49 research outputs found

    Detailed Structural Analysis of Lipids Directly on Tissue Specimens Using a MALDI-SpiralTOF-Reflectron TOF Mass Spectrometer

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    Direct tissue analysis using a novel tandem time-of-flight (TOF-TOF) mass spectrometer is described. This system consists of a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization ion source, a spiral ion trajectory TOF mass spectrometer “SpiralTOF (STOF)”, a collision cell, and an offset parabolic reflectron (RTOF). The features of this system are high precursor ion selectivity due to a 17-m flight path length in STOF and elimination of post-source decay (PSD) ions. The acceleration energy is 20 keV, so that high-energy collision-induced dissociation (HE-CID) is possible. Elimination of PSD ions allows observation of the product ions inherent to the HE-CID process. By using this tandem TOF instrument, the product ion spectrum of lipids provided detailed structural information of fatty acid residues

    Assessing the effect of nitisinone induced hypertyrosinaemia on monoamine neurotransmitters in brain tissue from a murine model of alkaptonuria using mass spectrometry imaging.

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    OBJECTIVE:Nitisinone induced hypertyrosinaemia is a concern in patients with Alkaptonuria (AKU). It has been suggested that this may alter neurotransmitter metabolism, specifically dopamine and serotonin. Herein mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is used for the direct measurement of 2,4-diphenyl-pyranylium tetrafluoroborate (DPP-TFB) derivatives of monoamine neurotransmitters in brain tissue from a murine model of AKU following treatment with nitisinone. METHODS:Metabolite changes were assessed using MSI on DPP-TFB derivatised fresh frozen tissue sections directing analysis towards primary amine neurotransmitters. Matched tail bleed plasma samples were analysed using LC-MS/MS. Eighteen BALB/c mice were included in this study: HGD-/- (n = 6, treated with nitisinone-4 mg/L, in drinking water); HGD-/- (n = 6, no treatment) and HGD+/- (n = 6, no treatment). RESULTS:Ion intensity and distribution of DPP-TFB derivatives in brain tissue for dopamine, 3-methoxytyramine, noradrenaline, tryptophan, serotonin, and glutamate were not significantly different following treatment with nitisinone in HGD -/- mice, and no significant differences were observed between HGD-/- and HGD+/- mice that received no treatment. Tyrosine (10-fold in both comparisons, p = 0.003; [BALB/c HGD-/- (n = 6) and BALB/c HGD+/- (n = 6) (no treatment) vs. BALB/c HGD-/- (n = 6, treated)] and tyramine (25-fold, p = 0.02; 32-fold, p = 0.02) increased significantly following treatment with nitisinone. Plasma tyrosine and homogentisic acid increased (ninefold, p = < 0.0001) and decreased (ninefold, p = 0.004), respectively in HGD-/- mice treated with nitisinone. CONCLUSIONS:Monoamine neurotransmitters in brain tissue from a murine model of AKU did not change following treatment with nitisinone. These findings have significant implications for patients with AKU as they suggest monoamine neurotransmitters are not altered following treatment with nitisinone

    Mass spectrometry imaging identifies palmitoylcarnitine as an immunological mediator during Salmonella Typhimurium infection

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    Salmonella Typhimurium causes a self-limiting gastroenteritis that may lead to systemic disease. Bacteria invade the small intestine, crossing the intestinal epithelium from where they are transported to the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) within migrating immune cells. MLNs are an important site at which the innate and adaptive immune responses converge but their architecture and function is severely disrupted during S. Typhimurium infection. To further understand host-pathogen interactions at this site, we used mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to analyse MLN tissue from a murine model of S. Typhimurium infection. A molecule, identified as palmitoylcarnitine (PalC), was of particular interest due to its high abundance at loci of S. Typhimurium infection and MLN disruption. High levels of PalC localised to sites within the MLNs where B and T cells were absent and where the perimeter of CD169+ sub capsular sinus macrophages was disrupted. MLN cells cultured ex vivo and treated with PalC had reduced CD4+CD25+ T cells and an increased number of B220+CD19+ B cells. The reduction in CD4+CD25+ T cells was likely due to apoptosis driven by increased caspase-3/7 activity. These data indicate that PalC significantly alters the host response in the MLNs, acting as a decisive factor in infection outcome

    One-Step Preservation of Phosphoproteins and Tissue Morphology at Room Temperature for Diagnostic and Research Specimens

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    BACKGROUND: There is an urgent need to measure phosphorylated cell signaling proteins in cancer tissue for the individualization of molecular targeted kinase inhibitor therapy. However, phosphoproteins fluctuate rapidly following tissue procurement. Snap-freezing preserves phosphoproteins, but is unavailable in most clinics and compromises diagnostic morphology. Formalin fixation preserves tissue histomorphology, but penetrates tissue slowly, and is unsuitable for stabilizing phosphoproteins. We originated and evaluated a novel one-step biomarker and histology preservative (BHP) chemistry that stabilizes signaling protein phosphorylation and retains formalin-like tissue histomorphology with equivalent immunohistochemistry in a single paraffin block. RESULTS: Total protein yield extracted from BHP-fixed, routine paraffin-embedded mouse liver was 100% compared to snap-frozen tissue. The abundance of 14 phosphorylated proteins was found to be stable over extended fixation times in BHP fixed paraffin embedded human colon mucosa. Compared to matched snap-frozen tissue, 8 phosphoproteins were equally preserved in mouse liver, while AMPKβ1 Ser108 was slightly elevated after BHP fixation. More than 25 tissues from mouse, cat and human specimens were evaluated for preservation of histomorphology. Selected tissues were evaluated in a multi-site, independent pathology review. Tissue fixed with BHP showed equivalent preservation of cytoplasmic and membrane cytomorphology, with significantly better nuclear chromatin preservation by BHP compared to formalin. Immunohistochemical staining of 13 non-phosphorylated proteins, including estrogen receptor alpha, progesterone receptor, Ki-67 and Her2, was equal to or stronger in BHP compared to formalin. BHP demonstrated significantly improved immunohistochemical detection of phosphorylated proteins ERK Thr202/Tyr204, GSK3-α/β Ser21/Ser9, p38-MAPK Thr180/Tyr182, eIF4G Ser1108 and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Ser79. CONCLUSION: In a single paraffin block BHP preserved the phosphorylation state of several signaling proteins at a level comparable to snap-freezing, while maintaining the full diagnostic immunohistochemical and histomorphologic detail of formalin fixation. This new tissue fixative has the potential to greatly facilitate personalized medicine, biobanking, and phospho-proteomic research

    Predicting the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary health care. The predictD-Spain study: Methodology

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    Background: The effects of putative risk factors on the onset and/or persistence of depression remain unclear. We aim to develop comprehensive models to predict the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary care. Here we explain the general methodology of the predictD-Spain study and evaluate the reliability of the questionnaires used. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. A systematic random sample of general practice attendees aged 18 to 75 has been recruited in seven Spanish provinces. Depression is being measured with the CIDI at baseline, and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. A set of individual, environmental, genetic, professional and organizational risk factors are to be assessed at each follow-up point. In a separate reliability study, a proportional random sample of 401 participants completed the test-retest (251 researcher-administered and 150 self-administered) between October 2005 and February 2006. We have also checked 118,398 items for data entry from a random sample of 480 patients stratified by province. Results: All items and questionnaires had good test-retest reliability for both methods of administration, except for the use of recreational drugs over the previous six months. Cronbach's alphas were good and their factorial analyses coherent for the three scales evaluated (social support from family and friends, dissatisfaction with paid work, and dissatisfaction with unpaid work). There were 191 (0.16%) data entry errors. Conclusion: The items and questionnaires were reliable and data quality control was excellent. When we eventually obtain our risk index for the onset and persistence of depression, we will be able to determine the individual risk of each patient evaluated in primary health care.The research in Spain was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health (grant FIS references: PI04/1980, PI0/41771, PI04/2450, and PI06/1442), Andalusian Council of Health (grant references: 05/403, 06/278 and 08/0194), and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (grant reference SAF 2006/07192). The Malaga sample, as part of the predictD-International study, was also funded by a grant from The European Commission (reference QL4-CT2002-00683)