71 research outputs found

    Morse potential and its relationship with the Coulomb in a position-dependent mass background

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    We provide some explicit examples wherein the Schr\"odinger equation for the Morse potential remains exactly solvable in a position-dependent mass background. Furthermore, we show how in such a context, the map from the full line (−∞,∞)(- \infty, \infty) to the half line (0,∞)(0, \infty) may convert an exactly solvable Morse potential into an exactly solvable Coulomb one. This generalizes a well-known property of constant-mass problems.Comment: 9 pages, no figure; final published versio

    Ultrahigh Penetration and Retention of Graphene Quantum Dot Mesoporous Silica Nanohybrids for Image Guided Tumor Regression

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    Funding: This work was supported by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. J.C. acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). We thank the staff of animal house, NCCS, Pune for supporting us during animal studies. We also thank Mr. Sumit for the discussion and Dr. Mukesh K. Kumawat for providing GQDs.So far, near-infrared (NIR) light responsive nanostructures have been well-defined in cancer nanomedicine. However, poor penetration and retention in tumors are the limiting factors. Here, we report the ultrahigh penetration and retention of carbanosilica (graphene quantum dots, GQDs embedded mesoporous silica) in solid tumors. After NIR light exposure, quick (0.5 h) emission from the tumor area is observed that is further retained up to a week (tested up to 10 days) with a single dose administration of nanohybrids. Emissive and photothermally active GQDs and porous silica shell (about 31% drug loading) make carbanosilica a promising nanotheranostic agent exhibiting 68.75% tumor shrinking compared to without NIR light exposure (34.48%). Generated heat (∌52 °C) alters the permeability of tumor enhancing the accumulation of nanotheranostics into the tumor environment. Successive tumor imaging ensures the prolonged follow-up of image guided tumor regression due to synergistic therapeutic effect of nanohybrids.publishersversionpublishe

    Liposomal nanotheranostics for multimode targeted in vivo bioimaging and near‐infrared light mediated cancer therapy

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    Developing a nanotheranostic agent with better image resolution and high accumulation into solid tumor microenvironment is a challenging task. Herein, we established a light mediated phototriggered strategy for enhanced tumor accumulation of nanohybrids. A multifunctional liposome based nanotheranostics loaded with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and emissive graphene quantum dots (GQDs) were engineered named as NFGL. Further, doxorubicin hydrochloride was encapsulated in NFGL to exhibit phototriggered chemotherapy and functionalized with folic acid targeting ligands. Encapsulated agents showed imaging bimodality for in vivo tumor diagnosis due to their high contrast and emissive nature. Targeted NFGL nanohybrids demonstrated near infrared light (NIR, 750 nm) mediated tumor reduction because of generated heat and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Moreover, NFGL nanohybrids exhibited remarkable ROS scavenging ability as compared to GQDs loaded liposomes validated by antitumor study. Hence, this approach and engineered system could open new direction for targeted imaging and cancer therapy.publishersversionpublishe

    A general scheme for the effective-mass Schrodinger equation and the generation of the associated potentials

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    A systematic procedure to study one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation with a position-dependent effective mass (PDEM) in the kinetic energy operator is explored. The conventional free-particle problem reveals a new and interesting situation in that, in the presence of a mass background, formation of bound states is signalled. We also discuss coordinate-transformed, constant-mass Schr\"odinger equation, its matching with the PDEM form and the consequent decoupling of the ambiguity parameters. This provides a unified approach to many exact results known in the literature, as well as to a lot of new ones.Comment: 16 pages + 1 figure; minor changes + new "free-particle" problem; version published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems

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    [EN] In this paper, we study well-posedness for the following third-order in time equation with delay <disp-formula idoperators defined on a Banach space X with domains D(A) and D(B) such that t)is the state function taking values in X and u(t): (-, 0] X defined as u(t)() = u(t+) for < 0 belongs to an appropriate phase space where F and G are bounded linear operators. Using operator-valued Fourier multiplier techniques we provide optimal conditions for well-posedness of equation (0.1) in periodic Lebesgue-Bochner spaces Lp(T,X), periodic Besov spaces Bp,qs(T,X) and periodic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,qs(T,X). A novel application to an inverse problem is given.The first, second and third authors have been supported by MEC, grant MTM2016-75963-P. The second author has been supported by AICO/2016/30. The fourth author has been supported by MEC, grant MTM2015-65825-P.Conejero, JA.; Lizama, C.; Murillo-Arcila, M.; Seoane SepĂșlveda, JB. (2019). Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 229(1):219-254. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11856-018-1796-8S2192542291K. Abbaoui and Y. Cherruault, New ideas for solving identification and optimal control problems related to biomedical systems, International Journal of Biomedical Computing 36 (1994), 181–186.M. Al Horani and A. Favini, Perturbation method for first- and complete second-order differential equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 166 (2015), 949–967.H. Amann, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers, vector-valued Besov spaces, and applications, Mathematische Nachrichten 186 (1997), 5–56.U. A. Anufrieva, A degenerate Cauchy problem for a second-order equation. A wellposedness criterion, Differentsial’nye Uravneniya 34 (1998), 1131–1133; English translation: Differential Equations 34 (1999), 1135–1137.W. Arendt and S. Bu, The operator-valued Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem and maximal regularity, Mathematische Zeitschrift 240 (2002), 311–343.W. Arendt and S. Bu, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Besov spaces and applications, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 47 (2004), 15–33.W. Arendt, C. Batty and S. Bu, Fourier multipliers for Holder continuous functions and maximal regularity, Studia Mathematica 160 (2004), 23–51.V. Barbu and A. Favini, Periodic problems for degenerate differential equations, Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’UniversitĂ  di Trieste 28 (1996), 29–57.A. BĂĄtkai and S. Piazzera, Semigroups for Delay Equations, Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 10, A K Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2005.S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 214 (2013), 1–16.S. Bu and G. Cai, Periodic solutions of third-order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued functional spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016), 163–188.S. Bu and G. Cai, Well-posedness of second-order degenerate differential equations with finite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 288 (2017), 27–46.S. Bu and Y. Fang, Periodic solutions of delay equations in Besov spaces and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 13 (2009), 1063–1076.S. Bu and J. Kim, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Triebel spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica 21 (2005), 1049–1056.G. Cai and S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate integro-differential equations with infinite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten 289 (2016), 436–451.R. Chill and S. Srivastava, Lp-maximal regularity for second order Cauchy problems, Mathematische Zeitschrift 251 (2005), 751–781.R. Denk, M. Hieber and J. PrĂŒss, R-boundedness, Fourier multipliers and problems of elliptic and parabolic type, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 166 (2003).O. Diekmann, S. A. van Giles, S. M. Verduyn Lunel and H.-O. Walther, Delay Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 110, Springer, New York, 1995.K. J. Engel and R. Nagel, One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 194, Springer, New York, 2000.M. Fabrizio, A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, An optimal control problem for a singular system of solid liquid phase-transition, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 31 (2010), 989–1022.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Periodic behavior for a degenerate fast diffusion equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 351 (2009), 509–521.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Identification of the time derivative coefficients in a fast diffusion degenerate equation, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 145 (2010), 249–269.A. Favini and A. Yagi, Degenerate differential equations in Banach spaces, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 215, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999.X. L. Fu and M. Li, Maximal regularity of second-order evolution equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 224 (2014), 199–219.G. C. Gorain, Boundary stabilization of nonlinear vibrations of a flexible structure in a bounded domain in Rn, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 319 (2006), 635–650.P. Grisvard, Équations diffĂ©rentielles abstraites, Annales Scientifiques de l’école Normale Superieure 2 (1969), 311–395.J. K. Hale and W. Huang, Global geometry of the stable regions for two delay differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 178 (1993), 344–362.Y. Hino, S. Murakami and T. Naito, Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1473, Springer, Berlin, 1991.B. Kaltenbacher, I. Lasiecka and M. Pospieszalska, Well-posedness and exponential decay of the energy in the nonlinear Moore-Gibson-Thomson equation arising in high intensity ultrasound, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 22 (2012), 1250035.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 69 (2004), 737–750.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Maximal regularity for a class of integro-differential equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 168 (2005), 25–50.V. Keyantuo, C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Periodic solutions of integro-differential euations in vector-valued function spaces, Journal of Differential Equations 246 (2009), 1007–1037.C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and periodic solutions of delay equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324 (2006), 921–933.C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Maximal regularity of delay equations in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 175 (2006), 91–102.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Periodic solutions of degenerate differential equations in vector valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 202 (2011), 49–63.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Maximal regularity for degenerate differential equations with infinite delay in periodic vector-valued function spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 56 (2013), 853–871.R. Marchand, T. Mcdevitt and R. Triggiani, An abstract semigroup approach to the third-order Moore–Gibson–Thompson partial differential equation arising in highintensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral analysis, exponential stability, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (2012), 1896–1929.V. Poblete, Solutions of second-order integro-differential equations on periodic Besov spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 50 (2007), 477–492.V. Poblete and J. C. Pozo, Periodic solutions of an abstract third-order differential equation, Studia Mathematica 215 (2013), 195–219.J. PrĂŒss, Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications, Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 87, BirkhĂ€user, Heidelberg, 1993.G. A. Sviridyuk and V. E. Fedorov, Linear Sobolev type Equations and Degenerate Semigroups of Operators, Inverse and Ill-posed Problems Series, VSP, Utrecht, 2003.L. Weis, Operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorems and maximal Lp-regularity, Mathematische Annalen 319 (2001), 735–758

    Exosome-Mediated Crosstalk between Keratinocytes and Macrophages in Cutaneous Wound Healing

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    Bidirectional cell–cell communication involving exosome-borne cargo such as miRNA has emerged as a critical mechanism for wound healing. Unlike other shedding vesicles, exosomes selectively package miRNA by SUMOylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteinA2B1 (hnRNPA2B1). In this work, we elucidate the significance of exosome in keratinocyte–macrophage crosstalk following injury. Keratinocyte-derived exosomes were genetically labeled with GFP-reporter (ExoÎș-GFP) using tissue nanotransfection (TNT), and they were isolated from dorsal murine skin and wound-edge tissue by affinity selection using magnetic beads. Surface N-glycans of ExoÎș-GFP were also characterized. Unlike skin exosome, wound-edge ExoÎș-GFP demonstrated characteristic N-glycan ions with abundance of low-base-pair RNA and was selectively engulfed by wound macrophages (ωmϕ) in granulation tissue. In vitro addition of wound-edge ExoÎș-GFP to proinflammatory ωmϕ resulted in conversion to a proresolution phenotype. To selectively inhibit miRNA packaging within ExoÎș-GFPin vivo, pH-responsive keratinocyte-targeted siRNA-hnRNPA2B1 functionalized lipid nanoparticles (TLNPÎș) were designed with 94.3% encapsulation efficiency. Application of TLNPÎș/si-hnRNPA2B1 to the murine dorsal wound-edge significantly inhibited expression of hnRNPA2B1 by 80% in epidermis compared to the TLNPÎș/si-control group. Although no significant difference in wound closure or re-epithelialization was observed, the TLNPÎș/si-hnRNPA2B1 treated group showed a significant increase in ωmϕ displaying proinflammatory markers in the granulation tissue at day 10 post-wounding compared to the TLNPÎș/si-control group. Furthermore, TLNPÎș/si-hnRNPA2B1 treated mice showed impaired barrier function with diminished expression of epithelial junctional proteins, lending credence to the notion that unresolved inflammation results in leaky skin. This work provides insight wherein ExoÎș-GFP is recognized as a major contributor that regulates macrophage trafficking and epithelial barrier properties postinjury

    Therapeutic implications of cellular and molecular biology of cancer stem cells in melanoma

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    Numerical Simulation of Ventilation in Underground Mines - A Review

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    Cost component for ventilating a mine is increasing day by day. With depletion of shallower deposits, depth of mine and hence its ventilation cost is increasing. This necessitates more aggressive effort to optimally use ventilation energy by reducing wastage and excesses, and requires ventilation reorganizational planning an integral part of mine planning system. Ventilation simulation software are required to solve complicated mine ventilation networks in order to obtain solution for most economic ventilation lay out, optimum specification of fan, position and dimension of shaft and other openings, Natural Ventilation Pressure (NVP) and effect of seasonal variation. A number of such software has different features and capabilities and selection of ventilation simulation software for addressing specific problems of a mine sometimes becomes a tricky issue. This paper gives an overview of various ventilation simulation softwares available and a comparison of important features and capabilities of most used software which may become a useful decision tool

    Contaminant Dilution Based Ventilation Study for Narwapahar Mine

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    There is a continuous changes in the Indian mining industry in terms of mechanization and manpower. The number of diesel powered equipments is increasing and the manpower is decreasing day by day. But, the Indian regulation related to ventilation, based mainly on manpower and production. The air quantity based on manpower and production is unable to meet ventilation requirement for dilution various contaminants particularly diesel particulate matter (DPM) in mechanized mines largely using diesel equipments. This paper examines the air quantity requirement of Narwapahar mine based on different regulations and international practices and studies the dilution behavior of dust, noxious gases and DPM. Ventsim Visual software has been used for the simulation of air quantity and contaminant
