain properties of the starburst and estimate the HI column density. The Lya morphology is found to be strongly decoupled from stellar and nebular (H-alpha) morphologies. General surface photometry finds only very slight correlation between Lya and H-halpha, E(B-V), and stellar age. Only around the central Lya-bright cluster do we find the Lya/Ha ratio at values predicted by recombination theory. The total Lya escape fraction is found to be just 3%. We compute that ~90% of the Lya photons that escape do so after undergoing multiple resonance scattering events, masking their point of origin. This leads to a largely symmetric distribution and, by increasing the distance that photons must travel to escape, decreases the escape probability significantly. While dust must ultimately be responsible for the destruction of Lya, it plays little role in governing the observed morphology, which is regulated more by ISM kinematics and geometry. We find tentative evidence for local Lya equivalent width in the immediate vicinity of star-clusters being a function of cluster age, consistent with hydrodynamic studies. We estimate the ionising photon production and further constrain the escape fraction at 900 AA to <~9% .Comment: In press for MNRAS. 18 pages, 9 figures. Version with full resolution images to be found at http://www.astro.su.se/~matthew/english/papers/hayes_lya_haro11_hires.pd

    First detection of Lyman continuum escape from a local starburst galaxy

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    The dominating reionization source in the young universe has yet to be identified. Possible candidates include metal poor starburst dwarf galaxies of which the Blue Compact Galaxy Haro 11 may represent a local counterpart. Using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) we obtained spectra of Haro 11 to search for leaking ionizing radiation. A weak signal shortwards of the Lyman break is identified as Lyman continuum (LyC) emission escaping from the ongoing starburst. From profile fitting to weak metal lines we derive column densities of the low ionization species. Adopting a metallicity typical of the H II regions of Haro 11, the corresponding H I column density is optically thick in the LyC. Therefore most of the LyC photons must escape through transparent holes in the interstellar medium. Using spectral evolutionary models we constrain the escape fraction of the produced LyC photons to between 4 and 10%, assuming a normal Salpeter IMF. We argue that in a hierarchical galaxy formation scenario, this allows for a substantial contribution to cosmic reionization by starburst dwarf galaxies at high redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The First Deep ACS Lyman alpha Images of Local Starburst Galaxies

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    We report the first results from a deep Lya imaging program of local starburst galaxies with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) of the Hubble Space Telescope. The two observed galaxies ESO 350-IG038 and SBS 0335-052 have luminosities similar to those of the Magellanic Clouds but differ in their chemical composition. ESO 350-IG038 has an oxygen abundance of 1/8 solar, whereas SBS 0335-052 is known to have one of the lowest abundances among blue galaxies (~1/30). The ACS imaging reveals a complex Lya morphology, with sometimes strong offsets between the emission of Lya and the location of stellar light, ionized gas traced by Halpha, and the neutral gas. Overall, more Lya photons escape from the more metal- and dust-rich galaxy ESO 350-IG038. The absence of clear SBS 0335-052 Lya emission over all observed knots, whatever their dust content or/and color indices, contradicts model expectations of a lower escape fraction from dust-rich gas due to destruction of Lya photons by dust grains. Rather, the results are in qualitative agreement with models suggesting the kinematic properties of the gas as the dominant Lya escape regulator. If the properties of the two observed galaxies are representative for starburst galaxies in general, Lya will be difficult to interpret as a star-formation indicator, in particular if based on Lya imaging at low spatial resolution.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures (1 in color) New version of Fig

    Nuclear spirals as feeding channels to the Supermassive Black Hole: the case of the galaxy NGC 6951

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    We report the discovery of gas streaming motions along nuclear spiral arms towards the LINER nucleus of the galaxy NGC 6951. The observations, obtained using the GMOS integral field spectrograph on the Gemini North telescope, yielded maps of the flux distributions and gas kinematics in the Halpha, [NII]6584 and [SII]6717,31 emission lines of the inner 7x5 arcsec^2 of the galaxy. This region includes a circumnuclear star-forming ring with radius 500pc, a nuclear spiral inside the ring and the LINER nucleus. The kinematics of the ionized gas is dominated by rotation, but subtraction of a kinematic model of a rotating exponential disk reveals deviations from circular rotation within the nuclear ring which can be attributed to (1) streaming motions along the nuclear spiral arms and (2) a bipolar outflow which seems to be associated to a nuclear jet. On the basis of the observed streaming velocities and geometry of the spiral arms we estimate a mass inflow rate of ionized gas of 3x10^(-4) Msun/yr, which is of the order of the accretion rate necessary to power the LINER nucleus of NGC 6951. Similar streaming motions towards the nucleus of another galaxy with LINER nucleus -- NGC 1097 -- have been reported by our group in a previous paper. Taken together, these results support a scenario in which nuclear spirals are channels through which matter is transferred from galactic scales to the nuclear region to feed the supermassive black hole.Comment: 25 pages, 6 eps figures, accepted for publication in Ap